Kate's Secret (Bluegrass Spirits Book 2)

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Kate's Secret (Bluegrass Spirits Book 2) Page 46

by Kallypso Masters

  He wondered if more children would be in the cards for Katie and him? If not, it didn’t matter. They had Chelsea. His family was perfect.

  * * *

  “Chelsea, you’re beautiful. Wait ’til Daddy sees you.”

  Her daughter sashayed in front of the dressing mirror, making the skirt of her deep purple dress swish. “You think Daddy will like it?”

  “Well, he might complain about the amount of skin showing if you take your jacket off”—Kate pointed to her daughter’s bare shoulders—“but I’m more inclined to think he’s going to be mesmerized instead.”

  Chelsea giggled. “Oh, Mom. He won’t look at anyone but you. I can’t wait for him to see the dress we picked out!” She stepped aside so that Kate could see herself in the mirror.

  She’d pulled her hair into a soft and simple chignon with loose tendrils touching the back and sides of her neck. A small band of baby’s breath had been tucked inside forming a partial wreath on her head.

  The sleeveless, semi-lustrous satin weave dress made Kate feel like a modern fairy princess. The calf-length skirt’s curvy, fluttery matte chiffon tiers had her sashaying around her bedroom this morning making the flounces swirl. Perhaps later, she’d do it again before taking it off in front of Travis. He hadn’t seen her all morning as he’d chosen to stay here at the vineyard as Jason and Lidia’s guest. Her heart skipped a beat in anticipation.

  A quick rap on the door had both of them turning as Kate told whoever it was to come in.

  “Kate!” Lidia said. “And Chelsea! You both look amazing!”

  As Kate slipped on the lace jacket with its three-quarter sleeves, she tried not to let her nerves get the best of her, but was losing the battle. “How much time do I have?”

  “None. We’re ready when you are. Travis is waiting for you at the gazebo.” She turned to Chelsea. “And we have the space heaters cranked so you won’t freeze.” Even though it was unseasonably warm, it was still in the low fifties.

  They’d found their dresses in September when the temperatures were still hot, and she and Chelsea both chose sleeveless dresses thinking the wedding would happen sooner than November. She’d decided not to wear the lacy dress she’d picked out for their planned August wedding, not wanting to jinx the day since they seemed to have had a lot of bad luck as it was.

  No doubt, when Travis seared her with his smoldering gaze, her skin would heat to tropical temperatures. But she couldn’t wait for her wedding night. Once Kate’s grief over the loss of her mother began to abate, they’d taken advantage of a few trysts in the house, barn, and springhouse while Chelsea was at school. But with an impressionable daughter in the house, they’d chosen not to sleep together until they married.

  She couldn’t wait.

  Knowing everything was a go was probably for the best. If she had any more time to think about it, she’d throw up. Planning their first wedding had been stressful enough and it wasn’t this elaborate. Still, she regretted that her parents wouldn’t be physically here to witness this day. But she’d felt them both around her for days now, and knew that when she walked down the aisle toward Travis, they would be on either side of her. For that reason, she’d respectfully declined an offer from Travis’s dad to walk her down the aisle. She explained and believed Joe when he’d said he understood completely.

  “Did you test recently?” Lidia asked. “With your stress level up and what little you had for breakfast, I don’t want you keeling over during the vows.”

  “How would you know how much I did or didn’t eat this morning?”

  Lidia grinned. “Because I know you!”

  “Fair enough.” She hadn’t been able to eat much at all. “But I just had a protein bar before brushing my teeth. I’m ready to do this.”

  Lidia hugged her carefully, apparently worried about wrinkling her dress, but Kate wrapped her arms around her friend tighter. When they separated, Lidia gave her the once over again. “You’re absolutely radiant. He’s so right for you, Kate.” She then addressed Chelsea. “And for you, too. You’re all so happy together—just remember to embrace life head-on and love each other with all you’ve got.”

  Lidia hit the nail on the head, as usual. Today would be the beginning of their lives together as a family in every sense of the word—a bond that would endure whatever life threw at them. Kate had no qualms about saying her vows today, or living by them the rest of her life. But first she had to get through the stress of the ceremony. She wasn’t used to having everyone watching her, and hoped she wouldn’t trip on something.

