Reckless Games: A Rixon High Novella

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Reckless Games: A Rixon High Novella Page 10

by L A Cotton

  “Bryan…” A lump filled my throat, and I was vaguely aware of the flash of the camera as he took the box from my fingers and opened it, sliding the gorgeous arrangement onto my wrist.

  “Smile,” Mom said, and Bryan tucked me under his arm, gazing down at me and not the camera.

  It was like a dream. I was dressed to the nines, wearing a corsage from my boyfriend, about to ride to senior prom in a limo.

  God, I never wanted to wake up.

  “What?” he whispered, his lips precariously close to the skin right beneath my ear.

  “I can’t believe this is happening.”

  Mom descended on us, pulling me into a solid hug. “Have a wonderful time, sweetheart. And, Bryan, look after my girl.”

  “I will, Mrs. Trombley.” He gave me a dark look full of promise, sending shivers down my spine. “You have my word.”


  I’d never been one for school dances before. In the past, they had been a good opportunity to goof around and pick up girls, but I’d never really cared about putting in an appearance.

  Tonight was different.

  Tonight I felt ten feet tall walking into the hotel where prom was being held, with Carrie-Anne on my arm.

  “We’re going to get drinks,” I said to her, gently guiding her over to the girls. They had been great, welcoming Carrie-Anne into the fold without question.

  “We’ll find a table,” Ashleigh said, waving over at a couple of girls I recognized.

  “This is impressive,” Gav said, scanning the room. It was a vast space with high ceilings and sash windows, the whole place decorated in Rixon High blue and white.

  “Regret bringing Ashleigh yet?” Kaiden asked as we made our way to the bar.

  Gav shrugged. “It doesn’t mean anything. We’re just friends.”

  “She’s a good girl,” I said.

  “She is but I don’t see her like that. Besides, I’m pretty sure she’s hung up on somebody else.”

  “Have you spoke to your parents?” Kaiden changed the subject as we joined the line.

  “No, Mom keeps calling but whatever.” I shrugged, glancing over to where the girls had found a table.

  “They’re still not going to be at graduation?”

  “Nope.” I stuffed down the lingering sting of disappointment. “But honestly, that’s nothing compared to all that bullshit Dad was saying to Carrie-Anne.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  “What do you mean, what am I going to do?”

  “About college, being away from Carrie?”

  “It’s only a three hour round trip. It could be worse. And that’s if she even ends up at OSU.”

  “There’s a chance she won’t?”

  “Yeah.” I let out a steady breath. “It’s a long story.”

  I hadn’t really confided in them about Carrie-Anne’s predicament because it was her story to tell, not mine. But whatever happened, it didn’t change the fact I was totally gone for her.

  We finally reached the front of the line and ordered our drinks, then made our way back to the girls.

  “Where’s Carrie-Anne?” I asked, realizing she wasn’t with them.

  “Relax, big guy.” Ashleigh chuckled. “She went to the restroom.”

  I scanned the room for the restroom sign. “I’ll be back,” I said, putting our drinks down.

  “I’m sure she’s okay—”

  “Yeah, I know,” I said, already moving. But I’d made her mom a promise, and I intended on keeping it.

  I ducked into the dimly lit hall leading to the bathrooms, pushing through the groups of girls laughing and giggling as they talked about their dates and plans for after prom.

  “Bryan,” a voice said, and I drew to a stop. It was Sorcha, that bitch from the yearbook committee. “If you’re looking for Carrie-Anne, I saw her go down there with Pacey Trevors.”

  Anger washed over me. She was with that fucker?

  No. No way.

  I went to move past her but Sorcha grabbed my arm, smirking up at me. “You know, you can do a lot better than Carrie-Anne Trombley.”

  What the actual fuck?

  Surely, this chick wasn’t for real.

  “I need to go,” I said, shirking her off. But she stepped right into my path, batting her long lashes at me.

  “Come on, what does she have that I don’t?”

  “You have got to be fucking kidding me,” I murmured, dragging a hand down my face. I needed to get to Carrie-Anne. Stat.

