Hot Silver Nights: Silver Fox Romance Collection

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Hot Silver Nights: Silver Fox Romance Collection Page 25

by Ainsley Booth

  Sinking down onto the soaked pillows and blanket, he began to laugh. His body shook as his masculine laugh grew louder and once Carolyn pulled part of the shower curtain over her breasts, she began to laugh too. He stepped out of the tub and helped her up as she struggled to cover her body. They were both still laughing as she held the rod in one hand, the curtain in the other, and turned to leave the bathroom. The shower rod wouldn’t fit through the door.

  “Here, let me help you; I’ll close my eyes,” he promised as he continued to laugh so hard tears ran down his face.

  “You better!” she said. “Oh Arthur, I am completely mortified and you scared the living hell right out of me.”

  “You may have scared more than that out of me,” he quipped. “You might be wise not to look at the back of my PJs,” he advised, trying to add even more comic relief.

  “Ha, funny! It’d serve you right!” She chuckled as she continued to keep herself covered.

  “Do you think I’ve never seen a naked woman before?”

  “Well, you haven’t seen me naked.”

  “I’ve seen half of you and I liked what I saw.”

  “I didn’t mean for that to happen.” She blushed.

  “Oh, I’ve no doubt about that. Here, let’s get this rod tilted. You know, you could just let it fall and walk out of here.”

  “That’s not going to happen!” she snapped.

  Arthur tilted the rod and all the shower curtain rings slid to one end.

  “Now, wrap yourself up. I promise I won’t look.”

  Carolyn wrapped the curtain around her twice as she turned closer to the rod. Arthur angled it but with the sink in the way, it extended just above the top of the door.

  “Nope, that’s not going to work,” he said and as he noticed tears welling up in her eyes, he pulled her close to him.

  She actually leaned into him, resting her head on the rod that was between them.

  “This is entirely my fault,” she said. “I should have insisted you get into the bed with me.”

  “Did you want to?”

  “As a matter of fact, yes I did.”

  “Carolyn, I was only trying to be respectful,” he whispered.

  “Yeah well, look where that got us. We’re stuck in this bathroom with a shower rod between us.”

  “I believe I can fix that,” he said as he quickly turned her away from him, the curtain fell loose and he gave her a little pat on her bottom. “Now, get out of here.”

  “No, you get out; my clothes are in here.”

  She stood there completely naked as he angled the rod into the tub and left the room.

  When he heard the bathroom door slam shut, he wasn’t sure what he was in for when she came out…if she ever came out.

  “How am I supposed to take a shower with five wet pillows in here?” she called through the door.

  “You could pretend you’re walking on clouds, but speaking of clouds, you better skip the shower. I’m going to, we’re running very late. In fact, skip your make-up too; you’re beautiful without it. If you really think you need it, put it on in the plane.”

  Carolyn quickly dressed and tucked her sweats into a plastic bag. When she walked out of the bathroom, her head was down and her thumbs hooked into the pockets of her jeans.

  “It’s okay, sweet stuff,” he said pulling her into his arms.

  “Oh Arthur,” she murmured. “I feel like an idiot. When you asked me to come along, I wanted to make an impression on you.”

  “Consider yourself successful; you’ve made an impression on me that will last a lifetime.” He flashed his pearly whites and his grin reached his eyes.

  Feeling comforted, she slid her arms around him.

  “You have to promise me you’ll never breathe a word of this,” she said, looking up at him.

  He wasn’t going to let this opportunity pass him by. He lowered his head and placed a tender kiss on her lips. As brief as it was, she kissed him back.

  “Come on, we’re going to be late,” he said, grabbing their bags and heading out the door.

  “So, do you promise?” she asked as she ran to keep up with his long stride.

  “If you don’t tell Annie, I won’t tell Mac,” he answered looking over his shoulder at her.

  “And you really won’t tell him?”

  “Tell Mac what?” he replied as a huge grim swept across his face.

