The Quarter Moon (Afterlife saga)

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The Quarter Moon (Afterlife saga) Page 60

by Stephanie Hudson

  I asked about the first time the fire happened and she said,

  “Bugger if I know, I only cared about Martha.” I found I could only smile at her endearing statement for a brief love affair with a 15,000 lb elephant, which brought us to now.

  We were just pulling up outside Lucius’ private jet at Antwerp International Airport. As soon as I saw the sleek plane waiting on the tarmac it instantly plunged me back to that very first night when meeting Team Lucius.

  Pip had been dressed in the tiniest pair of shorts and a Thundercats T-shirt with the sleeves cut off, despite the cold weather. I even remembered her kick ass, black spiked cowboy boots that looked deadly! Even back then when she was part of the crew that kidnapped me, I still thought she was one of the coolest chicks I had ever laid my eyes on, and ever since that night, that thought had only zoomed right up to epic on the cool scale!

  Even now, when the car stopped and I watched as Pip decided to give up using the glass and instead just downed the rest of the champagne from the bottle. She caught me looking and with an expression that wondered how anyone could get through a bottle that big within fifteen minutes she said,

  “What?! It comes with the Limo rental.” I couldn’t help but laugh when she shrugged her shoulders and then reached into the cooler and grabbed the remaining two bottles. I saw Lucius shake his head, smiling as he opened the door. He reached in and took my hand in his to help me from the car, making me realise I still had on my shackles which now had a broken piece of chain on the insides. I stepped out and one look at the plane had me wondering if they had tools on board, ‘cause I didn’t fancy making these ‘bracelets’ a permanent Keira addition!

  “I will get them off you once we take off.” Lucius said pulling me from my DIY thoughts.

  “How did you know?” At my question he nodded to my face and stated,

  “Expressive eyes,” making me blush and in turn making him laugh.

  “Oh, but that right there offers so many possibilities.” He said nodding to my burning cheeks and at this flirty comment my blush went nuclear!

  “PIPPER!” Adam shouted from the open plane door. It only needed one look to see that he was not the composed Adam that I was used to. His shirt was un-tucked on one side and his hair looked like he had spent six hours raking his fingers through it, making his usual smart appearance look unkempt. Well, given the panicked shout out to his wife, it was easy to gather who he had been worried about.

  Pip stuck her head out of the car and when she saw Adam her whole entire soul lit up. She bounced from the limo and forgetting all about her bounty she threw the bottles of champagne behind her and ran at him. He jumped down all the steps in one move and then caught her as she jumped into his arms. This was all in seconds and to the sound of glass smashing on the tarmac. A spray of bubbles and pale liquid flew up and it was like adding a firework to their pure love reuniting.

  I couldn’t help the goofy smile that erupted at watching Pip cover his face in little kisses making his usual black rimmed, square glasses go askew. But he quite obviously couldn’t care less as he held on to her with one strong arm under her rear so he could use the other hand to check that she was all in one piece.

  “Did you miss me, pumkee?” Pip asked him before sucking in her pink lip ring, looking cute twisting a curl around her finger. You couldn’t miss the growl he gave her but the whispered,

  “Fuck yeah,” was easy to read on his lips. I laughed when I heard Lucius groan next to me as we walked up to them both.

  “Get a grip man, it’s only been a few hours.” He told Adam but I don’t think a man like Adam really gave a shit what anyone thought when it came to his wife…not even his Vampire sire Lucius.

  “Thank you for taking care of her in my place My Lord, but I will not be doing that again.” Oh bless him but he looked like he had been trying not to pull his hair out for all that time.

  “You know why you couldn’t come, my second, not after what happened in 1858.” I looked to Pip but she just mouthed,

  “I will tell you later.” It didn’t take much but if I was to venture a guess it would have something to do with an elephant named Martha….although I never thought I would be associating a sentence like that with anyone I knew, let alone someone like Adam!

