Voodoo Knights: A Reverse Harem Romance (Black Magic Harem Book 1)

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Voodoo Knights: A Reverse Harem Romance (Black Magic Harem Book 1) Page 10

by Amanda Rose

  “S-sorry.” I stutter an apology out for blatantly ogling him.

  “There's nothing to be sorry about. Look all you want. In fact, I don't mind if you want to touch too.” He tips his top hat at me and gives me a flirty wink before taking a drag from his cigarette and blows a smoke ring into the air above my head. I'm not really sure how to respond to something like that so just ignore it. Focus, Sera. Sam almost made you forget why you came down here in the first place. I look at the girl and the nasty thing that's clinging to her skull and try not to look at the sexy man standing next to me.

  “What is that thing.” I ask Sam. I don't bother to whisper because honestly the girl looks like a zombie and I doubt she's gonna notice anything at this point.

  “Mizuk, nasty little leeches. Vermin if you ask me. They feed off anything they can, sucking the life out of them till there is nothing left.” He throws the cigarette on the ground and grinds the ember to dust under the heavy sole of his boot.

  “Are they hard to get rid of?” I ask, and I can feel him step closer me. So, close his body is practically pressed up against mine and the warmth of his skin teases my own. I don't look at him though I keep focused on the girl whose life is being sucked out by something she can't even see. I'm the Laveau or whatever so it's my job to help her.

  “Not really for someone of your caliber.” He leans down and purrs the last word into my ear. “All you have to do is separate the Mizuk from its host before she dies. Though by the look of it that's not too far off.” I can tell by the way he emphasizes the last part he wants something from me, but I can't just let this girl die.

  “How?” I ask surprised at how breathy my voice sounds.

  “There are lots of ways. Charms, tonics, chants, force of will.” He reaches out a hand and tilts my head to look at him. He is radiating an energy that feels like it is electrifying the air around him. I want to look away, but I can't bring myself to. His voice drops his eyelids droop. “But one way is so much simpler. And if you ask me a fuck of a lot more fun.” Half lidded his purple eyes gently coax me to lean into his touch.

  “What?” He leans down as if to kiss me. Letting his lips hover just above mine, tantalizingly close. Sam's masculine scent envelops me. The smell is pure seduction a musky mix of cloves and tobacco that coaxes me to relax into his arms.

  “Kiss me. Give me your strength Serefine Laveau.” Even though I know I shouldn't. That I don't know him for shit and he is probably just playing me. I can feel myself giving in. Just I can't seem to help myself. I swallow and nod.

  This is all the invitation Sam needs. A tattooed hand comes up and slides along my jaw to the back of my neck pulling me forward with a gentle pressure. When slants his lips over mine I swear I see fireworks. Sam kisses with a level of skill that can only come with practice. The kiss is perfect. It's everything a kiss should be: Gentle but not soft, assertive but not rough, passionate but still controlled. His tongue flicks into my mouth coaxing me into a frenzy of sex and need stronger than I have ever felt before. His other arm slides along the small of my back and he pulls me closer against him. His kisses grow slower his tongue dipping deeper like he is taking me in, tasting me with each long leisurely lick of his skilled tongue. Sam slides his hand from my waist down to my ass. This is what makes me think clearly for a moment.

  OMG. What am I doing. I break the kiss and take a step back panting like I'm coming up for air.

  “We kissed, now go help that girl so I can get back to class.” I say breathlessly. My heart is still racing and from the intensity of that kiss.

  “You slay me beautiful. One kiss and I find myself wrapped around your little finger.” He trails his fingertip along my arm flirtatiously. I need to stay away from this man. His touch is like a drug. I take another step away.

  “Hurry up. If that girl dies because you are trying to get into my pants I won’t ever forgive you.”

