Sinful Whispers (An Evans Mill Romance Book 1)

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Sinful Whispers (An Evans Mill Romance Book 1) Page 10

by Scarlett Brooks



  The ten minutes it took me to get from my townhouse to Cassie’s house took way too long. I was doing my best to keep my cool for both my girl's sakes, but on the inside, I was panicking.

  It only took one look at Eloise to know that Cassie’s concerns were serious. She was much paler than the last time I saw her, and it was easy to see that she was wheezing with each breath she took.

  “Hey, Eloise,” I said as I knelt at the side of the couch. “I’m going to listen to your chest, okay sweetheart?”

  I pulled out my stethoscope and listened. It only verified what I suspected. The severe cold had caused a build up in her lungs. I finished my exam and took her temperature. My brow creased with worry when I read the reading. 104.3.

  I told myself that most cases of pneumonia were not life-threatening, but I wasn’t a pediatrician. Four-year-old medicine wasn’t my specialty. We needed to get her admitted.

  “Cass, why don’t you go get changed? I’ll stay with Eloise.”

  “What’s wrong?” Cassie asked in a panicked voice.

  “Everything will be fine. It sounds like Eloise’s cold has traveled down to her lungs.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “Pneumonia most likely,” I explained, resting my hand on her arm. “The high fever tells me she may be very dehydrated. We need to get her to the hospital so that we can get some fluids in her. And I’d feel better if we had X-rays. And her pediatrician,” I admitted. It was hard to explain to Cassie how hard it was for me to treat my own daughter.

  I wanted to protect her. Keep her safe. I’d do anything for her. But that was the problem, I was her dad, not her doctor.

  “Okay,” Cassie said looking back at our little girl. The fear was etched all over her face.

  “It’s going to be okay, Cass,” I did my best to reassure her. “Go get changed, and I’ll drive you both to the hospital. I’ll make sure she is seen right away. I’m going to call ahead.”

  Cassie nodded and disappeared down the hall. I turned back to Eloise who was looking up at me lethargically.

  “We are going to go for a ride to the hospital, okay?” I said down to her as I wiped a stray lock off her face. “Do you want to pick a toy to bring with you?”

  I didn’t have a ton of experience treating kids, but I did know that a little thing like a favorite toy might make the whole ordeal a little less scary.

  Eloise lifted up her hand with her pink bear in it.

  “Miss Pinky,” she said softly.

  “Is that her name?”

  Eloise nodded slowly.

  Cassie came back out into the living room. She was wearing another pair of leggings a T-shirt, and her hair was thrown up in a messy bun.

  “Is it okay if I carry you?” I asked Eloise.

  My arms itched to pick her up and hold her to me as if that would keep her safe and healthy. I realized that to her, however, I was just a doctor that she had seen a few times.

  Even with our little interaction she still reached her hands out to me. I scooped her little body up into my arms and carried her out the door with Cassie on my heels.

  “Take my car,” Cassie said pointing to a little SUV in the parking lot. “It has her booster seat in it.”

  I set Eloise in her set and stepped back to let Cassie buckle her in. Cassie passed me the keys and moved around to sit next to Eloise in the back seat. I could see she was still beside herself. The sooner I got Eloise to the hospital the better. We sped along the streets and freeways in silence. Only the sound of Eloise’s occasional cough penetrated my concentration on the road. With every cough, I looked back in the rearview mirror and then increased my speed.

  I knew it was illogical of me, but I didn’t care. Eloise was my little girl, and I was going to do everything in my power to get her what she needed as soon as I could.

  An hour later, I walked into Eloise’s hospital room. She had been admitted immediately and given an IV. After a round medication on the nebulizer, she already was breathing with more ease.

  I watched Eloise’s angelic face as she dozed in her hospital bed. I came to sit by Cassie who was leaning forward to hold Eloise’s hand in her own. I rubbed my hand up and down her back trying to ease her worry.

  “I should have been home last night,” Cassie whispered.

  She slowly let go of Eloise’s hand and leaned back in her chair next to me.

  “If I had been home last night, maybe I could have done something.”

  “Hey,” I said leaning her into my arms. I kissed her on the head. “I promise there’s nothing you did wrong. Even if you were home last night, I doubt you would have caught it any sooner. We got her here quickly. She is going to bounce back. She’s strong, like her mom.”

