Blissful Disaster

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Blissful Disaster Page 2

by Amy L. Gale

  Tyler stops dead in his tracks and bends down next to me. “Can’t stop falling for me.” He lifts my chin, tucking a stray strand of hair behind an ear. “You ok?”

  I nod.

  “Only one way to handle this, babe.” He scoops me up and trudges forward.

  I wrap my arms around his neck and hold on tight. No need to plummet to the ground again. Next time, I’ll bury myself in it. It’s like my dirty little secret is turning into my Prince Charming.

  He heads up the two steps to the door and opens it with a few of his fingers. Dozens of eyes stare. I doubt many girls are carried in here unless they’re accident victims. Maybe that’s a good summary of the last twelve hours.

  “Hey, Jeanie, we need coffee here, quick.” Tyler sets me down on the white and blue linoleum.

  “You’re back in town.” A woman rushes forward and pulls Tyler into a hug.

  Great, he’s a regular. Guess he takes all his girls here for breakfast.

  “Just got in yesterday.” He turns toward me and slides his arm in the small of my back. “Two Melba’s sweet specials.”

  “You got it, sit anywhere you like. Oh, and I’ll bring lots of coffee.” She winks.

  Tyler guides me to a booth in the back near the window. I slide into the cool pink vinyl booth and adjust my ponytail. It’s like I’m in the middle of a puzzle. He just got back to town yesterday and knows the menu by heart. Who the hell am I with?

  “Two coffees, the rest will be right up.”

  I slide the cup toward me and inhale the invigorating aroma of fresh ground beans. Ah, instant relief. I take a sip and let the warm liquid pass along my taste buds. The pounding in my head diminishes to a low thump. An involuntary smile creeps across my face.

  “Like magic.” Tyler raises his eyebrows and takes a sip of his coffee.

  I tap my fingers along the ceramic mug. I’ve got to clear things up. After last night and this morning, there’s no way I can embarrass myself any more.

  “Listen, last night shouldn’t have happened.” Oh my God, I just insulted him. I look down at the table and bite at my lip. My knee bounces. “Wait, that didn’t’ come out right, I mean…” Coffee sloshes from our cups, spilling a few drops onto the table. I grab a napkin and wipe it with my shaky fingers.

  Tyler puts his hand over mine. “I get it.”

  He lifts my chin so my eyes are staring right into his. My God, he can hypnotize me into doing anything with that stare. I blink repeatedly and will myself back into reality.

  “You partied way too much, happens to the best of us.” He drops his hand from my chin and runs it through his hair. “Today’s a fresh start.”

  I hold my coffee cup with both hands and take a sip. “Deal.”

  “What’s up with last night’s celebration?” He sips his coffee. “I bet I know, you discovered how to prevent the zombie apocalypse.”

  I laugh mid sip, spilling a few drops of coffee on the table. Amazing, after a year of lame one-time only dates in L.A. I actually found a guy with a warped sense of humor like mine. Didn’t think guys like this existed, not since high school anyway. I take a deep breath and shed a memory from my brain. “Well, I’d tell you but then I’d have to kill you.” I wipe my lips with a napkin. “I finally got the promotion I’d been hoping for.”

  He lifts his coffee cup. “Calls for celebration.”

  I lift my mug and clink it with his. Amazing, my one-night stand mistake is the best date I’ve had in years. Well, not that I’ve had many. Funny how things work out. Who knows, maybe last night wasn’t the worst thing possible? Of course, he could be an ax murderer for all I know. Time to find out the scoop.

  I set my cup on the table and lean back in the booth. “Do you come to L.A. often?”

  He slides his cup to the end of the table and nods toward our waitress. “A couple times a year when I’m working at the recording studio.”

  The waitress plops two plates of fluffy pancakes in front of us. The sweet aroma makes my mouth water. Yum, chocolate chip pancakes with maple syrup and pecans. My God, if this is what Tyler does for one night stands what does he do for a real date? Not that I should be thinking about a real date. From every fairytale I know, the princess doesn’t get the prince by banging him the first time they meet. I fiddle with my fingers and grab the fork. Hey, life’s no fairytale anyway. I run my tongue along my bottom lip and pop a forkful into my mouth. Mmm, just the right amount of butter and syrup. Pure perfection.

