Far and Away: Reporting From the Brink of Change

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Far and Away: Reporting From the Brink of Change Page 65

by Solomon, Andrew

  Chu Ko, 191

  Chuykov, Ivan:

  Fragment of a Fence, 52–53

  Noughts and Crosses, 53

  CIVIC (Campaign for Innocent Victims in Conflict), 285

  civil partnership, 34

  Clements, Alan, 453

  Clinton, Bill, 90, 193, 347

  My Life, 322

  Clinton, Hillary, 356

  CNN, 60, 66

  Coetzee, J. M., 148

  Collective Action Group (K/D), USSR, 46–49, 52

  Colombia, sexual identity in, 34

  Confucius, 187, 381

  Congreve, William, 327

  Connoisseur, 45

  Conservation International (CI), 294

  Conwill, William Louis, 268

  Copacabana, 408

  Coral Sea, 485

  Cosmoscow, 57

  Cousteau, Jacques, 484

  Crimmins, Pamela, 7–8

  crossroads of history, 5–6, 22, 29


  autocracy in, 26

  celebrations in, 18–19

  changes in, 18

  cultural dissonance, 20–23, 129–30

  cultural exclusion, 39

  Cultural Revolution, see China

  Daesh (ISIS), 34

  Dai Jianyong, 137

  Dalai Lama:

  coining of the title, 238

  and living Buddha, 381

  Danquah, Meri Nana-Ama, 429

  da Silva Pereira, Douglas Rafael, 426

  Dayan, Moshe, 468

  deafness, 397–405

  Dean I-mei, 207, 208

  Made in Hong Kong, 207

  De Maria, Walter, 290, 291


  arrival of, 28–29

  as euphemism for capitalism, 95, 185, 327

  and freedom, 129

  local meanings of the word, 74, 90–91, 93, 105, 121–22, 134, 139, 336–37, 446, 451

  de Montebello, Philippe, 184, 187, 192, 193, 195, 196, 202

  de Morro Agudo, Dudu, 422

  Deng Xiaoping, 29, 105, 134, 375

  Denisov, Nikita, 102


  alternative treatments of, 262

  and distraction, 233

  and learning to forget, 233–34, 235

  and learning to love, 234–35

  and loneliness, 257

  Noonday Demon (Solomon), 32, 36, 211, 229, 249, 261, 435, 436–37

  rescue from isolation, 234, 257

  and suicide, 250, 257, 258

  talking about emotions, 253–54, 256–58

  and trust, 234

  and working, 234, 235

  writing about recovery, 261–62

  de Pury, Simon, 50, 51, 52, 53

  de Souza, Amarildo, 426

  de Wet, Barend, 150

  Didenko, Tanya, 66, 75

  Ding Fang, 132

  Ding Yi, 127, 131

  Diouf, Madame, 263–65

  diplomacy, 40–42

  disability, social constructionist model of, 405

  diversity, embracing, 41–42

  Djebbar, Maître Saad, 323

  Dmitri (ship captain), 389–90, 392–93

  Dobrokhotov, Roman, 102

  d’Offay, Anthony, 126

  Donadio, Mr. (teacher), 5

  Drevin, Aleksandr, 50

  Duchamp, Marcel, 185

  Dumontt, Luiz Carlos, 422

  Dupree, Nancy Hatch, 271

  Dürer, Albrecht, 124

  Ecuador, 8–9

  Egypt, homosexuals imprisoned in, 35

  ElBaradei, Mohamed, 347

  Elkhair, Abdulgader, 343

  elsewhere, idea of, 33

  Elton, Louise, 6

  Enderby Island, 387

  enemies from abroad, 41


  author’s affection for, 2–5, 10

  author’s move to, 10–11

  civil partnership in, 34

  foreign habits in, 9–10

  Enkhbaya, Nambar, 247

  Enraizados (Brazilian educational organization), 422

  Ernst, Max, 301

  escape fantasies, 3, 4

  Eskimos, see Inuit peoples

  Esquire, 261

  Etwebi, Ashur, 355, 356

  Eugenia, Unforgettable, 178

  Evans, Nicholas, 397


  good vs. evil, 17, 79, 120, 122

  of the Holocaust, 1, 306

  rape-conceived children considered products of, 309–10

  in society, 230, 356, 432

  evil spirits, 266

  Fakhri, Azim, 284

  families, differences within, 39–40

  Fang Lijun, 111, 112, 118, 120–21, 133, 136

  Fan Kuan, 181, 182, 185, 196

  Travelers amid Streams and Mountains, 186, 188, 189, 194, 196

  Fan Rong, 137

  Far from the Tree: Parents, Children, and the Search for Identity (Solomon), 32, 39–40, 305, 397

