
Home > Romance > Hotshot > Page 5
Hotshot Page 5

by Ahren Sanders

  “Bizzy, come here.”

  I walk over slowly, unsure where to sit. When I get close enough, he hitches an arm behind my knees and pulls me down, forcing me to lie on top of him.

  “Get comfortable.”

  I do as he says and lay my head on his bare chest. My eyelids grow heavy immediately and I snuggle close. “Please don’t let this be a dream,” I whisper to myself.

  He tightens his grip and kisses my forehead gently.

  “I think you are my dream,” is the last thing I hear before falling asleep.

  Chapter 5


  I glance at my watch for the fifth time in an hour and make a decision. This meeting needs to end. The long-winded lawyer at the end of the table finally closes his presentation, and I stand, surprising those around me.

  “Gentlemen, thank you for your time. I appreciate the diligence you put into this presentation. It seems we are all on the same page when it comes to expectations and long-term goals. Unfortunately, I have to head out.”

  There’s a rumble around the table, and Perry shoots me an evil glare. “What the hell, Bennett? You’re leaving now?”

  “Yep.” I pack up my laptop.

  “Your office assured me this was legit. How the fuck can I make a decision about my representation based on two hours? This is your audition. You know how many other agents want my business?”

  I stop myself from laughing and take a deep breath. Then I do what I do best. Straightening my shoulders, I pin the pompous prick with my eyes, and stare long and hard until he squirms in his seat.

  The room is silent, watching me and waiting. This guy may be used to getting everything he wants, but if he’s represented by me and my agency, that shit stops immediately. I call the shots—always.

  “Perry, I guess you didn’t get the memo. I’m fielding you. This was a technicality to see where your bosses stand and if you can handle being on the team I represent. I got what I wanted, and I’ll be in touch.”

  “Bullshit! I make the decisions here. I’m the best Forward in the NHL! I don’t audition for anyone.”

  His arrogant attitude reminds me of so many others I’ve smacked down, including my own brother.

  “Perry, I can recite your statistics by memory, including the fights, penalties, and suspensions. The reason I’m here is because you are firing your current agent when the contract is up. You want the best. I am the best, but I don’t put up with bullshit, ever. I’m a lawyer and an agent, so you get the best of both worlds. I also put it into my contract that if you piss me off, you act out, or you ruin your reputation due to certain things, I’m out.

  “I’m not your fucking babysitter, but damn close. You learn to mold to my demands, not yours. You want to fuck around with days’ worth of people kissing your ass? Good luck, but I saw what I needed to see. Your team is focused, driven, and has the staff in place to achieve that with the right talent.”

  “You’re a stupid shit if you think I’ll listen to any lawyer. I pay your salary.”

  At his statement, I’m done. I shake a few hands and make my way to the door. Only then do I look at the man in the center of the table who is flaming red.

  “Perry, I pay my own salary because I’m fucking good at what I do. Think about it long and hard because this is your only chance. Talk to your coaches, talk to your teammates, and talk to your fucking team lawyers. I’ll assume you aren’t joining us for the dinner tomorrow night, but if you change your mind, call my assistant, Gail.” I walk out, and hear the son of a bitch cussing as the door shuts.

  When I get into the elevator, I send a message to Gail, filling her in and asking that she amend the contract we drafted for Perry. I want an additional ten percent, on top of my standard percentage, if we sign him. Then I ask her to confirm our dinner reservations.

  I wave down a cab and ask the driver to take me back to the hotel.

  My phone rings with Nick’s ringtone, and I answer with a laugh. “Shouldn’t you be watching films or working out? Sunday’s game may be preseason, but it’s still against the reigning Super Bowl champs.”

  The cab driver eyes me curiously in the rearview mirror.

  “I know that, but I wanted to check in.” His usually casual tone is filled with worry. “Is everything okay?”

  “Sure, why wouldn’t it be?”

  “Bizzy’s not answering her phone.”

  “That’s because I silenced it this morning.”

