Voodoo Knights: A Reverse Harem Romance (Black Magic Harem Book 1)

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Voodoo Knights: A Reverse Harem Romance (Black Magic Harem Book 1) Page 14

by Amanda Rose

  “Do you feel that?” I ask flicking the flashlight toward Bas. The light catches on the brilliant green of his eyes and reminds me that I'm holding hands with a gorgeous man.

  “May I?” He gestures asking to go first and make sure it's safe. I nod and step aside letting go of his hand and offering him the flashlight. He shakes his head, the wild mane of chestnuts waves dance around his face emphasizing how ruggedly handsome he is. He opens the door and slips by me quickly with agility that shouldn't be possible for a man as incredibly large as Sebastian GranBois. The steep narrow stairs to the attic bow under his feet as he walks. I let him get about halfway up to the attic before I start to follow him. I might understand the need for caution, but it doesn't mean I'm going to be some helpless horror movie heroine who will stand back and expect to be saved. The roof of the attic is so low Sebastian can't fully stand upright without bumping his head. He looks around the attic for a moment and he doesn't look very happy about what he sees but he and reaches down and helps me climb up anyway.

  The first thing I notice is the air. It’s heavy with a wrongness that causes the hair on the back of my neck stand on end and the pungent stench of burnt hair lingers in the air. It's so strong it makes my eyes water.

  I shine the flashlight around the room to get a better look. The large room has a sloped roof and a worn pine floor. Almost twenty mirrors of different sizes and shapes are lined up around the room and on one end is a small table covered in candles and what looks suspiciously like dried blood. There is a symbol similar to the veves I drew for the barrier spell drawn on the floor in white chalk.

  “Sera.” Bas says pointing at the ceiling. I shine my light up on the ceiling drawn in a what also looks suspiciously like dried blood is a second veve.

  “What is this place?”

  “Legba was bound in this room. That one up there is the symbol for Kalfu the only person besides Samuel who has any real sway over the crossroads.” His velvety voice comes out mush more solemn than I'm used to.

  “The old man from the cemetery?” I ask stepping forward to get a better look at the symbols.

  My shoe crunches on something small. I hope it isn't a big gross spider. I look down and slowly lift my foot off the ground afraid I'm going to see something really unpleasant. Oh thank god. It's just a feather, a really big blood red feather. It might be far too large to come from any real animal–from end to end it is longer than my forearm–but it's a feather nonetheless. I reach down and pick it up.

  “Marionette the harpy queen.”

  “That's who is trying to kill me? Who killed my grandmother?”

  “No. She is extraordinarily dangerous but she couldn't bind Legba by herself even with Kalfu's help. There is one person whose company she often keeps, and I don't see his veve.”


  “I need to check with Samuel Baron before I'm sure.” He points at the feather I'm still holding in my hand. “And bring that with you.” I tuck it in my back pocket before following back down the narrow staircase.

  When we get out of that attic and back in the second-floor hallway I feel like I can finally take a deep breath, like the air is somehow lighter. This part of the house might be rundown, but it doesn't have the same sinister vibe that was upstairs.

  “Let's go find Sam and Krim and try to get to the bottom of who's trying to kill me.” I say heading towards the main staircase. I don't even get two steps when I hear a loud snapping noise. Lighting fast Bastian grabs my hand pulls me back as the roof right above my head caves in with a boom. He shoves me against the wall and presses his huge body against mine, shielding me from falling debris.

  Heartbeat pounding, I sit there in shock. He saved my life.

  “Are you okay precious.” he whispers, and his deep masculine voice vibrates through my whole body all the way down to my toes making them curl with appreciation. He pulls back just enough to make contact. Immediately I miss the heat of his bare chest pressed against the length of my body. God he is gorgeous. Everything about Bastian is a wet dream, from the way his thick mane of hair transitions seamlessly into the faintest layer of stubble on his face to the creamy mocha perfection of his broad chest. I reach out and touch the exposed flesh, gently laying my right palm over his heart. Eyelids lined with thick lashes droop and his full lips curve into the faintest of smiles.

  “I'm going to kiss you.” His voice is quiet but there is a heat behind the whisper. My lips part and my whole body thrums with excitement. I nod because my throat suddenly feels tight and speaking is totally out of the question.

