by Eric Evans
These techniques require fairly advanced design skills to apply and sometimes even to write a client. The usefulness of a MODEL-DRIVEN DESIGN is sensitive to the quality of the detailed design and implementation decisions, and it only takes a few confused developers to derail a project from the goal.
That said, for the team willing to cultivate its modeling and design skills, these patterns and the way of thinking they reflect yield software that developers can work and rework to create complex software.
Declarative Design
ASSERTIONS can lead to much better designs, even with our relatively informal way of testing them. But there can be no real guarantees in handwritten software. To name just one way of evading ASSERTIONS, code could have additional side effects that were not specifically excluded. No matter how MODEL-DRIVEN our design is, we still end up writing procedures to produce the effect of the conceptual interactions. And we spend so much of our time writing boilerplate code that doesn’t really add any meaning or behavior. This is tedious and fraught with error, and the bulk of it obscures the meaning of our model. (Some languages are better than others, but all require us to do a lot of grunt work.) INTENTION-REVEALING INTERFACES and the other patterns in this chapter help, but they can never give conventional object-oriented programs formal rigor.
These are some of the motivations behind declarative design. This term means many things to many people, but usually it indicates a way to write a program, or some part of a program, as a kind of executable specification. A very precise description of properties actually controls the software. In its various forms, this could be done through a reflection mechanism or at compile time through code generation (producing conventional code automatically, based on the declaration). This approach allows another developer to take the declaration at face value. It is an absolute guarantee.
Generating a running program from a declaration of model properties is a kind of Holy Grail of MODEL-DRIVEN DESIGN, but it does have its pitfalls in practice. For example, here are just two particular problems I’ve encountered more than once.
• A declaration language not expressive enough to do everything needed, but a framework that makes it very difficult to extend the software beyond the automated portion
• Code-generation techniques that cripple the iterative cycle by merging generated code into handwritten code in a way that makes regeneration very destructive
The unintended consequence of many attempts at declarative design is the dumbing-down of the model and application, as developers, trapped by the limitations of the framework, enact design triage in order to get something delivered.
Rule-based programming with an inference engine and a rule base is another promising approach to declarative design. Unfortunately, subtle issues can undermine this intention.
Although a rules-based program is declarative in principle, most systems have “control predicates” that were added to allow performance tuning. This control code introduces side effects, so that the behavior is no longer dictated completely by the declared rules. Adding, removing, or reordering the rules can cause unexpected, incorrect results. Therefore, a logic programmer has to be careful to keep the effect of code obvious, just as an object programmer does.
Many declarative approaches can be corrupted if the developers bypass them intentionally or unintentionally. This is likely when the system is difficult to use or overly restrictive. Everyone has to follow the rules of the framework in order to get the benefits of a declarative program.
The greatest value I’ve seen delivered has been when a narrowly scoped framework automates a particularly tedious and error-prone aspect of the design, such as persistence and object-relational mapping. The best of these unburden developers of drudge work while leaving them complete freedom to design.
Domain-Specific Languages
An interesting approach that is sometimes declarative is the domain-specific language. In this style, client code is written in a programming language tailored to a particular model of a particular domain. For example, a language for shipping systems might include terms such as cargo and route, along with syntax for associating them. The program is then compiled, often into a conventional object-oriented language, where a library of classes provides implementations for the terms in the language.
In such a language, programs can be extremely expressive, and make the strongest connection with the UBIQUITOUS LANGUAGE. This is an exciting concept, but domain-specific languages also have their drawbacks in the approaches I’ve seen based on object-oriented technology.
To refine the model, a developer needs to be able to modify the language. This may involve modifying grammar declarations and other language-interpreting features, as well as modifying underlying class libraries. I’m all in favor of learning advanced technology and design concepts, but we have to soberly assess the skills of a particular team, as well as the likely skills of future maintenance teams. Also, there is value in the seamlessness of an application and a model implemented in the same language. Another drawback is that it can be difficult to refactor client code to conform to a revised model and its associated domain-specific language. Of course, someone may come up with a technical fix for the refactoring problems.
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From the Ground Up
A different paradigm might handle domain-specific languages better than objects. In the Scheme programming language, a representative of the “functional programming” family, something very similar is part of standard programming style, so that the expressiveness of a domain-specific language can be created without bifurcating the system.