  Farhad, Alam, 284

  Farrakhan, Rev. Louis, 340

  Faustini, Marcus Vinícius, 417, 420

  Feith, Roberto, 410

  Feldman, Ronald, 50

  Fellows, Sir Charles, 215

  Feng Boyi, 137

  Feng Mengbo, 122

  Fiennes, Susannah, 211, 212–13, 215, 217

  Fierau, Genevieve, 437

  Fierce Animals (film), 123

  Figaro Prize for Humanitarian Service, 231

  Filippov, Andrei, 61, 63–65, 66

  Fine Arts in China, 109

  Fini, Gianfranco, 353

  Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 493

  flat feet, 2, 499

  Fluxus, 135

  Foh-Amoaning, Moses, 433

  Fong, Wen C., 183–84, 188, 191

  Beyond Representation, 184

  and Met exhibition, 185, 187, 189, 192–95, 200, 202

  Possessing the Past, 202

  Food & Wine, 269

  Foreign Policy in Focus (organization), 348

  Forster, E. M., A Passage to India, 25

  Four Days in September (film), 422

  Franz Ferdinand, Archduke, 448

  Franz Josef, Emperor, 376

  freedom, idea of, 26–28

  Freedom House, 100–101

  French airliner UTA 772, 346

  French Revolution, 29

  French West Africa, menu in, 21

  Friedman, Steven, 175

  Frolov, Viktor, 72

  Fugard, Athol, 148

  Fukutake, Tetsuhiko, 288

  Fuller, Buckminster, 301

  Gabeira, Fernando, 415, 417, 422

  Gable, Clark, 332

  Gaffney, Christopher, 414

  Gaidar, Yegor, 89

  Gainsborough, Thomas, 212

  Galápagos Islands, 8

  Garage Museum of Contemporary Art, Moscow, 56–57

  Gardner, Kevin, 81

  Gatsinzi, Jean-Pierre, 309

  Gauguin, Paul, 299

  Gaultier, Jean Paul, 168

  gay marriage, 33, 34, 35

  gay people, 33–36

  atrocities against, 34–36, 98–99

  author’s identity, 3, 10, 11, 33–34, 430, 485

  protection of, 33

  gay rights, 33–36, 99, 430–32, 437

  Geers, Kendell, 146–47

  Gehry, Frank, 287

  gender identity, 33–34

  Geneva Conventions, 418

  Geng Jianyi, 114–15, 130, 361

  genocide commemoratives, 305

  George, Sister, 9

  Gerasimov, Igor, 83–84

  Getar (Balinese chief), 403–4

  Ghana, 429–33

  gay rights in, 431, 432

  wedding ceremony in, 429

  Ghanem, Shukri, 329–31, 341, 349, 353–54

  Ghaznavi, Aziz, 279, 280, 282

  Gilbert & George, 125–28, 140

  “Girl from Ipanema, The” (song), 425

  “Girls Just Want to Have Fun” (song), 8

  glaciers, melting, 259
, 395–96

  global warming, 302–3, 385, 392, 396

  Gobi Desert, 237, 242–43

  Godfather, The (film), 87

  Goebbels, Joseph, 57

  Goldblatt, David, 176

  Goldfinger (film), 366

  Golovin, Andrei L., 90–91, 92, 95

  Goodhew, Steve, 299

  Gorbachev, Mikhail, 45, 47, 66, 94, 177, 334

  and glasnost, 50, 448

  kidnapping of, 448

  and perestroika, 93

  resignation of, 59–60

  Gordimer, Nadine, 148

  Gottgens, Kate, 150

  Graham, Dan, Cylinder Bisected by Plane, 290

  Graham, Martha, 297

  Grantseva, Arisha, 75

  Great Barrier Reef, 301, 485

  Grebenshchikov, Boris, 78, 79, 97

  Greece, public protests in, 184


  beauty of, 252

  Danish colonization of, 249, 253

  depression in, 249–58

  gay identity in, 34

  hard life in, 250

  Inuit in, see Inuit peoples

  language in, 249

  taboo against talking about yourself in, 251

  trauma as ever-present in, 254

  update, 258–59

  Guadalcanal, Battle of, 294

  Guantánamo, 350

  Guanyin (Buddhist goddess of mercy), 369

  Guatamala City, La Limonada neighborhood of, 24–25

  Gu Dexin, 113–14

  Guest, Michael, 437

  Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao, 287

  gun laws, 25

  Guo Xi, 185

  Early Spring, 186, 188, 192, 196, 200, 202

  Guryanov, Georgi, 73, 78, 97

  Gu Wenda, 129, 131–32, 139

