76 Ibid, p 185.
77 Assessment report, i November 1927, Canaris-PSR folio 30f.
78 Ibid.
79 Report by Canaris on opportunities in Spain, 8 August 1927, BA-MA, RM 6/48, folios 150–4.
80 Report by Canaris on visit to Spain, 8–19 November 1927, BA-MA, RM 6/48, folio 215f.
10 The Shadow of the Past
1 Remmele, ‘Geheimrüstung’, p 317, with n 16.
2 Opinion of Korvettenkapitän Canaris on the Lohmann affair, BA-MA, RM 6/48, folio 187.
3 The Fritze Report Dülffers from Canaris’s account when it states that Canaris was not party to the Lohmann affair until the talks with Reichswehrminister Gessler which he had immediately after the press revelations, Fritze Report, p 98f, BAK, R 43 I/605, folio 79.
4 Fritze Report, p 91f, BAK, R 43 I/605, folio 76f, cf Appendix 12 to Fritze Report, ibid, folio 188f.
5 Fritze Report, p 92, BAK, R 43 I/605, folio 76.
6 Appendix 12 to the Fritze Report, BAK, R 43 I/605, folio 188.
7 Fritze Report, p 62, BAK, R 43 I/605, folio 61.
8 Remmele, ‘Geheimrüstung’, p 355.
9 Fritze Report, p 64f, BAK, R 43 I/605, folio 62f.
10 Ibid., folio 64.
11 Ibid., folio 65k Cf Remmele, ‘Geheimrüstung’, p 356f.
12 Appendix 13 to the Fritze Report, BAK, R 43 I/605, folio 190; cf Remmele, ‘Geheimrüstung’, p 357, with n 308.
13 Cf Gessler’s written declaration in Fritze Report, p 78f, BAK, R 43 I/605, folio 69f.
14 Ibid, folio 82f.
15 Remmele, ‘Geheimrüstung’, p 317.
16 Gessler, Reichswehrpolitik, p 452. In this later memoir Gessler wrote that he had first been made aware of the true circumstances by the press revelations and the related investigation.
17 Opinion of Korvettenkapitän Canaris on the Lohmann affair, BA-MA, RM 6/48, folios 182–7; Remmele, ‘Geheimrüstung’, p 318.
18 Fritze Report, p 98, BAK, R 43 I/605, folio 79.
19 Note on the conference of Navy commander-in-chief with the Reich chancellor, 10 August 1927, ADAP, series B, vol 6, no 103, p 22lf.
20 Ibid and Remmele, ‘Geheimrüstung’, p 318.
21 CfCanaris’s report of 8 October 1928: ‘Besprechung mit Hausknecht [ie Echevarrieta] am 5. und 6. X. in Bremen’, BA-MA, RM 6/48, folios 310–13. Further source: Rahn, Reichsmarine, p 228 with n 26.
22 Remmele, ‘Geheimrüstung’, p 318.
23 Gessler, Reichswehrpolitik, p 456, insists in his memoirs that upon conclusion of the inquiries he had released Lohmann unconditionally, and that there was nothing to reproach him for morally: ‘His fate seems tragic to me: the motivation and dynamism of his dealings were honourable and militarily pro-Fatherland. I repeat that this man, who had millions of Reichsmarks at his disposal, kept his hands clean. He was right in this, the things that he saw as his “general mission” could not be done “bureaucratically”.’
24 Memorandum of Regierungsrat Planck, conference note re Phoebus Film Affair, 1. Preliminary Report of (former) Staatssekretär Saemisch, ADAP, series B, vol VII, no 95, pp 221–3.
25 Remmele, ‘Geheimrüstung’, p 319.
26 Ibid, p 320f.
27 Ibid, p 321f.
28 Ibid, p 315, note 8 and p 318f.
29 Fritze Report, p 275f, BAK, R 43 I/605, folio 166f.
30 Ibid, p 270f, BAK, R 43 I/605, folio 165f.
31 Rahn, Reichsmarine, p 228.
32 Lohmann had involved IvS with a 28 per cent share in Mentor Bilanz GmbH, founded in 1925. Mentor represented all U-boat interests of Naval Command. Schfissler, ‘Kampf’, p 566.
33 For reasons of secrecy, Lohmann considered it essential to use a small bank for the development of his business affairs, as the large banks would not accept these difficult transactions because of their overseas involvements. Therefore in 1925 Lohmann had bought a major shareholding in the Berliner Bankverein. Fritze Report, pp 151–67, BAK, R 43 I/605, folios 106–14.
