One King's Way

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One King's Way Page 10

by Samantha Young

  “What? I bet it works! The little shit won’t be telling his mum to fuck off anytime soon. Rain thinks it was brilliant, don’t you?”

  I struggled to breathe, still not believing I’d actually witnessed what I’d just witnessed. “I think,” I giggled, “I think it was part brilliant, part awful. You do realize that child won’t sleep for weeks now.”

  “Ach, so? We coddle kids too much these days. They’re turning into little arseholes. I should know—it started with my generation.”

  We laughed again, my stomach starting to hurt a little, and I decided I might quite possibly have my own girl crush on Maggie. She was so wonderfully honest and real in a way I wasn’t brave enough to be. It just wasn’t who I was. That didn’t mean I couldn’t admire someone who could be like that though.

  “Wait until Mum hears that one,” Craig teased as he scooped up a bite of his almost forgotten lasagna.

  “Oh, don’t.” Maggie suddenly looked unsure. “You know she’ll think it was rude and I’ll get an hour-long lecture.”

  “Maybe you need an hour-long lecture.”

  “I get plenty of those at university. No lectures at home, please.”

  “Fine. But no more traumatizing children.”

  “I make no such promises.”

  * * *

  In the end I was having so much fun with Craig and Maggie that I decided to hang out with them for a little while longer. Craig didn’t need to be at work for a few more hours so we decided to go to Old Town. After wandering around in and out of shops, joking around, we stopped in at The World’s End, a pub on the Royal Mile.

  I insisted on buying the first round—a wine for myself, and a beer for both Maggie and Craig. While I was waiting for the drinks, they found a table nearby.

  I’d only been standing there a minute when I felt a strong arm wrap around my waist. I leaned back into Craig’s familiar heat as he pressed a warm and rather possessive kiss to the side of my neck.

  “Need a hand?” he murmured.

  I tried not to shiver and failed. “Sure,” I said softly, hating when he made me all hot and bothered in public. Mostly hating how easily he made me all hot and bothered in public.

  He grabbed the two beers when they were ready and I carried my wine over to the table where Maggie was sitting.

  She was grinning from ear to ear at us.

  “What?” I smiled in bemusement.

  “Him.” She pointed at Craig. “Possessive fucker. Don’t think he’s a gentleman, Rain. He only went up to help you because those three fit-as-fuck guys were checking you out. Still are.”

  I followed her gaze to three guys sitting at a table across from the bar. They grinned at me and I looked quickly at Craig. Sure enough he was glowering at the men.

  “This is brilliant!” Maggie clapped her hands in glee.

  Craig snapped his attention to her. “If I didn’t love you so much, I’d kill you.”

  “Aw.” She reached for him, pulling him down beside her and snuggling into him. “You can’t stay mad at me. I’m only joking!”

  He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and picked up his beer. “Find some new material for your jokes.”

  “Are you kidding?” She pulled away to stare at him in mock horror. “You falling in love is the best material ever.”

  I tensed immediately but if Craig was perturbed by her words he didn’t show it.

  “That just proves your low level of wit if you think that’s the best material ever,” he countered.

  The two siblings bickered affectionately and although I stopped freaking out about what Maggie had said, I started to freak out that Craig completely ignored it. And then worse . . . as their obvious love and closeness became more and more apparent I started to miss Darcy.

  Missing Darcy led to thoughts of why I was missing Darcy, which led to thoughts of Angus, which led to the reminder that I was completely and utterly messing up my plans for revenge.

  Because of a guy.

  Once more I’d selfishly put my sister aside for my own needs.

  Well no more.

  Craig had distracted me long enough.

  Somehow I had to get the plan to destroy Angus back in action.

  Even if it really was the last thing I wanted to do.

  * * *

  That night I called my sister, needing to hear her voice, needing the motivation to do what had to be done.

  “Well the sun is out here, so it must be late there,” was the first thing she said when she picked up.

  I smiled at the familiar sound of her voice. “You know me. Night owl.”

