by Eric Evans
These full circles are common, but they do not return to their starting point. The end result is usually a deeper model that more clearly differentiates facts, goals, and MECHANISMS. Pragmatic refactoring retains the important virtues of the intermediate stages while shedding the unneeded complications.
Distilling to a Declarative Style
Declarative design and “declarative style” is a topic of Chapter 10, but that design style deserves special mention in this chapter on strategic distillation. The value of distillation is being able to see what you are doing: cutting to the essence without being distracted by irrelevant detail. Important parts of the CORE DOMAIN may be able to follow a declarative style, when the supporting design provides an economical language for expressing the concepts and rules of the CORE while encapsulating the means of computing or enforcing them.
COHESIVE MECHANISMS are by far most useful when they provide access through an INTENTION-REVEALING INTERFACE, with conceptually coherent ASSERTIONS and SIDE-EFFECT-FREE FUNCTIONS. MECHANISMS and supple designs allow the CORE DOMAIN to make meaningful statements rather than calling obscure functions. But an exceptional payoff comes when part of the CORE DOMAIN itself breaks through to a deep model and starts to function as a language that can express the most important application scenarios flexibly and concisely.
A deep model often comes with a corresponding supple design. When a supple design reaches maturity, it provides an easily understood set of elements that can be combined unambiguously to accomplish complex tasks or express complex information, just as words are combined into sentences. At that point, client code takes on a declarative style and can be much more distilled.
Factoring out GENERIC SUBDOMAINS reduces clutter, and COHESIVE MECHANISMS serve to encapsulate complex operations. This leaves behind a more focused model, with fewer distractions that add no particular value to the way users conduct their activities. But you are unlikely ever to find good homes for everything in the domain model that is not CORE. The SEGREGATED CORE takes a direct approach to structurally marking off the CORE DOMAIN....
Segregated Core
Elements in the model may partially serve the CORE DOMAIN and partially play supporting roles. CORE elements may be tightly coupled to generic ones. The conceptual cohesion of the CORE may not be strong or visible. All this clutter and entanglement chokes the CORE. Designers can’t clearly see the most important relationships, leading to a weak design.
By factoring out GENERIC SUBDOMAINS, you clear away some of the obscuring detail from the domain, making the CORE more visible. But it is hard work identifying and clarifying all these subdomains, and some of them don’t seem worth the trouble. Meanwhile, the all-important CORE DOMAIN is left entangled with the residue.
Refactor the model to separate the CORE concepts from supporting players (including ill-defined ones) and strengthen the cohesion of the CORE while reducing its coupling to other code. Factor all generic or supporting elements into other objects and place them into other packages, even if this means refactoring the model in ways that separate highly coupled elements.
This is basically taking the same principles we applied to GENERIC SUBDOMAINS but from the other direction. The cohesive subdomains that are central to our application can be identified and partitioned into coherent packages of their own. What is done with the undifferentiated mass left behind is important, but not as important. It can be left more or less where it was, or placed into packages based on prominent classes. Eventually, more and more of the residue can be factored into GENERIC SUBDOMAINS, but in the short term any easy solution will do, just so the focus on the SEGREGATED CORE is retained.
The steps needed to refactor to SEGREGATED CORE are typically something like these:
1. Identify a CORE subdomain (possibly drawing from the distillation document).
2. Move related classes to a new MODULE, named for the concept that relates them.
3. Refactor code to sever data and functionality that are not directly expressions of the concept. Put the removed aspects into (possibly new) classes in other packages. Try to place them with conceptually related tasks, but don’t waste too much time being perfect. Keep focused on scrubbing the CORE subdomain and making the references from it to other packages explicit and self-explanatory.
4. Refactor the newly SEGREGATED CORE MODULE to make its relationships and interactions simpler and more communicative, and to minimize and clarify its relationships with other MODULES. (This becomes an ongoing refactoring objective.)
5. Repeat with another CORE subdomain until the SEGREGATED CORE is complete.
The Costs of Creating a SEGREGATED CORE
Segregating the CORE will sometimes make relationships with tightly coupled non-CORE classes more obscure or even more complicated, but that cost is outweighed by the benefit of clarifying the CORE DOMAIN and making it much easier to work on.
The SEGREGATED CORE will let you enhance the cohesion of that CORE DOMAIN. There are many meaningful ways of breaking down a model, and sometimes in the creation of a SEGREGATED CORE a nicely cohesive MODULE may be broken, sacrificing that cohesion for the sake of bringing out the cohesiveness of the CORE DOMAIN. This is a net gain, because the greatest value-added of enterprise software comes from the enterprise-specific aspects of the model.
The other cost, of course, is that segregating the CORE is a lot of work. It must be acknowledged that a decision to go to a SEGREGATED CORE will potentially absorb developers in changes all over the system.