  Chapter 6

  The storm had passed and Carolyn sat in the cockpit with Arthur. It was much more intense flying out of New York than it had been in Kansas. She remained quiet until they were cleared for takeoff and finally in the air.

  “How long is the flight to West Palm Beach?” Mitch asked as he yawned and buckled up.

  “Roughly about three hours total. You won’t have to get off the plane as I’m sure Mac’s parents will be waiting for us. I’ve picked them up many times and they’re never late.”

  “I’m anxious about meeting them. What are they like?” Carolyn asked.

  “Carolyn, you don’t need to be worried; they’ll love you. Trudy is a sweet lady and Mac’s father, Conall, is a real character. He says whatever is on his mind so don’t ever feel put off by him. He’s refreshing actually; few people really speak their mind these days.”

  “That’s good to know. Once they board I’ll probably sit in the back with them so we can get to know each other.”

  “I’d prefer you sit up here with me. You’ll have time between Houston and Denver to get acquainted with them if you want. Mitch, you’re welcome to take a nap on the couch in the back once we take off.”

  “I might just do that. I’m not used to getting up this early. The bar I work at in New York doesn’t close until last call and then it’s another hour before I get out of there. I didn’t work last night but once you’re into a routine, it’s hard to break it.”

  “Colorado will be good by you. The time difference, you know,” Arthur added.

  “Yeah, it’s a good thing; otherwise I wouldn’t be dragging myself out of bed until noon.” Mitch laughed. “I can’t wait to spend time with Mac and Annie again. Considering the circumstances, he was so good to me when we met on the island where Annie was vacationing.”

  “You mean at the resort on Caicos?” Carolyn asked. She hadn’t heard this story and her inquiring mind wanted to know.

  Mitch began to relay the story to Carolyn and Arthur chimed in with additional details. “I’ll never forget that trip. Mac thought Annie was in grave danger and was convinced Mitch was a gigolo hanging out at his resort, thought he was out to take her money. He was scared to death for her safety.”

  “Yeah, it was touch and go for a while, but he did apologize after he met me and invited me to spend the rest of the time on the yacht with them,” Mitch said and he yawned again.

  “Mitch, as soon as I turn off the seat belt sign, feel free to stretch out and sleep. There’s a blanket back there in case you get cold. I’m going to close the door to the cockpit so our conversation doesn’t disturb you.”

  “Mac has a resort and a yacht?” This was news to Carolyn.

  “Yes he does, and it’s beautiful. Come cold weather, I’m sure we’ll get to spend some time on it with him and Annie,” Arthur said.

  “I’m looking forward to it.” Carolyn smiled and realized there was a lot Annie hadn’t told her.

  Once they were in the air and Arthur turned off the seat belt sign, he turned to Carolyn. “I believe you have a story to finish.”

  “Yes, I do and I’ll be glad to get it off my chest. Keeping things stashed away like I have isn’t good. Where was I?”

  “I think Bob was putting the moves on you.”

  “I remember now. Monday morning, Mary took me to work with her and I was hired on the spot. Within a month I was promoted and making good money. Bob took me out several nights a week, escorted me to a couple of movies and some of the finer places when he’d hustled enough money to flash around. To make the best possible impression, he trea
ted me like gold. What did I know? I was innocent and I’d never dated in my life.

  “Bob’s physical attention had me over the moon. I knew very little about sex other than what I’d read in my mother’s sweet romance books where everyone lived happily ever after. That’s what I wanted more than anything, a devoted husband, a family one day, and a home. But even with the few expectations I had, I knew something was missing. Sex was always all about what Bob wanted me to do for him. He thought nothing of sitting next to me on the sofa one minute while watching a movie and then standing in front of me, his pants unzipped, and holding my head while he…you know. I thought I was learning how to please a man and never imagined I was being used.

  “I asked him why he never said anything afterwards. I wondered what I was doing wrong. I knew he’d been around the block a time or two and I couldn’t possibly compare to the other women he’d been with.

