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Billionaire's Nanny (A Billionaire Romance)

Page 103

by Alexa Davis

  It was funny as all hell to remember that we didn’t like each other when we first met. I certainly didn’t enjoy his company, and since he brought out the fiery side of me, I could tell that there was no way he could like me, either.

  Now, it was as if all of that had never happened, as if we had always been the best of friends. The more he opened up to me and I saw of him, the better I got on with him. He was far more awesome than I ever gave him credit for.

  “Shall I get some more wine?” Adam asked through his laughs as we crashed in through the front door. “Do you fancy another drink? Red or white? Do you have a preference?”

  “Yeah, I do.” I was giddy and excitable and in the need for another drink. The chemistry was already circling between me and Adam, I could feel the thick lust in the air, but I still just wanted to prolong the fun we were having for just a moment longer. “Please. White.”

  I collapsed onto Adam’s couch as he went into the kitchen to get a drink for us. My eyes scanned over his place and the first thing I noticed was that there weren’t any photographs anywhere. None of his family, which was understandable, and none of his friends, either. There weren’t even any of the kids at the orphanage. That to me spelled loneliness, which I could relate to easily. That was how I felt a lot myself. Yes, I had Denise, but I didn’t have my family. That was a massive hole in my life that I’d never quite gotten used to.

  “Here we are.” As I heard Adam’s voice I glanced up at him. There was a part of me that wanted to ask him why he didn’t have any pictures, but since he was respectful and didn’t push it when I mentioned my family, I had to give him the same. “Wine for mademoiselle.”

  “Why thank you.” I took the glass and drank a massive swig of it. “Mmm, lovely.”

  Adam picked up a remote and hit a button on, which caused classical music to bust through the room. It was a wonderful, soft tune that made me sway automatically. Adam put his glass down and placed his arms around me to sway with me. It was an unexpected slow dance that actually felt really good. I pressed my head into his chest and allowed my eyes to slide closed as I just felt all the emotions that he had been building up inside of me ever since we first met. Even if it didn’t much seem that way at the time.

  “Thank you for tonight,” he whispered into my ear, allowing his breath to tickle over my neck. I shivered and smiled as the sensations flooded me. “It was awesome.”

  I tipped my head up to look at him, to really see him. He was so incredible that even me who didn’t usually act that way with anyone, couldn’t help flirting with him. There was something about Adam that made it really easy for me to let him know exactly what I wanted from him…even if I didn’t directly ask him with words.

  As he dipped his head towards mine, pursing his lips in my direction, my heart thumped heavily. I could feel it hammering so hard against my rib cage that I feared it might burst free. The sensation in my chest matched the pulsating in my panties, too, which continued to intensify the closer that he got to me.

  And then we were kissing and the foundation I was standing on was swept out from underneath me. I felt sure that Adam had to hold me upright to stop my knees from knocking together and my legs from jellifying. I clung to him hard, my fingers clawed desperately at him, I felt an intense pressure already starting to build.

  His hands slowly traveled down my body as we kissed, and I was acutely aware of the sensation of his fingers brushing against me as he made the way down my flesh. It was almost as if there wasn’t the material of the dress wasn’t there between us. Or maybe I just didn’t want it to be there. Maybe it was me that felt it was in the way.

  I hooked my hands around the back of Adam’s neck as he hitched up the hemline of my dress and he started to run those delicious velvety fingers of his along the top of my tights. I grew hotter, damper, more impatient. I even pushed myself up onto my tip toes to try and guide Adam’s fingers lower down into my underwear.

  “Impatient, aren’t we?” he chuckled. “That’s so hot.”

  He guided me back onto the couch and I went willingly. As I fell backwards, he instantly dropped down onto his knees in front of me, sparking all kinds of excitement within me. I liked not knowing what the hell he was going to do next; it left me on edge in the best way possible.