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This technique might be most useful for very mature models, perhaps where client code is being written by a different team. Generally, such setups lead to the poisonous distinction between highly technical framework builders and technically unskilled application builders, but it doesn’t have to be that way.
In the scheme programming language, something very similar is part of standard programming style, so that the expressiveness of a domain-specific language can be created without bifurcating the system.
A Declarative Style of Design
Once your design has INTENTION-REVEALING INTERFACES, SIDE-EFFECT-FREE FUNCTIONS, and ASSERTIONS, you are edging into declarative territory. Many of the benefits of declarative design are obtained once you have combinable elements that communicate their meaning, and have characterized or obvious effects, or no observable effects at all.
A supple design can make it possible for the client code to use a declarative style of design. To illustrate, the next section will bring together some of the patterns in this chapter to make the SPECIFICATION more supple and declarative.
Extending SPECIFICATIONS in a Declarative Style
Chapter 9 covered the basic concept of SPECIFICATION, the roles it can play in a program, and some sense of what is involved in implementation. Now let’s take a look at a few bells and whistles that can be very useful in some situations with complicated rules.
SPECIFICATION is an adaptation of an established formalism, the predicate. Predicates have other useful properties that we can draw on, selectively.
Combining SPECIFICATIONS Using Logical Operators
When using SPECIFICATIONS, you quickly come across situations in which you would like to combine them. As just mentioned, a SPECIFICATION is an example of a predicate, and predicates can be combined and modified with the operations “AND,” “OR,” and “NOT.” These logical operations are closed under predicates, so SPECIFICATION combinations will exhibit CLOSURE OF OPERATIONS.
As significant generalized capability is built into SPECIFICATIONS, it becomes very useful to create an abstract class or interface that can be used for SPECIFICATIONS of all sorts. This means typing arguments as some high-level abstract class.
public interface Specification {
boolean isSatisfiedBy(Object candidate);
This abstraction calls for a guard clause a
t the beginning of the method, but otherwise it does not affect functionality. For example, the Container Specification (from the example in Chapter 9, on page 236) would be modified this way:
public class ContainerSpecification implements Specification {
private ContainerFeature requiredFeature;
public ContainerSpecification(ContainerFeature required) {
requiredFeature = required;
boolean isSatisfiedBy(Object candidate){
if (!candidate instanceof Container) return false;
Now, let’s extend the Specification interface by adding the three new operations:
public interface Specification {
boolean isSatisfiedBy(Object candidate);
Specification and(Specification other);
Specification or(Specification other);
Specification not();
Recall that some Container Specifications were configured to require ventilated Containers and others to require armored Containers. A chemical that is both volatile and explosive would, presumably, need both of these SPECIFICATIONS. Easily done, using the new methods.
Specification ventilated = new ContainerSpecification(VENTILATED);
Specification armored = new ContainerSpecification(ARMORED);
Specification both = ventilated.and(armored);
The declaration defines a new Specification object with the expected properties. This combination would have required a more complicated Container Specification, and would still have been special purpose.
Suppose we had more than one kind of ventilated Container. It might not matter for some items which kind they were packed into. They could be placed in either type.
Specification ventilatedType1 =
new ContainerSpecification(VENTILATED_TYPE_1);
Specification ventilatedType2 =
new ContainerSpecification(VENTILATED_TYPE_2);
Specification either = ventilatedType1.or(ventilatedType2);
If it was considered wasteful to store sand in specialized containers, we could prohibit it by SPECIFYING a “cheap” container with no special features.
Specification cheap = (ventilated.not()).and(armored.not());
This constraint would have prevented some of the suboptimal behavior of the prototype warehouse packer discussed in Chapter 9.
The ability to build complex specifications out of simple elements increases the expressiveness of the code. The combinations are written in a declarative style.
Depending on how SPECIFICATIONS are implemented, these operators may be easy or difficult to provide. What follows is a very simple implementation, which would be inefficient in some situations and quite practical in others. It is meant as an explanatory example. Like any pattern, there are many ways to implement it.
