Born to Prophesy

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Born to Prophesy Page 31

by Hakeem Collins

  1. Prophetic record

  At my local church we suggest that a person who wants to receive prophetic ministry use their phones or any recording device to record it. A person can review their prophecies with their spiritual covering or pastoral leadership team for spiritual maturation. We must understand that when we go back to listen to our personal prophecy, not everything outlined in the prophetic word will be applicable for that particular season. In 1 Thessalonians 5:19–21, the apostle Paul writes, “Do not quench the Spirit. In other words Paul was saying, “Do not despise the words of prophets, but test everything; hold fast to what is good.”

  One thing that we must put in consideration when we are reviewing the prophetic word is not to be judgmental or critical but receive the word with an open, loving heart. I had to learn that something will make sense later, or understanding will come later. When we are receiving prophetic words and going over them we are not to throw the baby out with the bath water unless the word is totally off. In addition, we should be very cautious calling a prophetic word false or a prophet false if the word doesn’t apply to us. It may be the Lord trying to warn us or reveal an area of our lives that needs adjusting. I have been one who really didn’t like words of correction, but as I have matured I realize that I would rather receive corrective words than good words all the time.

  2. Prophetic warfare

  I believe in warring over the prophetic word that has been spoken over your life. When the word of the Lord is spoken over you, the enemy doesn’t know the mind of God toward you until He prophesies it. When the prophetic word is released over you, the enemy now declares war to hinder its fulfillment, just as he tried to assassinate the baby Jesus (Matt. 2). Moreover, in 1 Timothy 1:18 (NRSV) it says, “I am giving you these instructions, Timothy, my child, in accordance with the prophecies made earlier about you, so that by following them you may fight the good fight” I like this passage of Scripture because the apostle Paul is basically giving Timothy, his spiritual son, instruction and admonishment about warring over his prophecies. We are to fight the good fight of faith. When a prophetic word is released over our lives, we must take in account that we are now accountable of that word that we received from the Lord. I believe that when we receive a personal prophecy we should take those words seriously. We have to fight over and for our prophecy to come to pass. The greater the prophecy that has been declared over your life, the greater the warfare.

  We should always war over our prophecies. How you war over your personal prophetic word is by praying it to pass. Things will not just happen in the earthly realm until it is spoken and released through prayer. We must pray God’s eternal will to be done through us on earth as it is in heaven.

  Consistently praying your prophecy through will accelerate the time of fulfillment. If a person does not pray their prophecy through, it may never come to full maturity. I liken it to a woman who is pregnant, and at the time of birthing the water breaks. Now it’s time to push that baby out. The Bible says that the earth is in travail for the sons of God to manifest themselves in the earth. Speaking, declaring, and mediating on your personal prophetic word will release it. We must speak by faith what we want to see happen. The Bible says that faith is the substance of things hope for and the evidence of things not seen. We speak by faith what we already obtained in the spirit. We just have to pull what’s in the spirit realm into our now, our present, and that’s called “now faith.”

  3. Prophetic directives

  When it comes to prophetic directives or instructions given to us by a prophet that regards to geographical relocation, opportunities, leaving or joining a ministry, marriage, or any decision, we must never make presumptuous or premature moves without inquiring of the Lord. The word of the Lord has to be confirmed several times and even with we must pray, fast and wait on the Lord to give us the specific. The Bible says in Proverbs 11:14 (NKJV), “Where there is no counsel, the people fall, But in the abundance of counselors there is safety.” Through strategic prayer, counsel with godly leadership, and faith, God’s eternal purposes can be established in a Christian believer’s life. The Bible gives many examples of caution in the midst of a prophecy.

  We see in 1 Samuel 16:13 that King David was watching sheep for many years after being told he would be king by the prophet Samuel. There were kings of the Old Testament who consulted prophets and were given detailed prophetic instructions and directives concerning their mandate and calling. Jehu and King Jehoshaphat both received divine words that they needed to follow through with.

  4. Prophetic hindrance to fulfilling God’s promise

  When engaging our personal prophetic words, a believer should be willing to judge himself to make sure that he is able to hear the voice of the Lord. A person’s attitude can delay or hinder their hearing from the Lord. Such an attitude can include having a negative mind-set or a low self-image, pride, self-justification, blame-shifting, self-reservation, people-pleasing, carnal and fleshly thinking, and sluggishness. Moreover, if there are unconfessed sins, unforgiveness, and bitterness in one’s heart, that can also hinder his ability to incline their ears to hear the voice of the Lord. One biblical example of a leader needing to judge himself was King Saul. When the promises of God were presented to him, he rationalized God’s instructions, and out of rebellion he chose to do what he thought was right in his own eyes. King Saul’s rebellious action caused him to miss the promises of the Lord.

  5. Prophetic patience

  We are admonished in the Book of Isaiah 40:31 to wait patiently upon the Lord. The foundational biblical principle here that we must learn is waiting on the Lord, which can be found throughout Scripture. The biblical meaning for “wait” is to be actively waiting with expectant faith.

