Trail of Sin

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Trail of Sin Page 2

by Ray Gordon

  ‘I’ll be waiting for you. Make it early, about seven. And don’t let me down.’

  ‘I’ll be there, Don.’

  I finished my drink and left the pub, relieved to have escaped. Nude photographs, a website . . . What the hell did this man think I was? He thought I was a slut, I reflected as I walked home. Three men, I thought anxiously. Three men who seemed to know me and . . . A lookalike? I mused. It was highly unlikely. A lookalike with the same name? Although I was totally confused, Don had got me thinking. Two hundred pounds. That was a lot of money for a few photographs. I earned very little at the DIY store and I could have done with some extra cash. But he wanted nude photographs. Who on earth was this other girl called Ali?

  I’d worked at the DIY store all day and had earned forty pounds. Two hundred for a few photographs was incredibly tempting, but there was no way I was going to strip naked in front of a stranger wielding a camera. I was in two minds about going to Don’s studio, but I decided that I had to discover more about my lookalike. Who was she? Where did she live? I had no intention of agreeing to be photographed, and I was a little apprehensive, but I thought I might learn something about the other Ali.

  Reaching the address I looked up at the old house and wondered whether it had been converted into flats. There was only one doorbell – I couldn’t believe that Don owned the huge property. He opened the door and grinned at me, obviously pleased that I’d turned up. He was wearing jeans and a white T-shirt and seemed relaxed, even laid-back, as he invited me in, which made me feel a little easier. He talked about the photo shoot as I followed him through the hall to a back room, and I felt apprehensive again. After all, he was a complete stranger. Apart from that, he wanted to take nude photos of me. There was an old couch in the room and a camera mounted on a tripod that was surrounded by lights. But what caught my attention was a corner table littered with vibrators and dildos of various shapes and sizes.

  ‘I got your message,’ Don said, looking down at my legs. ‘That’s the first time I’ve seen you in jeans. You usually wear skirts so short that –’

  ‘What message?’ I asked him.

  ‘The one you left on my answerphone earlier. I’m really pleased that you’ve decided to go ahead with the photos.’

  ‘I didn’t leave a message,’ I murmured, realising that the other girl must have phoned him. Then, ‘Oh, maybe I did,’ I said hurriedly, not wanting to confuse the matter still further.

  ‘You can’t remember?’ Don chuckled and brushed his dark hair away from his forehead. ‘Anyway, you’re here now so get your kit off and we’ll get started.’

  ‘Have you got my address?’ I asked him. ‘I mean . . .’

  ‘You know I haven’t,’ he replied, frowning at me. ‘Are you all right, Ali? You seem to be confused.’

  ‘It’s been a long day. I . . . I’ve been forgetting things lately.’

  ‘I realise that. You’ve never given me your address. You’ve always made a point of telling me to sod off when I’ve asked you where you live.’

  ‘I’m losing my memory,’ I sighed. ‘Perhaps I’m going mad.’

  ‘You’re probably tired. You said it’s been a long day, so you’re probably tired. What have you been doing, shagging all day?’

  ‘No, no, I . . . Tell me all you know about me.’


  ‘Seriously, Don, I think I’m losing my memory.’

  ‘Fucking hell, Ali. I think you have gone mad. Tell you all I know about you?’

  ‘Where did we meet?’

  ‘Where did we meet?’ He shook his head and grimaced. ‘Are you serious?’

  ‘I’m very serious.’

  ‘We met in a bar and then I fucked you senseless in the park. Are you having me on, Ali?’

  ‘I’ll have to be honest,’ I mumbled, sitting on the couch. ‘I’ve never met you before.’

  ‘Ali, you’ve come here to do the pics. Don’t give me all this crap. You left a message earlier saying that you’d decided to go ahead with the shoot.’

  ‘Do you have my phone number?’

  ‘You changed your mobile phone, if you remember. You haven’t given me your new number. Shall we get on with this? I want to go out for a drink later, not spend the whole evening here.’

  ‘I can’t do it,’ I blurted out.

  ‘What? Christ, Ali . . . Look, there’s two hundred on the table. You agreed, for fuck’s sake. It’s only nude shots, nothing more.’

