by Juan Zarate
———. “Prepared Remarks to Florida Bankers Association,” February 9, 2005.
———. “Prepared Remarks to Islamic Society of North America’s Sixth Annual Education Event,” March 25, 2005.
———. “Securing the Financial System Against Rogue Capital.” Keynote Address for Investment Company Institute, November 10, 2003.
———. Testimony Before the House Armed Services Committee, “Al-Qa’ida in 2010: How Should the US Respond?” January 27, 2010.
———. Testimony Before the House Financial Services Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, February 16, 2005.
———. Testimony Before the House Financial Services Subcommittees on Domestic and International Monetary Policy, Trade and Technology, and Oversight and Investigations, September 30, 2004.
———. Testimony Before the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Subcommittee on Terrorism, Nonproliferation, and Trade, “Financial Hardball: Corralling Terrorists and Proliferators,” April 6, 2011.
———. Testimony Before the House International Relations Financial Subcommittee on the Middle East and Central Asia, March 24, 2004.
———. Testimony Before the Senate Caucus on International Narcotics Control, March 4, 2004.
———. Testimony Before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, March 18, 2003.
———. Testimony Before the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, November 15, 2004.
Abacha, Sani, 355
Abbottabad (Pakistan), 362, 397
Abdullah, Crown Prince (later King), 67
attempted assassination of, 107
on terrorist financing, 73–75, 78
ABN Amro, 302
Abqaiq (Saudi Arabia), 398
Abrams, Elliott, 156, 291
Abu Dhabi Declaration on Hawala, 95–96
Adams, Tim, 16, 134–135, 138
Aden (Yemen), 18
Afghan Threat Finance Cell, 196
Afghanistan, 370, 388, 389
Al Qaeda in, 17, 70, 113
bin Laden in, 42
Finance Ministry of, 97, 100
and hawalas, 94, 97–101
mineral wealth of, 394
and mujahideen financing, 68, 70, 84–85
Soviet Union in, 17, 68, 84, 120
Taliban in, 16–17, 79, 116, 197
and terrorist financing, 15, 81, 116, 304
African Union, 363
Agency for International Development (AID), 100, 430
Ahmad, Najmuddin Faraj. See Krekar, Mullah
Ahmadinejad, Mahmoud, 327, 338, 341–342
Alabama, 204
al-‘Ajmi, ‘Ali Hasan ‘Ali, 82–83
Alamoudi, Abdurahman Muhammad, 208
and Al Qaeda, 108
and assassination plot, 107
as cash courier, 105–108
political views of, 107–108
Albania, 81, 299
al-Aqil, Sheikh Aqeel Abdulaziz, 72, 76
al-Assad, Bashar (and regime of), 86, 156–157, 354, 366
assets of, 352–354
and Iran, 350
and Lebanon, 191, 193–194
opposition to, 355
Al Barakaat Foundation, 81
Al Barakaat network, 37–39, 362
al-Dulaimi, Khalaf, 194–195
Alexander, Keith, 405, 407
al-Fadl, Jamal, 80
Algeria, 164
Algiers Accords, 24, 287
al-Hamzi, Nawaf, 20, 85
Al Haramain Foundation, 72–73, 75–76, 77
al-Hassan, Wissam, 194
al-Hawsawi, Mustafa Ahmad, 20
Al Jazeera, 425
al-Jubeir, Adel, 74, 370
al-Kassar, Manzar (aka “Prince of Marbella”), 368, 378
al-Khawar, Abdallah Ghanim Mafuz Muslim, 82
al-Kuwari, Salim Hasan Khalifa Rashid, 82
Allianz, 335
Al Manar cable station, 358
al-Mihdhar, Khalid, 20, 85
al-Otari, Muhammad Naji, 157
Alperovitch, Dmitri, 406
al-Qadi, Yasin, 81
Al Qaeda, 116, 197, 207, 288, 348, 430–431
attacks on Saudi Arabia, 76
budget of, 2, 362
and cash couriers, 102, 104, 108
funding of, 19–20, 36, 37–38, 42–43, 51, 69–70, 78–80, 86, 90–91, 110–111, 127, 199
