by Eric Evans
Even assuming many small POs, there are other ways to violate the assertion. Consider that “part.” If someone changed the price of a trombone while Amanda was adding to her order, wouldn’t that violate the invariant too?
Let’s try locking the part in addition to the entire PO. Here’s what happens when George, Amanda, and Sam are working on different POs:
Figure 6.9. Over-cautious locking is interfering with people’s work.
The inconvenience is mounting, because there is a lot of contention for the instruments (the “parts”). And then:
Figure 6.10. Deadlock
Those three will be waiting a while.
At this point we can begin to improve the model by incorporating the following knowledge of the business:
1. Parts are used in many POs (high contention).
2. There are fewer changes to parts than there are to POs.
3. Changes to part prices do not necessarily propagate to existing POs. It depends on the time of a price change relative to the status of the PO.
Point 3 is particularly obvious when we consider archived POs that have already been delivered. They should, of course, show the prices as of the time they were filled, rather than current prices.
Figure 6.11. Price is copied into Line Item. AGGREGATE invariant can now be enforced.
An implementation consistent with this model would guarantee the invariant relating PO and its items, while changes to the price of a part would not have to immediately affect the items that reference it. Broader consistency rules could be addressed in other ways. For example, the system could present a queue of items with outdated prices to the users each day, so they could update or exempt each one. But this is not an invariant that must be enforced at all times. By making the dependency of line items on parts looser, we avoid contention and reflect the realities of the business better. At the same time, tightening the relationship of the PO and its line items guarantees that an important business rule will be followed.
The AGGREGATE imposes an ownership of the PO and its items that is consistent with business practice. The creation and deletion of a PO and items are naturally tied together, while the creation and deletion of parts is independent.
AGGREGATES mark off the scope within which invariants have to be maintained at every stage of the life cycle. The following patterns, FACTORIES and REPOSITORIES, operate on AGGREGATES, encapsulating the complexity of specific life cycle transitions. . . .
When creation of an object, or an entire AGGREGATE, becomes complicated or reveals too much of the internal structure, FACTORIES provide encapsulation.
Much of the power of objects rests in the intricate configuration of their internals and their associations. An object should be distilled until nothing remains that does not relate to its meaning or support its role in interactions. This mid-life cycle responsibility is plenty. Problems arise from overloading a complex object with responsibility for its own creation.
A car engine is an intricate piece of machinery, with dozens of parts collaborating to perform the engine’s responsibility: to turn a shaft. One could imagine trying to design an engine block that could grab on to a set of pistons and insert them into its cylinders, spark plugs that would find their sockets and screw themselves in. But it seems unlikely that such a complicated machine would be as reliable or as efficient as our typical engines are. Instead, we accept that something else will assemble the pieces. Perhaps it will be a human mechanic or perhaps it will be an industrial robot. Both the robot and the human are actually more complex than the engine they assemble. The job of assembling parts is completely unrelated to the job of spinning a shaft. The assemblers function only during the creation of the car—you don’t need a robot or a mechanic with you when you’re driving. Because cars are never assembled and driven at the same time, there is no value in combining both of these functions into the same mechanism. Likewise, assembling a complex compound object is a job that is best separated from whatever job that object will have to do when it is finished.
But shifting responsibility to the other interested party, the client object in the application, leads to even worse problems. The client knows what job needs to be done and relies on the domain objects to carry out the necessary computations. If the client is expected to assemble the domain objects it needs, it must know something about the internal structure of the object. In order to enforce all the invariants that apply to the relationship of parts in the domain object, the client must know some of the object’s rules. Even calling constructors couples the client to the concrete classes of the objects it is building. No change to the implementation of the domain objects can be made without changing the client, making refactoring harder.
A client taking on object creation becomes unnecessarily complicated and blurs its responsibility. It breaches the encapsulation of the domain objects and the AGGREGATES being created. Even worse, if the client is part of the application layer, then responsibilities have leaked out of the domain layer altogether. This tight coupling of the application to the specifics of the implementation strips away most of the benefits of abstraction in the domain layer and makes continuing changes ever more expensive.
Creation of an object can be a major operation in itself, but complex assembly operations do not fit the responsibility of the created objects. Combining such responsibilities can produce ungainly designs that are hard to understand. Making the client direct construction muddies the design of the client, breaches encapsulation of the assembled object or AGGREGATE, and overly couples the client to the implementation of the created object.
Complex object creation is a responsibility of the domain layer, yet that task does not belong to the objects that express the model. There are some cases in which an object creation and assembly corresponds to a milestone significant in the domain, such as “open a bank account.” But object creation and assembly usually have no meaning in the domain; they are a necessity of the implementation. To solve this problem, we have to add constructs to the domain design that are not ENTITIES, VALUE OBJECTS, or SERVICES. This is a departure from the previous chapter, and it is important to make the point clear: We are adding elements to the design that do not correspond to anything in the model, but they are nonetheless part of the domain layer’s responsibility.