  “Let’s do this,” Kate said.

  “I’ll cue the music.” Lidia left the two of them alone.

  “Mom, will I ever find someone as strong and good as Daddy when I’m ready to get married?”

  “Oh, honey, you will. Just don’t rush it. When the right one comes along, you’ll know.” Katie wrapped her arms around Chelsea for one last hug before they both picked up their bouquets and started for the door.

  Given the holiday, the guest list was small, with only Travis’s family, Kate’s best friends, Jackson, and Miguel attending. Travis insisted that his crew enjoy Thanksgiving with their families and avoid spending that many hours on the road.

  Clint and Susan’s children would be the ring bearer and flower girl and Chelsea the maid of honor.

  Travis had chosen the processional song and told her to listen to the lyrics as she made her way toward him, because they were the words of his own heart. Kate peeked from her hiding place to watch Chelsea send Erik and Olivia down the white runner through the room where they would hold a brief reception after exchanging their long-overdue vows. Afterward, they’d move to Lidia and Jason’s dining room where Travis’s mom and Beckie Pritchard, a caterer recommended by Tillie Buchanan, would be serving a complete Thanksgiving dinner.


  Big brother Erik had to remind Olivia to scatter the rose petals as she meandered along until he finally traded her, giving the toddler the ring pillow to carry as he scattered rose petals with abandon. Kate grinned, wondering if there would be any left by the time they made it through the French doors and outside to where everyone waited near the gazebo. But the knots in Kate’s stomach eased away at last.

  When the opening notes of Keith Urban singing “Your Everything” sounded, any remaining butterflies flew away. Kate smiled. It was one of her favorite songs, and her entire being absorbed the words as though Travis himself serenaded her. Chelsea started forward. So grown up, with her hair styled similarly to Kate’s, but without the baby’s breath.

  As Chelsea disappeared through the doors, Kate drew a deep breath. Time to begin her slow march to Travis’s side. She wanted to run headlong into his arms, but forced herself to take the dreadfully slow steps Lidia had made her practice, not wanting to arrive at the gazebo before the singer had finished the poignant lyrics.

  As she exited the building onto the patio, a blast of cold air shocked her at the same moment she spied Travis standing beside Lidia, dressed in a charcoal tux. He was the most handsome man she’d ever known and the only one she’d ever been in love with. She picked up the pace of her steps a little, keeping her gaze locked with Travis’s.

  He smiled, warming her insides to molten jelly. Tonight they’d have the house to themselves as Chelsea was spending Thanksgiving weekend with her Aunt Shania in Louisville. Not having to worry about her overhearing them making love would be liberating, although she was going to have to lose her shyness about it. Having sex was a natural part of showing your love to our spouse.

  And I can’t wait.

  About halfway through the garden, a sense of warmth and peace washed over her, halting her steps momentarily. Mom, Dad, I’m so glad you’re here.

  Travis took a couple of steps forward to take her arm, concern in his eyes. She smiled, and he guided her the rest of the way to stand in front of Lidia. He smelled woodsy, overloading her senses. When he curved his arm around her back, they faced Lidia and she apprecia
ted having him to lean on as her knees suddenly became wobbly.

  Lidia’s mouth moved, but Kate had to fight to hear her words. When Lidia asked who gives this woman, she distinctly heard her parents say, “We do,” with an echo from Travis’s parents.

  After speaking their vows to each other and exchanging their white-gold rings, Lidia picked up the wine goblet from the pedestal beside her. Kate and Travis had found it in the Dirty South Pottery shop in Winchester, Kentucky, while stopping after hiking all day at the Red River Gorge last month. Kate had chosen a dry cabernet sauvignon from the winery for this moment, wanting to experience this symbolic bonding with her husband without spiking her sugar.

  Holding it up before them, Lidia began,

  Wine, like the life-blood that pulses through our veins,

  is a symbol of life, that has been

  created through the work of hands and minds.

  Life is a series of contradictions.