  Adam grabbed onto my tights again, only this time he pulled them down with one swift, sharp movement. They flew off my hypersensitive skin in a heartbeat, which made me squeal with glee. I gripped onto the couch cushions to keep me fixed in one place as he slowly traced those fingers up to my core, brushing along my thighs on the way up. I shuddered as his touch sent bursts of desire racing right through my body.

  “Oh God.” Eventually he found my panties. I half expected him to pull them to one side, but he didn’t. He crashed his mouth into mine to kiss me hard as he played with my clit through the outside of my cotton panties. “Oh, Adam.”

  “You like that?” he asked happily. “You want more?”

  “I do,” I gasped as I could feel the material of my underwear slowly moving downwards. I loved the cold and exposed feeling that came with the removal of my panties because I knew what was coming next. My body had committed the feel of Adam to memory, I knew exactly how it was going to feel when he was inside of me again, and I couldn’t wait for it. “Oh fuck.”

  He leant his head down and he inhaled deeply as if he wanted to breathe me in. My head lolled back, my eyes rolled closed, and I lost myself to Adam entirely. His steady breaths tickled my clit, making my back arch with desperation. Then his fingers slowly moved up and down my soaking slit.

  He wasn’t exactly touching me anywhere, yet he was touching me everywhere all at the same time. I needed to feel him finger fucking me, but I was also enjoying just what he was doing to me at the same time. The conflicting, confusing emotions left me crazy and wild.

  Then, Adam’s fingers plunged deep into me, and I all but screamed. He filled me up, stretched me out, prepared me for when he finally slid into me. He settled into a pumping rhythm that felt utterly amazing. I moved my hands up into his hair and knotted my fingers up in it, gripping onto him as he sent me wild. Just as I got used to what he was doing to me, Adam mixed it up all over again and he ran his tongue over my clit, tracing the most wonderful patterns in the word. It was too much – I didn’t know what I was doing. Adam had me in a total fucking mess.

  “Holy fuck.,” I yelled. “Oh my God, Adam.”

  I wanted to stop him. I wanted to tell him that it was all getting too much for it, but I couldn’t. He had me breathless and totally speechless. I couldn’t even snap my eyes back open long enough to do anything. I felt totally powerless to Adam in the best way possible. He had me pinned to the couch in a pool of bliss, and I didn’t want it to end.

  My head swam, my stomach bubbled, my thoughts zapped straight from my brain completely. I teetered on the edge of the desire, trying to stop myself from falling, I wanted to feel him, I wanted him inside me, but I just couldn’t stop….

  The wave crashed over me, it shattered through my body powerfully. I shuddered, I shook, I buckled under the pressure of it. Adam gripped onto my hips and kept me fixed to the couch, ensuring that I experienced every damn second of the boiling orgasm that he had racing right through me. It was phenomenal, the most amazing hot pool of bliss that I’d ever experienced, I never wanted it to end.

  But of course it did.

  It didn’t tire me out though. There was something about this orgasm that only made me even more desperate for more excitement. Without even thinking or taking a second, I yanked Adam up onto the couch and sat him down. With fumbling fingers, I unbuckled his pants and pulled them down to his thighs, taking his underwear with them. His hard cock sprung to attention which made me gasp with excitement. Every time I saw him, it sent me wild and ecstatic with happiness. I just wanted him feel him everywhere once more.

  I flicked my dress out and straddled over Adam, sliding down onto his cock. My muscles were still contracti
ng, the desire was still racing through me, and that only intensified as I felt him inside me again. I groaned and moaned with sheer bliss as he filled me.

  I grabbed onto his shoulders and pulled myself up and down, controlling the pace as I rode him. He hungrily grabbed onto the neckline of my dress and he yanked it down below my breast. Because I didn’t have the voluptuous chest that Denise did, I didn’t always have to wear a bra for which I was really grateful for right now. I liked being easily accessible to him.

  As Adam wrapped his lips around my nipple I panted loudly and picked up the pace. It was as if every inch of my body was on edge, and everything that Adam did only intensified that. His soft lips and his boiling hot tongue all over my breast was absolutely incredible.