Every object-oriented language provides a mechanism for creating objects (constructors in Java and C++, instance creation class methods in Smalltalk, for example), but there is a need for more abstract construction mechanisms that are decoupled from the other objects. A program element whose responsibility is the creation of other objects is called a FACTORY.
Figure 6.12. Basic interactions with a FACTORY
Just as the interface of an object should encapsulate its implementation, thus allowing a client to use the object’s behavior without knowing how it works, a FACTORY encapsulates the knowledge needed to create a complex object or AGGREGATE. It provides an interface that reflects the goals of the client and an abstract view of the created object.
Shift the responsibility for creating instances of complex objects and AGGREGATES to a separate object, which may itself have no responsibility in the domain model but is still part of the domain design. Provide an interface that encapsulates all complex assembly and that does not require the client to reference the concrete classes of the objects being instantiated. Create entire AGGREGATES as a piece, enforcing their invariants.
There are many ways to design FACTORIES. Several special-purpose creation patterns—FACTORY METHOD, ABSTRACT FACTORY, and BUILDER—were thoroughly treated in Gamma et al. 1995. That book mostly explored patterns for the most difficult object construction problems. The point here is not to delve deeply into designing FACTORIES, but rather to show the place of FACTORIES as important components of a domain design. Proper use of FACTORIES can help keep a MODEL-DRIVEN DESIGN on track.
The two basic requirements for any good FACTORY are
/> 1. Each creation method is atomic and enforces all invariants of the created object or AGGREGATE. A FACTORY should only be able to produce an object in a consistent state. For an ENTITY, this means the creation of the entire AGGREGATE, with all invariants satisfied, but probably with optional elements still to be added. For an immutable VALUE OBJECT, this means that all attributes are initialized to their correct final state. If the interface makes it possible to request an object that can’t be created correctly, then an exception should be raised or some other mechanism should be invoked that will ensure that no improper return value is possible.
2. The FACTORY should be abstracted to the type desired, rather than the concrete class(es) created. The sophisticated FACTORY patterns in Gamma et al. 1995 help with this.
Choosing FACTORIES and Their Sites
Generally speaking, you create a factory to build something whose details you want to hide, and you place the FACTORY where you want the control to be. These decisions usually revolve around AGGREGATES.
For example, if you needed to add elements inside a preexisting AGGREGATE, you might create a FACTORY METHOD on the root of the AGGREGATE. This hides the implementation of the interior of the AGGREGATE from any external client, while giving the root responsibility for ensuring the integrity of the AGGREGATE as elements are added, as shown in Figure 6.13 on the next page.
Figure 6.13. A FACTORY METHOD encapsulates expansion of an AGGREGATE.
Another example would be to place a FACTORY METHOD on an object that is closely involved in spawning another object, although it doesn’t own the product once it is created. When the data and possibly the rules of one object are very dominant in the creation of an object, this saves pulling information out of the spawner to be used elsewhere to create the object. It also communicates the special relationship between the spawner and the product.
In Figure 6.14, the Trade Order is not part of the same AGGREGATE as the Brokerage Account because, for a start, it will go on to interact with the trade execution application, where the Brokerage Account would only be in the way. Even so, it seems natural to give the Brokerage Account control over the creation of Trade Orders. The Brokerage Account contains information that will be embedded in the Trade Order (starting with its own identity), and it contains rules that govern what trades are allowed. We might also benefit from hiding the implementation of Trade Order. For example, it might be refactored into a hierarchy, with separate subclasses for Buy Order and Sell Order. The FACTORY keeps the client from being coupled to the concrete classes.
Figure 6.14. A FACTORY METHOD spawns an ENTITY that is not part of the same AGGREGATE.
A FACTORY is very tightly coupled to its product, so a FACTORY should be attached only to an object that has a close natural relationship with the product. When there is something we want to hide—either the concrete implementation or the sheer complexity of construction—yet there doesn’t seem to be a natural host, we must create a dedicated FACTORY object or SERVICE. A standalone FACTORY usually produces an entire AGGREGATE, handing out a reference to the root, and ensuring that the product AGGREGATE’S invariants are enforced. If an object interior to an AGGREGATE needs a FACTORY, and the AGGREGATE root is not a reasonable home for it, then go ahead and make a standalone FACTORY. But respect the rules limiting access within an AGGREGATE, and make sure there are only transient references to the product from outside the AGGREGATE.
Figure 6.15. A standalone FACTORY builds AGGREGATE.