  The strong bands of his arms circle my waist pulling me against him. He is so much taller than me when he cinches them in I get lifted off the ground so that my feet aren't touching the floor. Without meaning too I drop the flashlight I had been holding and it turns off. Suddenly we are bathed in darkness and the only light is the faint moonlight glow that radiates from his skin. The comforting scent of roasted oak is everywhere. Desire races through my body.

  When his full lips meet mine, it satisfies me on a primal level. His kisses are deep and possessive and … hungry. He is frenzied like a starving animal. The power of his voracity is only matched by my own. Bas presses me tight against the crumbling plaster of the wall pinning me there with his pelvis. I can feel the hardness of his arousal as he begins kissing his way along my collarbone. Effortlessly holding me up he slides a hand under my shirt. Hs calloused fingertips trail a line of fire up my side slipping under the cup of my bra. He kneads the tender weight of my breast with his large palm. My back arches in response and a small moan of pleasure bursts from my lips. I know I shouldn't be doing this here, but I feel powerless to fight the sudden onslaught of pleasure that Bastian's touch is bringing me. The sound of heavy footsteps pulls us from or lust induced stupor.

  “Well, damn. Don't stop on my account, I'm content to watch … for now.” Sam purrs from where he's standing at the top of the stairs. His skin is glowing with the same pale moonlight. He lights a cigarette with a flick of a lighter looking me up and down like he's never seen anything more delicious.

  My face heats with embarrassment. I just let a guy I barely know touch my boob! I've got to get out of here. I shove Bastian back and adjust my shirt quickly picking up the flashlight I dropped. As quick as I can I climb over the small mountain of debris breezing past Sam. He grabs me by the arm stopping me. He licks his lips and gives me a cocky smirk.

  “As much as I'd like to talk about the almost sex I just walked into, there is something in the basement you need to see.”

  “Did you really touch her bare boob.” Zan asks Bastian. The two of them are hanging to the back of the group as we descend into the basement. I turn around and shine my flashlight in his face and narrow my eyes. “What? I'm just curious” He shrugs his shoulders with a chuckle. “and maybe a tad jealous he got to do it first.”

  The first thing Sam did when we joined up with everybody else was tell everyone that Sebastian and I had rounded second base. Hannah gave me the bestie look you know the one, the we will talk about this later in privet one. Hannah and Scott said they needed five more minutes to get the cameras up then they'll join us down here. I figured that gives us just enough time to talk about Laveau stuff.

  “Yes, he did. Now can we talk about something a little more important. Like what's in this basement.” I can here Zandor chortling from behind me. Sam guides us toward the back of the room. Our only light is from the flashlights. Unfortunately, the boys can't do the cool glowing skin trick in case Scott and Hannah finish up a little early.

  “I agree. This conversation is stupid. This is a life or death situation.” Krim snaps. The basement has the dank earthy smell you'd expect of a place like this but there is a sharp metallic scent that overpowers everything.

  “Don't be so over dramatic.” Zan teases. I have to admit the basement of Mouton house is even creepier than the rest of it, even the attic. The air down here has the same uncomfortable weight that the top floor had
. The worst part though is the spiderwebs that are freaking everywhere, hanging from the rafters in between the support beams. Before Krim can reply Sam stops dead.

  Suddenly is so freaking cold I can see my breath and I start shivering like someone dropped me in the middle of the tundra.

  “I know who's responsible. At least in part.” Sam says shining a light on the floor. There is a symbol carved into the damp earth of the floor. The deep grooves of the veve are filled with a dark viscus liquid. Blood. The wet penny smell is blood, lots of it. It's Bastian who speaks next.

  “The second I saw the feather I knew it.”

  “Fuck.” Krim cusses under his breath. I have no idea what has him so upset but whatever it is it must be bad.

  “What? Who is it.” I ask. The room goes dead silent.

  Finally, Zan speaks up but with none of his usual playfulness. “The harpy queen, Marionette and Crosser LaCroix often work together.” Man, I really need to work harder to learn this Voodoo stuff. I have no idea who either of these people are.

  “Who is Crosser LaCroix?” When Sam closes his eyes and takes a deep breath I know I'm not going to like whatever he's about to say.