  “His response was ‘What do you want me to say? I’m not a mushy kind of guy.’ and that was it. But it wasn’t enough for me. I wanted to know why when he spoke of our future together he was never specific.”

  “All he would say was ‘I like to take one day at a time, Carolyn. We haven’t known each other very long. Don’t push me,’ and I didn’t think I was pushing him at all.”

  Arthur reached over and held her hand. “Carolyn, I’m so sorry.”

  “I was the one who said I was sorry. This was all new to me. My parents used to make decisions and plan together. But he made it clear to me that wasn’t something he was used to doing. He’d been on his own for years, and I needed to remember he was a take charge kind of guy.”

  “I’d say he was a take advantage kind of guy.” Arthur brought her hand to his lips and kissed it gently as Carolyn went on. It was clear to him she needed to tell him about what she considered to be her horrible past.

  “When Rico would get a job at night we would use his apartment, but it wasn’t enough for Bob. He wanted more…more privacy, and he tried to convince me to move into a one bedroom apartment so we could start working toward the future. Of course, I thought he meant our future…together…as a couple. I couldn’t have been more wrong.

  “I told him I didn’t believe living together was proper, he argued, insisting everyone was doing it these days. He’d overstayed his welcome at Rico’s and if I couldn’t commit to living with him and planning a life together, he said he’d just as soon head out to Phoenix. I caved and started packing. Bob said he’d located an apartment that would be fine for now. The rent was low and I could afford it until he got on his feet financially. He said we would have fun on the weekends fixing it up…making it the love nest we needed.”

  “I’m surprised your friend, Mary, and Rico didn’t try to talk you out of it.”

  “Oh, they did but I wouldn’t listen. I was twenty years old, but I may as well have been sixteen. It was just a dumb stupid dream, Arthur, and I was even dumber to think I could make it work.”

  “Carolyn, it was not a dumb dream. It’s the dream almost every young woman has. The dream was right; he was the wrong man. That doesn’t make you dumb or stupid.”

  “I tried, I really did,” she said.

  “It takes two and it doesn’t sound as though he tried at all. No matter what we go through, I believe we should never give up on our dreams.”

  Carolyn looked at him. He was genuine, he was real, and he listened like every word she said was important to him.

  “You know, we started out with nothing. Mary was kind enough to give me some of her furniture and kitchen items. She told me I was making a mistake and could come back at any time. She was a good friend, Arthur. She still is and we talk from time to time.”

  “I hate to ask, but how long did it last?”

  “Until I found out I was pregnant. He wanted no part of it, wanted out, but more than that he wanted a new car so he could leave. I stood my ground and told him I would co-sign for the car if he would marry me. After that, I didn’t care what he did or where he went. For some reason, I thought my baby had to have his name, but the more I thought about it I didn’t even want his name.”

  Arthur entwined his fingers with hers. “So, you didn’t marry him then.”

  “Oh yes, I did. He bought gold bands from a pawn shop, we got married and only then did I co-sign the loan. He got his new car and took off.”

  “He did you a favor by leaving, Carolyn.”

  “Yes, he did and I’m grateful. I never took his name when we married and I didn’t give Annie his name either. After she was born, I filed for divorce. I had no idea where he was, but I was able to use his last known location and serve him by publication in a newspaper. The lawyer picked a small paper in Phoenix, one he was certain nobody in Kansas would ever read. I moved back to the farm and raised Annie alone. I had a ring on my finger and told everyone my husband died unexpectedly of a disease he never knew he had.”

  “You’re a brave woman, Carolyn. I admire you more than I can find the words to express.”

  “ Well, if I did anything right in my life it was bringing my beautiful daughter into the world and never telling Bob I had money stashed away from the land I sold off after my parents died. Of course, Bob defaulted on the car loan and I had more than enough money to pay it off and keep my good credit.

  “I can’t begin to imagine how hard it was, but I’m sure it felt good to go home,” Arthur whispered.

