by Eric Evans
Multiplicity of languages is often necessary, but the linguistic division should never be between the domain experts and the developers. (Chapter 12, “Maintaining Model Integrity,” deals with the coexistence of models on the same project.)
Of course, developers do use technical terminology that a domain expert wouldn’t understand. Developers have an extensive jargon that they need to discuss the technical aspects of a system. Almost certainly, the users will also have specialized jargon that goes well beyond the narrow scope of the application and the understanding of the developers. But these are extensions to the language. These dialects should not contain alternative vocabularies for the same domain that reflect distinct models.
Figure 2.3. UBIQUITOUS LANGUAGE is cultivated in the intersection of jargons.
With a UBIQUITOUS LANGUAGE, conversations among developers, discussions among domain experts, and expressions in the code itself are all based on the same language, derived from a shared domain model.
Documents and Diagrams
Whenever I’m in a meeting discussing a software design, I can hardly function without drawing on a whiteboard or sketchpad. A good part of what I draw is UML diagrams, mostly class diagrams or object-interactions.
Some people are naturally visual, and diagrams help people grasp certain kinds of information. UML diagrams are pretty good at communicating relationships between objects, and they are fair at showing interactions. But they do not convey the conceptual definitions of those objects. In a meeting, I would flesh out those meanings in speech as I sketched the diagram, or they would emerge in a dialog with other participants.
Simple, informal UML diagrams can anchor a discussion. Sketch a diagram of three to five objects central to the issue at hand, and everyone can stay focused. Everyone will share a view of the relationships between the objects and, significantly, the objects’ names. The spoken discussion can be more effective with this aid. A diagram can be changed as people try different thought experiments, and the sketch will take on some of the fluidity of spoken words, a true part of the discussion. After all, UML stands for Unified Modeling Language.
The trouble comes when people feel compelled to convey the whole model or design through UML. A lot of object model diagrams are too complete and, simultaneously, leave too much out. They are too complete because people feel they have to put all the objects that they are going to code into a modeling tool. With all that detail, no one can see the forest for the trees.
Yet in spite of all that detail, the attributes and relationships are only half the story of an object model. The behavior of those objects and the constraints on them are not so easily illustrated. Object interaction diagrams can illustrate some tricky hotspots in the design, but the bulk of the interactions can’t be shown that way. It is just too much work, both to create the diagrams and to read them. And an interaction diagram can still only imply the purpose behind the model. To include constraints and assertions, UML falls back on text, placed in little brackets, inserted into the diagram.
The behavioral responsibilities of an object can be hinted at through operation names, and they can be implicitly demonstrated with object interaction (or sequence) diagrams, but they cannot be stated. So, this task falls to supplemental text or conversation. In other words, a UML diagram cannot convey two of the most important aspects of a model: the meaning of the concepts it represents, and what the objects are meant to do. This needn’t trouble us, though, because careful use of English (or Spanish, or whatever) can fill this role pretty well.
Nor is UML a very satisfying programming language. Every attempt I’ve seen to use the code-generation capabilities of the modeling tools has been counterproductive. If you are constrained by the capabilities of UML, you will often have to leave out the most crucial part of the model because it is some rule that doesn’t fit into a box-and-line diagram. And, of course, a code generator cannot make use of those textual annotations. If you do use some technology that allows executable programs to be written in a UML-like diagramming language, then the UML diagram is reduced to merely another way to view the program itself, and the very meaning of “model” is lost. If you use UML as your implementation language, you will still need other means of communicating the uncluttered model.
Diagrams are a means of communication and explanation, and they facilitate brainstorming. They serve these ends best if they are minimal. Comprehensive diagrams of the entire object model fail to communicate or explain; they overwhelm the reader with detail and they lack meaning. This leads us away from the all-encompassing object model diagram, or even the all-encompassing database repository of UML. It leads us toward simplified diagrams of conceptually important parts of the object model that are essential to understanding the design. The diagrams in this book are typical of those I use on projects. They simplify, they explain, and they even incorporate a bit of nonstandard notation when it clarifies their point. They show design constraints, but they are not design specifications in every detail. They represent the skeletons of ideas.
The vital detail about the design is captured in the code. A well-written implementation should be transparent, revealing the model underlying it. (Making sure that this happens is the subject of the next chapter and much of the rest of this book.) Supplemental diagrams and documents can guide people’s attention to the central points. Natural language discussion can fill in the nuances of meaning. This is why I prefer to turn things inside out from the way a typical UML diagram handles them. Rather than a diagram annotated with text, I write a text document illustrated with selective and simplified diagrams.