When a Constructor Is All You Need
I’ve seen far too much code in which all instances are created by directly calling class constructors, or whatever the primitive level of instance creation is for the programming language. The introduction of FACTORIES has great advantages, and is generally underused. Yet there are times when the directness of a constructor makes it the best choice. FACTORIES can actually obscure simple objects that don’t use polymorphism.
The trade-offs favor a bare, public constructor in the following circumstances.
• The class is the type. It is not part of any interesting hierarchy, and it isn’t used polymorphically by implementing an interface.
• The client cares about the implementation, perhaps as a way of choosing a STRATEGY.
• All of the attributes of the object are available to the client, so that no object creation gets nested inside the constructor exposed to the client.
• The construction is not complicated.
• A public constructor must follow the same rules as a FACTORY: It must be an atomic operation that satisfies all invariants of the created object.
Avoid calling constructors within constructors of other classes. Constructors should be dead simple. Complex assemblies, especially of AGGREGATES, call for FACTORIES. The threshold for choosing to use a little FACTORY METHOD isn’t high.
The Java class library offers interesting examples. All collections implement interfaces that decouple the client from the concrete implementation. Yet they are all created by direct calls to constructors. A FACTORY could have encapsulated the collection hierarchy. The FACTORY’s methods could have allowed a client to ask for the features it needed, with the FACTORY selecting the appropriate class to instantiate. Code that created collections would be more expressive, and new collection classes could be installed without breaking every Java program.
But there is a case in favor of the concrete constructors. First, the choice of implementation can be performance sensitive for many applications, so an application might want control. (Even so, a really smart FACTORY could accommodate such factors.) Anyway, there aren’t very many collection classes, so it isn’t that complicated to choose.
The abstract collection types preserve some value in spite of the lack of a FACTORY because of their usage patterns. Collections are very often created in one place and used in another. This means that the client that ultimately uses the collection—adding, removing, and retrieving its contents—can still talk to the interface and be decoupled from the implementation. The selection of a collection class typically falls to the object that owns the collection, or to the owning object’s FACTORY.
Designing the Interface
When designing the method signature of a FACTORY, whether standalone or FACTORY METHOD, keep in mind these two points.
• Each operation must be atomic. You have to pass in everything needed to create a complete product in a single interaction with the FACTORY. You also have to decide what will happen if creation fails, in the event that some invariant isn’t satisfied. You could throw an exception or just return a null. To be consistent, consider adopting a coding standard for failures in FACTORIES.
• The FACTORY will be coupled to its arguments. If you are not careful in your selection of input parameters, you can create a rat’s nest of dependencies. The degree of coupling will depend on what you do with the argument. If it is simply plugged into the product, you’ve created a modest dependency. If you are picking parts out of the argument to use in the construction, the coupling gets tighter.
The safest parameters are those from a lower design layer. Even within a layer, there tend to be natural strata with more basic objects that are used by higher level objects. (Such layering will be discussed in different ways in Chapter 10, “Supple Design,” and again in Chapter 16, “Large-Scale Structure.”)
Another good choice of parameter is an object that is closely related to the product in the model, so that no new dependency is being added. In the earlier example of a Purchase Order Item, the FACTORY METHOD takes a Catalog Part as an argument, which is an essential association for the Item. This adds a direct dependency between the Purchase Order class and the Part. But these three objects form a close conceptual group. The Purchase Order’s AGGREGATE already referenced the Part, anyway. So giving control to the AGGREGATE root and encapsulating the AGGREGATE’S internal structure is a good trade-off.
Use the abstract type of the arguments, not their concrete classes. The FACTORY is coupled to the co
ncrete class of the products; it does not need to be coupled to concrete parameters also.
Where Does Invariant Logic Go?
A FACTORY is responsible for ensuring that all invariants are met for the object or AGGREGATE it creates; yet you should always think twice before removing the rules applying to an object outside that object. The FACTORY can delegate invariant checking to the product, and this is often best.
But FACTORIES have a special relationship with their products. They already know their product’s internal structure, and their entire reason for being involves the implementation of their product. Under some circumstances, there are advantages to placing invariant logic in the FACTORY and reducing clutter in the product. This is especially appealing with AGGREGATE rules (which span many objects). It is especially unappealing with FACTORY METHODS attached to other domain objects.
Although in principle invariants apply at the end of every operation, often the transformations allowed to the object can never bring them into play. There might be a rule that applies to the assignment of the identity attributes of an ENTITY. But after creation that identity is immutable. VALUE OBJECTS are completely immutable. An object doesn’t need to carry around logic that will never be applied in its active lifetime. In such cases, the FACTORY is a logical place to put invariants, keeping the product simpler.