  Tyler stuffs a pancake in his mouth, catching a drip of syrup running down his lips with his finger. “Told ya. World changing!”

  I slide another forkful into my mouth, savoring every morsel. “You never fail to disappoint.” Again? I’ve got to fill my mouth with food so I’ll stop it with these crazy one-liners. It’s like I’ve stolen some sleazy guy’s pick-up lines. Please just get me out of here before I lose every shred of dignity.

  He chomps down the last of the pancakes and stares into my eyes, right down to the depths of my soul. “I’m only getting started.”

  Oh God, last night isn’t going to continue past breakfast. Ok, so the bits and pieces I recall of Tyler’s physical talents make every hair on my body stand on end, but this isn’t me. I don’t do sexy seductress. Conservative and organized is more my style and Tyler is anything but.

  I sip the last of my coffee and pull some money out of my pocket as the waitress sets the bill on the table.

  Tyler’s head falls back slightly. “No way. I’ve got this. Call me old fashioned.” He hops out of the booth to the register before I can even open my mouth.

  Yeah, nothing about him is remotely old fashioned. Confident with a touch of white hot molten sexy is more like it.

  “Hon, I just have to tell ya. You’ve got one great guy.” Jeanie, the waitress, gestures toward Tyler. “Wish there were more guys like him.”

  I smile and nod. I’m not really the best judge of Tyler’s character. Telling a waitress who adores him that we’ve only known each other for about twelve hours isn’t on my list of things to do today.

  Tyler walks back to the table. “Catch ya later, Jeanie.” He gives her a quick hug and holds his hand out to me. “Ready, or should I carry you out too?” He flashes a sexy smile. “Can’t have you falling for me again.”

  I bite at my lip and take his hand. “I’ll try my best but no promises.”

  Tyler entwines his fingers with mine. I follow him out of the diner, carefully navigating down the two steps and along the loose gravel. If I fall a third time he may as well just leave me there because I’ll die from embarrassment. Small rocks slide under the soles of my flip-flops and the warm breeze glides across my skin. Hot rays of sunlight shine down upon my face, erasing the slight thud in my head. My body is back to itself, I think.

  Tyler pulls open the door for me and heads around to the driver’s seat. I pull on my seatbelt and prepare for things to return to normal. A dull ache forms in my chest. In a few minutes last night will be all behind me. So why do I want this ride to last forever?

  “Think you can handle another mission?” Tyler fires up the engine.


  “Your mission, if you choose to accept it.” Tyler runs his hand along my thigh and brings my fingers to the knobs of the car radio.

  “I’m up for the challenge.” Please let me find the same channel again. I’ve got to brush up on my music knowledge. He must know all sorts of things from working in a recording studio. I’ve got to stop kidding myself. This is probably my last mission from him. I press the seek button until familiar chords flow through the airwaves. Perfect, Dream On by Aerosmith.

  Tyler runs a hand through his hair and glances at me. “Mission accomplished once again.” He continues down the freeway, swaying to the tune.

  I close my eyes and let the wind whip through my hair. The fresh air invigorates my senses. Ah, I am back to normal, somewhat.

  Tyler pulls alongside the curb and shuts down the engine. My heart pounds agains
t my chest. Oh God, if I invite him in he’ll clearly get the wrong idea and if I don’t then he’ll think I’m not interested. Great, a catch twenty-two. What happens now?

  “Now that your world is turned upside down, I’ve gotta go.” He tucks another stray hair behind my ear.

  Yeah, he did tell whomever he was on the phone with earlier that he’s running late. At least he’s not lying.

  “Ah-ha, tempt me and then leave.” A meek smile forms across my face. Where the hell did that come from? Oh God, I’m clearly losing my mind.

  He runs his hands through his hair. “Huh, I’ve never been called a tease before.” He rummages through the glove compartment and pulls out a pen and piece of paper. “It’s only fair to make it up to you. What’s your phone number?”