  It is said that all things end, and yet all things continue.

  All things change, and yet all things remain the same.

  The beautiful words touched Kate to her very soul. She gave Travis a sidelong glance and saw that he had sobered as well.

  Love lies in the soul alone.

  Just as wine stimulates the body

  and enriches the life within it,

  Love stimulates our souls.

  As you share this glass of wine on this special day,

  may you be joined in a love as fluid as the drink itself,

  yet as solid as the hands that made it.

  Through her tears, Kate watched as Lidia handed her the glass first. “Drink to the love you’ve shared in the past.” Raising the glass to her lips, she took a sip before handing it to Travis. Their fingers brushed, sending a zing up her arm. After he took his sip, he handed it back to Lidia.

  “Now,” Lidia said as she continued to pass along her blessing, “drink to your love on this, your wedding day.” Again, they each sipped in turn, returning the glass to Lidia. “And lastly, drink to your love in the future and forevermore!” After their final sip, they handed the glass back to Lidia who set it on the pedestal again. Kate couldn’t tear her gaze away from Travis’s as Lidia pronounced,

  From this day forward, the two of you become one,

  two parts become whole,

  two paths intertwine,

  each separate, yet united by love.

  “As you have shared the wine from this cup, so may you share your lives. Travis, you may kiss your bride.”

  The grin on his face stole her heart as he lowered his face to hers. She closed her eyes and leaned her head back seconds before he crushed his lips to hers, capturing her breath and making her knees shake again. As if in tune with her body, he wrapped her in his arms and held her upright as the kiss deepened.

  Chelsea giggled, breaking the spell and causing heat to flood Kate’s cheeks. She’d completely forgotten that they had an audience. Regardless, Travis continued to kiss her, obviously not caring. She grinned against his lips, not able to focus any longer, and Travis broke away. The smoldering heat emanating from his eyes made her insides melt.

  “Family and friends,” Lidia said, “it gives me the greatest pleasure to introduce to you our newlyweds, Travis and Kate Cooper.”

  Kate Cooper.

  At last.

  Applause broke out and Kate turned to those gathered to witness this special moment. Kate’s heart overflowed with love.

  Now to get through the reception and dinner so they could make love for the first time in her bed. Their bed.

  After one night at the farm, they’d spend Friday and Saturday nights at Jesse’s Hideout B&B in Samuels. She couldn’t wait to see Tillie and Greg again, and hoped her newest student, Derek, would be there, too. A short honeymoon, perhaps, but she couldn’t be away from the farm too long.

  Short or not, somehow Kate knew she and Travis would spend the rest of their days—and nights—making love as if newlyweds. They had so much missed time to catch up on.

  Chapter Thirty-Nine

  A long three hours later, Travis led Katie around the living room of Lidia and Jason’s house to say their goodbyes after having way too much cake and champagne at the reception followed by the Thanksgiving feast Mom and Beckie had prepared and served. He’d tried not to overeat so he wouldn’t fall asleep on his bride tonight, but he wasn’t sure how successful he’d been. “Mom, you outdid yourself again—especially with taking your dinner on the road this year.” He kissed her and gave her a hug.

  “I know whose house we’ll be visiting for our next Thanksgiving dinner, Mom,” Katie said.

  “Oh, it was such a treat to cook in Lidia’s kitchen.” Mom eyed Dad. “I think I might have to talk your father into a remodeling project this winter, but not until I get through the rest of the holiday season. I’m falling behind on my quilts.”

  Dad shook his head in mock dismay then grinned. He’d do anything for her, and since he’d finally turned over much of the day-to-day business to Clint recently, this might be just the thing to keep him happy over the long winter months ahead.

  “Can I get you anything else?”

  Travis turned to Beckie. “Not a thing,” he said, rubbing his belly. His trousers already felt tight.

  Katie added, “We can’t thank you enough for coming here on Thanksgiving to work your magic for our reception and dinner. Tillie was right—you’re incredible.”

  “And you helped Mom be able to enjoy some of the festivities without spending the day in the kitchen,” Travis said.

