Trail of Sin

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Trail of Sin Page 16

by Ray Gordon

  ‘Could you take me there now?’ I asked him before knocking back my drink.

  ‘Well, I suppose so. I don’t want to be too long, though. I’m meeting a girl in here later.’

  ‘Barnham Road isn’t far,’ I persisted.

  ‘Look after that,’ Mick said to the barman, pointing to his beer. ‘I’ll be back in five.’

  I followed him out of the pub, knowing that I was going to have to be careful. If the other Ali discovered that I was renting Mick’s flat . . . I didn’t even know Mick, I thought as we turned the corner into Barnham Road. I didn’t know what his relationship with Ali was or anything else about him. I went after him through the front door of a Victorian house and waited in the hallway while he picked up some letters and fumbled for a key. He opened the door to the ground-floor flat and ushered me inside.

  ‘This is it,’ Mick said, leading me into the lounge and switching on the light. ‘There are two bedrooms, a kitchen, bathroom and toilet, and this is the lounge. Oh, and the back garden is yours. The people upstairs have the front garden.’

  ‘It’s really nice,’ I said quietly, looking around the large room. ‘The thing is . . .’

  ‘Don’t worry about a deposit, Ali. Just give me a month’s rent up front.’

  ‘No, it’s not that.’ I sat down on the sofa. I knew that I had to be honest with Mick. ‘I’m not Ali,’ I blurted out.

  ‘How many drinks have you had?’ he asked me, laughing as he joined me on the sofa. ‘So who are you? Mary? Jane?’

  ‘No, no . . . just listen to me.’

  I told him everything. From Ali the prude to Ali the slut, from my being on the game with Jackie to my not wanting to meet the other Ali . . . I told Mick everything, and he said nothing until I’d finished. I thought that I’d blown it as he left the sofa and paced the lounge floor. Holding his hand to his head, he looked at me and opened his mouth now and then as if he was about to say something. Then he shook his head and stood in front of me. I smiled and twisted my long blonde hair nervously around my fingers as he gazed down at me. Finally I could take no more and broke the silence.

  ‘Well?’ I said. ‘Say something.’

  ‘Fuck me,’ Mick muttered. ‘Identical twins? I can’t believe how alike you both are.’

  ‘Believe it or not, it’s true.’

  ‘OK, well . . . Do you want the flat or not?’

  ‘Yes, if you don’t mind letting it to a stranger.’

  ‘I don’t feel that you’re a stranger, Ali. This is incredible. Right, so . . . As you said, you don’t want the other Ali to know that you’re here. That’s not a problem. There’s no need for me to tell anyone who’s renting the place. If you’re on the game with your friend . . . that’s nothing to do with me. Er . . . have you got five hundred?’

  ‘Not quite, but I will have in a day or so.’

  ‘OK, that’s fine. When do you want to move in? I suppose you’ll want to show your friend first?’

  ‘No, no, she’ll be fine with the flat. I should have the money by –’

  ‘Here’s the key,’ Mick said. ‘You move in when you like and I’ll be round at the weekend for the cash.’

  ‘Great,’ I said, taking the key. ‘Wow, I can hardly believe it.’

  ‘Neither can I,’ he murmured. ‘You and Ali are so alike, it’s weird. Anyway, she won’t know anything about this. I’d better show you round.’

  As I followed Mick to the kitchen I couldn’t believe my luck. I hoped that Jackie would be up for it and wondered what I was going to say to my parents. I’d have to lie to them, but I was becoming used to that. The bedrooms were lovely, and I knew that I’d made the right decision as Mick talked about the electricity and gas meters. It was a lot of money to find each month, but Jackie and I would be earning ten times that amount between us.

  I finally left the flat and decided to go home. Mick had a girl to meet and I wanted to talk to my parents and phone Jackie. This was meant to be, I reflected as Mick returned to the pub and I walked home. Jackie had suggested getting a flat, I’d met Mick and told him the truth . . . This was meant to be. All I had to do now was talk to my parents. And I didn’t think that would be easy.


  I’D TALKED TO my parents for two hours and had got to bed late. They’d questioned me, and I’d lied. I’d said that the flat belonged to a friend and the rent was only two hundred a month. I hadn’t had the courage to tell them that I was leaving university so I said that I’d be going back at the end of the summer holiday. At first they’d seemed suspicious and upset, but I thought that they were basically all right with the idea.