The time to chop out a SEGREGATED CORE is when you have a large BOUNDED CONTEXT that is critical to the system, but where the essential part of the model is being obscured by a great deal of supporting capability.
Evolving Team Decision
As with many strategic design decisions, an entire team must move to a SEGREGATED CORE together. This step requires a team decision process and a team disciplined and coordinated enough to carry out the decision. The challenge is to constrain everyone to use the same definition of the CORE while not freezing that decision. Because the CORE DOMAIN evolves just like every other aspect of a design, experience working with a SEGREGATED CORE will lead to new insights into what is essential and what is a supporting element. Those insights should feed back into a refined definition of the CORE DOMAIN and of the SEGREGATED CORE MODULES.
This means that new insights must be shared with the team on an ongoing basis, but an individual (or programming pair) cannot act on those insights unilaterally. Whatever the process is for joint decisions, whether consensus or team leader directive, it must be agile enough to make repeated course corrections. Communication must be effective enough to keep everyone together in one view of the CORE.
Example: Segregating the CORE of a Cargo Shipping Model
We start with the model shown in Figure 15.2 as the basis of software for cargo shipping coordination.
Figure 15.2
Note that this is highly simplified compared to what would likely be needed for a real application. A realistic model would be too cumbersome for an example. Therefore, although this example may not be complicated enough to drive us to a SEGREGATED CORE, take a leap of imagination to treat this model as being too complex to interpret easily and deal with as a whole.
Now, what is the essence of the shipping model? Usually a good place to start looking is the “bottom line.” This might lead us to focus on pricing and invoices. But we really need to look at the DOMAIN VISION STATEMENT. Here is an excerpt from this one.
. . . Increase visibility of operations and provide tools to fulfill customer requirements faster and more reliably...
This application is not being designed for the sales department. It is going to be used by the front-line operators of the company. So let’s relegate all money-related issues to (admittedly important) supporting roles. Someone has already placed some of these items into a separate package (Billing). We can keep that, and further recognize that it plays a supporting role.<
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The focus needs to be on the cargo handling: delivery of the cargo according to customer requirements. Extracting the classes most directly involved in these activities produces a SEGREGATED CORE in a new package called Delivery, as shown in Figure 15.3.
Figure 15.3. Reliable delivery in adherence with customer requirements is the core goal of this project.
For the most part, classes have just moved into the new package, but there have been a few changes to the model itself.
First, the Customer Agreement now constrains the Handling Step. This is typical of the insights that tend to arise as the team segregates the CORE. As attention is focused on effective, correct delivery, it becomes clear that the delivery constraints in the Customer Agreement are fundamental and should be explicit in the model.
The other change is more pragmatic. In the refactored model, the Customer Agreement is attached directly to the Cargo, rather than requiring a navigation through the Customer. (It will have to be attached when the Cargo is booked, just as the Customer is.) At actual delivery time, the Customer is not as relevant to operations as the agreement itself. In the other model, the correct Customer had to be found, according to the role it played in the shipment, and then queried for its Customer Agreement. This interaction would clog up every story you set out to tell about the model. The new association makes the most important scenarios as simple and direct as possible. Now it becomes easy to pull the Customer out of the CORE altogether.
And what about pulling Customer out, anyway? The focus is on fulfilling the Customer’s requirements, so at first Customer seems to belong in the CORE. Yet the interactions during delivery do not usually need to involve the Customer class now that the Customer Agreement is available directly. And the basic model of a Customer is pretty generic.
A strong argument could be made for Leg to remain in the CORE. I tend to be minimalist in the CORE, and the Leg has tighter cohesion with Transport Schedule, Routing Service, and Location, none of which needed to be in the CORE. But if a lot of the stories I wanted to tell about this model involved Legs, I’d move it into the Delivery package and suffer the awkwardness of its separation from those other classes.
In this example, all the class definitions are the same as before, but often distillation requires refactoring the classes themselves to separate the generic and domain-specific responsibilities, which can then be segregated.
Now that we have a SEGREGATED CORE, the refactoring is complete. But the Shipping package we are left with is just “everything left over after we pulled out the CORE.” We can follow up with other refactorings to get more communicative packaging, as shown in Figure 15.4.
Figure 15.4. Meaningful MODULES for non-CORE subdomains follow after the SEGREGATED CORE is complete.
It might take several refactorings to get to this point; it doesn’t have to be done all at once. Here, we’ve ended up with one SEGREGATED CORE package, one GENERIC SUBDOMAIN, and two domain-specific packages in supporting roles. Deeper insight might eventually produce a GENERIC SUBDOMAIN for Customer, or it might end up more specialized for shipping.
Recognizing useful, meaningful MODULES is a modeling activity (as discussed in Chapter 5). Developers and domain experts collaborate in strategic distillation as part of the knowledge crunching process.
