Billionaire's Nanny (A Billionaire Romance)

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Billionaire's Nanny (A Billionaire Romance) Page 108

by Alexa Davis

  I clung to him so tightly that eventually, Adam scooped his arms underneath me and lifted me up to carry me. I didn’t resist, I wanted to be carried. I let him take me all the way up the stairs while I nestled into him. Having that brief moment with my parents, even if it wasn’t real, reminded me how much I needed human connection.

  After they died and I finally got out of the hospital, I shut myself off from the world. I just didn’t want to talk to anyone, ever other person made me feel sick. They had their parents, they had their happy lives, and I had no one. It didn’t feel right. It wasn’t fair and that made me angry and depressed.

  I fell into acting because it allowed me to be someone else. I didn’t have to be the sad, friendless girl anymore, and thank God that happened because it allowed me to meet Denise. She asked me to move in with her when I was at my lowest ebb, and I’d been grateful to her ever since. That was why I needed her friendship so very much.

  Now I needed Adam, too. I wasn’t sure what would happen to me if it all turned out to be false.

  Adam laid me on his bed when we reached his bedroom, and I stretched myself out over his sheets. I wasn’t fully recovered from what had just happened in my dream, but I’d come to terms with the fact that I hadn’t just been through another car crash which was good. It took me a long time to get back into a car afterwards, and there was a point when I didn’t think I would again. I didn’t want to go back to that fear ever.

  “I guess we shouldn’t go for an action film again,” Adam teased while kissing me lightly on the forehead in a loving gesture. “It’s obviously a bit much for you.”

  “Yeah, yeah,” I murmured, trying to act a little more carefree than I actually felt inside. I didn’t want to freak him out with my nightmare. “It was the movie, definitely.”

  He climbed into the bed next to me and held me tight to him. I felt much safer in his arms, his touch allowed some of the memories of the nightmare to subside. Adam wanted to protect me, he wanted to look after me, and he deserved the truth.

  One day I would give it to him, but not today. I didn’t feel ready today. I felt drained. I just needed some more sleep. I just had to hope that when I went back to sleep I didn’t end up right back in the same place I was before I woke up.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  (New Year’s Eve)


  Lindsey had been on edge ever since Boxing Day. Clearly, something had disturbed her as she slept against me on my couch after our amazing day together, but I didn’t feel like I could ask her too much about it. I got the sense that it was on the tip of her tongue the entire time, but that she still wasn’t ready for that final push just yet.

  Instead of focusing on that, I was concentrating on the positive things that I could do for her. I kept doing nice things, creating a positive and happy atmosphere; for the most part I felt like it was helping.

  “You look incredible,” I said with a grin as she walked back into my living room with a navy blue long dress that swished around her ankles. “You are by far going to be the best looking woman at the New Year’s Eve party.”

  Lindsey flicked her hair over her shoulder and stuck a playful pose. “You think? What about all the women in their expensive designer gowns?”

  “You have an expensive designer gown…” I trailed off and held up my hands in a surrendering gesture as she gave me a look. “Okay, okay, I know you don’t want to show off by wearing it tonight. You’ll still look the best.”

  “It’s not that I don’t want to show off, I just don’t think it’s necessary.”

  “I know, I understand. I just think you look damn good in it, that’s all. Mind you, you also look amazing in what you’re wearing now.” I ran my eyes up and down her. “That dress fits you like a glove.”

  “I’m a bit nervous about Denise being there,” she admitted as she took a seat. “I haven’t seen her since before Christmas, and it’s all gunna be a little…”

  As she looked up at me with odd eyes, I started to get her drift. Her friend probably didn’t like me much, or at the very least our relationship. Maybe it was because of how we met. I could understand that, but I would easily prove her wrong.

  “She knows Max, though, doesn’t she?” I asked curiously. “He said they were friends in the beginning.”

  “More than friends for a while, I think.” I didn’t realize she knew about that. “But yeah. When I called her up to tell her about it, he’d already invited her.”