  6. Prophetic character

  When God is preparing and fashioning someone for ministry He first prepares their character through various methods and testing. It is through trying times, seasons of trials and tribulations that show what we are made of. Maturity, humility, obedience, and integrity are keys to longevity in anything that we do. Biblical patriarchs and matriarchs in the Bible such as Abraham, Moses, Jeremiah, Abel, Solomon, Job, Isaiah, Paul, Mary (Jesus’ mother), Anna, Deborah, Esther, Priscilla, Rachel, and many others had their character tested before they were ever given supernatural ministries by God. Through cultivation, maturation, and patience, these biblical leaders of the Old and New Testament had exceptional character and personalities that caused them to succeed in ministry and in their calling.

  The foundation of a person’s character will determine the height and depth of the person’s ministry. I always say that a person’s anointing can go as far their character can take them and keep them. God’s prophetic timetable of ministry revolves around our ministry maturation and growth in Him, and our cooperation to permit Him to be Lord in every area of our lives. Our godly character and nature should always reflect the spiritual nature of Jesus. Typically, people tend to judge a person’s ministry success as a determination of a person having good character, but there are ministries out there in the world today that may be successful but the leaders of those ministries may not possess godly character personally to sustain them in the long run. Anointing, gifting, and calling should not overshadow a person’s character.

  The Bible says we are living epistles read by men. So our lives should line up with the Word of God and strive to be more like Christ in word and deed. Prophets, Christian believers and leaders in the body of Christ should be a people of distinguished moral and ethical character. God always works on a person’s character but He never changes their personality. A person’s character is considered one’s reputation and nature. What a person does with their character will ultimately determine how successful they will be. In Colossians 3:12–15 (ESV) it says, “Put on then, as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience, bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has
forgiven you, so you also must forgive. And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony. And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful.”

  I love what Ephesians 4:24 says about godly character and nature in three translations below:

  Put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.


  Take on an entirely new way of life—a God-fashioned life, a life renewed from the inside and working itself into your conduct as God accurately reproduces his character in you.


  One way to test a person’s character is test their willingness to submit to others, whether they are in leadership or not.

  7. Prophetic faith exercised

  Faith is the source and power of seeing prophetic words being fulfilled. Just as it takes faith to prophesy a word, it will require faith from the hearer to believe it and walk it out. The Bible says that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. If you feel discouraged that a prophetic word that you have received has not come to pass as of yet, don’t worry; God will see that you will fulfill it in His divine timing. I had to learn to continue to declare the promises of the Lord over my life and remind God of His Word. The Bible says that the promises of the Lord are yes and amen!

  For example, if the Lord called you to train prophets and Christian believers in the prophetic, start that school of the prophets study course to prepare yourself for international travels or mission trips. Also start saving money so that you are prepared to fulfill the prophetic word. Be prepared for the Father to fulfill His promise toward you. The Bible says that the Lord’s promises are yes and amen.

  Finally, prophetic people must cooperate with the leaders that God has given them and team up with others prophetic people to exercise corporate faith, both for your personal prophecies and for corporate prophecies given to your local church. The prophet Joel prophesied that there will come a day that there will be an outpouring of God’s Spirit, which was also declared by the apostle Peter in Acts 2:17. We are in the days of Elijah where we are seeing a great outpouring of God’s Spirit around the world. God is releasing not only His Spirit, but His prophetic Spirit.

  You were born to prophesy and declare His righteousness. The Bible says that righteousness exalts a nation and sin brings reproach. God wants to release a prophetic generation that will turn nations and kingdoms to the Lord. The voice of the Lord will be heard through the church of Jesus Christ. The Lord will always reveal Himself to those who are open to hear Him. Are you ready to speak for Him? There is nothing to fear! God has given His Spirit and gifts to build, edify, encourage, exhort, and comfort His people. It is the Lord’s burden for His people to eagerly desire to be used and equipped in the ministry of prophesying so that He can manifest Himself to unbelievers and the hurting through them. We are His prophetic ambassadors in the earth today.

  The apostle Paul admonishes Timothy in 2 Timothy 1:6 to “fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you.” Don’t neglect it; rather, fan it into flame. Stir up the gift and let it burn within you! Cause it to blaze forth in its glory again in all its potential for good in the body of Christ. Practice makes perfect, but prophesying by faith makes a perfect (mature) prophetic believer.


  Without prophetic vision people run wild, but blessed are those who follow God’s teachings.

  —PROVERBS 29:18, GW

  WHEN PEOPLE DO not have prophetic vision, the Bible says that they run wild, but those who are followers of God’s Word, teaching, and prophetic message are blessed. The prophetic is so vital in this hour. God doesn’t want His people running around like chickens with their head cut off but like prophetic eagles with great vision and foresight. Prophecy releases heaven’s view and purpose for your life. We must see through heaven’s lenses and perspective for our destiny. I believe that Daddy God is going to give His people twenty–twenty vision in the realm of the spirit and give them the prophetic edge to fulfill what they were born to accomplish.