  I could already feel another orgasm building. I couldn’t believe it – it was so quick that it almost rolled right over the other one. My whole body was on fire.

  I like him too much. I knew it with absolute certainty as the pleasure crashed over me a second time. Adam was caving to bliss, too, so he clung to me tightly and strengthened the bond between us. Everything we did together just worked and felt great. We had a wonderful friendship, we connected, and our sex life was incredible. I think he likes me, too, but it could be dangerous. I just don’t know for sure.

  I wanted to talk to him, I wanted to ask him so that I could know for absolute certainty, but I wasn’t good with sharing feelings. Not in so many words. For now I felt like I was just going to have to be content with hoping that all the little signs led up to Adam feeling the same way about me as I did him.

  Please let him feel the same way as me.

  Chapter Twenty-One



  I stretched my arm across the bed to pat the other side before even bothering to open my eyes. It was empty. I could reach much too far considering there was definitely supposed to be someone next to me. I snapped my eyes open and twisted onto one side, but the crushing blow that followed revealed that yes… I was certainly by myself.

  Even though we definitely overstepped the boundary of our working relationship last night again, I’d assumed it was what we both wanted. Lindsey seemed very willing and since there wasn’t any money exchanging hands I didn’t think it was too weird, but clearly it was far too much for her. She must run as soon as she could.

  Great…just great. I knew that my feeling for Lindsey were teetering into an incredibly dangerous territory, I assumed that it wouldn’t end well. I guess I just didn’t think it would end so quickly. She can’t stand me, obviously. What will happen now?

  I rubbed my eyes hard and glanced down towards the floor as a hard disappointment flooded me. I was tired and weary but I knew there wasn’t a chance in hell of me getting any more rest. I needed to get up, get showered, and snap back into action-

  What the…

  All of a sudden I noticed a pair of panties sitting on the floor. Some that had to belong to Lindsey. I wasn’t sure if they’d been left there as some sort of tantalizing little thrill for me, or whether it was a genuine mistake, but as I leant forward to pick them up I had the brightest smile across my face.

  Then I heard a noise coming from the other room which gave me the indication she might still be here. I padded through the hallway, barely noticing that I was completely naked until I reached the kitchen.

  “What on Earth are you doing?” I asked in a bemused tone of voice. Lindsey stood at the kitchen counter with her hair cascading down her back. She had one of my tee shirts on which was oversized on her, but barely covered her naked butt. The sight was almost enough to have me standing to attention all over again. “Are you cooking?”

  She peered over her shoulder and gave me the most adorable smile I’d ever seen. “Yes. I thought I’d make you breakfast as a nice treat.” She giggled as her eyes ran hungrily up and down me. “Don’t you want to get something on before eating? I wouldn’t want you to hurt your delicate skin with boiling bacon.”

  “I suppose so.” I was so damn glad that she’d stayed – and not just because she was cooking me something to eat. “That’s really awesome of you, though, you didn’t have to do that.”

  “I wanted to do something nice for you.”

  I didn’t know what to say to that; her words had me overwhelmed, so I spun on my heels and raced back into the bedroom. I dropped Lindsey’s panties on the bed, wondering why she didn’t mention that I had them in my hands as I spoke to her, and I grabbed the nearest clothes I could find. I grabbed some sweat pants and an old faded band tee shirt. Just before I went back into the kitchen, I also grabbed some boxer shorts for Lindsey to cover up that sexy butt of hers. If she didn’t at least get some of herself covered up, I couldn’t be responsible for my actions.

  “Oh my God, that looks delicious,” I exclaimed as I spotted the plate on the table. I chucked the boxers to her and she put them on in a hurry. “When did you learn to cook?”

  She gave me a look. “Don’t over sell it. It’s bacon and toast. You’re making me feel bad for not putting in more effort.”

  “Oh no, don’t. I don’t want that.” I took a big bite and grinned brightly at her. “It’s great, honestly.”

  I ate for a while, but I felt the prickle of Lindsey’s gaze on me the entire time. She was giving me the oddest look, almost as if she wanted to figure me out. I let her carry on like that for a while before I needed to work out what was going on.