  “I miss you,” Darcy said, sounding sad.

  “I miss you too.”

  We were silent for a moment.

  Finally I said, “How are things over there?”

  “You mean have I recovered yet from the sex tape scandal?”

  I grinned at the dryness in her voice. She sounded a little more like her old self. “Yes.”

  “I was doing okay. Good, actually. But the last couple of days have been difficult . . . I keep dreaming about him. About the party . . .” Her voice cracked and I winced.

  Anger flooded me but I did my best to keep it out of my tone. “Why do you think that is?”

  “I don’t know,” she said hurriedly, and I could hear the lie in her words.

  Worry crashed through me. “Darcy—”

  “I drew up some new designs,” She quickly changed the subject. “I’m emailing them to you.”

  I gave her the subject change without pushing any further, knowing she needed it, but inwardly my blood was hot and my throat was parched—my thirst for revenge on my sister’s behalf was back.


  As it turned out, Craig made it easy for me to put my Angus plan into motion.

  That Friday, at Craig’s behest, I arrived at Club 39 for the first time since we’d started officially seeing each other to hang out with him while he worked. When I arrived his colleague Joss came around the bar to greet me. I’d spoken to Joss weeks ago, way back before Craig and I were a “thing.” She was quick-witted and down-to-earth and I’d immediately liked her.

  “Rain, hey,” Joss said with a grin. “Craig told me he asked you to hang out tonight. You know we’re pretty busy Fridays so I thought you might want to sit with my boyfriend and friends. They’re good people, I promise.”

  “Where’s Craig?” I said as I followed Joss up the steps surrounding the bar and onto the main floor.

  “Getting stock.” She strode over to the low leather seats that surrounded a table. It was a prime spot in the club—close to the bar but not too close, and far enough away from the dance area that you could still hear what people were saying. Sitting at the table were three people. Two guys and a young woman. All absurdly good-looking. “Hey.” Joss smiled as she leaned into one of the men, sliding her arm around his shoulders. He immediately wrapped his arm around her waist. Joss looked over at me. “Rain, this is my boyfriend, Braden.” She nodded to the tall, lithe blond woman. “His sister and my roommate, Ellie, and”—she gestured to the man Ellie was cozied up to—“her boyfriend, Adam. Guys, this is Craig’s girlfriend, Rain.”

  “Hi, nice to meet you all.”

  “You too.” Braden reached out with his free hand and I stepped forward to shake it. He had the most piercing blue eyes I’d ever seen. “Sit with us.”

  Since I didn’t really want to sit alone again and it would be rude to say no, I nodded and sat down on his other side.

  “So you managed to wrangle Craig,” Ellie said.

  I noted she had the exact same pale blue eyes as Braden except where his were assessing, hers were surprisingly warm and friendly. “Somehow,” I laughed lightly. “I think.”

  “Can I get you a drink?” Joss said.

  “Already got it,” a familiar voice said over my shoulder.

  I glanced up to find Craig rounding the table with a glass of wine in hand. He put it on the table in front of me and then leaned
in for a sweet kiss. His eyes danced with humor, letting me know he’d heard the last part of the conversation. “And you have. Just to clarify.”

  Understanding, I laughed. “Good to know.”

  He and Joss left soon after and the bar started to fill up. I found myself simultaneously chatting with my three new companions while I watched Craig at work. The former was easy. Although Braden was a little intimidating at first, I quickly warmed up to him as he engaged me in conversation, seeming impressed with my success and genuinely interested. As for Ellie and Adam, they were easy to like—down-to-earth, funny, and clearly madly in love. It was easy to see from the way Braden’s gaze swept back to the bar as often as mine did that he was pretty gone for Joss too. She kept looking back at him and they shared these intimate looks I felt guilty for noticing, as though they were meant to be secrets just between them.

  Along with the guilt, I found myself growing hurt, and that hurt began translating into anger.

  My own glances toward the bar were rarely returned by Craig, who was rushed off his feet and far too busy engaging in flirting with his female customers.