34 Opinion of Korvettenkapitän Canaris on the Lohmann affair, BA-MA, RM 6/48, folio 186.
35 Asessment report at change of duties, 18 June 1928, Canaris PSR, folio 32.
36 Die Weltbühne 34, 23 August 1927, pp 285–9.
37 Die Weltbühne 36, 6 September 1927, pp 357–9.
38 Die Weltbühne 37, 13 September 1927, p 393.
39 Die Weltbühne 47, 22 November 1927, pp 775–7.
40 Ibid, p 776.
41 Ibid.
42 Ibid, p 777.
43 Die Ursachen des Deutschen Zusammenbruches 1918: 2.Abteilung, Der Innere Zusammenbruch, 12 vols in 14 parts, Berlin, 1925–8, here vol 9, p 423. Referred to hereafter as Ursachen.
44 Ibid.
45 Deist, ‘Die Unruhen’, p 177.
46 Letter from Canaris, 26 November 1925, no addressee, BA-MA, N 812/45, no page numbers. Further correspondence and ideas in preparation for his appearance before the committee of inquiry.
47 Ibid, conversation with Dr [Albrecht] Philipp [sub-committee chairman] and Dr [Walther] Bloch [committee secretary] in the Reichstag, 21 November 1925.
48 Ursachen, 9. vol 1, p 426.
49 Ibid, p 132.
50 ‘Mördergehilfen als Geßlers Vertreter’, SächsischeArbeiterzeitung, 25 January 1925.
51 Ibid.
52 Ursachen, 9, vol 1, p 139f.
53 Ibid, p 144.
54 Ibid, p 165.
55 Ursachen, 9, vol 1, p 494f.
56 Canaris, report, ‘Aufenthalt in Spanien: 21. September bis 5. Oktober 1927’, BA-MA, RM 6/48, folios 220–30; Canaris’s report, ‘Reise Spanien vom 8. 11.-19. 11. 1927’, ibid, folios 215–19.
57 Canaris report, ‘Aufenthalt in Spanien: 21. September bis 5. Oktober 1927’, BA-MA, RM 6/48, folio 221.
58 Letter from ambassador Welczeck to Ministerialdirektor Köpke, 29 December 1927, secret, ADAP, series B, vol VII, no 242, p 587.
59 Report by Legationsrat Forster on sending German military attachés, 21 June 1927, ADAP, series B, vol V, no 251, p 575.
60 Letter from ambassador Welczeck to Ministerialdirektor Köpke, 29 December 1927, secret, ADAP, series B, vol VII, no 242, p 588. The ambassador was mistaken as to Canaris’s rank.
61 Ibid, n 5.
62 Report by Canaris on his visit to Spain, 3–21 February 1928, BA-MA, RM 6/48, folio 268.
63 Draft, ‘Wechselseitige Beziehungen zwischen der Polizeiverwaltung Deutschlands und Spaniens’, 17 February 1928, BA-MA, RM 6/48, folio 270f.
64 Report by Canaris on his visit to Spain, 3–21 February 1928, BA-MA, RM 6/48, folio 268.
65 Unsigned memorandum, ‘Zusammenstellung der in Spanien bearbeiteten Marine-Interessen’, June 1928, ADAP, series B, vol IX, no 110, p 258.
66 Canaris report, ‘Bericht über Reise nach Spanien vom 28. April bis 18. Mai 1927’, BA-MA, RM 6/48, folio 137.
67 Canaris report, ‘Reise Spanien vom 8. 11.-19. и. 1927’, BA-MA, RM 6/48, folio 217.
68 Schüssler, ‘Kampf’, p 568.
69 Assessment report on change of duties at 18 June 1928, Canaris PSR folio 32.
70 Thus Canaris, probably with the knowledge of Naval Command but not the Foreign Ministry, entered the discussions with the military attachés of Britain, France, Italy and the United States regarding admissible calibre sizes for naval guns. Cf note by Legationsrat Forster, ‘Aufzeichnung über Marinefragen’, 24 January 1928, ADAP, series B, vol Vin, no 41, p 81.
71 ‘Im Reichsmarineamt erscheint Herr Dillen mit einem ausländischen Rechtsanwalt’, Die Weltbühne 21, 22 May 1928, pp 777–97.