  I bit my lip as Don left the room. I didn’t know what to do. I’d made a fool of myself, got myself into a corner, and didn’t know how to get out of it. Don returned with a large gin and tonic and frowned at me again. I took the glass, knocked back the drink and then gazed at the money lying on the table. Two hundred pounds was a lot of cash, but I wasn’t going to take my clothes off.

  ‘Have you forgotten about these?’ Don asked me, grabbing a folder from a shelf. ‘Don’t say that you can’t remember the time I took these pics of you in the park.’

  I gazed at the photographs as he opened the folder – I couldn’t believe my eyes. It was me, wearing nothing but bra and panties. My hair was slightly different, and the photographs weren’t very clear, but it was definitely me. But I’d never met Don before, I hadn’t been to the park and stripped down to my underwear . . . For a moment, I honestly believed that I had gone mad. There was no denying the existence of the photographs.

  ‘I need another drink,’ I said shakily as Don closed the folder.

  ‘Come through to the kitchen,’ he told me, tossing the folder onto the shelf. ‘You do remember the park?’

  Following him through the hall, I didn’t know what to say. ‘I told you, I’ve lost my memory,’ I sighed.

  ‘All right, I’ll play along with you.’ He poured a large gin and tonic, passed me the glass and grabbed a can of beer from the fridge for himself. ‘We went to the park and I had my small camera with me. You were pissed, as usual. You took your clothes off and I took a few shots. That was when we talked about doing a proper shoot and starting a website.’

  ‘I must have been pissed,’ I said, forcing a smile. ‘I can’t remember a thing about it.’

  ‘Photographs don’t lie, Ali. Now, are we going to do this shoot or not?’

  I followed him back to the studio, feeling as confused as hell. I’d never had too much to drink, let alone got so pissed that I couldn’t remember what I’d done. And yet, the photos were there. Photographs don’t lie. Don fiddled with the camera and went on about my drinking, suggesting that I change my lifestyle before I totally messed up my head. I wasn’t mad, I decided. I was confused, but not mad. I must have had a lookalike, a double. I recalled meeting Rick in the pub and remembered his words. Are you sure you don’t have a twin sister? I couldn’t understand why I hadn’t thought about it before. I was adopted and could easily have had a twin sister. It would be one hell of a coincidence. A twin sister with the same name, living in the same town, going to the same pub . . . Was it possible?

  If that was the case, I could go ahead with the photo shoot and, if anyone recognised me in the shots, I could say it was my twin sister. Eyeing the cash on the table, I thought again that it was money for jam. I wasn’t a slut, but two hundred pounds for a few photographs really was easy pickings. Never in a million years would I have dreamed that I’d even be contemplating posing nude in front of a camera, though. There again, Don already had photos of me, or at any rate of a girl in the park who looked like me, so a few more wouldn’t matter. Still, earning two hundred pounds might be fine but my real aim was to find the other Ali.

  ‘The website,’ I began, unbuttoning my blouse. ‘Will it be . . . I mean –’

  ‘People will pay to become a member of the site,’ Don cut it. ‘Your pics will be available to members only, not to the whole world.’

  ‘I just hope my mother doesn’t see the website,’ I said softly as I slipped out of my jeans.

  ‘You’ve never mentioned your mother before. Does sh
e live locally?’

  ‘She . . . she lives up north.’

  ‘Oh, right. OK, we’ll start off with a few shots of you on the couch in your bra and panties.’

  Settling on the couch, I gazed at the camera lens as Don clicked the shutter. He told me to smile and lick my lips provocatively, and I did my best to comply. I felt awkward, uncomfortable and . . . This just wasn’t me at all. But the money was excellent and it wasn’t as if I was completely naked. As Don clicked the camera, I followed his instructions and moved about on the couch. Legs open, one foot on the couch, legs crossed . . . I quite enjoyed playing the role of a model – until he asked me to take my bra and panties off.

  ‘I have to go,’ I said, getting up from the couch and grabbing my clothes.

  ‘You’ve changed, Ali,’ Don sighed, shaking his head. ‘You used to be game for anything, but now . . .’

  ‘We’ll do another shoot some other time.’

  ‘It’ll only take five minutes, Ali. To be honest, two hundred pounds for a few underwear shots is a hell of a lot of money. Whip your bra and panties off and I’ll take no more than five minutes.’