  “Any particular reason?”

  “Yeah, she went over thirty-six hours without sleep and proceeded to get trashed last night. When she finally fell asleep, I took care of her phone.”

  “Did you get her a Coke?”

  “I had several things delivered before I left and wrote her a note. If she’s not answering, it probably means she’s still asleep.”

  “Thank God.”

  “Nick, what’s up? Is everything okay with you?”

  “Me, yes, but I’m worried about her. Mathis told me about the young kid, Grady. We made arrangements for me to visit him next week after the game. Hopefully, I’ll be giving him the game winning ball.”

  “Fuck.” I scrub my hand through my hair. “Did anything specific happen?”

  “Not really, but Mathis thinks, with the use of the alternative mixed with traditional medicines, he may have a few months. The goal is to keep him comfortable. Only a miracle will let him survive.”

  “Mathis, Claire, and I all think we should wait until y’all get home to share with Bizzy.”

  “Agreed. She may not have the timeline, but she knows it’s coming.” I don’t mention she’s known for a while.

  “Yes, she needs this time away.”

  There’s a brief pause before he asks, “So, she got sloshed last night?”


  “She in the mood to dance?” He chuckles, guessing the answer.

  “Totally,” I repeat, remembering the feeling of her in my arms as I held her close and guided her around the dance floor. Her hips were pressed tight to mine as she threw her head back smiling. My dick was hard as stone so I had to reposition her several times, but it was worth every second.

  “You’re taking good care of her, right?”

  “Of course.”

  “Sorry, man, stupid question.”

  “Nick, you do realize she’s no longer fourteen, right? She’s an adult now and can take care of herself.”

  “I know, but she deserves so much, Shaw. You’ll never understand.”

  My stomach twists, remembering what Mathis shared and the years I missed of Bizzy’s life. Usually, I’d ask her to talk to me, but I know she’ll never discuss anything that will make her seem weak and vulnerable. She’s a fighter. However, my gut tells me to take this opportunity to drill Nick while he’s obviously concerned.

  I’m a son of a bitch, but if it gives me insight into Bizzy’s world, I’ll take it. I’ll take anything. Because if she gives me a chance, she’ll never ever question her self-worth or place in this world again. She’ll live each day knowing how special and precious she really is.

  “Nick, make me understand. I’m not trying to betray your trust, but help me out here. It’s been a long time since you were kids with cancer. What am I missing?”

  Shit, that may have hit too close.

  “Shaw, we don’t talk about it, and she’d probably kill me, but she had it rough. It may have been a long time ago, but it’s still in her head. This isn’t just about kids being cruel; it’s about the fear of every check-up, the lonely nights as she watched other girls date. She never could let loose and relax. I had so much going on, and I included her, but she didn’t really bounce back from the treatments like I did. Her cancer was a bit more intense, if you can classify it that way. She had so much more to overcome. I basically forced her to socialize, and all my friends accepted her as part of us.

  “She got drunk our freshman year of college. I watched her p
uke for two days because she insisted on drinking Hunch-Punch. It was brutal, and I was so fucking scared. She finally slapped me around when I threatened to call her parents and told me she deserved it. She wasn’t miserable. She was fucking happy. Happy to be living like a rebellious teen.”

  “Shit.” I lean back, imagining her as a lightweight puking and my brother as her caregiver.

  “Finally, she drank a full Coke without spewing it everywhere, and I knew she’d be okay. It was always like that. I took care of her and she took care of me. ALWAYS. The girl wormed her way into my fucking blood, and I can’t let her go. So when I heard about this thing with Grady, at first I was upset, but I understood. She worries about me. I was ready to drive up there when she didn’t answer her phone. The thought of her lying around in tears, hurting, physically pained me.”

  “Fucking shit.” His explanation hits me like a sledgehammer. I thought I knew the depth of their connection, but it’s so much deeper. The sense of pride I have for my baby brother is sliced with jealousy. He knows so much more about this woman, and I don’t like the way it settles inside me.

