Edge of Insanity

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Edge of Insanity Page 13

by S. E. Smith

  Bailey’s eyes widened at his statement. Yes, he might have exaggerated about the length of time Lina and he had slept together, but not by much. It was closer to the past week, but none of the other women needed to know that. He impatiently waited for Bailey to move out of his way.

  “Well, okay. I mean, as long as it is okay with Lina,” she said, looking at Lina’s relaxed face.

  “Bailey.” He waited for Bailey to look up at him. “I would never harm her. I swear on my life as a Trivator warrior.”

  He saw the expression in Bailey’s eyes soften before she nodded and finally stepped to the side. She briefly touched his arm as he started to pass her. He turned his head to look into her warm hazel eyes.

  “If you need anything, just call. I’m going to go get a bite to eat. I can bring something to your room if you’d like,” she offered.

  He shook his head. “Maybe later,” he said before continuing out of the room.

  Walking down the corridor, he passed by the galley. Mirela and Mechelle stopped talking as he walked by but quickly began again once he passed the doorway. He stepped into the Captain’s cabin when the door slid open. It closed behind him, sealing the two of them in the dimly lit room.

  Taking his time, he gently laid her on the bed and stripped the bloodstained clothing from her body. He rose and placed the soiled clothes in the clothing refresher before returning to the bed. He lightly brushed his fingers along the scar on her side.

  He laid his hand over the mark, feeling the natural warmth of her skin. The knowledge that he had come so close to losing the woman who had captured his heart shook him. Taking a deep breath, he retrieved a bottle of cleansing foam and a cloth from the other room. He gently bathed Lina, wiping away the residual blood from her side and stomach. Once he was finished, he drew the covers over her.

  She immediately sighed and rolled onto her side. As much as he wanted to slide in next to her, he forced himself to return to the cleansing room. He stripped out of his clothing and stepped into the cleanser enclosure. The curved door slid shut behind him. Laying his palm against the panel, he bowed his head.

  Warm jets of foaming cleanser coated his body. He lifted his hands and ran them through his long, black hair. Running his hands down his body, he wrapped one hand around his cock. As much as he wanted to relieve some of the tension, he would not. In his heart and mind, he had given himself to Lina whether he wore the marks of her claim or she wore his.

  Washing his body, he tilted his head back and closed his eyes as the foaming mist finished cleansing him and the unit began the rinse cycle. The cleanser tingled as it was rinsed away. Lifting his arms above his head, he gripped the safety bar above the unit and waited. Once the rinse was completed, jets of warm air swirled around him, quickly drying his hair and body.

  The door opened when the unit’s cycles were complete. Stepping out, he ran his fingers through his hair, divided it into sections, and braided it. His hand ran over his upper lip and chin. He had never worn facial hair before but decided he liked it. It wouldn’t have mattered if he hadn’t. He’d left the bag of items Lina had gathered for him on the bridge. He would have to remember to retrieve it later.

  He gathered his dirty clothing and stepped into the other room. After placing the items in the clothing refresher with Lina’s, he turned on the power. At least when they woke, they would both have clean clothes to wear.

  Walking over to the bed, he pulled the covers aside and slid in beside Lina. She murmured in her sleep and rolled toward him, snuggling close to his nude body. The feel of her long body pressed against his drew an immediate reaction.

  Edge released a tired sigh. He wanted her. His body didn’t care that now was not the time. He knew her deep slumber was caused by a combination of the medication and her body’s need to heal. The memory of her soft lips against his, their bodies joined as one, sent a shaft of need through him. Lifting her hand to his lips, he pressed a kiss to her palm.

  “You hold my heart in your hands, my beautiful goddess. You have given me a gift I never thought possible,” he murmured.

  He closed his eyes. Using the strategy Lina had shown him, he pictured his home back on Rathon with Lina in it. They would swim together in the shallow cove or hike to the market in the nearby village. His body relaxed as he dreamed of their life together.