  ‘Well, I . . .’

  ‘I’ll just change the batteries in the camera and then I’ll be ready.’

  I didn’t know what to do as he fiddled with the camera. To pose completely naked would be highly embarrassing and . . . He was right, two hundred was a silly amount to pay for a few shots of me in my bra and panties. Was I following in the footsteps of my twin sister? I wondered. She’d agreed to do it but she was a slut. Was I treading the path towards becoming a slut? I had to do it, I knew as I glanced again at the cash lying on the table. Don knew nothing about me, he didn’t have my address or phone number, so I had nothing to lose. In fact, if I stripped naked I’d be two hundred pounds the richer.

  I reached behind my back and unhooked my bra, allowing the cups to fall away from my firm breasts. Don smiled as he focused on my erect nipples rising from the darkening discs of my areolae. I was only eighteen and I had a good figure. Would he want more than photographs? I wondered as I slipped my panties down my long legs. He gazed at the sparse black hairs veiling my pussy crack and licked his lips. He believed that we’d had sex in the past. We met in a bar and then I fucked you senseless in the park. Was that what he hoped to do again?

  ‘You look great,’ he said as I sat on the couch. ‘You’ve lost weight. You look really good.’

  ‘I’m skinny,’ I murmured, trying to relax.

  ‘Your tits seem different,’ he muttered abstractedly. ‘They look smaller and much firmer.’

  ‘Not too small, I hope?’

  ‘They’re perfect, Ali. OK, lie back with your legs slightly parted.’

  Reclining, I parted my thighs a little and smiled as he took several shots. Strangely, my embarrassment faded as I parted my thighs wider and exposed the tight crack of my pussy. I was actually enjoying posing naked, but I couldn’t think why. I hoped that I was coming out of my shell but I knew in my heart that I was still a prude. I’d never had men after me before. Now I had Rick and Don and . . . How many more men would mistake me for another girl? More to the point, where would it all lead?

  I thought that it would be fun to play the role of my twin sister the next time I went to the pub. I could be more sexual, open-minded and . . . and sluttish? This was an opportunity, I decided. This was an opportunity to play the role of a slut and have some fun. I’d be Ali the prude by day and Ali the slut at night. The notion excited me. When I was Ali the slut, I could tell people about my prudish sister. When I was Ali the innocent, I could slag off my sluttish sister.

  Feeling more confident now, I followed Don’s instructions and opened my thighs wide. He took more photographs and, since I was Ali the slut, I parted my pussy lips for him and exposed my vaginal hole. He grinned and praised me, saying that now I was the dirty Ali he knew and loved. He took the camera off the tripod and knelt between my feet to take some close-up shots of my yawning pussy. My stomach somersaulted and I felt my clitoris swell and my juices flow as my libido heightened. This wasn’t me at all, but I was gripped by excitement and arousal.

  ‘That’s more like it,’ Don said, with a chuckle. ‘I don’t know what happened to you earlier but you’re back to normal now. We’re going to make a fortune, Ali.’

  ‘I hope so,’ I said, smiling at him as he took a close-up photo of my erect clitoris.

  He finally placed the camera back on the tripod and knelt again before me. ‘What happened to you earlier?’ he asked me. ‘Surely you didn’t really lose your memory?’

  ‘I was playing about,’ I replied. ‘I do have a twin sister and I’ve been having fun with some friends, making out that I’m her.’

  ‘I assume she’s nothing like you, then? Apart from your looks, I mean.’

  ‘We’re identical twins but she’s a prude.’

  ‘Fuck me, Ali. You had me going earlier. I really thought you’d lost the plot.’

  ‘Sorry about that – I was just having a laugh. My sister went into the pub the other evening and a friend of mine thought she was me. Apparently, he asked her whether she still shaved her pussy and she was shocked.’

  ‘I’ll bet she was. Actually, that’s an idea. Why don’t you shave your pussy for the next photo shoot? The website punters will love it.’

  ‘OK,’ I said, my excitement rising as I imagined posing with my bald pussy on show. ‘Right, I’d better be going. I have things to do this evening.’

  ‘No quick fuck, then?’ Don asked.

  ‘Well, I . . .’

