by Eric Evans
Seven Years Later
Then, another year later, I heard a different story. The team had encountered new requirements that the developers didn’t see any way to accomplish within the inherited design. They had been forced to change the design almost beyond recognition. As I probed for more details, I could see that aspects of our model would have made solving those problems awkward. It is precisely during such moments when a breakthrough to a deeper model is often possible, especially when, as in this case, the developers had accumulated deep knowledge and experience in the domain. In fact, they had had a rush of new insights and ended up transforming the model and design based on those insights.
They told me this story carefully, diplomatically, expecting, I suppose, that I would be disappointed by their discarding of so much of my work. I am not that sentimental about my designs. The success of a design is not necessarily marked by its stasis. Take a system people depend on, make it opaque, and it will live forever as untouchable legacy. A deep model allows clear vision that can yield new insight, while a supple design facilitates ongoing change. The model they came up with was deeper, better aligned with the real concerns of the users. Their design solved real problems. It is the nature of software to change, and this program has continued to evolve in the hands of the team that owns it.
The shipping examples scattered through the book are loosely based on a project for a major international container-shipping company. Early on, the leadership of the project was committed to a domain-driven approach, but they never produced a development culture that could fully support it. Several teams with widely different levels of design skill and object experience set out to create modules, loosely coordinated by informal cooperation between team leaders and by a customer-focused architecture team. We did develop a reasonably deep model of the CORE DOMAIN, and there was a viable UBIQUITOUS LANGUAGE.
But the company culture fiercely resisted iterative development, and we waited far too long to push out a working internal release. Therefore, problems were exposed at a late stage, when they were more risky and expensive to fix. At some point, we discovered specific aspects of the model were causing performance problems in the database. A natural part of MODEL-DRIVEN DESIGN is the feedback from implementation problems to changes in the model, but by that time there was a perception that we were too far down the road to change the fundamental model. Instead, changes were made to the code to make it more efficient, and its connection to the model was weakened. The initial release also exposed scaling limitations in the technical infrastructure that threw a scare into management. Expertise was brought in to fix the infrastructure problems, and the project bounced back. But the loop was never closed between implementation and domain modeling.
A few teams delivered fine software with complex capabilities and expressive models. Others delivered stiff software that reduced the model to data structures, though even they retained traces of the UBIQUITOUS LANGUAGE. Perhaps a CONTEXT MAP would have helped us as much as anything, as the relationship between the output of the various teams was haphazard. Yet that CORE model carried in the UBIQUITOUS LANGUAGE did help the teams ultimately to glue together a system.
Although reduced in scope, the project replaced several legacy systems. The whole was held together by a shared set of concepts, though most of the design was not very supple. It has itself largely fossilized into legacy now, years later, but it still serves the global business 24 hours a day. Although the more successful teams’ influence gradually spread, time runs out eventually, even in the richest company. The culture of the project never really absorbed MODEL-DRIVEN DESIGN. New development today is on different platforms and is only indirectly influenced by the work we did—as the new developers CONFORM to their legacy.
In some circles, ambitious goals like those the shipping company initially set have been discredited. Better, it seems, to make little applications we know how to deliver. Better to stick to the lowest common denominator of design to do simple things. This conservative approach has its place, and allows for neatly scoped, quick-response projects. But integrated, model-driven systems promise value that those patchworks can’t. There is a third way. Domain-driven design allows piecemeal growth of big systems with rich functionality, by building on a deep model and supple design.
I’ll close this list with Evant, a company that develops inventory management software, where I played a secondary supporting role and contributed to an already strong design culture. Others have written about this project as a poster child of Extreme Programming, but what is not usually remarked upon is that the project was intensely domain-driven. Ever deeper models were distilled and expressed in ever more supple designs. This project thrived until the “dot com” crash of 2001. Then, starved for investment funds, the company contracted, software development went mostly dormant, and it seemed that the end was near. But in the summer of 2002, Evant was approached by one of the top ten retailers in the world. This potential client liked the product, but it needed design changes to allow the application to scale up for an enormous inventory planning operation. It was Evant’s last chance.
Although reduced to four developers, the team had assets. They were skilled, with knowledge of the domain, and one member had expertise in scaling issues. They had a very effective development culture. And they had a code base with a supple design that facilitated change. That summer, those four developers made a heroic development effort resulting in the ability to handle billions of planning elements and hundreds of users. On the strength of those capabilities, Evant won the behemoth client and, soon after, was bought by another company that wanted to leverage their software and their proven ability to accommodate new demands.
The domain-driven design culture (as well as the Extreme Programming culture) survived the transition and was revitalized. Today, the model and design continue to evolve, far richer and suppler two years later than when I made my contribution. And rather than being assimilated into the purchasing company, the members of the Evant team seem to be inspiring the company’s existing project teams to follow their lead. This story isn’t over yet.