and Golden Chain list, 80, 82
and hawalas, 94–95
in Iran, 364
in Iraq, 113–114, 194–196, 362, 365
and Jemaah Islamiyah, 63
and kidnapping, 363
and money transfers, 62–63, 71–72
and Muslim Brotherhood, 427
and 9/11, 8, 19–20, 362
in Pakistan, 364–365, 366
pensions of, 1
sanctions against, 7, 12
and SWIFT, 59
as target of OFAC, 26
and UN, 33
Al Qaeda and Associated Movements (AQAM), 362, 364–365, 367
Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), 78
and Operation Hemorrhage, 397–398
Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), 362–363, 365
al-Qaradawi, Sheikh Yusuf, 427
Al Quds Intifada, 86–87
al-Rahman, Atiyah Abd, 82, 366
al-Rajhi, Suleiman, 80
al-Rifai, Ghassan, 157
al-Saud, Prince Nayef bin Abdulaziz, 74, 77, 87
Al Shabaab, 363–365, 431
al-Suweidi, Sultan, 95, 96
Al Taqwa network, 40
al-Tikriti, Barzan, 187
Al Wasel & Babel, 186
al-Yazid, Mustafa (aka Sheikh Said), 42–43
al-Zarqawi, Abu Mus’ab, 113, 114
al-Zawahiri, Ayman, 42, 43, 79
on Islamic charities, 71
and terrorist financing, 82
Amazon, 430
American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), 338
American Muslim Council (AMC), 105
American Muslim Foundation (AMF), 105–106
Amman (Jordan), 182–183, 189
Amsterdam (Netherlands), 311
Angola, 119, 149
Annan, Kofi, 192
Ansar al-Islam (AI), 112
Ansar al-Sunnah (AS). See Ansar al-Islam
Arab Bank PLC, 148
Arab League, 87
summit meetings of, 107
and Syria, 354, 355
Arabian Gulf, 36, 65
Aramco, 410
Argentina, 117, 400
Arian Bank, 306
Arizona (US), 276
Armenia, 303
Armitage, Richard, 228, 250
Arms Export Control Act, 306
Asaluyeh (Iran), 334
Ashcroft, John, 31
Asher, David, 228–231, 236, 237, 245
Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), 64
Asia Wealth Bank, 155
Asian Clearing Union (ACU), 339
Assange, Julian, 430
Atlantic, The, 394, 409
AT&T, 367
Aufhauser, David, 26, 135, 143
and financial intelligence, 46
and policy coordination committees, 39
on Saudi Arabia, 83
and SWIFT, 51–54, 56–58
and white paper on restructuring Treasury, 201–202, 205
Aum Shinrikyo, 23
Australia, 233
Austria, 233, 241
Aviatrans Anstalt, 188
Azadegan development project (Iran), 337
Aziz Ali, Ali Abdul, 20
Aziz, Tariq, 181
Baasiri, Muhammad, 164
Bad Bank Initiative, 146, 148, 211
and Iran, 290
and money-laundering concerns, 153, 159
and North Korea, 225, 226, 230
and reputational risk, 147, 150–153
Baghdad (Iraq), 169–170, 350
Baghdad Internat
ional Airport, 180
Bahamas, 40
Bahrain, 90, 183
and FATF, 164
and Iran, 304, 307
Balkans, 79, 177, 236, 387
Banca d’Italia
and SWIFT, 49
Banco Delta Asia (BDA), 333, 360
and Bad Bank Initiative, 226–227
and North Korea, 225–226, 230–232, 235, 237, 239–240, 242–246, 249, 251–258, 261–262, 264–265, 267, 291, 299, 323
See also North Korea and counterfeiting, North Korea and Section 311
Banco Internacional de Desarollo, CA, 304
Bandar Abbas (Iran), 334
Bandar Khomeini (Iran), 334
Bandar, Prince, 74,
and relationship with US, 84–86
Bangkok (Thailand), 122
Bank Kargoshee, 304
Bank Markazi, 290, 313, 315, 371
and Section 311, 332–333, 335
Bank of America, 406, 410
and Al Qaeda, 20
Bank of Canada, 49
Bank of China (Macau), 226, 240, 242
Bank of Credit and Commerce (BCCI), 61, 129, 145–146
Bank of England, 49, 171
Bank of Japan, 49
Bank of Russia, 161, 162
Bank Melli, 289–290, 304, 307
Bank Melli Iran ZAO, 304
Bank Mellat, 289–290, 303, 307