  Haas, Aleksei, 73–74, 75

  Habich, John, see Solomon, John Habich

  Habyarimana, Juvénal, 306

  Hadrian, 215

  Haftar, Khalifa, 357

  Hakimian, Timur, 275–77

  Hamas, 352

  Han Chinese, 197, 199

  Han Feng, 360–65

  Hangzhou, China, food in, 114, 363–64

  Hangzhou gardens, 378

  Haring, Keith, 288

  Harpers & Queen, 12, 45

  Harun, Happy, 383

  Harvey, Mark, 221–22

  Hasan (sailing ship captain), 215

  Hassani, Shamsia, 284

  hate speech, 37

  Havel, Václav, 337

  Hawke, Leslie, 436, 437, 438

  Hearn, Maxwell, 182

  Hecht, David, 262, 264

  Hecht, Hélène, 262–63, 264

  Helms, Jesse, 192

  Helmsley, Leona, 127

  Henrique Cardoso, Fernando, 416

  Henriques, Ricardo, 412

  Heritage Expeditions, 386–95

  Heritage Foundation, 343

  Hermitage, St. Petersburg, 50, 57

  Hitchcock, Alfred, 302

  Hitler, Adolf, 57, 178, 460

  Hlungwani, Jackson, 160, 171–72

  Hobbes, Thomas, 323

  Hobson, Andrew, 212, 214, 216

  Holocaust, 1–2, 24, 26, 37, 306, 439

  home, idea of, 15–16

  homosexuality, see gay people; gay rights

  Hong Kong, pro-democracy demonstrations in, 138–39

  Honmura, Japan, 288, 290

  hope, 15, 28–29, 140, 284, 407, 443

  Houmaidi, Ahmed El, 8

  Houston, Whitney, 112

  Hsia I-fu, 210

  Htein Lin, 473–75

  A Show of Hand, 474–75

  Htin Kyaw, 479

  Huaisu, 201

  Autobiographical Essay, 199

  Huang Chih-yang, Maternity Room, 209

  Huang Gongwang, Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains, 201

  Huang Rui, 136

  Huizong, emperor of China, Two Poems, 201

  Human Rights Watch, 479

  Hussein, Saddam, 335, 449

  Ibrahim (sailing crew), 212, 216

  Ibrahim, Ahmed, 326, 354

  Idris, king of Libya, 322

  Ilimanaq, Greenland, 252, 253, 256–58


  effects of, 26

  restrictions on, 38–39

  Inca ruins, Ecuador, 8–9


  British Raj in, 450

  gay culture in, 34, 432

  homosexual behavior criminalized in, 35

  and Myanmar, 473

  partition of (1947), 460

  Indonesia, 397–405, 461

  Indonesian Sign Language (ISL), 405

  Indyk, Martin, 347

  Ingapirca (“Inca wall”), 9

  Inkomtrust, 83

  International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), 347

  International Criminal Court, 7, 357

  internationalism, 40

  International Monetary Fund (IMF), 348, 415, 416

  Inuit peoples, 249

  depression in, 250–58

  hunters and fishermen, 250–51, 254

  kiviak (fermented auks) eaten in, 251

  large families of, 251

  living in igloos, 251

  mental illnesses in, 255

  storytellers, 251, 253

  suicide rate in, 250

  three sage women, 253–58

  Inujima Island, 291

  Ionesco, Eugène, 192

  Ipanema beach, 408, 427


  atrocities against gays in, 35

  and nuclear program, 348

  and terrorists, 346


  atrocities against gays in, 34–35

  chaos in, 29

  refugees from, 39

  war in, 27, 269

  irony, 14, 54, 217, 246, 330, 355

  Irony Tower, The: Soviet Artists in a Time of Glasnost (Solomon), 14–15, 45

  ISIL (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant), 34–35

  ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria), 34, 357

  Islam, 351–53

  Sunni Mālikī (theological school), 331

  Isle of Mull, 3

  Israel, state of, 468

  Istratsov, Vasily N., 96

  Italy, public protests in, 184

  IT Park, Taipei, 206–8

  Ivanov, Viktor, 100

  Ivleva, Viktoria, 59–60, 65–66

  Jahid, Abdul Raqib, 274

  Jaipur Literature Festival, 432

  Jakobshavn Glacier, 259

  James, Roger, 294–96

  Jansen, Jonathan, 176

  Januário, Márcio, 427–28

  Japan, Benesse Art Site in, 287–91