No project will ever employ every technique in this book. Even so, any project committed to domain-driven design will be recognizable in a few ways. The defining characteristic is a priority on understanding the target domain and incorporating that understanding into the software. Everything else flows from that premise. Team members are conscious of the use of language on the project and cultivate its refinement. They are hard to satisfy with the quality of the domain model, because they keep learning more about the domain. They see continuous refinement as an opportunity and an ill-fitting model as a risk. They take design skill seriously because it isn’t easy to develop production-quality software that clearly reflects the domain model. They stumble over obstacles, but they hold on to their principles as they pick themselves up and continue forward.
Looking Forward
Weather, ecosystems, and biology used to be considered messy, “soft” fields in contrast to physics or chemistry. Recently, however, people have recognized that the appearance of “messiness” in fact presents a profound technical challenge to discover and understand the order in these very complex phenomena. The field called “complexity” is the vanguard of many sciences. Although purely technological tasks have generally seemed most interesting and challenging to talented software engineers, domain-driven design opens up a new area of challenge that is at least equal. Business software does not have to be a bolted-together mess. Wrestling a complex domain into a comprehensible software design is an exciting challenge for strong technical people.
We are nowhere near the era of laypeople creating complex software that works. Armies of programmers with rudimentary skills can produce certain kinds of software, but not the kind that saves a company in its eleventh hour. What is needed is for tool builders to put their minds to the task of extending the power and productivity of talented software developers. What is needed are sharper ways of expl
oring domain models and expressing them in working software. I look forward to experimenting with new tools and technologies devised for this purpose.
But though improved tools will be valuable, we mustn’t get distracted by them and lose sight of the core fact that creating good software is a learning and thinking activity. Modeling requires imagination and self-discipline. Tools that help us think or avoid distraction are good. Efforts to automate what must be the product of thought are naive and counterproductive.
With the tools and technology we already have, we can build systems much more valuable than most projects do today. We can write software that is a pleasure to use and a pleasure to work on, software that doesn’t box us in as it grows but creates new opportunities and continues to add value for its owners.
Appendix. The Use of Patterns in This Book
My first “nice car,” which I was given shortly after college, was an eight-year-old Peugeot. Sometimes called the “French Mercedes,” this car was well crafted, was a pleasure to drive, and had been very reliable. But by the time I got it, it was reaching the age when things start to go wrong and more maintenance is required.
Peugeot is an old company, and it has followed its own evolutionary path over many decades. It has its own mechanical terminology, and its designs are idiosyncratic; even the breakdown of functions into parts is sometimes nonstandard. The result is a car that only Peugeot specialists can work on, a potential problem for someone on a grad student income.
On one typical occasion, I took the car to a local mechanic to investigate a fluid leak. He examined the undercarriage and told me that oil was “leaking from a little box about two-thirds of the way back that seems to have something to do with distributing braking power between front and rear.” He then refused to touch the car and advised me to go to the dealership, fifty miles away. Anyone can work on a Ford or a Honda; that’s why those cars are more convenient and less expensive to own, even though they are equally mechanically complex.
I did love that car, but I will never own a quirky car again. A day came when a particularly expensive problem was diagnosed, and I had had enough of Peugeots. I took it to a local charity that accepted cars as donations. Then I bought a beat-up old Honda Civic for about what the repair would have cost.
Standard design elements are lacking for domain development, and so every domain model and corresponding implementation is quirky and hard to understand. Moreover, every team has to reinvent the wheel (or the gear, or the windshield wiper). In the world of object-oriented design, everything is an object, a reference, or a message—which, of course, is a useful abstraction. But that does not sufficiently constrain the range of domain design choices and does not support an economical discussion of a domain model.
To stop with “Everything is an object” would be like a carpenter or an architect summing up houses by saying “Everything is a room.” There would be the big room with high-voltage outlets and a sink, where you might cook. There would be the small room upstairs, where you might sleep. It would take pages to describe an ordinary house. People who build or use houses realize that rooms follow patterns, patterns with special names, such as “kitchen.” This language enables economical discussion of house design.
Moreover, not all combinations of functions turn out to be practical. Why not a room where you bathe and sleep? Wouldn’t that be convenient. But long experience has precipitated into custom, and we separate our “bedrooms” from our “bathrooms.” After all, bathing facilities tend to be shared among more people than bedrooms are, and they require maximum privacy, even from the others who share the same bedroom. And bathrooms have specialized and expensive infrastructure requirements. Bathtubs and toilets typically end up in the same room because both require the same infrastructure (water and drainage) and both are used in private.
