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Domain-Driven Design

Page 12

by Eric Evans

  Just to reiterate: If a VALUE’s implementation is to be mutable, then it must not be shared. Whether you will be sharing or not, design VALUE OBJECTS as immutable when you can.

  * * *

  Defining VALUE OBJECTS and designating them as immutable is a case of following a general rule: Avoiding unnecessary constraints in a model leaves developers free to do purely technical performance tuning. Explicitly defining the essential constraints lets developers tweak the design while keeping safe from changing meaningful behavior. Such design tweaks are often very specific to the technology in use on a particular project.

  Example: Tuning a Database with VALUE OBJECTS

  Databases, at the lowest level, have to place data in a physical location on a disk, and it takes time for physical parts to move around and read that data. Sophisticated databases attempt to cluster these physical addresses so that related data can be fetched from the disk in a single physical operation.

  If an object is referenced by many other objects, some of those objects will not be located nearby (on the same page), requiring an additional physical operation to get the data. By making a copy, rather than sharing a reference to the same instance, a VALUE OBJECT that is acting as an attribute of many ENTITIES can be stored on the same page as each ENTITY that uses it. This technique of storing multiple copies of the same data is called denormalization and is often used when access time is more critical than storage space or simplicity of maintenance.

  In a relational database, you might want to put a particular VALUE in the table of the ENTITY that owns it, rather than creating an association to a separate table. In a distributed system, holding a reference to a VALUE OBJECT on another server will probably make for slow responses to messages; instead, a copy of the whole object should be passed to the other server. We can freely make these copies because we are dealing with VALUE OBJECTS.

  Designing Associations That Involve VALUE OBJECTS

  Most of the earlier discussion of associations applies to ENTITIES and VALUE OBJECTS alike. The fewer and simpler the associations in the model, the better.

  But, while bidirectional associations between ENTITIES may be hard to maintain, bidirectional associations between two VALUE OBJECTS just make no sense. Without identity, it is meaningless to say that an object points back to the same VALUE OBJECT that points to it. The most you could say is that it points to an object that is equal to the one pointing to it, but you would have to enforce that invariant somewhere. And although you could do so, and set up pointers going both ways, it is hard to think of examples where such an arrangement would be useful. Try to completely eliminate bidirectional associations between VALUE OBJECTS. If in the end such associations seem necessary in your model, rethink the decision to declare the object a VALUE OBJECT in the first place. Maybe it has an identity that hasn’t been explicitly recognized yet.

  ENTITIES and VALUE OBJECTS are the main elements of conventional object models, but pragmatic designers have come to use one other element, SERVICES. . . .


  Sometimes, it just isn’t a thing.

  In some cases, the clearest and most pragmatic design includes operations that do not conceptually belong to any object. Rather than force the issue, we can follow the natural contours of the problem space and include SERVICES explicitly in the model.

  There are important domain operations that can’t find a natural home in an ENTITY or VALUE OBJECT. Some of these are intrinsically activities or actions, not things, but since our modeling paradigm is objects, we try to fit them into objects anyway.

  Now, the more common mistake is to give up too easily on fitting the behavior into an appropriate object, gradually slipping toward procedural programming. But when we force an operation into an object that doesn’t fit the object’s definition, the object loses its conceptual clarity and becomes hard to understand or refactor. Complex operations can easily swamp a simple object, obscuring its role. And because these operations often draw together many domain objects, coordinating them and putting them into action, the added responsibility will create dependencies on all those objects, tangling concepts that could be understood independently.

  Sometimes services masquerade as model objects, appearing as objects with no meaning beyond doing some operation. These “doers” end up with names ending in “Manager” and the like. They have no state of their own nor any meaning in the domain beyond the operation they host. Still, at least this solution gives these distinct behaviors a home without messing up a real model object.

  Some concepts from the domain aren’t natural to model as objects. Forcing the required domain functionality to be the responsibility of an ENTITY or VALUE either distorts the definition of a model-based object or adds meaningless artificial objects.

  A SERVICE is an operation offered as an interface that stands alone in the model, without encapsulating state, as ENTITIES and VALUE OBJECTS do. SERVICES are a common pattern in technical frameworks, but they can also apply in the domain layer.

  The name service emphasizes the relationship with other objects. Unlike ENTITIES and VALUE OBJECTS, it is defined purely in terms of what it can do for a client. A SERVICE tends to be named for an activity, rather than an entity—a verb rather than a noun. A SERVICE can still have an abstract, intentional definition; it just has a different flavor than the definition of an object. A SERVICE should still have a defined responsibility, and that responsibility and the interface fulfilling it should be defined as part of the domain model. Operation names should come from the UBIQUITOUS LANGUAGE or be introduced into it. Parameters and results should be domain objects.

