Voodoo Knights: A Reverse Harem Romance (Black Magic Harem Book 1)

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Voodoo Knights: A Reverse Harem Romance (Black Magic Harem Book 1) Page 8

by Amanda Rose

  “Not interested, but thanks.” I say dropping down to my knees, so I can draw the last symbol. Before I can even begin to concentrate he speaks again.

  “If you want to pretend you're not interested I don't care. I always like a challenge. Besides, it’ll make the sex that much hotter when you change your mind.” He says pulling out a pack of cigarettes and lighting one.

  “I won't.” I say

  “Won't what?” He asks innocently. Which is almost comical because Sam is a walking talking slutty bad boy stereotype.

  “Change my mind.” I say. Krim speaks up this time and he sounds kinda cranky.

  “Can we hurry this up. I'd really like to get some sleep before school.” he snaps. His words remind me how tired I am and how few hours I have to sleep.

  “Just skip and sleep in.” Sam says like that's the obvious solution. He takes another drag off his cigarette.

  “No.” Krim and I say simultaneously. We share a small smile. He might be a dick but at least we agree on something.

  “Why? What use do the Laveau and Captain Zombi have for high school?” Sam.

  “I'm not giving up what I want in life. School comes first.” I stare him right in his purple eyes as I say it just to let him know how serious I am about this whole thing.

  “Okay sexy, if you want to torture yourself with extra work then be my guest.” He says. I choose to ignore him. I don't know why but for some reason these barriers feel urgent. I close my eyes and once again let the magic of the universe or whatever the hell you want to call it guide me. I open them and take a look at the last symbol. What looks vaguely like and alter with coffins on either side. When I stand up this time I feel somewhat shakier than I had been a moment ago. Maybe this isn't going to be so easy after all.

  As soon as I'm done Sebastian helps me to my feet and hands me something to drink. He takes the bag we got from the giant frog – apparently, it's blessed wood ash – and begins to speak in another language as he makes a circle around the four symbols. As soon as he closes the circle I can feel it like it's tethered to him somehow. Next Krim grabs the jar of dirt from the cemetery pulling out the knuckle bones from his jacket pocket. Eww, he had dead people finger bones in his pocket. He sprinkles a small circle around Sebastian's placing a knuckle bone on each of the four cardinal points. Krim's mouth moves but no sound comes out like he is rapidly saying words under his breath. Sam goes next taking a bottle of rum out popping the top and taking a big drink before pouring a dark gray powder in the bottle and shaking it up.

  I sidle up to Zandor leaning conspiratorially in his direction.

  “What is that stuff?”

  “Gunpowder … rum laced with gunpowder.” he whispers back. Well shit. That's a new one. Sam puts his tattooed thumb over the top of the bottle stretches his arm straight out and flips it over so that a small trickle of amber liquid drips on the ground. He walks slowly and deliberately making a ring around the other two. Unlike both Krim and Bas Samuel Baron's mouth doesn't move. In fact, his face stays frozen in concentration and his eyes never leave the circle.

  As soon as he finishes Zandor gives me a wink and grabs a bag of familiar red-brown powder, brick dust. Zan draws an impossibly flawless ring in brick dust this one is slightly larger than the previous ones. He makes quick work of it taking a deep breath before drawing the last inch or so. As soon as he closes the final ring it's like energy is being sucked right out of me. I stumble but Sebastian's strong arms catch me before I can fall. My head starts pounding and a feeling of devastating panic washes over me. Eyes wide I glance up and meet Zandor's beautiful golden eyes. He sees the scared look on my face and he is wearing one of his own. He closes his eyes for a moment. When he opens them they are glowing? The voices I heard when Zan touched me for the first time are back. An odd uncomfortable sort of chanting. The sound isn't coming from any of these guys but coming from all around me. Zandor's full lips drop into a frown.

  “We need to hurry. Something is coming. Something strong.”