Another room that has special infrastructure requirements is that room where you might prepare meals, also known as the “kitchen.” In contrast to the bathroom, a kitchen has no special privacy requirements. Because of its expense, there is typically only one, even in relatively large houses. This singularity also facilitates our communal food preparation and eating customs.
When I say that I want a three-bedroom, two-bath house with an open-plan kitchen, I have packed a huge amount of information into a short sentence, and I’ve avoided a lot of silly mistakes—such as putting a toilet next to the refrigerator.
In every area of design—houses, cars, rowboats, or software—we build on patterns that have been found to work in the past, improvising within established themes. Sometimes we have to invent something completely new. But by basing standard elements on patterns, we avoid wasting our energy on problems with known solutions so that we can focus on our unusual needs. Also, building from conventional patterns helps us avoid a design so idiosyncratic that it is difficult to communicate.
Although software domain design is not as mature as other design fields—and in any case may be too diverse to accommodate patterns as specific as those used for car parts or rooms—there is nonetheless a need to move beyond “Everything is an object” to at least the equivalent of distinguishing bolts from springs.
A form for sharing and standardizing design insight was introduced in the 1970s by a group of architects led by Christopher Alexander (Alexander et al. 1977). Their “pattern language” wove together tried-and-true design solutions to common problems (much more subtly than my “kitchen” example, which has probably caused some readers of Alexander to cringe). The intent was that builders and users would communicate in this language, and they would be guided by the patterns to produce beautiful buildings that worked well and felt good to the people who used them.
Whatever architects might think of the idea, this pattern language has had a big impact on software design. In the 1990s software patterns were applied in many ways with some success, notably in detailed design (Gamma et al. 1995) and technical architectures (Buschmann et al. 1996). More recently, patterns have been used to document basic object-oriented design techniques (Larman 1998) and enterprise architectures (Fowler 2003, Alur et al. 2001). The language of patterns is now a mainstream technique for organizing software design ideas.
The pattern names are meant to become terms in the language of the team, and I’ve used them that way in this book. When a pattern name appears in a discussion, it is FORMATTED IN SMALL CAPS to call it out.
Here is how I’ve formatted patterns in this book. There is some variation around this basic plan, as I have favored case-by-case clarity and readability over rigid structure. . . .
Pattern Name
[Illustration of concept. Sometimes a visual metaphor or evocative text.]
[Context. A brief explanation of how the concept relates to other patterns. In some cases, a brief overview of the pattern.
However, much of the context discussion in this book is in the chapter introductions and other narrative segments, rather than within the patterns.
[Problem discussion.]
Problem summary.
Discussion of the resolution of problem forces into a solution.
Solution summary.
Consequences. Implementation considerations. Examples.
Resulting context: A brief explanation of how the pattern leads to later patterns.
[Discussion of implementation challenges. In Alexander’s original format, this discussion would have been folded into the section describing the resolution of the problem, and I have often followed Alexander’s organization in this book. But some patterns demand lengthier discussions of implementation. To keep the core pattern discussion tight, I have moved such long implementation discussions out, after the pattern.
Also, lengthy examples, particularly those that combine multiple patterns, are often outside the patterns.]
Here are brief definitions of selected terms, pattern names, and other concepts used in the book.
A cluster of associated objects that are treated as a unit for the purpose of data changes. External references are restricted to one member of the AGGREGATE, designated as the root. A set of consistency rules applies within the AGGREGATE’S boundaries.
analysis pattern A group of concepts that represents a common construction in business modeling. It may be relevant to only one domain or may span many domains (Fowler 1997, p. 8).
ASSERTION A statement of the correct state of a program at some point, independent of how it does it. Typically, an ASSERTION specifies the result of an operation or an invariant of a design element.
BOUNDED CONTEXT The delimited applicability of a particular model. BOUNDING CONTEXTS gives team members a clear and shared understanding of what has to be consistent and what can develop independently.
client A program element that is calling the element under design, using its capabilities.
cohesion Logical agreement and dependence.
command (a.k.a. modifier) An operation that effects some change to the system (for example, setting a variable). An operation that intentionally creates a side effect.
CONCEPTUAL CONTOUR An underlying consistency of the domain itself, which, if reflected in a model, can help the design accommodate change more naturally.
context The setting in which a word or statement appears that determines its meaning. See BOUNDED CONTEXT.
CONTEXT MAP A representation of the BOUNDED CONTEXTS involved in a project and the actual relationships between them and their models.
CORE DOMAIN The distinctive part of the model, central to the user’s goals, that differentiates the application and makes it valuable.
declarative design A form of programming in which a precise description of properties actually controls the software. An executable specification.