  Uh oh, it seemed that they were about to start hooking up again. I just hoped that didn’t get complicated and eventually get in the way. “Oh right, that should be fun. It’ll be nice to have them both there.” I hoped that Max talked me up to Denise, too, bringing her around to me.

  “Yeah, maybe.” Lindsey stared at me again with a deep question in her eyes. “Do you think your friend will like me?”

  “How could he not?” I exclaimed in shock. “Everyone likes you; you’re just about the most likable person I know. You even managed to make my dad like you, which is no mean feat.” I couldn’t believe she was even questioning this. How could she not know that she was adorable? “Don’t be silly, Lindsey. Max will love you.”

  I kissed her reassuringly and moved back towards the mirror where I fiddled with my tie for a little while longer. Lindsey mistook my hesitation for me struggling to tie it up so she came to me and she took over tying it up for me. I didn’t mind because it allowed me to glance down at her beautiful face as she concentrated.

  “I’m so lucky to be going with you tonight. I don’t think I’d be much looking forward to it if you weren’t coming with me.”

  Lindsey pushed herself up onto her tip toes and pressed her lips up against mine. My hands immediately knotted themselves up into her freshly washed and brushed hair, making it a mess. I didn’t care and as her tongue snuck between my lips and she deepened the kiss. I felt like we were in big trouble here and I liked it…


  The music thumped loudly through the hotel hall as the party found itself in full swing. I knew that Lindsey and I were later than we intended to be, for obvious reasons, but I guess I hadn’t realized just how late we would be.

  “Oh my God, Lindsey, you’re here!” A very excitable woman bounded to our sides. She had a low cut dress on that clung to her curves very well, almost to the level of being obscene. As soon as Max came to her side, I realized this had to be Denise, and I wasn’t surprised at all. This was exactly the sort of person he would like. “I can’t believe it. I haven’t seen you for so long.”

  They embraced, talking quietly to one another, and as they did Max and I nodded to each other. As a waiter walked past Max, he grabbed four flutes of champagne for us. I thanked him while I took my drink from him.

  “So, Adam, this is Denise. Denise, Adam.” Lindsey appeared shy as she introduced me to her friend. “Denise is my roommate, and my best friend, and Adam is…” She trailed off, not knowing how to define us, so I took the task right out of her hands.

  “I’m Lindsey’s boyfriend.”

  The way Lindsey grinned from ear to ear after hearing those words made it all worth it. Her cheeks turned a funny shade of pink, which reminded me of how her face looked as the pleasure consumed her. As she orgasmed, Lindsey gave herself over to the sensations completely, which made her look phenomenal. It also boosted me up because I loved knowing that it was me who made her feel that way.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Adam,” Denise replied cautiously. “I’ve heard so much about you.”

  “Oh, don’t listen to those rumors,” I joked, probably making her uncomfortable since she really didn’t like me. “I’m a nice person, really, you just need to get to know me.”

  “Oh, and I hope to.”

  I turned to introduce Max and Lindsey to one another before it got weird, but it seemed that I’d already left it too late. They were chatting away as if they’d known one another forever, and of course, Max already appeared
to adore Lindsey. Despite the first time we met when she seemed stubborn and irritating, she’d been the easiest person in the world to get along with. She just had this way of making everyone feel comfortable.

  “So, Adam.” I could tell from her tone that Denise meant business. I turned back to give her my full attention so she knew I was taking her seriously. “I have to ask what’s going on with you and Lindsey? I mean, are you really her boyfriend or is it just this game you’ve been playing where you pay her to act like she’s dating you?”

  “I know that’s how it started,” I told Denise with a grave face. “But it isn’t that anymore. I honestly didn’t think it would be possible, especially considering that we didn’t really like each other at first, but we just click.” I glanced over at Lindsey, smiling at her uncontrollably. “We just connect on this whole other level. I’ve never felt anything like it before.”

  She flung her hands onto her hips. “But you’re a bit of a playboy, aren’t you? Like Max?”