  “What are you looking at?” I teased. “You’re giving me a look like you either want to punch me or kiss me.”

  Lindsey burst into laughter. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to look at you like that, at all. I just… I guess I’m just thinking about what I thought about you when we first met.”

  I smiled to myself. It was fair to say that the instant dislike was mutual. “Yeah, you didn’t think much of me, did you?”

  “No, I didn’t. I thought you were arrogant and rude and I assumed that you looked down on me because I didn’t have much money.”

  “I probably didn’t help that did I? With my comments about getting you a dress. I hope you see now that I was just stressed out. The thought of spending time with my father and brother was bad enough, but with a fake girlfriend who needed to impress them… That was something else.”

  “Oh, I know. It must have been really hard for you.” Her lips pouted out as her expression turned serious. “That must suck. Also, I now know about your work at the orphanage, which changes everything. You’re a good guy, Adam. I’m sorry for misjudging you.”

  “Oh it’s fine,” I exclaimed. “I misjudged you, too. I thought you were bossy and bitchy.”

  “I’m honestly never like that. I’m usually really shy and quiet. I can’t believe you thought that about me. That’s hilarious…”

  I was just about to interrupt with some silly snide remark, but a knock on the door disturbed us both. “Huh. Who’s that? I’m not expecting anyone.”

  I scraped my chair back and made my way to the front door, glad that Lindsey and I were both more dressed now and actually looked decent. I didn’t know who the company would be, but I was pretty sure they didn’t want to see us half naked.

  “Oh, Mom,” I said smilingly as the door swung open. This was the one person I didn’t mind coming around. “Hey, it’s good to see you. Come in.”

  As she walked through the house, I suddenly wondered whether or not this was the best idea. Seeing Lindsey here would reinforce the fact that we were actually dating. Much as I didn’t mind that becoming a thing, Mom thought we were months into this, not that it was brand new. I didn’t know what way it’d turn and I didn’t want her feelings to get her.

  “Ah, Lindsey.” Just as I expected. Mom was over the moon to see my “girlfriend” there, eating breakfast in minimal clothing as if it was something that happened all the time. “Great to see you. I’m glad you’re here.”

  “Oh hey, Debbie.” Lindsey jumped up to embrace my mother. She was exactly the sort of girlfriend Mom wanted in
the family, the complete opposite to Helen. “It’s great to see you, too; how are you?”

  “Oh, I wanted to come and speak to the both of you.” Mom’s hand clutched to her chest. “I feel so terrible about what happened at the barbecue, that was so awful. I never wanted things to get so out of control, I hope you know that. I should have spoken up at the time, but I didn’t want to make things worse.”

  “It isn’t your fault,” Lindsey and I insisted at the exact same time.

  “It’s honestly fine,” Lindsey continued on her own. “It was a bit of a disaster, but I hope the rest of the party went alright after we left.”

  She was so smooth, so charming, and she didn’t give into her rage like I did. I suppose it was my family, though, I’d been dealing with the issues forever. Lindsey didn’t have her family due to some tragedy from her past. Clearly, she was more forgiving than I.

  “I think that we should make it up to you, though.” Mom’s eyes flickered between me and Lindsey and I had the horrible feeling that I wasn’t going to like whatever she said next. “I’ve been talking to…the others and I think it would be nice if we could have Christmas day together. That is, unless you have other plans, Lindsey.”

  “I am not bringing Lindsey back to the house again.” My head was already shaking, my walls already up. I wasn’t going to cave to this pressure at all. I knew that Mom wanted to feel better about what had happened, but I wasn’t going to put Lindsey through any more drama.

  Something was beginning to happen between us. I wanted to explore that further, and the last thing I wanted was to involve my family any more. Lindsey had experienced enough of that shit storm.

  “That would be lovely,” Lindsey answered with a bright smile, much to my surprise. “I would love to spend Christmas with you all. Thank you very much for the offer.”


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