by Eric Evans
When the prospect of a breakthrough to a deeper model presents itself, it is often scary. Such a change has higher opportunity and higher risk than most refactorings. And timing may be inopportune.
Much as we might like it to be otherwise, progress isn’t a smooth ride. The transition to a really deep model is a profound shift in your thinking and demands a major change to the design. On many projects the most important progress in model and design come in these breakthroughs.
Focus on Basics
Don’t become paralyzed trying to bring about a breakthrough. The possibility usually comes after many modest refactorings. Most of the time is spent making piecemeal improvements, with model insights emerging gradually during each successive refinement.
To set the stage for a breakthrough, concentrate on knowledge crunching and cultivating a robust UBIQUITOUS LANGUAGE. Probe for important domain concepts and make them explicit in the model (as discussed in Chapter 9). Refine the design to be suppler (see Chapter 10). Distill the model (see Chapter 15). Push on these more predictable levers, which increase clarity—usually a precursor of breakthroughs.
Don’t hold back from modest improvements, which gradually deepen the model, even if confined within the same general conceptual framework. Don’t be paralyzed by looking too far forward. Just be watchful for the opportunity.
Epilogue: A Cascade of New Insights
That breakthrough got us out of the woods, but it was not the end of the story. The deeper model opened unexpected opportunities to make the application richer and the design clearer.
Just weeks after the release of the Share Pie version of the software, we noticed another awkward aspect of the model that was complicating the design. An important ENTITY was missing, its absence leaving extra responsibilities to be taken up by other objects. Specifically, there were significant rules governing loan drawdowns, fee payments, and so on, and all this logic was crammed into various methods on the Facility and Loan. These design problems, which had been barely noticeable before the Share Pie breakthrough, became obvious with our clearer field of vision. Now we noticed terms popping up in our discussions that were nowhere to be found in the model—terms such as “transaction” (meaning a financial transaction)—that we started to realize were being implied by all those complicated methods.
Following a process similar to the one described earlier (although, thankfully, under much less time pressure) led to yet another round of insights and a still deeper model. This new model made those implicit concepts explicit, as kinds of Transactions, and at the same time simplified the Positions (an abstraction including the Facility and Loan). It became easy to define the diverse transactions we had, along with their rules, negotiating procedures, and approval processes, and all in relatively self-explanatory code.
Figure 8.9. Another model breakthrough that followed several weeks later. Constraints on Transactions could be expressed with easy precision.
As is often the case after a real breakthrough to a deep model, the clarity and simplicity of the new design, combined with the enhanced communication based on the new UBIQUITOUS LANGUAGE, had led to yet another modeling breakthrough.
Our pace of development was accelerating at a stage where most projects are beginning to bog down in the mass and complexity of what has already been built.
Nine. Making Implicit Concepts Explicit
Deep modeling sounds great, but how do you actually do it? A deep model has power because it contains the central concepts and abstractions that can succinctly and flexibly express essential knowledge of the users’ activities, their problems, and their solutions. The first step is to somehow represent the essential concepts of the domain in the model. Refinement comes later, after successive iterations of knowledge crunching and refactoring. But this process really gets into gear when an important concept is recognized and made explicit in the model and design.
Many transformations of domain models and the corresponding code happen when developers recognize a concept that has been hinted at in discussion or present implicitly in the design, and they then represent it explicitly in the model with one or more objects or relationships.
Occasionally, this transformation of a formerly implicit concept into an explicit one is a breakthrough that leads to a deep model. More often, though, the breakthrough comes later, after a number of important concepts are explicit in the model; after successive refactorings have tweaked their responsibilities repeatedly, changed their relationships with other objects, and even changed their names a few times. Everything finally snaps into focus. But the process starts with recognizing the implied concepts in some form, however crude.
Digging Out Concepts
Developers have to sensitize themselves to the hints that reveal lurking implicit concepts, and sometimes they have to proactively search them out. Most such discoveries come from listening to the language of the team, scrutinizing awkwardness in the design and seeming contradictions in the statements of experts, mining the literature of the domain, and doing lots and lots of experimentation.
Listen to Language
You may remember an experience like this: The users have always talked about some item on a report. The item is compiled from attributes of various objects and maybe even a direct database query. The same data set is assembled in another part of the application in order to present or report or derive something. But you have never seen the need for an object. Probably, you have never really understood what the users meant by a particular term and had not realized it was important.