  I chuckled at her assumption, wondering why she didn’t seem to mind about Max’s reputation. “Nah, not me. Maybe once upon a time, although I’m not even sure I would count as a playboy really, but no. Not anymore. I’m a one-woman man.”

  “And, that woman is Lindsey?”

  “Yeah.” I could hear the change in my tone – it softened dramatically when I talked about her. “That woman is Lindsey.”

  “Wow.” Denise laughed loudly. “I did not think you would be able to talk me around today, but I’m starting to see that you really do care about Lindsey. I’ve warned her a lot about you, but she hasn’t listened. Now I know why.”

  That was a little awkward. I wasn’t sure what she expected me to say to that, so I blurted out the first thing that came into my mind. “Well, it’s good that she has a friend that cares so much about her.”

  “Yeah,” Denise mused. “Someone has got to. I mean, she seems okay now, but when I first met Lindsey, she was a bit of a mess. All cut up about her parents dying.” She looked at me then, all panicked. “Wait, has she told you about that? Because if not please don’t tell her that I mentioned it. She doesn’t like people knowing, she’s really private…”

  “She’s told me.” I was glad that she had, it saved Denise from feeling guilty and it also meant that Lindsey was letting me in. That touched me and also made Denise see how much she trusted me. “A while back.”

  “Wow. She does like you then.” She appeared taken aback. “She barely lets anyone in. I think the only reason she let me in is because I met her after an audition when everyone went to a bar together, that happens sometimes when jealousy doesn’t get in the way, and she got really drunk. She burst into tears, and I couldn’t just sit there and let her weep. It didn’t seem right. I caught her in a moment of weakness, and she blurted it all out. Then I just had to ask her to live with me because I wanted to help her. We’ve been friends ever since.” She ran her eyes up and down me. “I’m glad she’s found someone who actually likes her and wants to take care of her. That’s all.”

  “Well, that’s definitely me. I have no intention of hurting your friend.” I knew as I said those words that I truly did mean them. “I like Lindsey a lot – more than I ever thought possible.”

  “You work at the orphanage, right?” Still, Denise wasn’t done with me. “That’s pretty cool. I thought you should be the sort of person who only wanted to earn a lot of money, but now I can see that maybe that isn’t you. Maybe there’s more to you than that.”

  “I have money.” I shrugged. I felt a sense of pride as I talked about my work which usually I felt too afraid to feel. “It doesn’t make me happy. Not as happy as making the children smile. They need someone to look after them, and I am more than happy to be the one to do that.”

  “That’s nice, really nice.” She held her hand out to me, and I slowly took it, but I was very unsure about what was going to happen next. “Come on, let’s dance. Lindsey, Max, this won’t be a party unless we start dancing, come on.”

  I didn’t think that I’d had enough to drink, but I also wasn’t sure that I had any choice. Denise was forceful. I was dancing whether I liked it or not, and since that was the way I decided to throw myself wholeheartedly into this. I didn’t care about who was watching, I didn’t worry too much about any prying eyes or opinions, I just had some fun instead. Lindsey and the others danced the same way, which meant it was just so much fun. We laughed and acted like fools, blocking the rest of the world out.

  I felt like I was shedding the old me who cared so much about others that I hid my volunteering, I felt like I was becoming a brand new me, and damn it I really liked the new me. I felt like my old skin was gone and the person left behind was incredible. Finally, I felt happy just being me.

  Chapter Thirty



  At first I wasn’t quite ready to leave the party just before midnight, not when it felt like we were just getting into the swing of things, but Denise and Max were becoming a little unbearable, kissing like they’d forgotten they were in a room full of people, and now that we were back in Adam’s home I was glad. It felt good to ring the New Year in just me and him.

  “That was something else, wasn’t it,” I said to Adam as we crashed through the door. “I saw Denise giving you a grilling at the beginning, sorry about that by the way.”

  “Oh it’s fine.” He waved his hand dismissively. “She only cares about you, and I actually think she might like me now. I take it you didn’t get the same treatment from Max?”