  Sam just laughs and starts walking toward the girl. He walks with an exaggerated swagger letting the cane clank with every step. The Mizuk turns and hisses possessively clinging onto the girl’s head but when it sees Sam recognition flows over its face. It's whole demeanor changes and it starts to panic shrieking like a howler monkey. He flashes me a wicked grin right before he reaches out and touches the mizuk. It lets out one strangled gasp before falling to the ground and disintegrating into ash. The girl goes limp completely unconscious. Sam catches her before she hits the ground picking her up like she weighs nothing. She is limp, but I can see her chest rising and falling.

  “Call 911” Sam says his voice has taken on a darker quality and his purple eyes are glowing. “If she doesn't get to a hospital she won't make it through the night.”

  I spend the next couple of hours talking to paramedics and school administrators repeating what happened. My running story is I got lost on the way to the bathroom because it's my first day when I heard someone calling for help. I went to investigate but she passed out just as I get there. Some guy I've never met before comes to help and he carries her to the front of the school, so the paramedics could find her easier while I call 911. There is no one to corroborate my story though because as soon as the paramedics arrive Sam gives me a scorching once over and disappears. The one plus of this whole situation is I have a valid excuse for not coming back to class.

  When the lunch bell rings the police finally let me go. Threading my way through the crowded hallway I head up the stairs towards Mr. Dan's classroom to get my backpack. I hate being separated from it for so long. Whenever I leave the house without it I get this unsettling feeling like something is following me. With all the new revelations about monster's wanting to kill me I want it with me more than ever. On my way to get it I run into Hannah and Scott stuffing books and papers into a locker. When she sees me relief floods over her face.

  “Sera, where have you been? There are rumors a girl died. I thought for sure it was you.” The genuine concern in her voice makes me smile. I can't believe I met this girl yesterday. She already feels like someone I can trust.

  “Yeah, Josh Evan's claimed he saw Baron Samedi carrying her to the underworld.” Scott chimes in. “I wish I could've gotten it on camera.” We head towards the Mr. Dan's classroom as we talk.

  “The girl is still alive, but she had to be rushed to the hospital.” I tell Hannah. I pause because I have no idea what Scott is talking about. “And I have no idea who Baron Samedi is.” I say to Scott.

  “You live in Hoodoo House and your grandma was Rosette Laveau, but you don't know who Baron Samedi is.” Scott says throwing his hands in the air in disbelief. Hannah rolls her eyes at him, but she also smiles. They make such a cute couple.

  “No idea.” I say with a shrug. I push my way into the deserted classroom the two of them following close behind. I had hoped to apologize to Dan for skipping out on his class but he's not here. Luckily for me though my backpack is exactly where I left it tucked under the seat of my desk. I pull it out, slipping it over my right shoulder. “So where do people get food around here?” I ask.

  “My house is across the street. Scott and I always hang out there during lunch if you wanted to come with.”

  “Yeah, that'd be awesome” I reply. I didn't think I would hit it off with anyone so quick.

  “Good, we can eat frozen pizza while you tell us what the hell is up with you and Kriminal Lacoste.” Man having friends and not telling them about the whole voodoo queen thing is gonna be a hell of a lot harder than I thought.


  Hannah's house is swanky. A big yellow three-story mansion with a small perfectly manicured yard. I follow Hannah and Scott through the side entrance past a pool. A freaking pool. I lived in Alaska remember. There aren't too many swimming pools there. The side door opens onto and uber modern kitchen decked out with everything a professional chef could ever need. And I thought the kitchen at Laveau Manor was nice.

  “Want one.” She grabs a coke out of the fridge and offer's it to me. Scott digs a couple of pizza boxes
out of the freezer and preheats the oven. He looks as comfortable here as Hannah does. I couldn't imagine my dad letting bring my boyfriend home at lunch every day with no one home.

  “Sure.” I take the can from her and pop the top. She waves for me to follow her through to the next room.

  “The living room is through here” she plops down on the sectional and takes a sip from her drink. I sit on the opposite side of the couch. A minute later Scott joins us. He slides onto the couch and snuggles up to her. The three of us spend the next fifteen minutes talking about books and video games and anime. The timer goes off letting us know the pizzas are done, without a word Scott gets up and disappears into the kitchen. It feels so good to hang out and talk about stuff not related to me being the Laveau. As soon as the thought pops into my head the conversation turns to something even worse than flesh eating monsters. Dudes.