Then suddenly a light comes on in your head. The name of the item on that report designates an important domain concept. You talk excitedly with your experts about your new insight. Maybe they show relief that you finally got it. Maybe they yawn because they’ve taken it for granted all along. Either way, you start to draw model diagrams on the board that fill in for some hand waving that you’ve always done before. The users correct you on the details of how the new model connects, but you can tell that there is a change in the quality of the discussion. You and the users understand each other more precisely, and demonstrations of model interactions to solve specific scenarios have become more natural. The language of the domain model has become more powerful. You refactor the code to reflect the new model and find you have a cleaner design.
Listen to the language the domain experts use. Are there terms that succinctly state something complicated? Are they correcting your word choice (perhaps diplomatically)? Do the puzzled looks on their faces go away when you use a particular phrase? These are hints of a concept that might benefit the model.
This is not the old “nouns are objects” notion. Hearing a new word produces a lead, which you follow up with conversation and knowledge crunching, with the goal of carving out a clean, useful concept. When the users or domain experts use vocabulary that is nowhere in the design, that is a warning sign. It is a doubly strong warning when both the developers and the domain experts are using terms that are not in the design.
Or perhaps it is better to look at it as an opportunity. The UBIQUITOUS LANGUAGE is made up of the vocabulary that pervades speech, documents, model diagrams, and even code. If a term is absent from the design, it is an opportunity to improve the model and design by including it.
Example: Hearing a Missing Concept in the Shipping Model
The team had already developed a working application that could book a cargo. They were starting to build an “operations support” application that would help juggle the work orders for loading and unloading cargos at the origin and destination and at transfers between ships.
The booking application used a routing engine to plan the trip for a cargo. Each leg of the journey was stored in a row of a database table, indicating the ID of the vessel voyage (a particular voyage by a particular ship) slated to carry the cargo, the location where it would be loaded, and the location where it would be unloaded.
Figure 9.1
’s eavesdrop on a conversation (heavily abbreviated) between the developer and a shipping expert.
Developer: I want to make sure the “cargo bookings” table has all the data that the operations application will need.
Expert: They’re going to need the whole itinerary for the Cargo. What information does it have now?
Developer: The cargo ID, the vessel voyage, the loading port, and the unloading port for each leg.
Expert: What about the date? Operations will need to contract handling work based on the expected times.
Developer: Well, that can be derived from the schedule of the vessel voyage. The table data is normalized.
Expert: Yes, it is normal to need the date. Operations people use these kinds of itineraries to plan for upcoming handling work.
Developer: Yeah . . . OK, they’ll definitely have access to the dates. The operations management application will be able to provide the whole loading and unloading sequence, with the date of each handling operation. The “itinerary,” I guess you would say.
Expert: Good. The itinerary is the main thing they’ll need. Actually, you know, the booking application has a menu item that will print an itinerary or e-mail it to the customer. Can you use that somehow?
Developer: That’s just a report, I think. We won’t be able to base the operations application on that.
[Developer looks thoughtful, then excited.]
Developer: So, this itinerary is really the link between booking and operations.
Expert: Yes, and some customer relations, too.
Developer: [Sketching a diagram on the whiteboard.] So would you say it is something like this?
Figure 9.2
Expert: Yes, that looks basically right. For each leg you’d like to see the vessel voyage, the load and unload location, and time.
Developer: So once we create the Leg object, it can derive the times from the vessel voyage schedule. We can make the Itinerary object our main point of contact with the operations application. And we can rewrite that itinerary report to use this, so we’ll get the domain logic back into the domain layer.
Expert: I didn’t follow all of that, but you are right that the two main uses for the Itinerary are in the report in booking and in the operations application.
Developer: Hey! We can make the Routing Service interface return an itinerary object instead of putting the data in the database table. That way the routing engine doesn’t need to know about our tables.
Expert: Huh?
Developer: I mean, I’ll make the routing engine just return an Itinerary. Then it can be saved in the database by the booking application when the rest of the booking is saved.
Expert: You mean it isn’t that way now?!
The developer then went off to talk with the other developers involved in the routing process. They hashed out the changes to the model and the implications for the design, calling on the shipping experts when needed. They came up with the diagram in Figure 9.3.
Figure 9.3
Next, the developers refactored the code to reflect the new model. They did it in a series of two or three refactorings, but in quick succession, within a week, except for simplifying the itinerary report in the booking application, which they took care of early the following week.
The developer had been listening closely enough to the shipping expert to notice how important the concept of an “itinerary” was to him. True, all the data was already being collected, and the behavior was implicit in the itinerary report, but the explicit Itinerary as part of the model opened up opportunities.