72 Buchheit, Der Deutsche Geheimdienst, p 38; Höhne, Canaris, p 123.
73 Ibid.
74 ‘Bericht Ministerialrat Frerichs über Berufsbelehrungsreise’, BA-MA, RM 6/48, folios 290–2.
75 Copy of a letter dated 27 September 1928, ibid, folios 304–6. In this letter mention is made of another letter dated 29 June, but other letters referred to are absent from the file.
76 Ibid, folio 304.
> 77 Ibid, folio 305.
78 Ibid.
79 Dülffer, Weimar, Hitler und die Marine, p I08f.
80 Berliner Tageblatt, 26 September 1928, quoted in Carsten, Reichswehr, p 315.
81 Höhne, Canaris, p 124, refers to file notes not contained in BA-MA, RM 6/48. It is interesting that the partially burned Foreign Ministry correspondence regarding the planned post abroad for Canaris are located in the Foreign Ministry secret archive at NA GFM 33/2393.
82 Canaris PSR, folio 94.
83 Ibid.
84 Donitz, Karl, Zehn Jahre undzwanzig Tage, Frankfurt and Bonn, 1964, p 299. Quote from Höhne, Canaris, p 125.
85 Extensively in: Hannover-Drück and Hannover, Der Mord, which provides comprehensive documentary material on the so-called ‘Jorns-trials’.
86 Ibid, pp 158–61, here extracts from the jury trial of 27 April 1929.
87 Vorwärts, 23 January 1931, extracts reprinted in Hannover-Drück and Hannover, Der Mord, p 176k Cf memoranda, letters, notes on conversations and press clippings in BA-MA, RM 6/267.
88 Canaris, opinion, 26 January 1931, BA-MA, RM 6/267, folio 50f.
89 Record of conversation with attorney Rechtsanwalt Bredereck in Kapitän Canaris–Jorns Case, 26 January 1931 [written by Canaris], BA-MA, RM 6/267, folio 33.
90 Statement by Reichswehrministerium, reprinted, inter alia, in Der Abend, 29 January 1931, BA-MA, RM 6/267, folio 40.
91 Canaris PSR, folio 94.
92 Ibid, folio 46.
11 Hitler’s Militäry Intelligence Chief
1 Kershaw, Ian, Hitler 1889–1936, Stuttgart, 1998, p 456.
2 Ibid, p 458.
3 Ibid, p 359.
4 Winkler, Weimar, p 461.
5 For Helldorf, one of the most ‘controversial figures of the Third Reich’, who followed a meandering path from the SA to the Resistance, see principally Harrison, Ted, ‘“Alter Kämpfer” im Widerstand. Graf Helldorf, die NS-Bewegung und die OppositiongegenHitler’, Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte 45, 1997, pp 385–421. For the Helldorf-Schleicher-Hitler link, ibid, p 393.
6 Goebbels, Joseph, Tagebücher 1924–1945, 5 vols, published by Ralf Georg Reuth, Munich, 1999, here vol 2, 1930–34, p 652k Hereafter ‘Goebbels’s Diaries’. See also Winkler, Weimar, p 462.
7 Papen, Franz von, Der Wahrheit eine Gasse, Munich, 1952, p 176; cf Winkler, Weimar, p 462; Kershaw, Hitler 1889–ì9jó, p 460.
8 Brüning, Heinrich, Memoiren 1918–1954, Stuttgart, 1970, p 578; cf Hömig, Herbert, Brüning Kanzler in der Krise der Republik, Paderborn, 2000, p 54of.
9 Brüning, Memoiren, p 588f; Hömig, Brüning, p 541f; Hfirter, Groener, p 350ff; Winkler, Weimar, p 464f Kershaw, Hitler 1889–1956, p 460.
10 Brüning, Memoiren, p 601f.
11 Kershaw, Hitler 1889–1956, p 461.
12 Goebbels’s Diaries, vol 2, p 662.
13 ‘Die nationalpolitische Stellung des Offiziers in der Deutschen Wehrmacht’, address by Vizeadmiral Canaris, OKW. 22 April 1938, in IfZ, FD 47; Canaris, Wilhelm, ‘Politik und Wehrmacht’, in Donnevert, Richard, Wehrmacht und Partei, Leipzig, 1938, pp 43–54.