public abstract class AbstractSpecification implements
Specification {
public Specification and(Specification other) {
return new AndSpecification(this, other);
public Specification or(Specification other) {
return new OrSpecification(this, other);
public Specification not() {
return new NotSpecification(this);
public class AndSpecification extends AbstractSpecification {
Specification one;
Specification other;
public AndSpecification(Specification x, Specification y) {
one = x;
other = y;
public boolean isSatisfiedBy(Object candidate) {
return one.isSatisfiedBy(candidate) &&
public class OrSpecification extends AbstractSpecification {
Specification one;
Specification other;
public OrSpecification(Specification x, Specification y) {
one = x;
other = y;
public boolean isSatisfiedBy(Object candidate) {
return one.isSatisfiedBy(candidate) ||
public class NotSpecification extends AbstractSpecification {
Specification wrapped;
public NotSpecification(Specification x) {
wrapped = x;
public boolean isSatisfiedBy(Object candidate) {
return !wrapped.isSatisfiedBy(candidate);
Figure 10.14. COMPOSITE design of SPECIFICATION
This code was written to be as easy as possible to read in a book. As I said, there may be situations in which this is inefficient. However, other implementation options are possible that would minimize object count or boost speed, or perhaps be compatible with idiosyncratic technologies present in some project. The important thing is a model that captures the key concepts of the domain, along with an implementation that is faithful to that model. That leaves a lot of room to solve performance problems.
Also, this full generality is not needed in many cases. In particular, AND tends to be used a lot more than the others, and it also tends to create less implementation complexity. Don’t be afraid to implement only AND, if that is all you need.
Way back in Chapter 2, in the example dialog on page 30, the developers had apparently not implemented the “satisfied by” behavior of their SPECIFICATION. Up to that point, the SPECIFICATION had been used only for building to order. Even so, the abstraction was intact, and adding functionality was relatively easy. Using a pattern doesn’t mean building features you don’t need. They can be added later, as long as the concepts don’t get muddled.
Example: One Alternative Implementation of COMPOSITE SPECIFICATION
Some implementation environments don’t accommodate very fine grained objects very well. I once worked on a project with an object database that insisted on giving an object ID to every object and then tracking it. Each object had lots of overhead in memory space and performance, and total address space was a limiting factor. I employed SPECIFICATIONS at some important points in the domain design, which I think was a good decision. But I used a slightly more elaborate version of the implementation described in this chapter, which was definitely a mistake. It resulted in millions of very fine grained objects that contributed to bogging the system down.
Here is an example of an alternative implementation that encodes the composite SPECIFICATION as a string or array encoding the logical expression, to be interpreted at runtime.
(Don’t worry if you do not see how you would implement this. The important thing is to realize that there are many ways of implementing a SPECIFICATION with logical operators, and so if the simple one is not practical in your situation, you have options.)
When you want to test a candidate, you have to interpret this structure, which can be done by popping off each element, then evaluating it or popping off the next as required by an operator. You would end up with this:
and(not(armored), not(ventilated))
This design has pros (+) and cons (–):
+ Low object count
+ Efficient use of memory
– Requires more sophisticated developers
You have to find an implementation with trade-offs that work for your circumstances. The same pattern and model can underlie very different implementations.
This final feature is not usually needed and can be difficult to implement, but every now and then it solves a really hard problem. It also elucidates the meaning of a SPECIFICATION.
Consider again the chemical warehouse packer from the example on page 235. Recall that each Chemical had a Container Specification, and the Packer SERVICE gu
aranteed that all these would be satisfied when Drums are assigned to Containers. All is well... until someone changes the regulations.
Every few months a new set of rules is issued, and our users would like to be able to produce a list of the chemical types that now have more stringent requirements.
Of course, we could give a partial answer (and one the users probably also want) by running a validation of each Drum in the inventory, with the new SPECIFICATIONS in place, and finding all those that no longer meet the SPEC. This would tell the users which Drums in the existing inventory they need to move.
But what they asked for was a list of chemicals whose handling has become more stringent. Perhaps there are none in-house right now, or perhaps they just happened to be packed into a more stringent container. In either case, the report just described would not list them.
Let’s introduce a new operation for directly comparing two SPECIFICATIONS.
boolean subsumes(Specification other);
A more stringent SPEC subsumes a less stringent one. It could take its place without any previous requirement being neglected.
Figure 10.15. The SPECIFICATION for a gasoline container has been tightened.
In the language of SPECIFICATION, we would say that the new SPECIFICATION subsumes the old SPECIFICATION, because any candidate that would satisfy the new SPEC would also satisfy the old.
If each of these SPECIFICATIONS is viewed as a predicate, subsumption is equivalent to logical implication. Using conventional notation, A → B means that statement A implies statement B, so that if A is true, B is also true.