  Dad had gone to work and mum was out when I finally crawled out of bed. This was going to be an interesting day, I thought as I stepped into the shower. I washed my hair, and my cunt, in readiness to sell my young body for sex. My cunt, I thought. My cunt was a commodity, something to be sold to earn me money. I laughed as I stepped out of the shower and dried myself. I could sell my cunt time and time again, and yet it would still be mine. I was just hiring it out, I mused happily.

  I got dressed in a knee-length skirt and discreet blouse and thought that I’d better ring Jackie. She was keener than ever about the flat and wanted to meet me there within half an hour. I agreed, and told her to bring money with her. We needed five hundred pounds within two days, so we were going to have to work hard – fuck hard. Jackie said that she’d go shopping and stock up on food. She also said that she’d found a new client, and that she’d tell me about it later.

  I arrived at the flat in a taxi to find Jackie waiting on the doorstep surrounded by carrier bags of food and drink. The taxi driver dumped my things on the path, and I knew that we had a lot of work ahead of us. My clothes alone would take an age to put away, but I had all day. Jackie was wearing just jeans and a T-shirt, but she still looked incredibly sexual. We kissed before going into the flat, and I knew that we’d be christening our new home before the day was out. As I showed her round the place, she talked about her mum. What with her father moving out and then Jackie leaving home, her mother wasn’t happy. Birds have to fly the nest at some stage, I thought, hoping that my mother was going to be all right. After we put the food away in the kitchen we got round to talking about money and pooled our cash. We had over four hundred pounds between us.

  ‘We’re going to have to work,’ I said as Jackie made two cups of coffee.

  ‘I have a new client,’ she said proudly. ‘He’s in his early twenties and he’s loaded.’

  ‘That sounds good,’ I said, smiling at her as she placed a coffee on the table in front of me. ‘When does he want to see us?’

  ‘He’s going to phone. I gave him your number, seeing as it’s the business number. His name’s Terry.’

  ‘Well, let’s hope he calls soon. Where did you meet him?’

  ‘In the street.’

  ‘Jackie, you . . . you didn’t just go up to a stranger in the street?’

  ‘He came up to me. I was standing on a corner and he –’

  ‘That’s soliciting,’ I cut in. ‘You are naughty.’

  ‘I wasn’t looking for a client. He must have assumed that I . . . anyway, he said that he’d phone.’

  ‘Well, let’s just hope that he’s all right. I’d better put my things away. What about your stuff? Why didn’t you bring it round?’

  ‘My mum’s dropping my things round later. Oh, do you have a key?’

  ‘I only have one but I’ll get another cut. So, Jackie, it was only yesterday that you suggested we get a flat and here we are.’

  ‘It’s a lovely place. I can’t believe how lucky we are.’

  We talked about the flat and the things we’d need and decided which of the bedrooms each of us would have. I knew that we’d be sharing a bed more often than not, but we’d need our own rooms. I didn’t want our clients calling at the flat, and Jackie agreed, but that was going to create problems. Visiting John and his friends would be fine, but not all clients would welcome us a
t their homes – especially if they were married.

  It felt strange being in my own flat with Jackie. It wasn’t at all like home but I was sure that we’d be fine after a few weeks. I’d miss my bedroom, I thought as Jackie took a bottle of cleaner from the cupboard and sprayed the worktops. I’d also miss my mother, not least because she washed and ironed and cooked . . . But the way Jackie was polishing the sink and cleaning the cupboard doors, I hoped that she was into housework. It certainly looked that way.

  ‘Are you any good at cooking?’ I asked her as she loaded the dishwasher with just about everything in sight.

  ‘Good enough,’ she replied. ‘I suppose you want the kitchen to be my domain?’

  ‘Well, it would be nice. I’m not really into –’

  ‘I know you’re not, Ali,’ she cut in, with a giggle. ‘I remember that time you made a birthday cake for your mum. God, what a mess you made of it. The cake ended up in the bin and the kitchen looked like a bomb had hit it.’