14 Dülffer, Weimar, Hitler und die Marine, p 221. For Hitler’s position towards the Navy see also Salewski, Michael, ‘Dokumentation “Marineleitung und politische Führung 1931–1935”’, Militärgeschichtliche Mitteilungen 10, 1971, p 121f.
15 Dülffer, ‘Die Reichs-und Kriegsmarine’, p 451.
16 Dülffer, Hitler, Weimar und die Marine, p 222.
17 Maser, Werner, Hitlers Briefe und Notizen. Sein Weltbild in handschriftlichen Notizen, Graz and Stuttgart, 2002, p 116.
18 Dülffer, Weimar, Hitler und die Marine, p 222; Dülffer, ‘Die Reichs-und Kriegsmarine’, p 451.
19 ‘Beurteilungsbericht zum i. November 1933’ in Canaris PSR, folios 50–3. See also Herzog, Bodo, ‘Das letzte Bordkommando von Wilhelm Canaris’, Die Nachhut 21, 1973, pp 10–13, BA-MA, MSg 3–22/i.
20 Best, Werne, ‘Canaris, Kopenhagen 1949’, manuscript reproduced in Matlok, Siegfried, Danemark in Hitlers Hand. Der Bericht des Reichsbevollmachtigten Werner Best uberseine Besatzungspolitik in Danemark mit Studien uberHitler, Goring, Himmler, Heydrich, Ribbentrop, Canaris u.a., Husum, 1988, pp 175–8. In 1948 and 1949 Best composed a series of studies on leading personalities of the Third Reich that Matlok assembled in his book. In his critical appraisal of Abwehr literature, Best’s biographer Ulrich Herbert arrives at the conclusion that the ‘sketching of Canaris’s career by Best was far and away more accurate and sober than most other attempts in postwar literature’; see Herbert, Ulrich, Best. Biographische Studien u.ber Radikalismus, Weltanschauung und Vernunft 1905–1989, Bonn, 2001, p 577, n 139.
21 Höhne, Canaris, p 135.
22 Ibid, p 134.
23 Assessment report to 1 November 1934, Canaris PSR, folio 56.
24 Ibid, folios 51 and 55.
25 Herzog is of the same opinion: Herzog, ‘Bordkommando’, p 10.
26 ‘Beurteilungsbericht zum 1. November 1934’, Canaris PSR, folios 54–57 and personal service record, ibid, folio 94.
27 Abshagen, Canaris, pp 94–7; Brissaud, Canaris, p 4of; Höhne, Canaris, p 137; also Höhne, ‘Admiral Wilhelm Canaris’, in Ueberschär, Gerd R. (ed.), Hitlers militärische Elite, vol 1. Von den Anfdngen des Regimes bis Kriegsbeginn, Darmstadt, 1998, p 55.
28 Conrad Patzig, letter to Walter Baum, 10 November 1953, IfZ, ZS 540, folio 4.
29 Raeder, letter to Canaris, 11 October 1934, BA-MA, N 812/1.
30 Conrad Patzig, letter to Walter Baum, 10 November 1953, IfZ, ZS 540, folio 4.
31 Buchheit, Der Deutsche Geheimdienst, p 38ff; Höhne, Canaris, p 155f.
32 Conrad Patzig, letter to Walter Baum, 10 November 1953, IfZ, ZS 540, folio 2.
33 Buchheit, Der Deutsche Geheimdienst, p 40; Höhne, Canaris, p 157.
34 Buchheit, Der Deutsche Geheimdienst, p 41.
35 See Mitcham, Samuel W., ‘Generalfeldmarschall Werner von Blomberg’, in Ueberschär. Hitlers militärische Elite, vol 1, p 30f.
36 Boll, Bernd, ‘Generalfeldmarschall Walther von Reichenau’, in Ueberschär. Hitlers militärische Elite, vol 1, p 196.
37 Buchheit, Der Deutsche Geheimdienst, p 42.
38 Conrad Patzig, letter to Walter Baum, 10 November 1953, IfZ, ZS 540, folio 2. Cf also Müller, Klaus Jürgen, Das Heer und Hitler. Armee und nationalsozialistisches Regime ìўļļ-ìў4o, Schriftenreihe des Militärgeschichtlichen Forschungsamtes; Beitrage zur Militär-und Kriegsgeschichte, 10, Stuttgart, 1969, p 68f.