  “Maybe we could—”

  “Listen.” I stepped into her space, glowering. “I don’t know what you think is going to happen here but let’s get one thing straight. Carrie-Anne is better than you’ll ever be. She’s smart and kind and she gives a shit. So… Back. The. Fuck. Up.”

  She flinched, scrambling to compose herself. “I… seriously… you’re picking her over me?”

  “Every single time. Stay away from me and stay the hell away from Carrie-Anne.” I didn’t wait for her to reply, barging past her and taking off down the hall.

  The second I reached the end of the hall, I slammed to a stop. There hidden around the darkened corner was Pacey and Carrie-Anne. Towering over her, he crowded her against the wall, murmuring something.

  “Bryan.” Her eyes went wide when she spotted me, relief glittering there. “Thank God.”

  “Hughes, my man,” Pacey slurred, swaying slightly. “Me and cute Cassie were just getting reacquainted.”

  “It’s Carrie-Anne, asshole.” I grabbed his jacket and wrenched him backward.

  “Whoa, man. We were just talking.” He shook me off and smirked in her direction.

  And I saw red.

  My fist crunched against his nose, blood spraying everywhere.

  “Bryan!” Carrie-Anne shrieked, rushing to my side. “Don’t, please…”

  Pacey groaned in pain clutching his bloody face. I fisted his shirt and yanked him closer. “Come near her again and I’ll fucking kill you, you piece of shit.”

  “Bry!” Kaiden and Gav appeared out of nowhere. “What happened?”

  “Get him out of here,” I said, shoving him toward them. “Before I do something I’ll regret.”


  “What happened?” Bryan said, leading me back to our table with his hand on the small of my back.

  I was still shaking.

  “It doesn’t matter. I think he got the message.” I glanced down at his tender knuckles.

  “Kitty Cat. What. Happened?”

  Letting out a weary sigh, I dropped my gaze. But Bryan slid his fingers under my jaw and tipped my head back to meet his concerned gaze.

  “He was in the hall when I came out of the bathroom, and I couldn’t get around him.”

  “No one helped you?”

  “Sorcha and her friends were there but they…”

  “Fucking bitch.” He clenched his fist, wincing in pain.

  “He was drunk and when I told him not to touch me…” I inhaled a shuddering breath.

  “I’ll kill him. I’ll fucking—”

  “Bryan.” Fisting his jacket, I pulled him closer. “I’m okay, I promise.” Even if Bryan hadn’t arrived in the nick of time, I’d had every intention of making sure Pacey knew he couldn’t lay a hand on me.

  He’d just caught me off guard, and then Sorcha and her friends had laughed and…

  God, I was so over high school.

  “Bryan, look at me.” I slid my palm against his cheek and leaned in, running my nose along his jaw.

  “I’m okay.”

  “You sure? Because if you want to leave—”

  “Leave?” He blinked. “But we just got here, and you still owe me a dance.”

  “Dance, huh?” My lips curved. “And here I was wondering if you were going to sit and brood all night.”

  “Everything good, man?” Kaiden and Gav appeared with the girls in tow.

  “Yeah, everything’s okay. Are we dancing, or what?” Bryan stood up, tu
gging me with him.

  “Last one on the dance floor is a loser,” Ashleigh said, taking off without us.

  “I don’t dance,” Gav said.

  “Tonight you do.” Lily grinned. “Are you okay?” she asked me, and I nodded.

  “I’m fine.”

  Better than fine, I was going to make the most of every single second of tonight with my boyfriend and his friends. Because it was prom.

  And I would never get this night again.

  “Look at the stars and the moon and wow…” I sighed dreamily as Bryan guided me toward the limo.

  Prom was over, and I was drunk. Spectacularly, couldn’t-stop-giggling, everything was so good drunk.

  I hadn’t meant to end up this way but when Gav pulled out a hip flask and offered to spike our mocktails, I threw caution to the wind and said, ‘hell to the yes.’ And it had been the best night.

  We’d danced and laughed and kissed and danced some more. I couldn’t wipe the giddy smile off my face no matter how much I tried.

  “Is she okay?” Kaiden asked, his arm looped around Lily’s waist.