  After feeling every inch of his wife (which from the meowing coming from her, she didn’t mind one bit) only then did he let himself take in the rest of the world, which mainly included me.

  “Keira.” I smiled at him as he tried to straighten his glasses, even with Pip trying to bite the frames.

  “Hey Adam.” I said blushing and his grin was the only warning I got before he hooked an arm over my shoulder and pulled me into his free side for a hug, still holding onto his wife with his other arm.

  “Good to see you again, little bird.” Pip laughed when I groaned at the mention of ‘Little bird’.

  “First chance I get I am getting out of this damn dress!” I complained making them all laugh… well, all except Lucius who chose that moment to lean in to my ear and say,

  “That can be arranged quickly enough.” Then I felt his hands at my hips and he gripped the feathers there enough to get the message across. I swallowed hard and thankfully Pip was the one to save me. She jumped down from Adam and grabbed my hand to pull me inside the plane, saying,

  “I like birdy Toots, so no tearing it off her yet…Hey Tootie pie have you ever seen Sesame Street, ‘cause you know big bird was always my favourite!”

  “Ha, ha Pip.” I said as I followed her inside the plane.

  It took me a moment to realise this was the exact same plane that had taken me all the way to Germany the first time and I nearly laughed out loud at how different the circumstances were now. If anyone had told me all that time ago that I would be back on here, now thrilled to be with Lucius once again, then I would have not only called them nuts, I would have thrown a book of ‘How to perform a Lobotomy’ at their head!

  Adam entered the plane next and asked the stewardess to tell the captain that we were ready to take off in five minutes. I let Pip drag me over to the middle of the plane. She plonked herself down in a seating area that was two cream leather sofa’s facing each other with a high polished table in between. Now we sat facing each other I heard Lucius enter the plane asking about take-off. I looked over my shoulder and saw Lucius not only had my bag with him, but also he passed something on to Adam.

  “Catch, Birdy Tweet!” Pip shouted bringing my attention back round to find her throwing something at me. I caught the black shopping bag that had some gothic shop name on it I had never heard of. I gave her a ‘what is it look’ and she flicked her pointy nails to the bag and I had to giggle to myself when I saw how they were painted this time. It started as a story with a cute bunny chewing on some grass and then came a toxic waste can spilling on the same grass on the next finger. By the end of her nails it showed the cute bunny turn in to a Frankenstein demon bunny with blood dripping from a set of fangs. My only thought was what on earth the poor manicurists thought when Pip told her what she had in mind this week!?

  I quit staring at her nails and opened the bag, taking out the sparkly tissue paper first. I lifted up a black t shirt that had a skull and cross bones on the front that said in bloody writing underneath,

  ‘I Party like a Pirate, so let me Play with your Captain’. I lowered the material to find her cheeky face nodding.

  “Oh ARRRR it’s GRRReat isn’t it, me matey?” I closed my eyes, bit my lip to stop from laughing and shook my head at hearing her corny pirate voice. I took a deep breath about to tell her that big bird was looking more appealing when she repeated excitingly,

  “There’s more…look in the bag, look in the bag!” I don’t know what else I expected… maybe a hat, a plastic hook or Christ, I wouldn’t be surprised if a live Parrot flew out squawking ‘Pieces of eight, Pieces of eight’ wearing a wooden leg! What I wasn’t expecting was a pair of red and black striped bloomers that had white embroidered wor
ds on the rear that said, ‘Spank me here to raise morale.’

  “There’s a bedroom you can change in back there.” I raised my eyebrows and scratched my head before saying,

  “Eh…Yeah, no I can’t wear this, honey.” On hearing this she pushed out her lips to pout and looked down at the floor. I was just letting her cute sulking face get to me enough to say fine, when she smiled and pulled out another bag from underneath the seat.