  SERVICES should be used judiciously and not allowed to strip the ENTITIES and VALUE OBJECTS of all their behavior. But when an operation is actually an important domain concept, a SERVICE forms a natural part of a MODEL-DRIVEN DESIGN. Declared in the model as a SERVICE, rather than as a phony object that doesn’t actually represent anything, the standalone operation will not mislead anyone.

  A good SERVICE has three characteristics.

  1. The operation relates to a domain concept that is not a natural part of an ENTITY or VALUE OBJECT.

  2. The interface is defined in terms of other elements of the domain model.

  3. The operation is stateless.

  Statelessness here means that any client can use any instance of a particular SERVICE without regard to the instance’s individual history. The execution of a SERVICE will use information that is accessible globally, and may even change that global information (that is, it may have side effects). But the SERVICE does not hold state of its own that affects its own behavior, as most domain objects do.

  When a significant process or transformation in the domain is not a natural responsibility of an ENTITY or VALUE OBJECT, add an operation to the model as a standalone interface declared as a SERVICE. Define the interface in terms of the language of the model and make sure the operation name is part of the UBIQUITOUS LANGUAGE. Make the SERVICE stateless.

  SERVICES and the Isolated Domain Layer

  This pattern is focused on those SERVICES that have an important meaning in the domain in their own right, but of course SERVICES are not used only in the domain layer. It takes care to distinguish SERVICES that belong to the domain layer from those of other layers, and to factor responsibilities to keep that distinction sharp.

  Most SERVICES discussed in the literature are purely technical and belong in the infrastructure layer. Domain and application SERVICES collaborate with these infrastructure SERVICES. For example, a bank might have an application that sends an e-mail to a customer when an account balance falls below a specific threshold. The interface that encapsulates the e-mail system, and perhaps alternate means of notification, is a SERVICE in the infrastructure layer.

  It can be harder to distinguish application SERVICES from domain SERVICES. The application layer is responsible for ordering the notification. The domain layer is responsible for determining if a threshold was met—though t
his task probably does not call for a SERVICE, because it would fit the responsibility of an “account” object. That banking application could be responsible for funds transfers. If a SERVICE were devised to make appropriate debits and credits for a funds transfer, that capability would belong in the domain layer. Funds transfer has a meaning in the banking domain language, and it involves fundamental business logic. Technical SERVICES should lack any business meaning at all.

  Many domain or application SERVICES are built on top of the populations of ENTITIES and VALUES, behaving like scripts that organize the potential of the domain to actually get something done. ENTITIES and VALUE OBJECTS are often too fine-grained to provide a convenient access to the capabilities of the domain layer. Here we encounter a very fine line between the domain layer and the application layer. For example, if the banking application can convert and export our transactions into a spreadsheet file for us to analyze, that export is an application SERVICE. There is no meaning of “file formats” in the domain of banking, and there are no business rules involved.

  On the other hand, a feature that can transfer funds from one account to another is a domain SERVICE because it embeds significant business rules (crediting and debiting the appropriate accounts, for example) and because a “funds transfer” is a meaningful banking term. In this case, the SERVICE does not do much on its own; it would ask the two Account objects to do most of the work. But to put the “transfer” operation on the Account object would be awkward, because the operation involves two accounts and some global rules.

  We might like to create a Funds Transfer object to represent the two entries plus the rules and history around the transfer. But we are still left with calls to SERVICES in the interbank networks. What’s more, in most development systems, it is awkward to make a direct interface between a domain object and external resources. We can dress up such external SERVICES with a FACADE that takes inputs in terms of the model, perhaps returning a Funds Transfer object as its result. But whatever intermediaries we might have, and even though they don’t belong to us, those SERVICES are carrying out the domain responsibility of funds transfer.

  Partitioning Services into Layers


  Although this pattern discussion has emphasized the expressiveness of modeling a concept as a SERVICE, the pattern is also valuable as a means of controlling granularity in the interfaces of the domain layer, as well as decoupling clients from the ENTITIES and VALUE OBJECTS.

  Medium-grained, stateless SERVICES can be easier to reuse in large systems because they encapsulate significant functionality behind a simple interface. Also, fine-grained objects can lead to inefficient messaging in a distributed system.

  As previously discussed, fine-grained domain objects can contribute to knowledge leaks from the domain into the application layer, where the domain object’s behavior is coordinated. The complexity of a highly detailed interaction ends up being handled in the application layer, allowing domain knowledge to creep into the application or user interface code, where it is lost from the domain layer. The judicious introduction of domain services can help maintain the bright line between layers.

  This pattern favors interface simplicity over client control and versatility. It provides a medium grain of functionality very useful in packaging components of large or distributed systems. And sometimes a SERVICE is the most natural way to express a domain concept.

  Access to SERVICES

  Distributed system architectures, such as J2EE and CORBA, provide special publishing mechanisms for SERVICES, with conventions for their use, and they add distribution and access capabilities. But such frameworks are not always in use on a project, and even when they are, they are likely to be overkill when the motivation is just a logical separation of concerns.