Bank Saderat, 289–290, 291, 303, 307
and Bad Bank Initiative, 290
and Executive Order 13224, 303
and Hezbollah, 358
Bank Secrecy Act (1970), 18, 30
Bank Sepah, 289–290, 303, 332
Bank Sepah International PLC, 303
Bankers Trust, 313
Banque de France, 49
Barakat, Assad Ahmad, 117–119, 358
Barakat Import Export Ltd., 117–118
Bartlett, Dan, 270
Barzashka, Ivanka, 351
Basham, Ralph, 134
Basque terrorists, 23
Baxter, Tom, 167, 232, 264
Beijing (China), 249
and North Korea, 220, 226, 227, 254, 258, 260, 262–263, 266, 323
Beirut (Lebanon), 90, 409
Hezbollah in, 119, 190, 289–290, 361
and Iran, 289–290, 333, 360
and Iraq, 174, 181, 182, 189–192
Belarus, 158, 162, 375, 398, 400
Belgium 120
Benevolence International Foundation (BIF), 79
Benghazi (Libya), 344
Bernanke, Ben, 404
Biden, Joe, 111
bin Abdulaziz, Prince Salman, 87
bin Laden, Osama, 23, 116, 397
and Bosnia, 79
death of, 90
finances of, 36, 37, 42–43, 110, 362, 363
and Saudi Arabia, 86
and South America, 118
in Sudan, 60
bin Mahfouz, Khalid, 80
bin Nayef (MbN), Prince Muhammad
attempted assassination of, 78
and counterterrorism, 77–78
bitcoin (BTC), 395–396
Black, Cofer, 40–41
and bin Laden, 60, 62
Black Market Peso Exchange, 359
Blackstone, 390
Blair, Tony, 111
Bodman, Sam, 143, 234
Boko Haram, 363, 365
Bollywood, 115
Bolten, Josh, 271
Bombay Stock Exchange, 115
Bond, James, 249
Bonner, Rob, 34–35, 134
bonyads (charitable foundations), 293
Bosnia, 72, 76, 87
and Al Qaeda financing, 79
Bout, Viktor (aka “Merchant of Death”), 119–123, 368, 378
and Air Bas, 120
and Air Cess, 120
Brandbergen Mosque, 113
Braun, Michael “Mike,” 122, 197, 368
Brazil, 117, 118, 400
Brennan, John, 380–381
Bretton Woods, 399
Bridgeman, Mike, 184
British Petroleum (BP), 337, 403
Brothers’ Circle, 376, 381
Bruelhart, René, 188
Bruguière, Jean-Louis, 278, 279
Brussels (Belgium)
as SWIFT headquarters, 54, 56, 270, 274, 279, 284
Buckles, Brad, 134
Budapest (Hungary), 380
Buddy Bank Initiative, 165–167, 426
Bulgaria, 113
Bunning Jim, 276
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF), 18, 26
and Department of Homeland Security, 128, 130–132
Bureau of Engraving and Printing, 223
Bureau of Intelligence and Research (INR), 228
Burma (Myanmar), 158, 172, 241, 322, 389
money laundering in, 155
Burns, R. Nicholas, 296–299
Burns, William, 264
Bush, George W. (and administration of), 216
and Alamoudi, 107
and Department of Homeland Security, 128–131
and Executive Order 13315, 170, 186
and Executive Order 13382, 214–215, 305, 306, 307, 354
and Iran, 295–296, 305, 313, 316, 330
on kleptocracy, 198–197
National Money Laundering Strategy of, 19
and National Strategy to Internationalize Efforts Against Kleptocracy, 198
on 9/11, 19
and North Korea, 224, 228, 232, 249, 253, 262, 264, 266
and organized crime, 376–380
and Proliferation Security Initiative (PSI), 211
and Russia, 160
and SWIFT, 275, 277, 281, 285
and Syrian Accountability Act, 156–157
and terrorist financing executive order (EO 13224), 147
Cairo, 427
Cairo University, 105
Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations (Deposits and Consignments Fund), 391
Calame, Byron, 278
California (US), 235
Cameron, Art, 204–206
Camorra, 381
Canada, 380
Capone, Al, 34, 118, 176, 376
Caracas (Venezuela), 375
Card, Andrew, 131
Carter, Jimmy (and administration of)
and Iran sanctions, 24, 287
Casa Apollo, 117–118
cash couriers, 15, 36, 93, 102–105, 365