  The dark, chaotic thoughts that always hovered along the edges of his mind since his capture slowly calmed. He tightened his arm around Lina when she moved so that her head was against his shoulder. He desperately clung to the vision of her in his mind as the swirling thoughts grew louder.

  Lina must have sensed his unrest because she murmured his name in her sleep. He tightened his grip on her hand when she slid her leg along his calf and tucked her foot between his legs. A sense of peace and warmth flowed through him when her hand glided across his chest and she curled her fingers around the curve of his shoulder. He wasn’t alone in the darkness. His little goddess was there with him.

  Oculus IX Spaceport

  Prymorus gazed down at the billowing smoke with rage while Deppar gripped the edge of the desk. The sound of more explosions could be heard going off far below them. From this view, Prymorus could see the panicked residents and visitors to the Spaceport frantically searching for a way off.

  “The fires must have spread through the sewer and access tunnels. The blast doors and electrical systems were damaged. There is an outer perimeter breach on Level Two. What in the hell did the Drethulans do to my Spaceport?” Deppar demanded, watching in horror as one system after another began to fail.

  “It was the Trivator and the human,” Prymorus stated in a cold voice.

  Deppar’s head jerked up and he stared at his half-brother in disbelief. “Do you expect me to believe that a half-dead Trivator and a female could cause this much damage? I told you not to bring the Drethulans on Oculus IX. They are unpredictable. This is your fault. I will seek compensation for the damages. Our uncle will…,” Deppar’s rant suddenly ended.

  Prymorus stared at his half-brother. Deppar’s expression was frozen with shock and disbelief as a stream of blood slowly seeped from the hole in the center of his forehead. Prymorus lowered the pistol in his hand as his now dead half-brother slowly collapsed to the floor.

  Turning back to look down at the city, he gripped the beam between the plates of glass and watched as the city below him began to cave in on itself. Furious, he knew in his gut that the Trivator and human female were not only responsible for the initial explosion, but that they had somehow managed to escape as well.

  Prymorus continued to watch the hundreds of spaceships frantically trying to evacuate the Spaceport. It would be impossible to know which one had provided the Trivator and the human safe haven and escape. He turned when the door opened behind him.

  “Sir, the structure is unsafe. The Drethulans have requested that you return to the ship so they can depart,” his guard relayed.

  Prymorus slowly crossed the room. The Trivator and human would try to escape beyond the Waxian borders and sphere of influence. It was time to visit his uncle and take over his new position as the future Prime Ruler of the Waxian empire.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Edge was locked in pleasure and he didn’t want it to end. He moaned as an erotic heat surrounded his cock, causing him to lift his hips. He curled his fingers into the bedsheets as the intensity increased until he was panting.

  “Goddess!” he hissed, when he felt a warm tongue swipe across the tip of his cock again.

  He decided that he had indeed died on the Waxian Spaceport. He didn’t believe anything in the stars or among the living could feel this good. Another groan escaped him when he felt a light scrape along the length of his cock before a sucking sensation lifted his hips off the bed again.

  Opening his eyes, panted as wave after wave of intense pleasure shook him to his core. A slender hand joined the hot mouth that was moving up and down his cock at speeds varying from tortuously slow and d
eliberate, to fast and wild.

  Edge could feel the tingling along his spine and knew that he would not last long. He had heard of such things during his time on Earth, but had shuddered at the thought of a female wrapping her lips around his shaft. A Trivator female had sharp teeth.

  “You like this,” Lina whispered against his cock.

  “Goddess, woman. You are lethal,” he hissed, lifting his head to watch her.

  He rocked his hips back and forth, sliding between her lips. If he didn’t stop her, he would come down her throat before he ever had a chance to give her pleasure. A choked curse slipped from his lips when he partially sat up to stop her. His eyes locked on the vision of her sucking on him.

  Edge narrowed his eyes when she reached the tip of his cock. She looked up at him and rolled her tongue around the thick, bulbous head. Tilting her head to the side, she teased his cock.