  Jason, Stefanie, 176

  Jessica (friend), 294, 298, 300

  Jiang Wen, 123–24

  Jianyi, Geng, 361

  Jobim, Antônio Carlos (Tom), 424–25

  Joburg Art Fair, 176

  Joelson, Amalia, 254, 256–58

  Johannesburg Art Foundation, 152, 153

  Johansen, Karen, 254–58

  John, Elton, 51, 53

  John Paul, Pope, 18

  Johns, Jasper, White Alphabets, 289

  Johnson, Samuel, 25

  Johnson, Scott, 281, 282

  Johnson, Tom, 212, 214, 216

  Judd, Donald, 287

  Jung, Carl, Mysterium Coniunctionis, 40

  Kabakov, Ilya, 53

  Man Who Described His Life Through Characters, 50

  Man Who Flew into Space from His Apartment, 50

  Man Who Never Threw Anything Away, 50

  Kabinet, 77–78

  Kafue National Park, Zambia, 226

  Kagame, Paul, 305, 306, 307, 319

  Kalimba, Célestin, 310

  Kamran, Baktash, 278

  Kangerlussuaq ice fjord, 252–53

  Kangxi Emperor, 377

  Kanta (teacher), 398–401

  Karzai, Hamid, 270, 271

  Kasanka National Park, Zambia, 225

  Kasparov, Garry, 102

p; Kata Kolok sign language, 398–401, 405

  Katsuba, Valera, 81, 97

  Katz, Max, 102

  “kayak anxiety,” 255

  Kazakhstan, nomads in, 16–17

  Kebyar (Balinese woman), 402–3

  Kennedy, John F., 162

  Kentridge, William, 149–50, 171, 173–74

  Kesyar (Balinese woman), 403

  KGB (Russian intelligence agency), 12, 54, 63, 99

  Khademi, Kubra, 284

  Khan, Altan, 238

  Khan, A. Q., 347

  Khan, Genghis, 272

  khanqah (Afghan holy building), 278

  Khin Kyi, 455–56

  Khmer Rouge, 230–32, 468

  Khövsgöl Lake National Park, Mongolia, 244–46

  Khrushchev, Nikita, 47, 61, 334

  King, Alice, 128

  Kirill, Patriarch, 99

  Kiselev, Aleksandr A., 90, 91–92, 97

  Kisevalter, Georgi, 47

  Klimov, Andrei, 57

  Klimova, Yelena, 99

  Koloane, David, 145, 147–48, 152, 158, 173

  Ko Minn Latt, 446, 453, 470

  Kopystiyanskaya, Svetlana, 53

  Korea, elections in, 455

  Kostromin, Sergey, 98

  Kounellis, Jannis, 289

  Krylov, Romuald, 89

  Kuan Kuan, 191

  Ku Klux Klan, 37

  Kuksinaite, Irina, 78, 79, 86

  Kurlyandtseva, Lena, 64

  Kusa, Musa, 326

  Kusama, Yayoi, 290

  Kuzmin, Dmitry, 99

  Kvant International, 84

  Kyi Zaw Lwin, 469

  Kyrgyzstan, gay men entrapped by police in, 35

  Lake Iteshi-Teshi, Zambia, 226

  Lalae (yacht), 298–301

  Lange, Amelia, 254–55, 256–58

  Lantos, Tom, 349

  Lao Li (Li Xianting), 126, 128, 136

  on categories of Chinese art, 110

  and Chinese avant-garde, 106–8, 119, 127, 131

  and Fine Arts in China, 109

  and Gaudy Art, 135

  influence of, 107, 122

  moral purpose of, 107, 134

  and Yan’s lawsuit, 133, 134

  Lauder, Leonard, 329

  Lazarus, Emma, 37

  Leblon Beach, Rio de Janeiro, 408

  Lee, Lily, 208

  Lee Teng-hui, 187, 197, 206

  Lee Yulin, 206, 208–9, 291

  Legae, Ezrom, 145

  Leidermann, Yuri, 63

  Lenin, V. I., 50, 102, 151, 175, 246

  Leonardo da Vinci, 125

  Leshan Grand Buddha, 367

  letting go, 44

  LGBT issues, see gay people; gay rights

  Libya, 7, 321–57

  atrocities against gay people in, 35–36

  Basic People’s Congresses in, 322, 337–39, 354

  Bulgarian nurses in, 334–35, 348

  chaos in, 29, 355, 356–57

  Circle of Fire in, 354–56

  corruption in, 343–44

  economy of, 321–22, 330–31, 333, 341–43, 345, 353, 354

  fundamentalism in, 325, 331, 349, 352

  Green Square in Tripoli, 331–32

  growing population of, 331

  isolation of, 34

  Italian occupation of (1912–43), 324, 353

  literacy rate in, 333

  National Oil Company in, 326, 330, 341, 348

  and nuclear weapons, 347


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