  He parted my knees, moved forward and kissed the swollen lips of my pussy. It had been so long since I’d had sex, but I didn’t want to go with a man I’d only just met. The feel of his wet tongue running up and down my crack sent quivers through my young womb and I thought again of the other Ali. What would she have done? I wondered. I knew very well what she’d have done, so I opened my legs wide and gave Don better access to the most private part of my teenage body.

  If I was to embark on a game of playing the role of my twin sister, then I had to behave like her. Although I’d never met her and knew nothing about her, I did know that she was a slut. The game might be dangerous, I mused as Don parted my fleshy vaginal lips and licked the sensitive tip of my erect clitoris. Dangerous – but extremely exciting. As Don sucked my clitoris into his hot mouth and drove a finger deep into my contracting vagina, I felt my heart race and my hands tremble. It had been so long since I’d been loved, I reflected again. But I knew that this wasn’t love. This was cold sex for the sake of sex.

  ‘You taste as good as ever,’ Don murmured. ‘I’d like to meet your sister and give her a good licking.’

  ‘There’s no way she’d let you do that,’ I said. ‘She’s never taken her knickers off for a man.’

  ‘I’d still like to meet her, Ali.’

  ‘Maybe I’ll arrange something.’

  His tongue delved deep into my contracting vagina and I thought it might be fun if Don met Ali the prude. But I was losing sight of my quest. Playing games would be entertaining, but first I had to meet the other Ali. I’d ask my mother about her, I decided, closing my eyes as my clitoris pulsated and my juices squelched with the beautiful fingering of my tight vagina. I hoped that I was about to experience my first orgasm. To my delight I found that now I was able to relax and let go. That was the answer, I thought as Don slid a second finger into my yearning vagina. Playing the role of my twin, I realised that I could loosen up and allow my pleasure to come.

  Don slipped his fingers out of my pussy and, before I knew what was happening, he had thrust his solid penis deep into my hot sheath. I gasped, opening my eyes to stare at his veined shaft as he withdrew and thrust into me again. What the hell was I doing? I wondered as Don pushed my knees further apart and repeatedly drove his rock-hard shaft deep into my contracting vagina. The game wasn’t a good idea, I thought, suddenly panic-stricken: I didn’t want a stranger screwing me, I didn�
�t want –

  ‘You’re so tight and hot,’ Don breathed, his dark eyes shining with lust. ‘I’ll bet your virgin sister is even tighter. I’d love to force my cock into her snug cunt and fuck her senseless.’

  ‘She’d never allow you,’ I murmured. ‘Ali would never do that.’

  My clitoris was being massaged by his thrusting shaft and I could feel the birth of my orgasm building within my contracting womb. I needed an orgasm, I thought as Don gasped and increased his shafting rhythm. My lower stomach rose and fell as his cock repeatedly thrust into my spasming vagina. My naked body went rigid and I let out a cry as my pioneering climax erupted within my pulsating clitoris. I could feel Don’s sperm gushing, flooding my tight vagina as his swinging balls battered the rounded cheeks of my bottom. In the grip of my amazing ecstasy, I shook uncontrollably as my eyes rolled and my pulsating clitoris transmitted wave after wave of pleasure deep into my pelvis.

  Never had I experienced such arousal, such immense pleasure, as my naked body rocked with the beautiful thrusting of Don’s penis. His sperm overflowed from my quim, splattering my inner thighs, and I thought that I’d never come down from my sexual heaven as my orgasm reached new heights. My vagina rhythmically contracted, sucking the sperm from Don’s throbbing knob, and I basked in the pleasure flooding through my teenage body.

  My orgasm finally faded and I watched as Don slipped his deflating penis out of my sperm-drenched vagina and sat back on his heels. I gazed at the spunk oozing from my gaping vaginal entrance and realised that I’d behaved like a common whore, a slut. I might only have been playing the role of the other Ali, but I couldn’t come to terms with the fact that I’d allowed a virtual stranger to fuck me. I must have been crazy, I thought, leaping to my feet and grabbing my clothes. I dressed hurriedly, just wanting to go home and forget the sordid incident.

  ‘How about tomorrow?’ Don asked me. ‘About the same time?’

  ‘No,’ I answered, moving to the door. ‘I’m . . . I’m busy tomorrow.’

  ‘OK – give me a ring when you’re free.’


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