  “I can’t believe I told you all that. Must be the therapy shit I’m forced to do because of my agent.” He gives a strained chuckle.

  I snap into agent mode, trying to ease the tension. “Therapy is not shit. I recommend all my clients at least try it.”

  “You going to tell these jokers you’re vetting this weekend?”

  “Nope, that’s in the fine print.” It’s my turn to laugh.

  “Hard ass bastard.”

  “Listen, Nicky, I get you. I get everywhere you’re coming from, and thank you for sharing. But you can trust me. Starting tomorrow, I’ll make sure she has the time of her life. Besides a few dinners, I’ve got plans to keep her mind occupied and give her some much deserved relaxation.”

  “I trust you, Shaw, but there are only a few people who have that honor. Tell her to call me when she can and I’ll relax.”

  “You focus on getting your head in the game and showing those fuckers what you can do. Don’t get hurt and don’t be stupid.”

  “Get my best friend to call me and I promise you’ll make your salary.” Without another word, he hangs up.

  I sit in silence and notice we’re idling outside the hotel with the driver waiting patiently. He gives me a warm smile and thanks me when I tip him generously.

  Making my way inside, I stop by the gift shop and pick up a bouquet of flowers before heading upstairs. We have five hours before dinner, and I plan on spending it with Bizzy. The feeling of her in my arms last night and the news my brother shared has changed everything. I’m going in stronger and hope to God she’s on the same page.

  “Tell me again, who’re we meeting with tonight?” Bizzy looks at me, nervously biting the inside of her cheek. “I don’t want to embarrass you.”

  “I’ve told you a hundred times, you’d never embarrass me. We’re meeting with Joe Palos. He’s a baseball player. His agent is retiring this month and asked me to meet him because he’s an old acquaintance of mine.”

  “Is he a good player?”

  I raise my eyebrows and give her a look of disbelief. “Do I work with anyone besides the best?”

  “Joe Palos, Joe… Joe… Joe…” she repeats. “Okay, I think I’ll remember.”

  “Biz, relax.”

  “I can’t. This is important. This could mean a lot of money for you.”

  “I said relax.” I reach over to her chair and take her hand in mine. “It’s almost a done deal.”

  “Why are you so calm? Couldn’t this mean millions of dollars? Surely, you have better things to do than hang out with me by the pool when you’re supposed to be here working.”

  Her words are simple and sweet, her concern evident, but still they sting. I’ve always known she was selfless, but Nick’s words now ring in my ears. Nothing in the world is more important to me than spending the afternoon with her. Without knowing it, she’s given me the in I’ve been waiting for.

  I throw my legs over my lounger and pull her to stand. She almost loses her balance until I circle my free arm around her waist and catch her. “Take a walk with me.”

  She raises her head and looks at me from under the brim of her hat, her breath hitching as I skim my hand along the bare skin of her back.

  “Walk. With. Me.” I repeat, and she gives me a slight nod.

  I release her hand but keep my arm around her waist, leading her to the walkway and down to the beach.

  “Do you think I’m good at my job, Bizzy?” I ask when we get to the shoreline, still holding her close.

  “The absolute best, but you know this. I’ve always thought you were the best at what you do.”

  “Tonight is only a formality, more of a ‘getting to know you’ dinner. We’ll talk about the season, the highs, the lows, and then we’ll move on to easier subjects. I’ve already done my research on Joe, and he on me. Joe’s big on chemistry, and I admire that. If we have professional chemistry and we both walk away feeling this relationship is mutually beneficial and respectful, he’ll fly to Miami and sign a contract. He’s at the tail end of the season and doing well. His team looks like they could go all the way. His agent is retiring for health reasons, so the timing is critical.”

  “He’ll love you, Shaw. If tonight is all about getting to know you, he’s a done deal.”

  Pride floods through my system and my chest swells. She’s always been supportive and excited about my job, but her words seep into me. Suddenly, everything that has seemed so normal means so much more.