  “What do you want, big guy? Do you like watching me eat you?” she asked, her hot breath caressing him.

  He snarled and wrapped his hands under her arms, sliding her along his body. Leaning forward, he caught her right nipple between his lips. She cried out, and the scent of her arousal filled his lungs. Opening his mouth, he gently nipped the rosy nipple.

  “Damn, but that feels good,” she groaned, spreading her legs so that she was straddling him.

  “I want to taste you,” he demanded against her nipple.

  Lina tangled her hand in his hair and looked down at him with a mischievous smile. “Have you ever heard of sixty-nine?” she asked with a raised eyebrow.

  “I know how to count. What does that have to do with my wish to taste you like you tasted me?” he demanded.

  “Slide down a little bit and lay flat, and I’ll show you how magical that number can be,” she said, leaning down to capture his lips.

  Curiosity warred with his desire to claim her. He frowned when she released his lips and slid to the side. She motioned for him to lie down.

  Gazing at her, he moved down. He widened his eyes when she swung around and climbed over him. She looked down at where he lay between her legs. Spreading her thighs, she lowered her soft mound toward his lips.

  “Show me what you can do, big guy,” she invited.

  He slid his arm up her leg and between them, spreading her soft folds until she was exposed to his teeth and tongue. If she wanted to see what he could do, he would be happy to show her. Nipping at the pink nub, he buried his fingers deeply inside her before he began an assault with his tongue that would leave her wet and begging for release.

  Lina’s breasts felt swollen and her nipples excruciatingly sensitive. The need to come almost became an addiction. She had awakened with the sensation of Edge’s hard cock pulsing against her. The pain in her body had transformed into a different kind—one of sexual need.

  She had planned to just enjoy the feel of her hand stroking him. Before she knew it, one thing had led to another and the temptation to brush a kiss across his cock turned into giving in to her desire to slide him into her mouth. His immediate reaction had emboldened her to continue her seduction.

  Memories of the last time they made love filled her mind. The heat of passion had been building over the past few weeks, and the fact that they had both been forced to keep the sounds of their pleasure from waking the others may have helped with the intensity. Something told Lina that no matter where they were, the passion between them would always be powerful. There was something primitive about it. She had heard of people having a chemical as well as a physical reaction to each other. She had experienced that before, but this was different. Whatever was causing the allure, she felt like she had been given a mega-dose where Edge was concerned.

  She could feel her body pulsing with her desire for him. The restless feeling was about to drive her crazy, at least until Edge began his assault on her body. She didn’t bother trying to control the loud cry that escaped her.

  “Yes!” she breathed around his cock when he began teasing her clit.

  An intense wave of pleasure struck her hard. Her hands tightened around his cock and she moaned. She would have pulled away if not for his arm around her thigh. Closing her eyes, she pictured what they looked like together. The image of them locked together, combined with his lips and fingers, was too much for her overly-sensitive body and she came with a shuddering sob, her hand and mouth tightly wrapped around him.

  The touch of his tongue over her swollen clit made her release him. Her back bowed upward as her hips rotated. She took swift, gasping breaths as her body pulsed with pleasure so powerful that it bordered on pain.

  She softly sobbed when he released her. She swung her leg over him. Her body started to melt down to the covers as she tried to regain control of her shaking limbs.

  Edge didn’t give her a chance. Sitting up, he pulled her around and under him until she was lying on her stomach. He gripped her hips, pulling her up onto her knees. She felt his hand run over her buttocks before he slowly impaled her with his cock.

  He didn’t take her hard and fast. Instead, he took her with tender, excruciating slowness. Her lips parted in a gasp as he slid into her. Closing her eyes, she gripped both sides of the pillow.

  “You’re killing me,” she groaned when he began to rock his hips back and forth. “Damn it, Edge. Faster!”

  He chuckled and bent forward until he was pressing deeper inside her. His warm breath caressed the skin between her shoulder blades. He slid one hand along her side and up, cupping her breast.