Benefits of refactoring to the explicit Itinerary object:
1. Defining the interface of the Routing Service more expressively
2. Decoupling the Routing Service from the booking database tables
3. Clarifying the relationship between the booking application and the operations support application (the sharing of the Itinerary object)
4. Reducing duplication, because the Itinerary derives loading/unloading times for both the booking report and the operations support application
5. Removing domain logic from the booking report and placing it in the isolated domain layer
6. Expanding the UBIQUITOUS LANGUAGE, allowing a more precise discussion of the model and design between developers and domain experts and among the developers themselves
Scrutinize Awkwardness
The concept you need is not always floating on the surface, emerging in conversation or documents. You may have to dig and invent. The place to dig is the most awkward part of your design. The place where procedures are doing complicated things that are hard to explain. The place where every new requirement seems to add complexity.
Sometimes it can be hard to recognize that there even is a missing concept. You may have objects doing all the work but find some of the responsibilities awkward. Or, if you do realize something is missing, a model solution may elude you.
Now you have to actively engage the domain experts in the search. If you are lucky, they may enjoy playing with ideas and experimenting with the model. If you are not that lucky, you and your fellow developers will have to come up with the ideas, using the domain expert as a validator, watching for discomfort or recognition on his or her face.
Example: Earning Interest the Hard Way
The next story is set in a hypothetical financial company that invests in commercial loans and other interest-bearing assets. An application that tracks those investments and the earnings from them has been evolving incrementally, feature by feature. Each night, one component was to run as a batch script, calculating all interest and fees for the day and then recording them appropriately in the company’s accounting software.
Figure 9.4. An awkward model
The nightly batch script iterated through each Asset, telling each to calculateInterestForDate() on that day’s date. The script took the return value (the amount earned) and passed this amount, along with the name of a specific ledger, to a SERVICE that provided the public interface of the accounting program. That software posted the amount to the named ledger. The script went through a similar process to get the day’s fees from each Asset, posting them to a different ledger.
A developer had been struggling with the increasing complexity of calculating interest. She started to suspect an opportunity for a model better suited to the task. This developer asked her favorite domain expert to help her dig into the problem area.
Developer: Our Interest Calculator is getting out of hand.
Expert: That is a complicated part. We still have more cases we’ve been holding back.
Developer: I know. We can add new interest types by substituting a different Interest Calculator. But what we’re having the most trouble with right now is all these special cases when they don’t pay the interest on schedule.
Expert: Those really aren’t special cases. There’s a lot of flexibility in when people pay.
Developer: Back when we factored out the Interest Calculator from the Asset, it helped a lot. We may need to break it up more.
Expert: OK.
Developer: I was thinking you might have a way of talking about this interest calculation.
Expert: What do you mean?
Developer: Well, for example, we’re tracking the interest due but unpaid within an accounting period. Do you have a name for that?
Expert: Well, we don’t really do it like that. The interest earned and the payment are quite separate postings.
Developer: So you don’t need that number?
Expert: Well, sometimes we might look at it, but it isn’t the way we do business.
Developer: OK, so if the payment and interest are separate, maybe we should model them that way. How does this look? [Sketching on whiteboard]
Figure 9.5
Expert: It makes sense, I guess. But you just moved it from one place to another.
Developer: Except now the Interest Calculator only keeps track of interest earned, and the Payment keeps that number sepa
rately. It hasn’t simplified it a lot, but does it better reflect your business practice?
Expert: Ah. I see. Could we have interest history, too? Like the Payment History.
Developer: Yes, that has been requested as a new feature. But that could have been added onto the original design.
Expert: Oh. Well, when I saw interest and Payment History separated like that, I thought you were breaking up the interest to organize it more like the Payment History. Do you know anything about accrual basis accounting?
Developer: Please explain.
Expert: Each day, or whenever the schedule calls for, we have an interest accrual that gets posted to a ledger. The payments are posted a different way. This aggregate you have here is a little awkward.
Developer: You’re saying that if we keep a list of “accruals,” they could be aggregated or . . . “posted” as needed.
Expert: Probably posted on the accrual date, but yes, aggregated anytime. Fees work the same way, posted to a different ledger, of course.
Developer: Actually, the interest calculation would be simpler if it was done just for one day, or period. And then we could just hang on to them all. How about this?
Figure 9.6
Expert: Sure. It looks good. I’m not sure why this would be easier for you. But basically, what makes any asset valuable is what it can accrue in interest, fees, and so on.
Developer: You said fees work the same way? They . . . what was it . . . post to different ledgers?
Figure 9.7
Developer: With this model, we get the interest calculation, or rather, the accrual calculation logic that was in the Interest Calculator separated from tracking. And I hadn’t noticed until now how much duplication there is in the Fee Calculator. Also, now the different kinds of fees can easily be added.