  “Take my hand, princess.” Krim offers me his hand. I look at it somewhat skeptically. “Just do it.” with a sigh I drop my palm in his. “I'll go as slow as I can, so you can keep up.” He says giving me a cocky smile. Even in life or death situation Krim is a dick apparently. Sebastian grabs my bag of salt and the sack we got from the giant frog. Slinging the heavy sacks over his shoulder like they are weightless.

  “Okay.” Bas says before disappearing into the thick vegetation on the opposite side of the clearing. Zandor's skin is now glowing giving off enough light for us to see by. He takes off after Bastian. Showing us a path into the bayou. I glance in Sam's direction.

  “Don't worry about me I'll be watching your rear.” I don't get a chance to reply to his less than subtle double entendre because Krim pulls me after toward the faint glow of Zandor through the underbrush. I was sure a trek through the swamp at night was going to suck some serious D but the ground solidifies beneath Sebastian's feet and plants seem to readjust themselves giving us a clear path. I don't know how long we run for but by the time we get to the second clearing I collapse panting. As soon as I can breathe I grab the salt and start drawing Krim's symbol. The process is almost exactly like the last one only it goes up way faster. And as soon as Zandor closes the fourth ring we are off to the third and fourth corners.

  We repeat the ritual each time it is both easier and harder. Going through the motions is easier but with each veve I draw I feel my energy being siphoned off. By the time I finish the fourth corner I'm dizzy and can barely stay upright. The hair on the back of my neck is standing on end and chills run through my body. I guess the upside to the feeling of imminent doom is this spell is going up a hell of a lot faster than I thought it was going to. One more and we'll all be safe, and I can go to sleep.

  Krim takes my hand but my body is nearly at its limit and I can't keep up. I keep tripping and falling. The third time I fall on the ground Bas hands the mostly empty bags to Krim reaches down and scoops me up bride style. He carries me as though I'm weightless. I love being cradled in the warmth of his strong arms, but I hate feeling so fucking helpless. Just take the rest Sera and save your energy to finish this spell.

  As soon as the five of us reach Sebastian's giant oak – the crossroads oak they call it – I take the salt drop to my knees in the mud and close my eyes. I can do this. The first veve goes off without a hitch and I’m starting to feel like we might make it out of this without being attacked by evil monsters. Unfortunately, halfway through Sebastian's veve I hear a blood curdling screech and my stomach drops. Whatever it is, it's here. A chill settles over my heart and the urge to freeze in fear is overwhelming. I feel like I can't move at all which scares me even more. I can't even open my eyes to see what is causing such a visceral reaction. I try not to panic but not being trapped incapable of doing anything is the only thing that scares me more than spiders.

  “Just finish the veve, princess.” For some reason Krim's snarky princess comment breaks through whatever was trapping me in my own fear. I let out a small sigh of relief when I feel myself moving again. I finish Sebastian's symbol and without looking up I scoot and start on Zandor's. I can hear something … or somethings breaking through the underbrush of the bayou. Less than 100 yards from where I'm kneeling the swamp turns into the manicured portion of the Laveau estate.

  “Fuck, rougarou. A shit ton of them. Captain, keep her safe. Bas, take the east and I'll take the west. And Zandor, flush out the rest. Don't let them surprise us. There are always more of the smelly bastards than you expect.” Samuel Baron begins barking out orders like a general on a battlefield. I finish the second veve quickly moving onto the third. By now I'm starting to see white spots in my vision.

  “I'm going to cut down every last one of you stupid fuckers for ruining my night.” Sam says with a laugh. I finish Zandor's veve and open my eyes just in time to see Sam lunge at several large … werewolves? These were the full-on nasty looking half man/
half wolf/gooey monstrosities with glowing red eyes that they always put in eighties horror movies. There was nothing funny about these monsters though. They were about the size of a bear and extraordinarily agile for something of that size and apparently, they could cover dozens of yards in only a second or two.

  As they close the distance I'm sure we are all about to die. But my guardians are so much more than any human could ever wish to be. Sam does and impressive back flip right over the first one grabbing its head in his hand and literally rips it's head off with a sickening wet ripping sound. Noise. My dad was sure to hear something soon and come down to investigate. If that happens he is as good as dead. I scoot to the final spot. One more, I chant to myself as I fight to stay conscious. As soon as the final symbol falls into place Zandor is there keeping me upright. I take one more handful of salt thinking of the second night when both Zan and I had almost died. Just in case.