  “You fit me like a glove. I feel every inch of you surrounding me. You are so slick and I can feel you pulsing around me, pulling me deeper,” he murmured.

  The vivid image of his cock sliding in and out of her, their bodies connected, and his description left her wanting more. His fingers pinched her nipple hard enough to make her hips jerk. She lifted her head when he released her breast and moved his hand back to her hip.

  “Accept me as yours, my fi’ta. I am your Amate,” he declared, his hands holding her as he began to rock his hips in hard, fast strokes.

  “Yes!” she groaned, mindless of everything but the feel of him moving inside her.

  He was hitting a spot that was causing the nerves inside her moist depths to go crazy. The combination of his rocking hips, his cock moving along her nerve endings, and how he was hitting her swollen clit caused her body to spiral out of control.

  “Yes! Oh, damn. Oh, damn. Oh, damn,” she cried as her orgasm swept through her and her body clamped down around him.

  “Sweet Goddess!” Edge groaned, his hips pressed against her sweet ass as he emptied his seed deep into her womb.

  Lina felt him shudder before he wrapped his arms around her waist and leaned over her. He continued to press against her, his cock continuing to pulse with the intensity of his release. After several minutes, they slowly sank to the bed where he spooned her protectively against his well-satisfied and now relaxed body.

  She lay pressed against him, and tilted her head when he bent to kiss her bare shoulder. A soft, quavering sigh slipped from her lips at his quietly murmured words.

  My Amate. You will be my wife.

  A tear slipped from the corner of her eye and fell to the pillow, unseen by Edge, and she grasped the hand covering her breast. She would hold on to this moment for as long as she could before she let it go—forever.

  An hour later, the sound of her growling stomach drew a chuckle from Edge. Lina lay stretched out on top of him, and he held her soft body tightly against his chest. He slid his hands up and down her bare back while he rubbed his chin against her hair. He knew she was awake from the way her fingers were drawing a pattern against his skin. They had been content to lie silently in each other’s arms.

  “When we arrive on Rathon…,” he began.

  He stopped when she lifted her hand and gently laid her fingers against his lips. She lifted her head and gazed at him with dark, troubled eyes before they cleared. In the depths, he could still see lingering remnants o
f sadness.

  “Let’s not talk about the future. I need to get cleaned up,” she quietly replied, sliding off of him.

  “Lina…,” Edge said, sitting up and reaching for her hand when she stood up. “You cannot ignore what has happened between us.”

  She lifted her chin. “We still have a long way to go before we reach Rathon. Let’s just take it one day at a time for the moment,” she suggested.

  He wanted to argue, but the stiffness of her shoulders showed that she was already rebuilding the wall between them. She reminded him of a wounded animal that was unsure of whether she could trust those trying to care for her or not. Rising from the bed, he bent over and brushed a brief kiss across her lips.

  “One day can lead to many more. I will give you until we reach Rathon to accept that you belong by my side, my beautiful goddess,” he murmured.

  He released her and walked into the cleansing room. Behind him, he could hear her searching the room for her clothing. A chuckle shook his body when he heard a string of muttered, colorful words under her breath.

  “You could always join me in the bathing tube where I can hear all the wonderful things you wish to call me,” he teased.

  “You are not playing fair,” she growled before she stepped into the room and ran an appreciative look over his body. “Still, it might be fun to give you another bath.”

  Edge’s eyes darkened. “Goddess, woman. And you accuse me of being unfair?” he replied.

  Twenty minutes later, Lina emerged from the cleansing room. She leaned against the doorframe and watched him for several minutes. Every time she was anywhere near him, he was drawn to her like a moth to a flame.

  “I never did thank you for carrying me, getting us away from the Spaceport, and healing me. I wish we had known about the medical device when you were so sick. I’m sorry you had to suffer,” she quietly said.

  He looked up from where he was strapping on his boot. His expression softened. Silhouetted by the light, she looked small and fragile against the wide door frame.


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