  I slide the pen from his fingers and take the piece of paper. Now if I can control my shaky hand maybe there’s a chance he’ll be able to read it. I write down my number and dot the I in Ali with a heart. So, I’m a little cheesy but it’s cute.

  Tyler slides his hand along my cheek. “I’ll call you soon.” He places a sweet kiss on my lips and pulls away.

  His soft lips against mine turn my body into a frenzy of pure passion. I step out of the car and carefully walk forward, making sure I have control of my footing. If I fall for him a third time it won’t be on the sidewalk.

  I wave and disappear into the stairwell. Amazing, the disaster of a night turned into something incredible, or on its way to becoming just that.

  I plop onto my bed and grab my cell phone, no new calls. What am I thinking, it’s only been a few minutes? I close my eyes and drift off to sleep.

  My eyes pop open and look at the clock, it’s five in the evening. My God, I just slept the day away. I pick up my cell phone, no new calls. Jeez, I’m acting like a crazed teenager. Guys don’t usually call the same day anyway. I grab a cold slice of leftover pizza from the fridge and turn on the television. Awesome, The Breakfast Club, one of my all-time favorites. I check my phone in between commercials but still nothing. My stomach flutters.

  I open my eyes and stare at the bright red numbers slowly coming into focus. Wow, morning already. It’s like I slept through the majority of the weekend. I take a deep breath and reach for my phone, staring at the screen as if it’s about to tell me something I don’t already know, no new calls. Emptiness fills the pit of my stomach. What a jerk!


  A rolling flutter emits from the pit of my stomach. I glance down at my black shoes with the bright red soles. Christian Louboutin’s scream stylish and professional. I’ve always wanted a pair, so this promotion was a perfect reason to buy a present for myself. Now, if I can only gain the confidence that I’d imagined goes with them. I pick at my fingernails and take a deep breath. Please let me make a good first impression. I glance toward the wall to wall windows taking in the breathtaking view of the city. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I’d be here already. Less than a year with Entertainment Rocks! and I made it to field reporter.

  A buzzing in my purse resonates through the quiet foyer, pulling me out of professional mode. It can’t be him, not after two days. I stop dead in my tracks and frantically dig for my cell phone. Damn this purse, it’s like everything gets lost in a black hole at the bottom. Ah ha, got it. I pull the phone out. Ooh, a voicemail. I take a deep breath and press play.

  “Hey, Ali, just wanted to wish you good luck on your first day. Catch ya at lunch, 12:30 at Café L’amore. You’ve got to fill me in on the hottie from Friday night. Must’ve been some weekend. Tootles.”

  I exhale loudly and press delete. Guess my best friend Chloe thinks I shacked up with Tyler all weekend. Hate to disappoint, but once he dropped me off after breakfast, I hooked up with two guys, Mr. Ben and Jerry. I don’t get it. Why would he even bother to ask for my phone number if he had no intention of calling me? I mean, it was a hook-up. We could’ve just parted ways with no expectations. I toss the phone back in my purse and zip it up. Hope she’s ready for a tragic tale full of regrets and mistakes.

  I’ve got to focus and put last weekend behind me. My first day as field reporter starts now. I sling my purse over my shoulder and march forward. My heart beats faster with each step I take closer to the glass door with the words Jane Reiser, Senior Editor. I swallow hard and pull open the door. The wall to wall windows showcase a panoramic view of Los Angeles’s skyline. Someday, I’ll have an office like this one. That is if I can get it together and stop making bad decisions. I bite my lip and take a step forward.

  She lifts her eyes from her computer screen and looks me up and down. Oh God, I should’ve worn the black dress. This so-called power suit is way too outdated. I focus on her dark brown hair pulled into a tight ponytail with every hair in perfect place and stare at the hard line of her lips. She raises an eyebrow.

  I clear my throat. “Hi, I’m Allison Whitman, the new field reporter.” I hold out my hand and take another step forward to greet her. My knee shakes, causing the heel of my shoe to wobble and send my body into complete chaos. I try my best to steady myself but no such luck. This can’t be happening. I fall forward and slide across the sleek tile until my face is at the foot of her desk. Droplets of sweat form across my forehead and a dull ache resonates through my chest. Ugh, this is the worst week of my life. I lift my head at a snail’s pace.