  “My brother.”


  For the last couple of weeks my dad has been picking me up and dropping me off at school like I'm in kindergarten. I didn't get a chance to ask about Crosser Sam's brother or the owner of the giant blood red feather because Scott and Hannah came down the stairs less than a minute later. And there was no missing the pool of blood on the floor. As soon as Scott and Hannah saw it they did what any normal non-Laveau would do when faced with gallons of blood. They called the police. Which lead to my dad getting called. It was a clusterfuck and to say he was pissed about me hanging out at an abandoned house in the middle of the night was the understatement of the year. Add on a brutal school load and I haven't gotten basically any Laveau training in. Heck I haven't even had a chance to ask about the people who are likely the one responsible for my grandmother's death.

  “Ugh. I have barely had a moment without him. It's driving me crazy. It's like he thinks I'm going to start snorting coke and get pregnant. It totally blows.” I'm lying on my bed talking to Hannah on speaker phone. It's nice to be able to talk to someone who really understands what it's like to be an actual teenager. My guys are with me most of the time and they are great, but they don't get what it's like, not really.

  Krim is sitting in my reading nook reading a book. Every few seconds he looks up and glares out the open window. Sam is on the roof outside the window smoking a cigarette – won't let him smoke in my room – and the smoke keeps drifting in and swirling around Kriminal. Standing up Krim slams the window shut with a dramatic sigh and stomps over and sits on the bed next to me. I haven't seen Bas in hours but if I could guess he's asleep in that tree in the back yard. Cat Zandor is sleeping on the pillow next to my head while I chat to Hannah on the phone.

  “Yeah. I get you, super strict Asian parents remember.” I can practically hear her pointing at herself on the other end of the phone. Which makes me laugh. “My mom flies in from London in a couple of days and I just know I'm gonna get it.”

  “My dad is convinced we were smoking pot not ghost hunting. I can't even hang out in my room without him checking in on me like ten times.” I know I've already told her this like a bunch of times but sometimes you just need to vent.

  “So, have you and Sebastian had a chance to continue what you started?” Sam climbs in the window at that exact moment. And raises an eyebrow at me. I reach for my phone but before I can turn the speakerphone off he starts talking.

  “Well aren't you gonna tell her?” He purrs, the sound implies all sorts of naughty. He slowly lifts his hand to his mouth in mock surprise “Oops, were you on speaker.” I grab pillow off the bed and chuck it at him. The stupid jerk knew exactly what he was doing.

  “Omg. Is that Sam?” Krim rolls his eyes and sighs dramatically not at all amused by Sam's cheeky charm. “Is he staying the night! He so is, isn't he?” I click the speakerphone off and push it to my ear. He slides his jacket off is shoulders and kicks his boots off onto the floor before sauntering over to the end of my bed shirtless and sexy. My eyes catch on the deep V and hover there for longer than I intend. But, his jeans are slung so low on his hips I can't help but wonder if he's wearing anything under the black denim.

  “I'd take off my pants if I were wearing any underwear.” If I said that wasn't panty melting I'd be lying.

  “Yeah. Sam's staying the night and before you ask, no my dad doesn't know he's here.”

  “Is tonight the night?” She sounds way too excited. Sam climbs on the bed and lays next to me so that I have Krim on one side and Samuel on the other.

  “Huh? I have no idea what you're talking about.” Sam slides is hand down his ripped stomach and slides his hand just under the waist band of his pants.

  “Your V card.” When she says it, Sam freezes with his hand still half in his pants and his head snaps over to me. Sam isn't the only one who hears her either. I feel Krim stiffen up and go stone still from the other side. A wicked smirk slowly makes its way across Samuel’s handsome face.

  “No!” I whisper yell right as I hear a knock at the door. “Gotta go my Dad's here to take my phone.” I hang up and try to look innocent. He comes into my room adjusting his glasses and holds out his hand.

  “Serefine, it's after nine. Who were you talking to?” My dad is making sure I'm not talking to a boyfriend. As part of my punishment over the whole abandoned house fiasco my dad takes my phone at 9pm every night.