  The means of providing access to a SERVICE is not as important as the design decision to carve off specific responsibilities. A “doer” object may be satisfactory as an implementation of a SERVICE’s interface. A simple SINGLETON (Gamma et al. 1995) can be written easily to provide access. Coding conventions can make it clear that these objects are just delivery mechanisms for SERVICE interfaces, and not meaningful domain objects. Elaborate architectures should be used only when there is a real need to distribute the system or otherwise draw on the framework’s capabilities.

  Modules (a.k.a. Packages)

  MODULES are an old, established design element. There are technical considerations, but cognitive overload is the primary motivation for modularity. MODULES give people two views of the model: They can look at detail within a MODULE without being overwhelmed by the whole, or they can look at relationships between MODULES in views that exclude interior detail.

  The MODULES in the domain layer should emerge as a meaningful part of the model, telling the story of the domain on a larger scale.

  Everyone uses MODULES, but few treat them as a full-fledged part of the model. Code gets broken down into all sorts of categories, from aspects of the technical architecture to developers’ work assignments. Even developers who refactor a lot tend to content themselves with MODULES conceived early in the project.

  It is a truism that there should be low coupling between MODULES and high cohesion within them. Explanations of coupling and cohesion tend to make them sound like technical metrics, to be judged mechanically based on the distributions of associations and interactions. Yet it isn’t just code being divided into MODULES, but concepts. There is a limit to how many things a person can think about at once (hence low coupling). Incoherent fragments of ideas are as hard to understand as an undifferentiated soup of ideas (hence high cohesion).

  Low coupling and high cohesion are general design principles that apply as much to individual objects as to MODULES, but they are particularly important at this larger grain of modeling and design. These terms have been around for a long time; one patterns-style explanation can be found in Larman 1998.

  Whenever two model elements are separated into different modules, the relationships between them become less direct than they were, which increases the overhead of understanding their place in the design. Low coupling between MODULES minimizes this cost, and makes it possible to analyze the contents of one MODULE with a minimum of reference to others that interact.

  At the same time, the elements of a good model have synergy, and well-chosen MODULES bring together elements of the model with particularly rich conceptual relationships. This high cohesion of objects with related responsibilities allows modeling and design work to concentrate within a single MODULE, a scale of complexity a human mind can easily handle.

  MODULES and the smaller elements should coevolve, but typically they do not. MODULES are chosen to organize an early form of the objects. After that, the objects tend to change in ways that keep them in the bounds of the existing MODULE definition. Refactoring MODULES is more work and more disruptive than refactoring classes, and probably can’t be as frequent. But just as model objects tend to start out naive and concrete and then gradually transform to reveal deeper insight, MODULES can become subtle and abstract. Letting the MODULES reflect changing understanding of the domain will also allow more freedom for the objects within them to evolve.

  Like everything else in a domain-driven design, MODULES are a communications mechanism. The meaning of the objects being partitioned needs to drive the choice of MODULES. When you place some classes together in a MODULE, you are telling the next developer who looks at your design to think about them together. If your model is telling a story, the MODULES are chapters. The name of the MODULE conveys its meaning. These names enter the UBIQUITOUS LANGUAGE. “Now let’s talk about the ‘customer’ module,” you might say to a business expert, and the context is set for your conversation.


  Choose MODULES that tell the story of the system and contain a cohesive set of concepts. This often yields low coupling between MODULES, but if it doesn’t, look for a way to change the model to disentangle the concepts, or search for
an overlooked concept that might be the basis of a MODULE that would bring the elements together in a meaningful way. Seek low coupling in the sense of concepts that can be understood and reasoned about independently of each other. Refine the model until it partitions according to high-level domain concepts and the corresponding code is decoupled as well.

  Give the MODULES names that become part of the UBIQUITOUS LANGUAGE. MODULES and their names should reflect insight into the domain.

  Looking at conceptual relationships is not an alternative to technical measures. They are different levels of the same issue, and both have to be accomplished. But model-focused thinking produces a deeper solution, rather than an incidental one. And when there has to be a trade-off, it is best to go with the conceptual clarity, even if it means more references between MODULES or occasional ripple effects when changes are made to a MODULE. Developers can handle these problems if they understand the story the model is telling them.


  MODULES need to coevolve with the rest of the model. This means refactoring MODULES right along with the model and code. But this refactoring often doesn’t happen. Changing MODULES tends to require widespread updates to the code. Such changes can be disruptive to team communication and can even throw a monkey wrench into development tools, such as source code control systems. As a result, MODULE structures and names often reflect much earlier forms of the model than the classes do.

  Inevitable early mistakes in MODULE choices lead to high coupling, which makes it hard to refactor. The lack of refactoring just keeps increasing the inertia. It can only be overcome by biting the bullet and reorganizing MODULES based on experience of where the trouble spots lie.


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