Always remember that the model is not the diagram. The diagram’s purpose is to help communicate and explain the model. The code can serve as a repository of the details of the design. Well-written Java is as expressive as UML in its way. Carefully selected and constructed diagrams can serve to focus attention and aid navigation if they are not obscured by a compulsion to represent the model or design completely.
Written Design Documents
Spoken communication supplements the code’s rigor and detail with meaning. But although talking is critical to connecting everyone to the model, a group of any size will probably need the stability and share-ability of some written documents. But making written documents that actually help the team produce good software is a challenge.
Once a document takes on a persistent form, it often loses its connection with the flow of the project. It is left behind by the evolution of the code, or by the evolution of the language of the project.
Many approaches can work. A few specific documents will be suggested much later, in Part IV of this book, which address particular needs, but I make no attempt to prescribe a set of documents a project should use. Instead, I will offer two general guidelines for evaluating a document.
Documents Should Complement Code and Speech
Each Agile process has its own philosophy about documents. Extreme Programming advocates using no extra design documents at all and letting the code speak for itself. Running code doesn’t lie, as any other document might. The behavior of running code is unambiguous.
Extreme Programming concentrates exclusively on the active elements of a program and executable tests. Even comments added to the code do not affect program behavior, so they always fall out of sync with the active code and its driving model. External documents and diagrams do not affect the behavior of the program, so they fall out of sync. On the other hand, spoken communication and ephemeral diagrams on whiteboards do not linger to create confusion. This dependence on the code as communication medium motivates developers to keep the code clean and transparent.
But code as a design document does have its limits. It can overwhelm the reader with detail. Although its behavior is unambiguous, that doesn’t mean it is obvious. And the meaning behind a behavior can be hard to convey. In other words, documenting exclusively through code has some of the same basic problems as using comprehensive UML diagrams. Of course, massive spok
en communication within the team gives context and guidance around the code, but it is ephemeral and localized. And developers are not the only people who need to understand the model.
A document shouldn’t try to do what the code already does well. The code already supplies the detail. It is an exact specification of program behavior.
Other documents need to illuminate meaning, to give insight into large-scale structures, and to focus attention on core elements. Documents can clarify design intent when the programming language does not support a straightforward implementation of a concept. Written documents should complement the code and the talking.
Documents Should Work for a Living and Stay Current
When I document a model in writing, I diagram small, carefully selected subsets of the model and surround them with text. I define the classes and their responsibilities in words and frame them in a context of meaning as only a natural language can. But the diagram shows some of the choices that have been made in formalizing and paring down the concepts into an object model. These diagrams can be somewhat casual—even hand-drawn. In addition to saving labor, hand-drawn diagrams have the advantage of feeling casual and temporary. These are good things to communicate because they are generally true of our model ideas.
The greatest value of a design document is to explain the concepts of the model, help in navigating the detail of the code, and perhaps give some insight into the model’s intended style of use. Depending on the philosophy of the team, the whole design document could be as simple as a set of sketches posted on the walls, or it could be substantial.
A document must be involved in project activities. The easiest way to judge this is to observe the document’s interaction with the UBIQUITOUS LANGUAGE. Is the document written in the language people speak on the project (now)? Is it written in the language embedded in the code?
Listen to the UBIQUITOUS LANGUAGE and how it is changing. If the terms explained in a design document don’t start showing up in conversations and code, the document is not fulfilling its purpose. Maybe the document is too big or complicated. Maybe it is not focused on a sufficiently important topic. People are either not reading it or not finding it compelling. If it is having no impact on the UBIQUITOUS LANGUAGE, something is wrong.
Conversely, you may hear the UBIQUITOUS LANGUAGE changing naturally while a document is being left behind. Evidently the document does not seem relevant to people or does not seem important enough to update. It could safely be archived as history, but left active it could create confusion and hurt the project. And if a document isn’t playing an important role, keeping it up to date through sheer will and discipline wastes effort.
The UBIQUITOUS LANGUAGE allows other documents, such as requirements specifications, to be more concise and less ambiguous. As the domain model comes to reflect the most relevant knowledge of the business, application requirements become scenarios within that model, and the UBIQUITOUS LANGUAGE can be used to describe such a scenario in terms that directly connect to the MODEL-DRIVEN DESIGN (see Chapter 3). As a result, specifications can be written more simply, because they do not have to convey the business knowledge that lies behind the model.
By keeping documents minimal and focusing them on complementing code and conversation, documents can stay connected to the project. Let the UBIQUITOUS LANGUAGE and its evolution be your guide to choosing documents that live and get woven into the project’s activity.