  “Going home was bittersweet. Part of me felt like a failure, but I knew it was the right thing to do. I could raise my daughter in a safe environment and if I budgeted carefully and took in some part time work we could make it. I was able to buy back a few acres I’d previously sold off.

  “Annie thrived on the farm. She learned to ride, getting her first horse when she was only seven years old, and could drive a tractor by the time she was twelve. We raised a small herd of four cows, some pigs, and chickens. We were able to grow enough vegetables to sustain us through the winters and Annie loved to garden.

  “She did well in school and I made sure she went to her senior prom in a beautiful dress. Annie got a scholarship to college and was an honor student. It was a sad day when she moved to Denver to accept a great job. I thought it was the happiest day in my life when my daughter married and the most heart-breaking day when Annie’s husband died of cancer. But now Annie has Mac and he is truly the love of her life.”

  “Carolyn, you are the only kind of woman I could fall in love with.”

  “Arthur, I didn’t tell you my story so you could pity me. I told you because I have feelings for you. With what you just said, I think you share those feelings. If anything can come of this, I have to be honest with you. You have to know where I’m from, what I’m been through, and who I truly am.”

  “I don’t pity you. I hold you in very high esteem and I’m looking forward to what our future holds.”

  “Maybe Annie was right when she told me I was never too old and it was never too late to find happiness.”

  “She was right. I hope we can find it together.”

  Chapter 7

  They landed in Palm Beach a little early but Mac’s parents were there waiting for them. They boarded and Arthur made introductions all around. Mitch decided to finish his nap, and Conall sat in the cockpit with Arthur at Carolyn’s insistence. She and Trudy hit it off very well and talked non-stop all the way to Houston where they picked up Annie’s dearest friend, Monica and her husband, Joe.

  On the way back to Denver, Monica told Carolyn how she worried that Annie was jumping into something much too fast.

  “I agree,” said Carolyn. “At first it seemed fast to me too.”

  “I told her she should be runnin’ a background check on him but I knew she wouldn’t do it, so I ran one,” Monica said.

  “I probably would have done the same thing if it had been my daughter. You’re a good friend, Monica,” Trudy added and didn’t seem upset in the least.

  “”Well, y’all just can’t be too careful now-a-days.
There’s a lot of weirdos out there.”

  “I’ll say and I’m glad my son isn’t one of them.”

  The conversation continued among the women, and the men seemed to be involved in one of their own. Carolyn could hear Mac’s father talking Arthur’s ear off, but some of the time she couldn’t understand what he was saying. Mac must have handed him the microphone and his voice came over the intercom.

  “I’m seein’ the mountains out the window, so ye best buckle up. We’ll no be takin’ any chances with turbulence as is the situation whenever we fly into Denver. ‘Tis yer co-pilot speakin’. Over and out.”

  Carolyn could hear Arthur chuckle as Mac’s father made the announcement. On and off she could hear Arthur communicating with the tower as they made their final approach.

  Arthur set the plane down without so much as a thud, reversed the engines, and applied the brakes. They taxied to the hangar where Duncan was waiting with the limo; Mac and Annie were with him.

  It had been a long day; everyone was tired and starting to doze off—except Annie who was bombarding her mother with questions about the night she spent with Arthur.

  “So, Mom, how was the trip; did you enjoy yourself?” Annie asked.

  “Yes honey, I did,” her mom answered and Annie noticed the grin that swept across Arthur’s face.

  Leaning over and whispering into Mac’s ear, she said, “Something is going on between them.”

  “They’re probably exhausted,” Mac whispered back.

  “No, it’s more than that; I know my mother.”

  “Annie, let it go,” he said, even though he noticed the contented look on Arthur’s face too.

  Carolyn’s eyes drifted shut but Annie couldn’t let it go.

  “Mom, how was the hotel room; was it comfortable?”

  Carolyn just closed her eyes and leaned her head against Arthur’s shoulder.

  When her Mother didn’t answer and Arthur didn’t comment, Mac whispered in her ear. “Can’t you see your mother is tired? She’s nearly asleep.”


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