  “I just can’t leave her anymore,” Cassie said looking up at me.

  “And you don’t have to. Okay?” I assured her.

  She nodded and leaned into me.

  “Once she gets a good amount of fluids in her, she’ll be able to leave by the end of the day. I can take you both home.”

  “And stay with us,” Cassie said with her head pressed against my shoulder.

  She looked up at me then. I searched her eyes for her meaning.

  “As long as you want me to,” I answered.

  I slipped down to the hospital cafeteria to get us both something to eat. Cassie was still a little anxious and didn’t feel comfortable leaving Eloise, even if she was still asleep.

  I scanned the line of the usual hospital food. It didn’t matter if it was in the middle east or hear in my hometown, hospital food sucked.

  My eyes fell on a case full of sweet treats, and I couldn’t help myself. I grabbed one to give to Eloise when she woke up.

  I came back upstairs and to Eloise’s room to find both girls awake and sitting in the hospital bed.

  Eloise already looked better. Her nap, as well as the added liquids, brought color back to her face. I couldn’t help but match the smile she gave me when I walked into the room.

  “You look like you are feeling better,” I said as I strolled into the room. “You're in luck too, because I found the perfect treat for you. Don’t tell your mom," I added in a whisper with a wink.

  I pulled out of the bag a chocolate cupcake with pink frosting and a bright red heart on top.

  I looked over at Cassie who had a brow raised at me and one arm already on her hip and ready to scold.

  “I don’t think sweets are a very good idea right now,” Cassie said. “This can't be good for her when she’s sick.”

  “Are you kidding me. It’s the best thing for her,” I teased. “Trust me, I know. I’m a doctor,” I added with a wink.

  I ignored Cassie's scoff.

  I placed the cupcake on the small table and wheeled it in front of Eloise. She hesitated a moment and looked at me. I wanted to tell her. I wanted her to know I wasn’t Dr. Stone. I was her damn father.

  But this wasn’t the time or place.

  I still had to wait.



  It had been a week since Eloise had been released from the hospital. It was as if time stood still when she was in that room. Seeing my daughter in a tiny blue gown and being so brave while she had X-rays and doctors poked and prodded her, put life in perspective in a way I didn’t know I needed.

  I thought I had figured out Logan and me, but until we stood next to El together, it wasn’t nearly as clear.

  He sat across from me sipping a cup of coffee. He smiled.

  “It’s going to be okay. If you need more time,” he offered.

  “No.” I cut him off. “She needs to know. You two need this. You both deserve it.”

  I had made pancakes from El and even bought chocolate milk. This was the morning she was going to learn that Dr. Stone wasn’t the town’s newest doctor, he was her father. I was shaking I was so nervous.

  Logan walked up behind me and circled his arms around my waist. He
kissed my neck and the fear melted.

  “I love her. I love you. No matter how it goes this morning.”

  I spun in his arms. “I know. I love you too.” I reached on my toes to kiss him.

  The problem now that Logan was back was that we couldn’t keep our hands off each other. It was like college all over again, but this time it meant something completely different. This was going to be forever. It was good now. It was epically erotic when we had sex. We did things to each other I think we’d always been ready to try and explore.

  We had stripped down all the barriers. No more lies or secrets between us meant we were free. Free to love each other in a raw and primal way that I craved all day.

  The kiss grew out of control as Logan slipped his hand up my shirt, toying with my nipple. I sighed. “Not the time,” I barely argued, kissing him hungrily.

  He peeked around my shoulder, waggling his eyebrows. “She’s not awake yet.”

  I slapped his chest. “Later.”

  He groaned, releasing me and trying to flatten the bulge his cock made in his pajama pants. Damn, he was sexy.

  I giggled. “Tonight?” I suggested.

  He growled, “you’re mine when that munchkin goes down for a nap.”

  I was about to scold him, but I didn’t know why. I wanted him too. I wanted to reconnect with him every hour of the day. We had five years to bring back. Five years to explore and heal.

  I heard the squeak of El’s door.

  “She’s up,” I whispered.

  We cleared our throats and pasted big smiles on our faces. She padded into the kitchen, rubbing her eyes.