  “I know, that’s why I got you this stuff as well, you big pansy!” She grinned, passing me the bag and I got up to go change. I walked past her and patted her on head saying,

  “My good little Imp.” Her little growl made me chuckle. I walked to the back of the plane and heard Lucius shout behind me,

  “Two minutes, Keira Girl.” I smiled a secret smile at hearing his usual nickname for me and I didn’t want to admit it did funny fluttering things to my stomach. I just held up my arm over my head and gave him a thumbs up to indicate I heard him then I ran for the room.

  It was amazing what they could fit into the space allocated for a bedroom, as I dropped my bags onto the king sized bed. But not really having the time to nose around, which was what I really wanted to do, I decided to get on with it. I started to feel around my bodice for some sort of opening, a zip, clips, buttons, lock and key…but nothing! How on earth did they get me in this bloody thing in the first place…pour me into it, shoot me from a cannon… make the bloody thing around me when I was conked out?!

  “Oh for God’s sake, get off you stupid… stupid… stupid thing!” I said in frustration as I tried to get it from the skirt and pull it over my head.

  “Can I be of assistance, my dear?” Lucius said scaring me enough to fall backwards, landing on my bum.

  “Oww!” I mumbled with my head under my skirt and a face full of feathers.

  “Shut up, this isn’t funny.” I said, still hidden under the feathered layers, to Lucius who was making no attempt to hide his laughter.

  “Oh, but I must disagree, from where I am stood I can assure you it is a very amusing sight.” I huffed and wrestled the feathers back from my face, blowing at some of the small loose ones that were trying to fall down my forehead.

  “So what would you like me to tell the Captain the reason behind the delay is exactly…dress attack?”

  “You’re loving this, aren’t you?” I said frowning up at him casually stood leaning on the door frame.

  “Yes. Now tell me what are you trying to do?” He said trying not to laugh again.

  “What does it look like I am trying to do, make a damn nest and lay an egg? I am trying to get this damn monstrosity off me, of course!” I snapped making him hold his lips in his mouth to stop from laughing further.

  “Oh just forget it Mr Not At All Bloody Helpful!” I started to try and twist again when I heard him sigh and walk away from the door frame.

  “Come on little chick, let’s get you out of this dangerous dress.” He bent, grabbed both my hands and hauled me up to my feet. Once there he let me go and with me still facing him, he grabbed the back of my dress.

  “Can’t call this a chore.” He said giving me a hot look before the sound of my dress being ripped in two was thankfully louder than that of my pounding heart. I felt the air hit my body as he pulled it away from me and I quickly gripped onto the front to keep myself hidden.

  “I…I uh…think I got it from here.” I said biting my lip at the sudden intimate setting and not missing out on the lustful looks that were making Lucius’ eyes burn hot.

  “Are you sure, I would hate to leave only to have you need me to rescue you again?” I smirked at his playfulness and said,

  “I think I will brave it.” He shrugged his shoulders and then replied,

  “Pity,” before he turned round to leave. Once again he informed me,

  ‘No more than two minutes Keira girl, or I will come back to aid you… wanted or not.” This threat got me moving my ass! As soon as the door closed I tore through the new things Pip had given me, flinging knickers and a bra out of the new bag, mentally thanking Pip for remembering the essentials.

  I was soon dressed in a long light grey skirt that was made from T-shirt material which hung low on the hips thanks to losing far too much weight. I found a long sleeved maroon coloured top but decided to make Pip smile, so I added layers with the short sleeved pirate top over it. I also found a pair of orange Dr Seuss All Stars that laced up the high tops with thick black ribbon. Well, at least they matched the bright orange and black stripped knee high socks she had added to the pile. The last thing I put on was a black zip up hoodie that had a sweet Goth scroll pattern around the wide bell sleeves in raised light grey and the same design continued around the long hood that hung the whole way down my back.

  I knew I was running past my two minute mark when I heard the engines power up and heard Lucius threatening to come and get me.