  “Not at all,” I laughed. “He didn’t really ask me anything about us. He seems like quite a laid back guy.”

  “He is. It’s amazing he can run his own business so successfully really, but he does really well. He somehow makes his laid back nature work for him.”

  Before I could reply, Adam grabbed me and twisted me so I was pressed up against him. It was almost like it had been on the dance floor for some of the night where we slow danced together and my heart skipped about ten beats.

  “I’m glad we came back to ring in the New Year,” he told me. “The party was fun, but there is only one person I want to spend time with as the next year starts.”

  “Me too,” I replied breathily. “Ten,” he whispered, rocking us slowly from side to side. “Nine, eight…”

  “Are you sure it’s coming now?” I asked, to which I got a shrug and a smirk as a reply.

  “Seven, six, five.” I couldn’t help but laugh, despite the anticipation building up in my body. “Four, three.” He leaned in closer, making his next move obvious. “Two, one.”

  Then we were kissing like there was no tomorrow. And not just kissing, but kissing deeply and passionately. I molded into Adam’s body, the desire flickering deeply inside of me. Things had gone from zero to one hundred in those ten seconds, and now all I wanted was to have him inside of me. That would be the perfect way to ring in the New Year.

  “Mmmm, next year is going to be a good one, isn’t it?” Adam murmured against me, amping up the delicious pleasure deep inside of me. “Especially if I get to spend it with you.”

  That floored me. His words actually made me weak at the knees. He wanted to spend the next year with me just as I did him. “It sure is,” I agreed with him.

  Adam stepped back from me and he ran his eyes up and down my body. His intense hooded gaze sent a shiver up and down my spine. One that had me folding my arms across myself just to hold myself together.

  “You are so beautiful,” he declared proudly as he held out his hand to me. I took it, wanting to go wherever the hell he wanted me to. “I have never seen anyone that looks as good as you before.”

  Much as I knew he probably wasn’t telling the truth – there was no way I was the best looking girl that he’d ever been with, never mind seen – his words struck a chord with me.

  “You aren’t so bad yourself. Now come on, let’s go to bed.”

  Adam led me up the stairs to his bedroom,
to his bed, which was slowly becoming my favorite place in the whole world. His hand clung tightly to mine the entire time. I loved anything that built our bond and brought us closer together.

  Once we got into his room, I spun on my heels and lifted my hair off my dress so Adam could undo it for me. The sensation of his fingers brushing against my skin and the zip travelling down my body sent a hot pool of bliss spiraling around in my stomach.

  I didn’t think I was going to be able to control myself for very long.

  I turned back as the dress fell down off my body and I watched as Adam tantalizingly unbutton his shirt and stripped himself down too. Goosebumps travelled up and down my arms, but they weren’t because of the cold. They were all because of him.

  “You’re looking at me like you’re enjoying what you see,” he said with a smirk.

  “I am looking at you exactly like that.” I moved over to him, swinging my hips as I walked. “Because I’m glad that you’re finally mine.” I ran a finger down the muscles on his torso. “Now that you’ve officially declared yourself as my boyfriend, I get to keep you all to myself.”

  My heart hammered against my rib cage as I waited for him to answer. I guess in a way my little joke was a way for me to find out just how serious he was when he said that. Maybe it was just something he said to Nancy to make her like him.

  “I am your boyfriend,” he declared. “You know that, right?”

  He pushed me back until I fell back against the cold wall behind me. I gasped and tried to grip onto something behind me but it took me a moment to find something. In the end I had to raise my hands above my head to curl my fingers around a shelf, just to hold me upright.

  Adam grabbed hold of my back and he ran kisses down my body, starting from my neck and working all the way down my stomach, finally unhooking my bra to get to my nipples. As the material fluttered away and his mouth wrapped around my nipples, my back arched and I pushed my breast further between his lips. I linked my hands into his hair and kept him there while he gave me untold pleasure from this very unexpected part of my body.


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