  “Tomorrow night’s dinner will be the same. He’s a football player. We’ve been talking for over a month. He has the same retiring agent.”

  She squeezes my hand and lays her head on my shoulder as we walk. “It’s amazing. You’re amazing.”

  I stop walking and step in front of her, sliding her hat back so I can see her full face. “No, you’re amazing. Earlier, you said something about having better things to do than hang out with you, but you are wrong. If I could, I’d cancel every damn meeting and dinner scheduled, and spend the rest of the weekend with only the two of us. As it stands, I’m not too keen on sharing you with these guys, even for a few hours.”

  Her eyes fall to the sand where she draws a circle with her toe. “Shaw?” She lifts her eyes back to mine, and they burn with uncertainty and confusion.

  I act on impulse. Before she can say anything else, I cup her chin and lower my mouth to hers, placing a gentle kiss on her lips. I don’t want her to mistake this for any other time I’ve kissed her with haste in passing. This time, I’m sending a message.

  My tongue sweeps across her soft lips, begging for her to open. She parts her mouth slightly, and I slip inside, holding back a growl at the first taste of her. I glide my hand around her neck and thread my fingers in her hair, gripping her scalp and anchoring her to me. Our lips move together, picking up speed, finding the perfect rhythm instantly.

  She gives a little whimper and moves her hands to clutch my biceps as she tilts to give me better access. Her tongue swirls against mine, urging me to go deeper.

  In this moment, everything around us vanishes, making it feel as if we are the only two people on the beach. This goes beyond a first kiss; it’s all-consuming and passionate, and for me, it’s a declaration of intent. I want her in a way I’ve never wanted anything in my life. I pour every emotion of the last three weeks into the kiss and pray she feels what I do.

  Too soon, she starts to break away, but I don’t let her go far, pressing our foreheads together as we both fight for breath. My mind flashes over the last ten years and memories with this beautiful woman.

  How could I have been so blind?

  An epiphany hits me so hard, my chest feels like it’s caving in. I may have always loved Bizzy, but in this moment, on this beach, I have fallen in love with her.

  “Did that just happen?” Her breathy voice hits me strai
ght in the dick, which is pulsing against the Velcro of my swim shorts.

  “Fuck yeah.”

  “I promised myself I’d never ask, in case last night was a result of the alcohol talking, but what’s happening here?”

  “If you have to ask, come here and let me show you again.”

  “Can you clarify so I don’t make a fool of myself?”

  Her voice is laced with doubt, and I hear a faint crack in her words. She’s avoiding my eyes, but her hands are still clutching my arms.

  Once again, my eyes are opened to a level of insecurity I’ve never noticed. It becomes my mission in life to bury those fucking thoughts so deep, all she sees is how incredible she is. Starting now, it’s time to lay it on the line.

  “There was no alcohol talking. I meant every word I said last night. I’ve never been interested in any kind of relationship until I finally realized what was right in front of me. It hit me out of nowhere. I’m crazy about you. That day in my office, a switch was flipped. I’m not sure if it’s because you looked and felt so right in my arms, or if it’s the fact that I’d have given anything to take away your pain.

  “Whatever it was didn’t go away. It thrived and grew, and for the last three weeks, all I’ve been able to think about is you. You’ve always been in my heart, but now you’ve branded me. I’m a fool for not seeing it sooner because now all I see is us.”

  “Us?” She slowly raises her eyes to me and they’re glowing a deep blue.

  Hope courses through me, and I swallow, putting the last shred of myself on the line. “Yes, us. Do you feel it? If you don’t, I’ll stand back and we can return to the way things were, but I couldn’t hide my feelings any longer.”

  She stares at me blankly for too long, and I start to sweat. Then she leaps up, taking me by surprise, and wraps her whole body around me. I stumble a bit to find my footing, moving my arms to balance her on my waist. Her lips touch mine quickly, then she kisses along my jaw until reaching my ear. “Don’t you dare. I’m crazy about you, too.”


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