  ‘That’s settled, then,’ I said happily. ‘I’ll run the business, work out the money and pay the bills and stuff. Obviously, we’ll only take cash from the clients. We’ll pool the money and I’ll deal with the finances.’

  ‘That’s sounds good to me, especially as I’m useless with money. Ali, I don’t think we should tell anyone that we live here. Our friends, I mean.’

  ‘I agree. The last thing we want is a stream of visitors. This is our home, our lust nest.’

  ‘Our love nest?’ she asked softly, locking her dark-eyed gaze to mine.

  ‘Yes, yes – our love nest.’

  Jackie’s mother dropped her things off and Jackie and I spent the day organising the flat. We finally flopped onto the sofa with a bottle of wine. Raising our glasses, we toasted our new home – and our new business venture. Jackie suggested that we should go to the pub, but I declined. The last thing I wanted was to bump into Barry or one of the other men, not to mention Ali the slut. Jackie was right, we needed to find some new clients. But not in our local pub.

  ‘Hello,’ I said, answering my mobile.

  ‘Is that Ali?’ a male voice asked.


  ‘Jackie gave me your number. My name’s Terry.’

  ‘Ah, yes, she did mention you. How can we help you?’

  ‘I would have thought that was obvious,’ Terry said, with a chuckle. ‘Seriously, she said that you’d give me your price list, if I can call it that?’

  ‘OK, so what are you looking for? Anything in particular?’

  ‘Just a wank,’ he replied unashamedly.

  ‘Is that all?’

  ‘To begin with, yes. I’m short of money, but at the end of the month . . . Are you free this evening?’

  ‘Yes, we’re both free. Where would you like us to meet you?’

  ‘Can’t I come round to you?’

  ‘No, we don’t work from home. We’ll meet you in the park by Lenox Road in, say, half an hour?’

  ‘Yes, that’s fine. But . . . how much?’

  ‘As you’re short of cash at the moment, I’ll make it thirty.’

  ‘Oh, er . . .’

  ‘Is that all right?’

  ‘It’s a bit more than I’d expected.’

  ‘I can’t drop the price any lower,’ I sighed, winking at Jackie. ‘Two girls, four hands . . . we do a good job, Terry.’

  ‘I’m sure you do. OK, that’s fine. So, you’ll both be there?’

  ‘Yes. Cash up front, of course.’

  ‘Right, I’ll be there.’

  I looked at Jackie and grinned. Thirty pounds wasn’t a great deal of money, but it would all add up. Besides, it would only take ten minutes or so. Jackie seemed happy enough and, as she pointed out, thirty pounds covered half the shopping she’d bought. We changed before leaving the flat because I thought we’d look better in miniskirts than in jeans. Chatting excitedly about our new business venture, we headed for the park. The sun was still shining as we reached our destination and I began to wonder what we were going to do during the winter months. I didn’t fancy the prospect of getting laid in the snow.

  Jackie pointed Terry out as he walked towards us across the grass. He looked younger than I’d imagined him, and I wondered why he didn’t have a girlfriend. His hair was dark and he was wearing blue jeans and a T-shirt and he wasn’t unattractive, so why did he have to pay for a wank? He must have had his reasons, I reckoned as Jackie introduced us. We led him into the woods and found a nice spot behind some bushes where he passed me the cash. Easy money, I thought happily as he unbuckled his belt and dropped his jeans.

  ‘Nice,’ Jackie breathed, kneeling in front of him and stroking the solid shaft of his cock.

  ‘Will you become a regular?’ I asked him, joining Jackie on the ground.

  ‘Well, when I can afford it,’ Terry replied. ‘I don’t have a girlfriend so . . . I work all hours and it’s not easy.’

  ‘I understand,’ I said, looking up and smiling at him. ‘That’s what we’re here for. Don’t worry, we’ll look after you.’

  Terry gasped as I cupped his heavy balls and Jackie moved his fleshy foreskin slowly back and forth over his swollen glans. We wanted to give him his money’s worth so we took it slowly. He was good-looking and his cock was pretty big, and I thought that he’d be a nice catch for some girl or other. But, whatever his reasons, he had come to us for satisfaction. As I kneaded his full balls and Jackie rubbed her thumb over the smooth surface of his purple knob, I thought how sad it was that he had to pay for a wank. There again, it was just as well.