Executable Bedrock
Now let’s examine the choice of the XP community and some others, to rely almost exclusively on the executable code and its tests. Much of this book discusses ways to make the code convey meaning through a MODEL-DRIVEN DESIGN (see Chapter 3). Well-written code can be very communicative, but the message it communicates is not guaranteed to be accurate. Oh, the reality of the behavior caused by a section of code is inescapable. But a method name can be ambiguous, misleading, or out of date compared to the internals of the method. The assertions in a test are rigorous, but the story told by variable names and the organization of the code is not. Good programming style keeps this connection as direct as possible, but it is still an exercise in self-discipline. It takes fastidiousness to write code that doesn’t just do the right thing but also says the right thing.
Elimination of those discrepancies is a major selling point of approaches such as declarative design (discussed in Chapter 10), in which a statement of the purpose of a program element determines its actual behavior in the program. The drive to generate programs from UML is partly motivated by this, though it generally hasn’t worked out well so far.
Still, while even code can mislead, it is closer to the ground than other documents. Aligning the behavior, intent, and message of code using current standard technology requires discipline and a certain way of thinking about design (discussed at length in Part III). To communicate effectively, the code must be based on the same language used to write the requirements—the same language that the developers speak with each other and with domain experts.
Explanatory Models
The thrust of this book is that one model should underlie implementation, design, and team communication. Having separate models for these separate purposes poses a hazard.
Models can also be valuable as education aids to teach about the domain. The model that drives the design is one view of the domain, but it may aid learning to have other views, used only as educational tools, to communicate general knowledge of the domain. For this purpose, people can use pictures or words that convey other kinds of models unrelated to software design.
One particular reason that other models are needed is scope. The technical model that drives the software development process must be strictly pared down to the necessary minimum to fulfill its functions. An explanatory model can include aspects of the domain that provide context that clarifies the more narrowly scoped model.
Explanatory models offer the freedom to create much more communicative styles tailored to a particular topic. Visual metaphors used by the domain experts in a field often present clearer explanations, educating developers and harmonizing experts. Explanatory models also present the domain in a way that is simply different, and multiple, diverse explanations help people learn.
There is no need for explanatory models to be object models, and it is generally best if they are not. It is actually helpful to avoid UML in these models, to avoid any false impression of correspondence with the software design. Even though the explanatory model and the model that drives design do often correspond, the similarities will seldom be exact. To avoid confusion, everyone must be conscious of the distinction.
Example: Shipping Operations and Routes
Consider an application that tracks cargos for a shipping company. The model includes a detailed view of how port operations and vessel voyages are assembled into an operational plan for a cargo (a “route”). But to the uninitiated, a class diagram may not be very illuminating.
Figure 2.4. A class diagram for a shipping route
In such a case, an explanatory model can help team members understand what the class diagram actually means. Here is another way of looking at the same concepts:
Each line in Figure 2.5 represents either a port operation (loading or unloading the cargo), or cargo sitting in storage on the ground, or cargo sitting on a ship en route. This does not correspond in detail with the class diagram, but it reinforces key points from the domain.
Figure 2.5. An explanatory model for a shipping route
This sort of diagram, along with natural language explanations of the model it represents, can help developers and domain experts alike understand the more rigorous software model diagrams. Together they are easier to understand than either view alone.
Three. Binding Model and Implementation
The first thing I saw as I walked through the door was a complete class diagram printed on large sheets of paper that covered a large wall. It was my first day on a project in which smart people had spent months careful
ly researching and developing a detailed model of the domain. The typical object in the model had intricate associations with three or four other objects, and this web of associations had few natural borders. In this respect, the analysts had been true to the nature of the domain.
As overwhelming as the wall-size diagram was, the model did capture some knowledge. After a moderate amount of study, I learned quite a bit (though that learning was hard to direct—much like randomly browsing the Web). I was more troubled to find that my study gave no insight into the application’s code and design.
When the developers had begun implementing the application, they had quickly discovered that the tangle of associations, although navigable by a human analyst, didn’t translate into storable, retrievable units that could be manipulated with transactional integrity. Mind you, this project was using an object database, so the developers didn’t even have to face the challenges of mapping objects into relational tables. At a fundamental level, the model did not provide a guide to implementation.
Because the model was “correct,” the result of extensive collaboration between technical analysts and business experts, the developers reached the conclusion that conceptually based objects could not be the foundation of their design. So they proceeded to develop an ad hoc design. Their design did use a few of the same class names and attributes for data storage, but it was not based on the existing, or any, model.
The project had a domain model, but what good is a model on paper unless it directly aids the development of running software?