  “Almost skater girl. Just stay with us a little longer. Bas!”

  Roots as thick as my arm shoot out of the ground and wrap around several rougarou pulling them into the earth as though they were in quicksand. Sebastian uses this small moment of reprieve to lay his line of blessed ash I can feel every inch as he lays it like a vacuum is sucking out my life force.

  I hear the stomach churning screech again this time it's much closer. Like a choreographed dance they guys switch places. Krim lets Bas and Zandor takeover the fight while he makes his circle of dirt and bones in record time. I don't know if I can do this? I think as more power is sucked out of me. I put my head between my knees as the urge to vomit crashes over me. Most of the rougarou are dead and I'm feeling pretty good about our odds when a creature from the depths of my worst nightmares lands less than 50 yards from me. Eight hairy legs each taller than I am scuttle towards me. It has black pits for eyes and several rows of razor sharp teeth that span the width of its pale veiny face. On its head thin fall of long stringy black hair hangs loosely. If the grudge monster and a spider had a baby it would probably look something like this horrid thing. Why did it have to be a spider?

  Thick tree roots burst from the ground wrapping around the giant thing. It is trapped less than ten seconds before it starts screeching and flailing breaking tree roots like they are nothing. Grabs the rum and begins laying the third ring generously letting the amber liquid pour from the bottle.

  My body is feeling hot and the sounds of fighting around me are muffled, my vision shrinking to a pinprick. Come on Sera you can do it. Dad needs you. Zan breaks off from the fight and starts laying the brick dust as fast as he can. I can barely make out anything that is happening at this point. I watch intently for Zan to come around that tree putting all my focus into watching for him. It takes what feels like hours but is probably only a few seconds. When he rounds the bend, his eyes widen in shock. Somethings behind me. I've scarcely had the thought before I just react throwing the handful of salt over my shoulder. It must make contact because whatever it is lets out a pained hiss. A moment later I feel Zandor's circle closing finishing what we set out to do. It's done. There is a loud crash like lightning has struck the earth. Instantaneously every monster we had just been fighting just explodes backwards like a bomb going off. I want to celebrate but I can do nothing but lay there against the comforting presence of Sebastian’s giant oak.

  “Quick thinking Skater girl.” Zandor says collapsing on the ground next to me with a tired smile.

  “Video games.” I say with a laugh. “My reflexes are from playing video games.” The other guys collapse next to me.

  Relief floods over my whole body and I start laughing. Now that I'm about to be ripped in two I can enjoy the fact that the world isn't quite as boring as I thought. Werewolves and magic are real. This is so freaking cool. I don't get long to enjoy it for long because less than a minute later my dad walks out the back door with a giant scowl on his face.

  “Sleepwalking? “He says for like the tenth time. I'm currently sitting at the breakfast bar in the kitchen. While my dad paces a groove in the hardwood floors. “All the way outside through a locked door without accidentally making any noise.” His eyes drop to my slippers as if to say people who sleepwalk don't bother to put shoes on. Damn why did he have to be so damn observant. “Is there something you need to tell me?” he asks and my gaze flicks to the four men surrounding me. Sam lights up a cigarette less than three feet from my dad, giving me a cocky smile and a wink while he takes a deep breath and blows the smoke in his face. My dad sniffs the air like he can smell something. He adjusts his glasses and levels a very intense stare at me. “I smell tobacco. Have you been smoking cigarettes?” My dad just looks right through them like they aren’t there and takes my breaking eye contact as evidence of me lying. “It's that boy, the one on the motorcycle. I knew he wasn't from your calculus class.” Krim rolls his eyes.

  “No dad Krim doesn't smoke and I really don't remember what happened. Can I go to bed now I'm exhausted and it's my first day tomorrow?” I ignore his questions in the hope he'll let it drop. But I know he won’t at least not permanently. “I'm serious If I don't get in bed soon I might pass out.” I try to stand up, but the room starts swimming. Sebastian is there in an instant steadying me the warmth of his large hands holding me up.