Abstract Core
Even the CORE DOMAIN model usually has so much detail that communicating the big picture can be difficult.
We usually deal with a large model by breaking it into narrower subdomains that are small enough to be grasped and placing them in separate MODULES. This reductive style of packaging often works to make a complicated model manageable. But sometimes creating separate MODULES can obscure or even complicate the interactions between the subdomains.
When there is a lot of interaction between subdomains in separate MODULES, either many references will have to be created between MODULES, which defeats much of the value of the partitioning, or the interaction will have to be made indirect, which makes the model obscure.
Consider slicing horizontally rather than vertically. Polymorphism gives us the power to ignore a lot of the detailed variation among instances of an abstract type. If most of the interactions across MODULES can be expressed at the level of polymorphic interfaces, it may make sense to refactor these types into a special CORE MODULE.
We are not looking for a technical trick here. This is a valuable technique only when the polymorphic interfaces correspond to fundamental concepts in the domain. In that case, separating these abstractions decouples the MODULES while distilling a smaller and more cohesive CORE DOMAIN.
Identify the most fundamental concepts in the model and factor them into distinct classes, abstract classes, or interfaces. Design this abstract model so that it expresses most of the interaction between significant components. Place this abstract overall model in its own MODULE, while the specialized, detailed implementation classes are left in their own MODULES defined by subdomain.
Most of the specialized classes will now reference the ABSTRACT CORE MODULE but not the other specialized MODULES. The ABSTRACT CORE gives a succinct view of the main concepts and their interactions.
The process of factoring out the ABSTRACT CORE is not mechanical. For example, if all the classes that were frequently referenced across MODULES were automatically moved into a separate MODULE, the likely result would be a meaningless mess. Modeling an ABSTRACT CORE requires a deep understanding of the key concepts and the roles they play in the major interactions of the system. In other words, it is an example of refactoring to deeper insight. And it usually requires considerable redesign.
The ABSTRACT CORE should end up looking a lot like the distillation document (if both were used on the same project, and the distillation document had evolved with the application as insight deepened). Of course, the ABSTRACT CORE will be written in code, and therefore more rigorous and more complete.
Deep Models Distill
Distillation does not operate only on the gross level of separating parts of the domain away from the CORE. It also means refining those subdomains, especially the CORE DOMAIN, through continuously refactoring toward deeper insight, driving toward a deep model and supple design. The goal is a design that makes the model obvious, a model that expresses the domain simply. A deep model distills the most essential aspects of a domain into simple elements that can be combined to solve the important problems of the application.
Although a breakthrough to a deep model provides value anywhere it happens, it is in the CORE DOMAIN that it can change the trajectory of an entire project.
Choosing Refactoring Targets
When you encounter a large system that is poorly factored, where do you start? In the XP community, the answer tends to be either one of these:
1. Just start anywhere, because it all has to be refactored.
2. Start wherever it is hurting. I’ll refactor what I need to in order to get my specific task done.
I don’t hold with either of these. The first is impractical except in a few projects staffed entirely with top programmers. The second tends to pick around the edges, treating symptoms and ignoring root causes, shying away from the worst tangles. Eventually the code becomes harder and harder to refactor.
So, if you can’t do it all, and you can’t be pain-driven, what do you do?
1. In a pain-driven refactoring, you look to see if the root involves the CORE DOMAIN or the relationship of the CORE to a supporting element. If it does, you bite the bullet and fix that first.
2. When you have the luxury of refactoring freely, you focus first on better factoring of the CORE DOMAIN, on improving the segregation of the CORE, and on purifying supporting subdomains to be GENERIC.
This is how to get the most bang for your refactoring buck.
Sixteen. Large-Scale Structure
Thousands of people worked independently to create the AIDS Quilt.
A small Silicon Valley design firm had been contract
ed to create a simulator for a satellite communications system. Work was progressing well. A MODEL-DRIVEN DESIGN was developing that could express and simulate a wide range of network conditions and failures.
But the lead developers on the project were uneasy. The problem was inherently complex. Driven by the need to clarify the intricate relationships in the model, they had decomposed the design into coherent MODULES of manageable size. Now there were a lot of MODULES. Which package should a developer look in to find a particular aspect of functionality? Where should a new class be placed? What did some of these little packages really mean? How did they all fit together? And there was still more to build.
The developers communicated well with one another and could still figure out what to do from day to day, but the project leaders were not content to skirt the edge of comprehensibility. They wanted some way of organizing the design so that it could be understood and manipulated as it moved to the next level of complexity.
They brainstormed. There were a lot of possibilities. Alternative packaging schemes were proposed. Maybe some document could give an overview of the system, or some new views of the class diagram in the modeling tool could guide a developer to the right MODULE. But the project leaders weren’t satisfied with these gimmicks.