39 Herbert, Best, p 139; cf also Kershaw, Hitler 1889–1936, p 632.
40 Herbert, Best, p 139.
41 Kershaw, Hitler 1889–1936, p 636.
42 Thilo Vogelsang, file note on conversation with Conrad Patzig, 16 June 1954, IfZ, ZS 540, folio 9.
43 Ibid.
44 Kershaw, Hitler 1889–1936, p 644.
45 Quoted in ibid, p 645.
46 Höhne, Canaris, p 162.
47 Letter, Helmut Krausnick to Conrad Patzig, 5 March 1955, IfZ, ZS 540, folio 18f. Krausnick asked Patzig for an opinion on this alleged reaction of Raeder and Blomberg, which had been conveyed to him by Admiral von Schubert.
48 Patzig’s letter of reply to Krausnick, 21 March 1955, ibid, folio 20.
49 Letter, Conrad Patzig to Walter Baum, 10 November 1953, ibid, folio 4.
50 Buchheit, Die Deutsche Geheimdienst, p 50, referring to a personal communication from Patzig.
51 Conrad Patzig, letter to Walter Baum, 10 November 1953, IfZ, ZS 540, folio 5.
52 Ibid, folio 5f.
53 Ibid, letter from chief of Naval Station Baltic, 22 November 1934.
54 Conrad Patzig, letter to Walter Baum, 10 November 1953, IfZ, ZS 540, folio 5.
12 The Duel with Heydrich
1 Here et seq: Krausnick, Helmut, ‘Vorgeschichte und Beginn des Militärischen Widerstandes gegen Hitler’, in Vollmacht des Gewissens – Probleme des Militärischen Widerstandsgegen Hitler, Frankfurt a
m Main and Berlin, 1960, p 254f; Müller, Klaus Jürgen, Das Heer und Hitler – Armee und nationalsozialistiches Regime 1933–1940, Stuttgart, 1969, p 158f; Höhne, Canaris, p 170f.
2 Krausnick, ‘Vorgeschichte’, p 251, n 44; Müller, Heer und Hitler, p 158, n 77.
3 Höhne, Canaris, p 171, from Berliner Illustrierte Zeitung, 10 January 1935. Quotation from Müller, Heer und Hitler, p 159.
4 Kershaw, Hitler 1889–1936, p 686.
5 Fritsch, note dated i February 1938, in Hossbach, Friedrich, Zwischen Wehrmacht und Hitler, WolfenbHtel, 1949, p 71.
6 Liebmann, notes for a Conference of Commanders, 7 January 1935, quoted from Krausnick, ‘Vorgeschichte’, p 255; similarly Müller, Heer und Hitler, p 159.
7 Hossbach, Zwischen Wehrmacht und Hitler, p 47.
8 Höhne, Canaris, p 172, from Vólkischer Beobachter, 14 January 1935; cf Mühleisen, Horst, ‘Dokumentation: “Das letzte Duell. Die Auseinandersetzungen zwischen Heydrich und Canaris wegen der Revision der ‘Zehn Gebote’”’, Militärgeschichtliche Mitteilungen 58, 1999, p 398. Also see note by Fritsch, i February 1938, p 71.
9 Herbert, Best, p 147ff; for the theory for the political direction of the police apparatus followed the guidelines of this study.
10 Ibid, p 169f and 18off. Over this question Himmler overcame the opposition of Interior Minister Frick, who wanted the Political Police and Gestapo under his own command. This would have contradicted the political ideology of Himmler, Heydrich and Best who wanted to expand the police jurisdiction beyond the legal norms to cover ‘the health of the Volk’. Herbert points out that this was not an abstract striving for power by Himmler, but corresponded to Hitler’s political view. For the resulting conflicts with the Interior and Justice Ministries and the provincial authorities see Herbert, Ulrich, and Graf, Christoph, ‘Kontinuitäten und Bmche. Von der Politischen Polizei der Weimarer Republik zur Geheimen Staatspolizei’, in Paul, Gerhard and Mallmann, Klaus-Michael (eds), Die Gestapo. Mythos und Realitat, Darmstadt, 1996, pp 73–83; Tuchel, Johannes, ‘Gestapa und Reichssicherheitshauptamt. Die Berliner Zentralinstitutionen der Gestapo’, in Paul and Mallmann, Gestapo, pp 84-юo. See also Wildt, Michael, Generation des Unbedingten. Das Führungskorps des Reichssicherheitshauptamtes, Hamburg, 2002. Wildt, and Herbert, Best, provide comprehensive bibliographies.
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