  “Come on dad. It was just Hannah, she had a quick question about the history paper that's due on Friday.” I hold my phone out for my father to grab like it doesn't bug me. I hate it but, I only have a few more days of being grounded. I really need my dad to back off and stop watching my every move if I'm to have any chance of learning what I need to know about becoming a proper Laveau.

  “Well, Hannah is just going to have to start calling you a little earlier. Goodnight, and don't stay up too late.” He takes my phone and shuts the door behind him.

  “Your dad needs to trust you a little more. If you can resist all of this”, He sweeps his hand over his perfect form. “Then you can resist any man.” I roll my eyes but don't respond until I hear my father retreat all the way down the hall.

  “So humble.” I mumble as soon as I think it's safe to talk.

  “Humility is overrated.” Sam pauses letting his eyelids droop. “Now, I believe your friend said something about a V card …” He trails off and gives me a lascivious grin.

  “I'm not talking about my virginity with you of all people.” I say exasperated.

  “What exactly do you mean by that, gorgeous?” Sam leans in close to me feathering hot breath against my shoulder. My brain feels cloudy and I'm finding it difficult to come up with a witty response.

  “You're uh … you seem … practiced.” I finally manage to stutter out.

  “Hah, she just called you a man-whore.” Krim snorts with his book still in his hand.

  “Practice makes perfect.” Sam says not in the least bit ashamed. I ignore them both and climb under the blankets letting my head rest only a few inches from where Zandor is purring in his sleep. Krim sets his book down on the side table then reaches up and turns the lamp off bathing the room in darkness.


  I'm running through the bayou and something is chasing me. My chest hurts from breathing in the cold night air and my limbs are burning from the exertion, but I can't stop because something is chasing me. Twigs and branches snap beneath my feet. A screech pierces the night and I know it's gaining on me. I break through the trees into a clearing just as a massive shadow passes overhead. Even though my muscles are screaming from exertion I know if I stop that thing will get me. The surrounding start to look vaguely familiar and I realize I'm not just anywhere, I'm at the old Magnolia Cemetery. I have no idea where I'm headed all I know is I can
't stop, or it will catch me. I trip on a rock landing on my knees in the grass. I look down realizing it's not a rock it's a grave … with my name on it. My grave is less than two feet from where Krim's family is buried. I hear the blood curdling screech again. I look up circling above my head like a is a monster owl. It's the size of a horse and it has crimson feathers and cold blue eyes. It's eyes lock onto me and it screeches one last time before dropping from the sky right towards me like a homing missile and I know without a shadow of a doubt I'm going to die.


  I wake with a start covered it sweat. It was just a dream. Krim is sleeping on one side of me and Samuel on the other. It was not a normal dream though Zandor is gone which sucks because I can't help but feel like there was something not normal about that dream. I climb out from under the covers but neither man stirs. I make my way down stairs as quietly as possible as to not wake my father. I slip in to the secret Laveau training room hoping to find Zandor there, so I can ask about the dream.

  “Zan, you down here.” No response. The room is empty and quiet. I could go back to bed but after that unsettling dream I don't feel like I can sleep. No time like the present. I think grabbing the book of named loa off the shelf carrying it over to the table. I start flipping through the pages one by one trying to find anything I can on Marionette or Crosser LaCroix. I'm starting to lose hope when I see a symbol I recognize. It's the one from the basement of Mouton house. An hour glass with an old-fashioned coffin on either side.

  “Crosser LaCroix is to be feared. While Crosser is handsome debonair and suave never make a deal with him for he cannot be trusted. He is a powerful but self-serving lord who finds humor in death. His touch is to be avoided at all costs as it is vampiric in nature sucking out a person's life force till nothing remains but a shell. With each life he takes Crosser Lacroix gains strength.” I read the passage aloud to myself. That's not a lot of information but it's better than nothing. At least I know a little about Sam's brother. I could go back upstairs and crawl between the two men currently sleeping in my bed, but I feel like there is something I need to find. The screeching owl from my dream is still haunting me and I can't shake the feeling that its some kind of warning. I flip through the book trying to find anything at all about the owl from my dream. After a while I figure it's probably getting late and I'd better head back to my room before my dad gets up. Halfway to the shelf I trip on a small dip in the floor the massive book flies open revealing a page with a crimson emblem of a screeching owl. What are the chances of that.


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