  “I’m coming! Just a second.” I was in the middle of pulling pins out of my hair like a mad woman, when I squealed out as I was spun quickly and found my stomach connecting with a hard shoulder. I was hoisted up in a fireman’s lift and put my arm around Lucius’ front, trying to hold on to the chiselled chest I could feel underneath his shirt and fitted waistcoat. He carried me back to the main seating area, holding onto my legs with one arm. Then he bent, dumping me in the seat opposite Pip and Adam. He knelt down and buckled me in with the seatbelt before taking the seat next to me, all without one single word.

  “I said I was coming.” I grumbled, making Pip giggle into Adam’s neck, which she was currently snacking on….well, ok not really but close enough!

  “And I said two minutes… you were five, so in future consider what you have learnt in that it takes all of three minutes for my patience to run out.” He said not looking at me but out of the window as we started up the runway. I didn’t have any comeback to this other than to pull a mocking ‘telling off’ face behind his back.

  “Keira, it’s a dark night and I am looking out of a window that reflects, you do the math.” Inside I let loose a ‘GRRR’ in frustration but all that came out was a whispered,

  “No one likes a smarty pants.”

  Once we were up in the air Lucius turned to me and unbuckled my seatbelt and it was only then I noticed that I was the only one on this flight that obviously needed to wear one. Well, considering the rest of them would be just fine and dandy if the plane did decided to pull a Buddy Holly on us…poor guy and great music.

  “So, my dear wife, did you buy me anything nice at the auction?” Adam asked Pip before plucking her from her seat and onto his lap, not being content with her just sat next to him. She started sucking in her lip ring and looked from side to side as if stalling.

  “Well, my little Winnie?” He said playing with one hand and running his fingers along his name tattooed on her knuckles. It was only now I noticed that she wore a massive ring underneath his name that said ‘Loves me’ in a pop art font.

  “Uh…well I…see this is what happened…I uh…no.”

  “No?” He mocked playfully leaning back to look at her.

  “Uh huh.”

  “Well, it’s lucky one of us didn’t forget.” He said trying to hold back the grin until he produced what Lucius must have given him before take-off. He pulled it from the side of his chair and handed her one 1954 Superman Lunch Box sold in Auction for 14,500 dollars! Her reaction was priceless as her eyes turned into wide green pools of surprise.

  She turned to look over her shoulder at Lucius and said,

  “You sneaky peek-a-boo bastard!” He shrugged like it was nothing and Pip went back to attacking Adam with raspberry blows in between sloppy kisses. You could tell his reserved control on his wife’s crazy thank you actions was nothing but a mask for someone who was clearly loving every minute of his wife’s attentions.

  “Permission, My Lordy, to take this man in the back and ride him like I’m at a rodeo?” Pip asked staring in Adam’s eyes as though she had just fallen in lo
ve with him all over again. Lucius raised an eyebrow as Adam moved his head to the side to look at his Lord. Lucius just rolled his eyes and said,

  “Is it wise to rile the beast this high up?”

  “Oh don’t sweat it boss man, I got it covered and do this thing with my inner muscles that just gets him to calm right down…see Toots, if you twist this…”

  “LALALALA” I said hold my hands over my ears.

  “Come on handsome, let’s go play beauty and the geek.” She said pulling off his glasses and putting them on herself, intending on playing the geek. He snapped his teeth at her nose making her giggle before picking her up like she weighed nothing at all and she swung her new lunch box around her index finger.

  “Now don’tcha kids come running if you hear him scream now, yah hear?” She said pushing Adam’s glasses up her nose and then making a V with her fingers to point first to her own eyes then to us two like she would be watching.

  “Are we ready, my lady?”

  “Up and onward, my dear husband.” She said, pointing to the back of the plane over his shoulder, in a posh English accent which was actually pretty good. They started walking off and I stood up calling her name. Adam turned so she could see me as he was still carrying her. I unzipped my hoodie so she could see my pirate T-shirt and I said,

  “Have fun with your captain!” And I winked at her, making her salute me and blow me a kiss for wearing her chosen outfit.

  “Oh and my second.”

  “Yes, My Lord?” Adam asked just as Pip was squirming trying to take off her belt in his hold.


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