  ‘How much extra for a blow job?’ he asked us.

  ‘Well . . .’ Jackie began. She looked at me and winked. ‘What do you think?’

  ‘Give us another ten,’ I said. Although I was tempted to do it for the same price, I was in business to make money and wasn’t going to do him any favours. ‘Two mouths for forty pounds is cheap,’ I added.

  ‘OK,’ he said, bending over and tugging out a note from his jeans pocket.

  I took the money and ran my wet tongue up and down his rock-hard shaft as Jackie licked his rolling balls. He gasped again, thinking – I hoped – that his money had been well spent. I had no idea what other prostitutes charged and I was basically playing it by ear. Once we were up and running properly with a list of regular clients, I’d know what I could get away with. I was running a business, and there was no way I was going to cut my prices.

  Terry looked down and watched as Jackie and I kissed each other with his swollen knob sandwiched between our wet lips. As our tongues snaked over the velveteen surface of his knob, meeting now and then as we licked and slurped, our stares locked and we both knew that we wanted each other. It was amazing to think that we were being paid for pleasuring ourselves and I thought it was unfair that men had to resort to prostitutes. If a girl wanted sex, all she had to do was go to the pub and find a young man. Unfair though it was, I wasn’t complaining.

  ‘I’m coming,’ Terry announced as Jackie and I licked and sucked his bulbous knob and wanked his solid shaft.

  ‘We’ll both drink your spunk,’ I whispered huskily.

  ‘We’ll suck out your spunk and swallow it all,’ Jackie said, her crude words adding to his pleasure.

  His beautiful knob once more sandwiched between our full lips, his spunk jetting, we sucked and slurped and swallowed hard as he let out a low moan of pleasure. His cream splattered my face and dribbled down my chin as Jackie and I engulfed his throbbing knob in our hot mouths and he mumbled his crude words about giving teenage girls a facial. We sucked and drank until he crumpled and his knob began to deflate, and then we kissed and licked the cream from each other’s faces.

  ‘You two are amazing,’ Terry said as he tugged his jeans up. His words drifted over my head as I kissed Jackie and probed her spermed mouth with my tongue. I felt my clitoris swell and my juices of lesbian desire flow into the tight crotch of my knickers. ‘Are you lesbians?’ he asked us. We finally stood up, wiped our mou
ths on the backs of our hands and smiled at him.

  ‘Was that all right for you?’ Jackie asked him.

  ‘It was amazing,’ Terry said, grinning. ‘Are you lesbians?’ he asked again.

  ‘We can be anything you want us to be,’ I replied.

  ‘You mean, you’d do a real lesbian show for me?’

  ‘Of course.’

  ‘How much? I mean, not now but . . . how much?’

  ‘Wait until the end of the month when you get your money,’ Jackie said. ‘You have our number, so ring us when you get paid.’

  ‘Yes, yes, I will. Right, well . . . thanks very much. I’ll ring you, OK?’

  ‘OK,’ I said, smiling at him.

  We waited until Terry had gone before we headed home. Jackie chatted about the money we’d earned and repeatedly asked me how much we should charge for a lesbian show. But I was more interested in making sure that we weren’t being followed. Jackie was even newer to the game than I was and obviously didn’t worry about being followed. I had a bit more experience, I thought, looking over my shoulder every now and then.

  ‘It’s this way,’ she said as we reached the end of our road. ‘Where are you going?’

  ‘Round the block,’ I replied. ‘I thought I saw someone following us. It was probably nothing, but we can’t be too careful. I don’t think we should go straight home.’

  ‘Oh, right. I know you don’t want to go to the pub, but . . . how about going to that wine bar in the High Street?’

  ‘Good idea,’ I said. ‘You’re probably thinking that I’m paranoid, but . . .’

  ‘No, not at all. I mean, anyone could follow us and find out where we live.’

  There were only half a dozen people in the wine bar, which pleased me. Hoping that Ali the slut didn’t use the place, I ordered two spritzers and led Jackie to a secluded corner table. She sipped her drink, smiled at me and said that I was the boss. She was right, I thought happily. One of us had to run the business and deal with the finances, and I preferred it to be me. Jackie had always been hopeless with money and, seeing as she was brilliant in the kitchen, we made a good team.


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