  “Me?” I chuckled. “I’m fine. So fine… oh look, the limo has champagne,” I said as Bryan ushered me inside.

  “No more of that for you, party girl,” Gav teased. “If I’d have known you’d end up like this, I wouldn’t have given you that fourth shot.”

  “Cut the girl some slack,” Leigh said, pulling me onto the long leather bench. “It’s nice to see you letting your hair down.”

  “It is, isn’t it?” I gave her a goofy smile, and everyone laughed. “Sorry.” A hiccough bubbled up my throat. “Whoa, I don’t feel so good.”

  “So much for the after party,” Gav murmured.

  “There’s an after party? Are we going?” I gazed up at Bryan who shook his head with silent laughter.

  “The only place you’re going, Kitty Cat,” he whispered. “Is straight to bed.”

  “Nooo! I’m fine. So fine.” It came out a little slurred. “We should party some more.”

  “Good luck with that,” Gav said, smothering a snicker.

  “We don’t have to come back,” Kaiden said.

  “You’re all coming?” I sat up straighter at that news. “I’m so happy we’re friends now. Tonight has been fun, so much fun.”

  “Babe, why don’t you just relax, yeah?” Bryan pulled me closer, kissing my hair. I settled against him, the gentle rumble of the limo lulling me into a dreamy haze.

  “Kitty Cat, we’re home,” a distant voice said, and then I was moving. Up, up, up as strong arms pulled me to my feet.

  “The party…”

  “The party can wait, babe. You fell asleep.”

  “Noooo, but I wanted to… ugh, my head,” I murmured. “I don’t feel so good.”

  “Ssh, I got you.”

  There was a bit of commotion up ahead. Voices I recognized as Lily and Ashleigh as I drifted in and out of consciousness.

  “You guys hang out, there are drinks, snacks, whatever you want. I’m going to take her to bed.”

  “You need some help?” Someone, maybe Kaiden said.

  “Nah, I’ve got her.”

  Got me.

  Bryan had me.

  I liked him.

  I liked him sooo much.

  He felt good wrapped around me, half carrying me up to his room.

  “I thought we’d sleep out under the stars,” I said, as he lay me down on his bed.

  “Another time.” He wrestled with my dress, gently tugging it down my body and helping me into a t-shirt that smelled just like him.

  “Bryan?” I murmured, my head spinning as I tried to focus on his handsome face.

  “Yeah?” He perched on the edge of the bed, brushing the hair out of my eyes.

  “Make love to me.”

  “Fuck,” he breathed, dragging a hand down his face. “Are you trying to kill me?”

  “Me?” I grinned, running my hand up his thigh, but he snagged it away before I could feel him.

  “Carrie-Anne…” His voice was thick, laced with pain… and regret. “We can’t.”

  “We can. I want you. I want you so much.” I tried to pull free from his grip, but he wouldn’t budge.

  “We can’t, babe.”

  “But why?” I pouted, dejection flowing through me.

  He lowered his face to mine, his lips ghosting my own. “Because the first time I’m inside you, I want you to remember every single second.”

  “Oh.” I smiled, welcoming his kiss.

  “Now get some sleep.” He started backing away from me.

  “Wait,” I said, suddenly panicked. “You’ll stay with me, right?”

  He gazed down at me, an awed expression on his face. “I wouldn’t be anywhere else.”


  “So did you guys…?” Gav waggled his brows.

  “What the fuck is wrong with you?” I balled up my napkin and threw it at him. “No, we didn’t go there. She was drunk and I didn’t want—”


  “Gav, man. Cut it out.” Kaiden nudged him.

  “What? I’m just saying. Brymeister had it all planned and then she went and got toasted.”

  “Yeah, no thanks to you,” I murmured.

  “What?” He shrugged. “She was good fun.”

  He wasn’t wrong.

  Watching Carrie-Anne let her hair down and enjoy prom was the best fucking thing in the world. But we’d all underestimated how quickly the alcohol would affect her.

  “There’ll be other nights, man,” Kaiden said with a sympathetic look.

  “I know.” I was already making plans.

  Girly laughter drifted down the hall and I shot Gav a ‘behave’ look.