  The first time I saw him lean across the bar and tuck a piece of hair behind a girl’s ear I thought I was imagining it. But no. I’d seen him do it for real. And from there I watched as he grinned and winked and complimented and just absolutely flirted his fine, tight arse off.

  Had nothing I said to him penetrated?

  How could he be the way he was with me but still flirt with other women? So it helped with his tips . . . I did not give a flying fuck if it helped with his tips! He was with me now and I was in the actual bloody room! Where the hell was his respect for me?

  “You alright?” Braden suddenly asked, drawing my focus away from Craig to him.

  I doubt I managed to hide my hurt or my anger. “I’m fine,” I muttered, throwing back the last of my wine.

  “Another drink?” Adam said.

  “It’s my turn.” I waved him off.

  “No, no.” Adam stood up before I could stop him. “My round. The same?”

  “Yes. Thank you.”

  I watched Adam as he strode toward the bar and something behind him caught my attention.

  My heartbeat did that horrible skipping thing before speeding right up.

  Angus was standing near the entrance to the bar with his two friends from before.

  Our eyes met, his narrowing on me.

  I sat motionless, not knowing what to do.

  Only a few days before I’d been berating myself for not doing anything about Angus, and here I was, with him standing right in front of me and still I wasn’t doing anything. How could I with Craig in the room? The bar was not the setting I wanted—I’d wanted to remove any thought of flirting or seduction from the Angus revenge scheme but what if that was all I had in my arsenal? What if that was what it took to get under Angus’s skin? Yet . . . if I had to get flirty to get back in Angus’s good graces, it would be unfair to do so in front of Craig.

  So I sat there, paralyzed and angry that I was missing this opportunity.

  Angus said something to his friends and then he started making his way across the room toward me.

  I automatically looked over at the bar, but Craig hadn’t noticed. He was laughing with a customer. I could only see her from the back, but she had a great figure and was showing most of it off in a tight, short black dress.

  My anger turned burning-hot. Why the hell was I worried about respecting Craig when he couldn’t even respect me? The girl at the bar leaned over and touched Craig’s chest and he did nothing to push her away.

  All night he would make me sit and watch this?

  No. I wouldn’t. I had to stick to my guns. I had to remember what I wanted in a relationship and I wanted a man who only wanted me. Who would respect me and treat me like I was his universe.

  As much as I wanted Craig Lanaghan to be that man, he wasn’t.

  He so clearly wasn’t.

  And my heart started to break right there and then. All I wanted was to go home and cry. Cry hard for losing something so sweet after so short a time.


  I blinked back the tears I felt burning in my eyes and looked up at Angus, who was standing in front of our table.

  “Angus.” I gave him a small smile, masking my pain. I’d mastered the art a long time ago.

  “It’s been a while. Last time I saw you, you just disappeared.”

  Feeling Ellie’s and Braden’s curious gazes, I decided I didn’t want them for an audience.

  “Excuse us.” I gave them a polite smile and stood up, edging around the table toward Angus. I touched his arm lightly, not wanting to be too forward. “Let’s talk on the other side of the bar. I can hear you better.”

  He nodded and followed me. I could practically feel his eyes on my arse.

  “You look great,” he said when we came to a stop a few feet from where he’d left his friends. “But you always do.”

  “Thanks. You too.” I smiled and leaned against the wall. “Sorry about last time. I . . . I bumped into someone when I went to the restrooms. Someone I didn’t want to see,” I lied.

  He raised an eyebrow. “Let me guess. An ex?”

  “Yeah.” I smiled ruefully. “Things got a little unpleasant and I just wanted to get out of here.”

  “Sure, sure.” He stepped into my body and ran his fingers along the bare skin of my upper arm. “I did miss you though.”

  I swallowed my repulsion and cocked my head. “Somehow I doubt that.” I grinned cheekily. “I bet you replaced me in five seconds.”

  “You’re irreplaceable,” he said smoothly.