  “So, how'd it happen?” Hannah asks.

  “How'd what happen?” I reply.

  “The kiss.” Scott says appearing in the doorway pizza's in hand. My eyes widen in shock. How do they know about the kiss? I start to panic. Sam and I weren't in view of any classrooms, were we? My mind is racing trying to find a way to explain my sucking face with a shirtless guy in a top hat when it dawns on me he means the kiss between Krim and me.

  “He was giving me a ride home and it sorta just happened. But it's no big deal.” which is a total lie. Thinking about the feel of Krim's mouth against mine makes my heart race. I grab a piece of pizza and take a bite, so I have an excuse not to elaborate further. Scott snorts.

  “Maybe not to you.” Scott says somewhat melodramatically, and Hannah smacks him on the arm and gives me an apologetic look.

  “What Scott is trying to say is Kriminal crushing on you hard. I've seen at least half a dozen hot girls ask him out in the last couple months and he turns them down every time. And he's not very nice about it either. I literally heard him tell one girl that to 'fuck off and go ask someone who's interested.'”

  “He's just a friend of the family.” I say as blandly as I can. They exchange a look like they don't quite believe me but fortunately they don't press the issue. I don't care if he is drop dead gorgeous and into me. The fact still remains: Krim's rude, and bossy and condescending.

  “Was it good?” This time Mr. Dan isn't here to save me. I have enough lies to keep track of already, so I tell the truth.

  “Yeah. Amazing.” I can still taste his lips on mine. I'm blushing now. I take another bite of pizza. “Can we change the subject now.” Neither of them moves to say anything so I change the subject for us.

  “So, what the heck is Hoodoo anyway? I'm just wondering how my house got the name Hoodoo House.”

  “Hoodoo is the cool part of voodoo that they always put in Hollywood movies. You know the magic stuff. Like voodoo dolls and curses and spirits and stuff.” She wiggles her fingers like she is doing a spell. “And your grandma was the voodoo queen of this area for almost seventy years. And there were rumors she was a the most feared two-headed doctor in the US.”

  “What's a two-headed doctor?”

  “It's just a term people around here call hoodoo spell casters.” Scott says. The two of them seem to know a lot about supernatural stuff.

  “How do you guys know all this stuff?”

  “Voodoo and ghosts sort of go hand and hand here in New Orleans.”

  “Ghosts?” I ask a little confused what ghosts have to do with anything.

  “Yeah, we are ghost hunters. We even have a big hunt planned for Sunday if you wanted to come with us. It's at a cemetery outside of town and we are really hopeful about the location” I probably shouldn't go outside the wards at night until I get more Laveau training, but I can't bring myself to turn them down.

  “Yeah sounds great.” I've never had close friends before. Sure, I hung out with people in Alaska and it was fun, but I never got close with anyone.

  “Who knows maybe having the granddaughter of the most powerful voodoo queen in recent history with us will call Baron Samedi.” Scott jokes.

  “Who is this Baron Samedi?”

  “I can't believe you don't know. You know those pictures of the guy in the top hat and skull face paint who is always smoking and drinking and making dirty jokes that is Baron Samedi and he is the voodoo god of sex, death and endings.” Hannah explains. There is only one person I have ever met who could pull off a top hat without looking like a total douche. Sam.

  Sex, death and Endings, huh. I couldn't think of anything that suited Samuel Baron more than that.


  The first thing I see on the way to class is Zan standing next to the school’s main doors talking to a group of girls. He laughs at something one of them says flashing a big flirtatious smile. He looks just as hot as he did the day he gave me the sight, maybe hotter. Zandor is easily as gorgeous as Sam or Krim but in a much more accessible way. Kriminal Lacoste and Samuel Baron have this otherworldly supernatural tint to their perfect features were as Zandor is beautiful in a human way. Like a pop star or a model. He's wearing loose tank with an X on it one side is loosely tucked into the front of his jeans. The sun kissed length of his toned arms are on full display. Mussy blond hair and thick blond lashes only emphasize how bright and beautiful his golden eyes really are. He's got the easy relaxed boy next door confidence going on. Pair that with his infectious friendly demeanor I can see why they all want to talk to him. He's holding skate board a different one than the one I saw him with last time. It's got a Ouija board on it. He elbows a particularly gorgeous brunette in the side playfully. A little stab of jealousy runs through me, but I ignore it. Ugh. Gross. I shut that down really fast. Hannah sees me looking as we make our way towards the building.