  “My lips are sealed.” He rolled his eyes.

  “Hmm, something smells good.” Ashleigh appeared first, making a beeline for the plate of bacon.

  “There’s more in the pan,” I said. “Help yourself.”

  “Oh, I fully intend on it.” Leigh grabbed a plate and wasted no time loading it full.

  “Where’s Carrie-Anne?” I asked Lily.

  She’d still been asleep when I’d woken up and I hadn’t had the heart to wake her. But I might have taken a few minutes to simply watch her sleep in my bed. Fuck, it did things to me. All kinds of wild things.

  “She’s com—”


  I turned slowly to find her standing there, hair all over the place, her skin a little pale.

  “Hey,” I said, going to her.

  “Hey.” She gave me a sheepish smile. “I’m… I’m sorry about last night.”

  “You have nothing to be sorry for.” I cupped the back of her neck and dropped a kiss on her head. “You had fun, right?”

  “So much fun. But my head feels all kinds of wrong this morning.”

  “Ahh, poor baby.” I placed a soft kiss on the corner of her mouth, smiling at the minty taste of my toothpaste. “Nothing some bacon and eggs won’t fix. Come on.” I took her hand and led her over to the breakfast counter.

  “Morning, guys,” she said.

  “Caz, you were in fine form last night.” Gav grinned, and I pinned him with a hard look.

  She let out a muted groan. “Next time, don’t let me drink so much.”

  Everyone chuckled at that.

  “Oh, I don’t know,” Lily said. “You’re a fun drunk. We should do it again some time.”

  “Graduation party next week,” Gav said.

  “We’re still doing that?” I asked.

  “Err, fuck yeah. It’s our last big blow out before summer. We’ve gotta do it. And since your parents will be out of town…”

  “Nice, asshole, real nice.” Kaiden nudged him again.

  “I’m just saying, Bry has the house for it.”

  “Yeah, but I’m not sure—”

  “You should do it.” Carrie-Anne smiled up at me. “It’s graduation, and Gav is right, you do have the house for it.”

“You’re sure?”

  She gave me a warm smile as she nodded. “I’m sure.”

  “Hell yeah.” Gav whooped.

  “But we’ll keep it low key,” I added. “Friends only. I don’t want any drama.”

  “Sounds good to me,” Kaiden agreed.

  Everyone tucked into their breakfast, talking about prom and graduation and the summer ahead of us.

  It was the end of an era. The time when me and my best friends would finally go our separate ways. And part of me had dreaded it. But when I looked at how far we’d come, the things we’d achieved, I knew we were ready to take the next step. And I wanted nothing more than to do it with Carrie-Anne right by my side.

  The thought made me smile.

  “Shit,” Gav said, checking his cell phone. “Mom needs me back at the house.” He got up and grabbed his keys. “Are we hanging tonight?”

  “Uh, actually, we have plans.” My gaze went to Carrie-Anne, and she frowned.

  “We do.”

  “Yeah.” My chest suddenly felt tight.

  “Okaaaay then.” Gav winked and I flipped him off over her shoulder.

  “What was—”

  “Nothing,” I rushed out. “Nothing.”

  “You’re acting weird.”

  The girls snickered, and even Kaiden snorted.

  “Bacon,” I said. “Who wants more bacon?” Slipping around Carrie-Anne, I made myself busy at the stove, trying to get a hold on my emotions.

  “You good, man?” Kaiden joined me.

  “Yeah, just a little…”

  “Nervous?” His brow arched as we both glanced over to where the girls were still eating, laughing and chatting, paying us no attention.

  “You know she’s totally into you, right?”

  “I know.”

  But it wasn’t her I was worried about.

  It was me.

  Because I wasn’t just into her…

  I was completely and utterly in love with her.


  “How do you feel?” Bryan asked me as he pulled up outside his house.

  “I’m fine. I think the nap helped.” I chuckled, still slightly embarrassed that I’d gotten so drunk at prom that Bryan had to carry me up to bed.

  After breakfast, Ashleigh had given me a ride home and I’d taken a quick shower, crawled into bed and slept off my hangover. But Bryan had made me promise I would come over tonight.


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