  I thought of Craig and all the women he’d have lined up to replace me. “Apparently not.”

  So lost in my hurt I was surprised at the touch of Angus’s fingers on my chin, tilting my face up toward his. My breath stopped as my heart hammered away inside my chest. This was escalating way, way faster than I’d like.

  “If you let me in there,” Angus murmured against my mouth. “I’d never replace you.”

  I closed my eyes, hoping my expression could be mistaken for need instead of pain.

  Right words, very wrong fucking man.

  I froze when I felt his lips on my throat, his other hand gripping my hip.

  This isn’t right! Stop him. STOP HIM!

  “Do you really think I’m that stupid?” he whispered in my ear, and I heard the anger he’d been hiding all along. “I know you’re up to something . . . I just wonder how far you’re willing to take this.” His grip on me tightened to where it was painful.

  “Angus . . .” I lifted my hands to push him away just as he lifted his head to kiss me. His lips were barely on mine when he was suddenly wrenched off of me.

  My eyes widened at the sight of Craig hauling Angus off me and up against one of the club’s pillars. His face was contorted with rage and as I watched his fist slam into Angus’s face I thought my heart might burst.

  Angus recovered quickly enough to swing back at Craig, but Craig ducked and then punched him in the gut, winding him. Craig straightened to full height again and this time his fist flew downward, connecting with a fleshy smack that sent blood spraying from Angus’s mouth. He slumped to the ground.

  He groaned and turned onto his back, and Craig reached for him again.

  “No!” I cried out, worried he’d kill the prick.

  But Braden and Adam were suddenly pushing through the crowd that had gathered (a crowd, it should be noted, that included Angus’s two friends, who stood there and did nothing to help him), and they started pulling Craig away.

  Craig pushed them off. “I’m not going to fucking hit him again!” he snapped, shrugging out of Braden’s strong grip.

  “Who the hell are you?” Angus groaned, sitting up tentatively.

  “Rain’s boyfriend,” he spat. “And that was for what you did to her sister.”

  Angus winced as he touched his mouth. “I think you broke a too
th. I’ll sue you, you tosser.”

  Craig lunged for him again and Angus looked like he was about to wet himself. Braden and Adam held Craig back once more while I enjoyed the look of pure terror on Angus’s face.

  A feeling of triumph washed through me.

  And it was swept quickly away when my eyes met Craig’s.

  His blazed utter fury at me.

  Well that only fanned the flames of my rage.

  How dare he! How dare he look at me like I was the one who had done something wrong!

  I ran my gaze over him in disgust, putting everything I’d felt tonight into my expression.

  His mouth slackened in shock.

  Feeling no words were necessary, I walked away, hating him for making me want forever with him when he had never had any intention of creating forever with me.


  Craig stared after Rain as she stalked out of the bar, wondering how the fuck in this equation he had turned out to be the bad guy.

  That final look she had given him—it had cut him to the quick. It also sent him into a flying panic.

  “Go after her.” Joss was suddenly beside him, her expression grave. “We can cover the bar.”

  Craig looked at Alistair, who was by Joss’s side. His friend nodded. “Go.”

  “We’ll get rid of this arse,” Adam assured him, gesturing to Angus, who was still sitting on the floor like the attention-seeking idiot he was.

  “Thanks.” Craig pushed past them and through the crowds of customers that had gathered. Well, he didn’t really have to push through them. They got out of his way as soon as they saw him coming.

  He could give a shit.

  It had felt great to punch that slimy bastard.

  When he saw him touching Rain, and her letting him, Craig’s head had nearly exploded. He’d never felt such rage mixed with such hurt.

  Aye. Fucking hurt. Because that’s what happened when you loved someone. They could hurt you like no other could.

  So why the hell was she the one wearing the wounded look?

  He rushed up the basement steps onto George Street just in time to see his girlfriend getting into a black cab. “Rain!” he shouted, hurrying after her. He got to the door just as she was pulling it closed and he jumped inside.


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