  Jane stands up and looks down at me. “Nice to meet you, Allison, we’ve got a meeting at eleven a.m. in conference room three. Claire, my secretary, will show you to your cubicle.” She sits back down and types at her computer.

  I work for an ice princess, nothing but business and cold to the core. Maybe it’s better to ignore this little mishap, but I’ve got to acknowledge the incident. I pull myself to my feet and pat down my skirt. “Sorry, new shoes. I’m very excited to be part of the field reporting team.” I flash my pearly whites and try to ignore the pain radiating across my chin.

  She presses the intercom. “Claire, please show Ms. Whitman to her cubicle.” Jane grabs a folder from her desk and leafs through the papers inside.

  Great, my new boss wants to communicate with me as little as possible. Guess that’s the trend lately. I turn around as the door swings open. A young woman, maybe in her early twenties like me, walks toward me gripping a folder with one hand and extends the other.

  “Hello, Ms. Whitman. I’m Claire.”

  I shake her hand and smile. “Nice to meet you.”

  “Follow me.”

  I steady myself and slowly walk out of the room. It’s not like I can make a worse impression, but it would be nice if I could make it through the day without ending up in the hospital.

  Claire leads me to down an aisle of cubicles and stops at the last one on the left. “Here you are.” She sets the folder on my desk. “This is a list of passwords to get you into the computer system and a few forms you need to fill out for personnel. Please let me know if you need anything. Good luck.”

  I set my purse on my desk. “Thanks, I’ll need it.”

  She smiles and walks away.

  I pull out my chair and sink into the soft black leather. Eek! My own office. I lift my feet and swing my chair around. I’ve got to take a picture and send it to Chloe. I dig in my purse, pull out my phone, and plaster a ridiculous smile on my face to enhance this selfie. I snap a picture.

  Deep throaty laughter fills the small space. I jump back against the seat and turn toward the cubicle entrance. Soft brown eyes search my face. Wow, I’m queen of great first impressions today.

  “Didn’t mean to interrupt, I’m your neighbor.” He points behind him and tries to muffle a smile.

  I toss my phone on the desk and hide my face in my hands. Peeking out from underneath my fingers I slowly lower my hands. “I’m Ali, and I think I turned into a star struck teenager for the last few seconds.”

  He smiles and rubs his chin. “Glad you’re back on, I’m Jake by the way.” He slides a hand from the pocket of a perfectly fitted black suit. �
��If you’ve got your inner fangirl under control, how about lunch?”

  A mop of dark brown hair with a few sun-induced highlights lies in loose waves ending at the top of his neckline. A perfect combination, the looks of a model and the brain of a field reporter; maybe the day is looking up. Dammit, I’ve got plans with Chloe. I nibble at my fingernails. “Can’t today. Rain check?”

  “Definitely.” He moistens his lips with his tongue. “See ya around, neighbor.”

  I focus on his broad shoulders, examining the rest of his body as he walks away. The last thing I should be thinking about is guys. Of course, it doesn’t help that a Zac Efron lookalike works directly behind me. I’m ready for a fresh start, Ali Whitman field reporter ready for duty. I turn my chair forward and slide it under my black desk. Ok, might as well get settled and fill out my paperwork before the meeting. I slide my purse underneath my desk and fire up my computer. Guess it wouldn’t hurt to keep my phone handy. I set it on the desk next to my keyboard and glance at the screen. No new calls.


  I hold my legal pad close to my chest and grip the three ball point pens so tight it would require the Jaws of Life to pry them from my fingers. I walk slowly, paying close attention to my footing. No need to fall on my face a second time in front of my new boss. Oh, looks like I’m the first one here. I breathe deeply taking in the aroma of leather and fresh coffee. Amazing, it’s exactly how I’d pictured it. A wall of large windows reaching from the floor to the ceiling without a single smudge on them, a multitude of black leather chairs seamlessly situated around a table that could barely fit in my entire apartment. I pull out a chair near the end of the table and sit down. Maybe I’ll score some brownie points by being punctual. I position the legal pad on the table directly in front of my seat and set the three pens next to it, ensuring they are lined up perfectly.


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