  I am reminded of a passage of Scripture about having a “twenty–twenty prophetic vision.”

  They rose early in the morning and went out to the wilderness of Tekoa; and when they went out, Jehoshaphat stood and said, “Listen to me, O Judah and inhabitants of Jerusalem, put your trust in the LORD your God and you will be established. Put your trust in His prophets and succeed.

  —2 CHRONICLES 20:20, NAS

  We can see that when we are God-focused and our trust is in the Lord we are established, and if we trust His prophets or the prophetic ministry it births success, prosperity, and favor. The prophetic ministry is the only ministry biblically that we see success connected to. True prophetic ministry is not for merchandising but bringing godly success, fame, favor, and happiness.

  The emphasis here on prophecy and prophetic ministry is that it is important to God. Let’s take a look at several versions and translations of Proverbs 29:18 to see the heartbeat of the Lord in regard to the ministry gift of prophecy:

  Where there is no prophecy the people cast off restraint, but blessed is he who keeps the law.

  —PROVERBS 29:18, RSV

  Where there is no revelation, people cast off restraint; but blessed is the one who heeds wisdom’s instruction.

  —PROVERBS 29:18, NIV

  When people do not accept divine guidance, they run wild. But whoever obeys the law is joyful.

  —PROVERBS 29:18, NLT

  When prophecy shall fail, the people shall be scattered abroad: but he that keepeth the law is blessed.


  Without a Vision is a people made naked, And whoso is keeping the law, O his happiness!


  Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.

  —PROVERBS 29:18, KJV

  Where there is no vision, the people are unrestrained, But happy is he who keeps the law.

  —PROVERBS 29:18, NAS

  We can see by the passages of Scriptures provided above that without prophecy, vision, divine guidance, revelation, or the prophetic message of the Lord, people will become unrestrained, undisciplined, aimless, unconcerned, lost, confused, made naked, scattered, and perish. Prophecy is God’s vehicle of bringing discipline, hope, life, structure, order, purpose, alignment, destiny, focus, determination, faith, and divine revelation. You were born to communicate with your Father and also to share what’s on the Father’s heart to others. The prophetic equips and activates the believer to become an overcomer and overachiever in Him.

  First Samuel 3:1 says, “The boy Samuel ministered before the LORD under Eli. In those days the word of the LORD was rare; there were not many visions.” One of the darkest moments in the history of Israel had been when there was no open vision, prophetic revelation, or word of the Lord revealed; at such a time the people “perish,” are let loose, “are left to run wild.”

  Moreover, it is the devil’s intention for you to miss your divine moment. One of the translations of Proverbs 29:18 states that without a vision “is a people made naked” (Young’s). In other words, they will live life exposed, ashamed, and vulnerable to what life brings their way. I am reminded of Adam when he disobeyed the commands of the Lord in the Garden of Eden; Adam and Eve were made naked and exposed. Both covered themselves and hid from the Lord’s voice and presence (Gen. 3:1–13).

  Prophecy releases the heartbeat and intent of the Lord for our lives. Without the voice of the Lord in our lives we can feel as though we are living life without His very presence and protection. God’s desire is to use you to become His voice in the earth to bring justice, order, peace, hope, restoration, reconciliation, and His divine plans. You were born to fulfill His purposes. You are God’s idea, and it was a very good idea.

  In my conclusion, it is my passion and desire to encourage you t
hat you were born from above, and it may not seem like it in your reality, but know that your life has already been mapped out for you. You don’t have to live life aimlessly but can live life strategically. Your life is hid in Christ Jesus. Everything that needed to be fulfilled was accomplished in Him. Others may put their trust in money, cars, houses, spouses, and natural things, but fulfilling first your calling is primary.

  Without God’s prophetic word over our lives we can be running around like wild donkeys with no vision and direction. Prophecy empowers and enables the believer to see again and run their race precisely. In the Book of Exodus 32:25 it says, “Moses saw that the people were running wild and that Aaron had let them get out of control and so become a laughingstock to their enemies.” When Moses, who represented the voice of the Lord to the people of Israel, spent forty days on the mountain, the people began to worship a golden calf and became unrestrained, wild, immoral, and a laughingstock. Likewise, we need the voice of the Lord in this hour when so many are falling away.

  “The time is surely coming,” says the Sovereign Lord, “when I will send a famine on the land—not a famine of bread or water but of hearing the words of the Lord. People will stagger from sea to sea and wander from border to border searching for the word of the Lord, but they will not find it.

  —AMOS 8:11–12, NLT

  Could you imagine not hearing a prophetic message or prophecy from the Lord? The prophetic voice of the Lord was imperative then, and it is necessary today. Can you imagine life without the voice of the Lord and not hearing Him speak? Hearing the voice of God is just as essential as bread and water. There are religious churches today that are experiencing a prophetic famine or prophetic drought because they resist embracing the prophetic culture with modern-day prophets and prophetic believers prophesying. The Bible states, “Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God” (Matt. 4:4). We need God’s anointed mouthpiece (prophets) and prophetic people speaking today.


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