Caterpillar, 339
Cedel International, 311
Center for a New American Security, 394
Centrafrican Airlines, 120
Central Bank of Iran. See Bank Markazi
Central Bank of Iraq, 172, 173, 362
and asset recovery, 175–176, 178, 180, 185
looting of, 169–170, 176, 179
and record keeping, 179
Central Bank of Jordan, 182
Central Bank of Lebanon, 361
Central Command (CENTCOM), 195
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 34
and Alec Station, 62
and capture of Hambali, 64
coordination of, 40–42, 83–84
Counterterrorist Center (CTC) of, 40
and Khan, AQ, 212
CET Aviation, 120
Cha, Victor, 244, 245, 253, 255
Chang (Mr.), 263
charities (Islamic)
effects of financial warfare on, 68–71
See also Al Barakaat Foundation, Al Haramain Foundation, Benevolence International Foundation, Muwafaq Foundation, Revival of the Islamic Heritage Society
Chase Manhattan bank, 50
Chávez, Hugo, 310, 373
Chechnya, 79, 87
Chemical Bank, 313
Cheney, Dick, 63, 111
and SWIFT, 58, 271
Chertoff, Michael, 35
Chevron, 403
Chicago (US), 79
“Chimerica,” 401
China, 159, 162, 165, 356, 395,
and anti-money-laundering, 163
and cyber-crime, 39
5, 406–407
Development Bank of, 392
Export-Import Bank of, 392
financial power of, 386–387, 389–390, 392–393, 400, 404, 420
and Iran, 297, 309, 311, 348, 371
and Iraq, 392–394
and Japan, 387
and North Korea, 220–221, 226–227, 232, 241–242, 254, 258–259, 265, 267, 323, 372–373
and SWIFT, 284
and Syria, 355
and US debt, 403, 419
and US financial crisis (2008), 383, 384
China Tonghua Iron and Steel Group, 374
Citibank and Citigroup, 150, 406
and Iran, 311–312, 410
and Saudi Arabia, 86, 87–89
and SWIFT, 50
Ciudad Juárez, 1
civil liberties
and SWIFT, 59, 273, 275, 283
Civil War (US), 4
Clapper, James, 351
Clearstream Banking, 311–312
Clinton, Bill (and administration of)
and Alamoudi, 107
and “la lista,” 7, 25
sanctions against Al Qaeda, 7
sanctions against Cuba, 5
sanctions against Hezbollah, 7
sanctions against Serbia, 6
Clinton, Hillary, 264, 342, 388
and Iran, 331, 333, 349
Cohen, David, 333, 348, 360–361
on organized crime, 377
Colombia, 369, 430
and organized crime, 120, 122
sanctions against, 7
Columbia University
and Graduate School of International Public Affairs, 165
Commercial Bank of Syria (CBS), 155–157, 183, 185, 353, 354
Commerzbank, 302
Commission on the Intelligence Capabilities of the United States Regarding Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD Commission), 214
Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS), 393, 405
Community Exchange System (CES), 397
Comprehensive Iran Sanctions, Accountability, and Divestment Act (CISADA), 336–337
Section 103 of, 337
Company D, 115–117
Congressional Research Service, 339
Conlon, Pat, 177–178, 180–181
“Control, The,” 23–24
Council of the European Union, 281
Council on Foreign Relations, 390
Craig, Daniel, 249
Credit Suisse
and Iran, 302, 332
blockade of, 5
sanctions against, 24, 148, 322
currency wars, 399–402
and “Currency War III,” 401
Customs Service, 18
and Department of Homeland Security, 128, 130–132
and terrorist investigations, 34–35
See also Operation Green Quest
“Cutting Sword of Justice,” 410
cyber-crime and cyber-warfare, 385, 407–412, 428
and bitcoins, 395
and China, 395, 406–407
and Iraq, 170
and Secret Service, 131–132
US preparedness against, 405–406
See also Flame, Gauss, Shamoon, and Stuxnet viruses, Google