  “Do you know that guy? Is he famous or something?” Hannah asks as we pass Zan and his hoard of fangirls. The way they are all crowded around him I could see why she'd think that. I pass right by them I decide if Zandor Red is the kind of guy who unashamedly flirts with other girls after asking me out then he can take one of them instead.

  “No, he's not famous he's–” I'm at a loss trying to explain how I know him. I reach for the door trying to stall.

  “Sera!” Zan yells stopping me dead in my tracks. I turn and look him. He pushes his way through the girls and walks right up to me. “I've been looking all over for you.” He grabs my hand and pulls me toward the group. Hannah and Scott trail along behind me. The brunette purses her lips and looks at them like they are scum on the bottom of her Ugg boots. I hate her instantly.

  “This is Andrea” Zan says pointing at a blond girl in a blue sheath dress “and this is Alissa.” He points the pretty brunette he was flirting with just a second ago. “and this is my girlfriend Sera.” he says pointing at me. Girlfriend? I open my mouth to disagree with him but when I see Alissa glaring daggers of jealousy at me. I decide to roll with it. “They were just telling me about a big get together that's happening Sunday if you wanted to go.” Both Alissa and Andrea purse their lips.

  The look on their faces tell me the invitation was for Zan and not me. Which is totally fine, I already have plans to go ghost hunting with Hannah and Scott. There's no way I'd ditch my new friends to go hang out with a bunch of petty bitches. Besides, I have a feeling if I spend too much time around this Alissa chick I'm gonna deck her.

  “Thanks, but I've already got plans.” I look at my new friends just to let them know I'm talking about them. Hannah gives me a small smile. I could leave it at that and head to class, but I really want to wipe the smug look off her pretty face. “You're welcome to go without me if you want, Zan. I trust you babe.” I touch my free hand to Zan's firm chest and little thrill of excitement races through me.

  “Yeah, it's gonna be a blast.” Alissa pipes up all excited. I figure if Zan is a slut I'd rather ditch him sooner rather than later. But, just as I suspect he turns her down.

  “Ah sorry. But I gotta stick with my girl.” Zan says apologetically. If I ordered a boyfriend, chances are
he'd be a lot like Zandor red. Outgoing and friendly and fun with similar interests to me. At this point the only negative thing I have to say about Zan is he tricked me into telling him stuff by pretending to be a normal cat. The warning bell rings letting us know we only have five minutes to get to class.

  “It was nice meeting you Andrea and … Alissa?” I purposefully pretend not to remember her name. I can tell she's one of those people who hates when she's not the center of attention. I don't wait for a reply dismissing them with a look very similar to the one's they gave Scott and Hannah. “There are some cool people I'd like you to meet.”


  Krim is already in the classroom when he four of us get there. He's near back corner next to several empty desks. When as soon as Zan sees him, he heads straight over and slides in the desk in front of him.

  “Hey dude. Why weren't you with Sera at lunch? Are you guys fighting? You pissed her off, didn't you?” He starts lightheartedly asking Kriminal questions. Krim crosses his arms over his chest and rolls his eyes. He completely ignores all of Zandor's questions.

  “What is he doing here?” Krim asks me with a sigh. Zan's eyes are shining like a kid in a candy store. I can't help but think about his words this morning. That can be great but … it gets kind of lonely you know.

  “Being friendly which is more than I can say for you.” I retort sliding into the seat next to Krim. Hannah and Scott take the seats behind us. They keep looking between the three of us sharing knowing couple looks.


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