  “Fine but I'm going to be up for a while just to make sure this doesn't happen again, and you are going to see a doctor. You've never sleepwalked before. If this happens again I'm going to have no choice but to put a lock on the outside of your bedroom door for your own safety.” I know my father wouldn't ever really lock me in my own room, but it is his subtle way of letting me know if I was sneaking out that the sleepwalking lie won’t work again.

  “Goodnight. I love you dad.” At least I know he'll be safe while I sleep.

  “Love you too.” He says relaxing considerably. As soon as I'm out of sight Bas scoops me up in his solid arms and carries me princess style up the stairs and into my room. The other three shuffle in behind us. No one seems to want to leave and I kinda want them to stay anyway. Sebastian gently sets me on my bed handing me vial about the size of a mini liquor bottle. It is full of some foul looking viscus black liquid.

  “Take it. It will make you feel better and help you sleep.” Bas gently encourages me to drink. With a sigh I put it to my lips and tilt it back like I’m taking a shot. The liquid tastes like black licorice but has a thick grainy quality that is absolutely fucking disgusting.

  “Water” I manage to croak. Krim hands me a water bottle. After I've taken several drinks and managed to wash down most of the awful taste I realize I feel substantially better. Bas helps me take off my muddy slippers. He glances at my now stained Pikachu pants. As much as I don't want to take my pants off in front of four hot guys I also don't want mud in my bed.

  “Just pull them off for me.” I tell Bastian. His emerald eyes twinkle flirtatiously. Zandor gives me a big stupid grin, Krim raises his eyebrows but looks away and Sam stares unashamedly in my direction. He pulls them off keeping his eyes fixed on my face the hint of a smile resting on his lips. I scramble under the covers before anyone gets too good a look at my panties. “Is hanging out with you guys always so dangerous?” I joke in an attempt to change the subject.

  “Actually, you're the dangerous one beautiful.” Sam says. I can feel my eyelids getting heavy. I'm too tired to ask what that means.

  “Tell me about it tomorrow. If you want you guys can stay here tonight, you can. But you have to sleep on top of the covers.” I say with a yawn. Sam shrugs off his jacket. If I was any less tired I would take a little time and admire the tattoos that cover his rounded biceps.

  “On top. That's my favorite position.” Sam says collapsing on my right like that is right where he belongs. Sebastian climbs on my left side and Krim takes the end of the bed tucking his messenger bag under his head like a pillow. Having two shirtless men on either side of me should be weird but seeing them fight off spider monster's and werewolves makes this seem like no big deal.

sp; “You're a perv.” I say with a yawn. I get a dashing smile in response.

  “You meant to say charming and sexy.” Sam quips back. I try to come up with a witty response of my own, but I just don't have the energy to respond. Zandor is nowhere to be seen which shouldn't be upsetting but it is. Why do I care if some guy I met like yesterday sleeps in my room? A moment later the cat climbs on the bed snuggling up next to my head and starts purring. I roll over and grab the cat and snuggle it like a teddy bear. He doesn't seem to mind in fact the cat purrs even louder.

  “Goodnight,” is all I manage to say. Less than a minute later I fall into a deep dreamless sleep.


  The screeching of my alarm clock wakes me up way too early. No, Not yet. I would give almost anything for just a few more hours of sleep. I sit up with a groan rubbing at my face. Lean over to grab my glasses and phone off the nightstand. And realize I'm touching something smooth and firm. I'm so groggy it takes me a minute to realize I had let three half naked men sleep on my bed.

  OMG I'm touching Samuel Baron's bare chiseled chest. I try to jerk my hand back, but Sam catches it.

  “Caught you.” he purrs. “I knew you wouldn't be able to resist copping a feel.”

  “I forgot you were there,” I say, and on the outside, I sound like I don't give a shit about how good it felt to run my hand over his muscles on the inside my heart is racing.

  “An unlikely story from a ravishing beauty. Just admit you liked it and I'll let you have another taste.”


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