  Beckie laughed. “Well, since Tillie isn’t as busy at the inn on Thanksgivings anymore, I needed a new gig.”

  “Miss Beckie, everything was muy bueno,” Miguel said. Travis had noticed she and Miguel seemed to have hit it off. There was something about a wedding to bring out the romance in everyone.

  “Katie,” Mom said, “I’ll say it again, you’re such a lovely bride, inside and out. I am so happy to welcome you into our family officially now, but you’ve always been a part of my heart since the first time Travis brought you home to meet us. I saw the spark in his eyes and knew he’d found the one.”

  Katie’s chin quivered before she wrapped Mom in her arms. “Mom, you’ve always made Chelsea and me feel so welcome. Thanks for everything, not just for today.”

  Katie had told him last night how special it was having her as a second mom. He was glad the two got along, unlike some spouses with their in-laws.

  Dad kissed Katie on the cheek. “Always happy to welcome another daughter into the family.”

  Next, they said goodnight to Chelsea who was beyond excited to be spending the weekend at what was now Shania’s condo since Emmy had moved to Nolensville. Somehow, he had a feeling his sisters’ bank accounts would take a hit on Black Friday, what with all the doting on their niece they planned to do, but they’d insisted, and who was he to argue? He wanted this time alone with his wife to start their marriage off right.

  He and Katie turned toward the door to see that the rest of their guests had formed a gauntlet of sorts for them to walk through. He wasn’t sure what they intended to pelt them with, but when Chelsea pulled a small bottle from behind her back, everyone else did the same. Soon, the path they were to walk to the exit was filled with floating bubbles.

  Only Chelsea would come up with something like this. God, I love it. And her.

  He couldn’t wait until Christmas when he and Katie would give her Chula. When he’d overheard someone offer Katie thirty thousand for the horse after the academy nationals in Murfreesboro earlier this month, he’d outbid the guy with an offer of thirty-five. No way did he want Katie to have to give up a horse whose name held so much meaning, but the stubborn woman still wouldn’t let him infuse any money into her business. After some wrangling, he convinced her to sell Chula to him before the horse got too valuable with the many wins she’d accumulate in competition next year. And this way, everyone came out a winner.

p; They weren’t quite ready to present the horse’s papers to Chelsea yet. First, they wanted to set up a bank account with some money from Gail’s inheritance that Chelsea could use to pay the expenses on her horse and learn to take responsibility for the animal. Her 4-H experience would help with that. This would provide important lessons in finances for the girl. Who knows? Maybe someday, she’d want to be a partner in Towers Contracting.

  A bubble blew into his face, bringing him back to the present. He glanced down at Katie, smiling. “Shall we, Mrs. Cooper?”

  “I’m ready when you are, Mr. Cooper.” Katie giggled as she squeezed his hand, and the two of them sprinted through the blizzard of bubbles, Katie reaching up to pop a few along the way. Seeing Katie so giddy made him happy, too. He knew it wasn’t from the wine or champagne, because she’d only had the few sips during the ceremony.

  He couldn’t wait to get her home and out of that dress. While she was gorgeous in it, she’d be even more beautiful naked. Outside, he helped her up into his Sierra. No doubt Clint and Jackson had led the charge decorating it with shaving cream on the windows, saying “Just married.”

  “Wait right here.”

  He scooped some of the cream from the window and went to Jackson’s truck and wrote, “You’re next.” Anyone so adamant that women had no part in his happy bachelor life needed a reality check. Travis wanted Jackson to be as happy as he was at this moment.

  Travis jumped inside the Sierra and, as they drove off, the aluminum cans hanging from the back bumper clanked on the pavement.

  Rattling all the way down the driveway, they exited and made their way the short distance to their home. “Home at last. While that was one fantastic meal, I thought it would never end.”

  “Me, too.”

  “Stay put.” He opened his door and exited before going around the hood of the truck to open her door. His hands spanned her waist and he helped her down, sliding her body along his, making him hotter than ever, if possible. He bent to kiss her forehead and then tilted her chin up until he could capture her lips in another kiss. Would he ever grow tired of this?


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