  “Good morning, honey.” I pulled her into a hug. “We made pancakes.”

  “Hi, Mommy.” She yawned. “And Dr. Stone.”

  Logan sighed. “You don’t have to call me—” His shoulders slumped when I waived him off.

  I lifted El into her chair and poured her juice. I even gave her extra syrup. She never looked up as she devoured her pancakes. Logan and I watched her nervously.

  “Honey, there’s something we want to talk to you about.” Logan reached for my hand. I needed it. I needed his strength. His guidance. His protection. I felt safe with him. I had to remember no matter how she reacted, we would get through this.

  It had been the two of us since she was conceived. How would a little girl react to sharing her mommy now? It was going to be an adjustment for all of us. No matter how great of a kid she was, there were bound to be behavior issues. Maybe even tantrums. I had prepared myself for all of it. The worst case scenario was always my go-to.

  “What is it, Mommy?” Her big brown eyes widened.

  “Well, do you remember how I told you Dr. Stone, I mean Logan, and I used to be friends?” I corrected.

  She nodded. Logan’s grip tightened on my hand. I could do this. I had to.

  “See, a long time ago Logan was Mommy’s boyfriend. And the truth is he is your daddy.”

  Eloise wrinkled her nose. “I know.”

  “What?” I whispered. Logan moved closer to me.

  She shrugged. “We look alike and he loves me.”

  Logan burst out laughing. “She’s got me there.”

  My eyes darted back and forth, studying my daughter. Had she overheard us talking late at night? It was a constant conversation. We were up until 3 am looking at her baby books. I relieved her first steps on video. I wanted Logan to see all of it. To know all her milestones.

  “But how, honey? How did you know?”

  She smiled. “Because he’s my Daddy.” She lunged into Logan’s arms.

  I couldn’t stop the tears. It didn’t matter how she knew. Maybe it was daughter instinct. Maybe they had a bond I couldn’t pinpoint. It didn’t matter. Everything was going to all right.

  Logan wrapped me in his free arm. “I love you both, babe.”

  I nuzzled into his shoulder, stroking Eloise’s hair.


  I turned to the sound of Eloise sneezing.

  “You okay over there?” I asked as I made my way over to her.

  She was holding a large bouquet of flowers in her hands.

  “I don’t like these,” she said rubbing her little nose.

  I laughed and took the flowers out of her hand and set them on the table. I bent down in front of her and helped tie the back bow of her pretty white and pink dress.

  “Well I was going to put one of these in your hair,” I said holding the small bunch of rose peach colored sweet peas in my hand. “I better not though. I would want you sneezing the whole way down the aisle.”

  “Do you think you could help me though?” I asked, handing Eloise my white veil.

  She had loved playing with it all morning long as I slipped into my white dress. I bent down so that she could place the clear comb into my hair.

  “Do I look okay?” I asked as I stood before Eloise.

  “You look like a princess, Mommy," Eloise encouraged with an angelic smile.

  “So do you,” I said taking her hand.

  I don’t think I ever felt as much joy as the moment I walked down the aisle. Eloise was in front of me delicately dropping one rose petal at a time. Just beyond her stood the man of my dreams. The man that would be mine for the rest of our lives.

  Logan looked so dashing in his tailored suit with his close-cut beard and slicked back black hair. It nearly took my breath away.

  “Hi, Daddy," Eloise called much to the amusement of the small crowd.

  "Hi, honey,” he said giving his little girl a wink.

  I nodded at the guests as I walked past. Caleb Winters was there, along with my parents and Logan’s. Friends from college were clustered in groups. I knew they were as stunned as we were that this day was finally happening.

  It wasn’t an easy road for any of us. Maybe it was hardest for Logan. He had survived. He had lived tragedy to make his way home to us.

  Eloise dropped her last petal and went to stand next to Megan, my maid of honor.

  It was like a dream as I came to stand before Logan. I couldn’t take my gaze away from the joy that seemed to glow out of his brown eyes.

  We each spoke the vows we had written, and before I knew it, he was kissing me for the first time as his wife. Amid the cheers, he reached down and picked up Eloise. Holding her with one arm and taking my hand with the other, we walked down the aisle and into our new life as a family.

  Thanks for reading SINFUL LOVE

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