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Unbound Page 2

by April Vine

  Restlessness had taken on a new high as thirty struck. His life at the helm of his family’s multi-billion-dollar business amounted to making money and having sex. He knew too many new people in the three years since he was back, too many new people knew him and wanted either his money or his body and in most cases both in no precise order. And before that, he’d spent eight years in deep undercover work for the government, usually fighting for his life while he brought down criminals.

  He craved the simplistic beauty of the Table Mountain range of Cape Town in South Africa, the elegant house at its foot and the people who lived in and around it. But Michelle Stein was the real reason he had come back home. Even without any spells, she had captivated him almost his whole life and he was here to claim her, once and for all.

  * * * * *

  Michelle straightened her shoulders, steadied her breath and plastered a smile on her face as she walked out of her office to meet her customer. She strived for attentive professionalism even though her gaze flew to the entrance of her office every passing second. Waiting for Sebastian to emerge, though secretly wishing she had done nothing but masturbate in her office, by herself, while using Sebastian as fantasy fodder to reach climax.


  The searing look he gave her while she showed off a Ming vase to a potential buyer stripped her bare. She shifted under the load of his gaze. Vibrations in the pit of her stomach intensified and streamed down between her legs, reminding her how sensitized her body was to him. She swallowed and turned away as he strode toward her.

  Her knuckles whitened as she held on to the Ming vase for dear life. Panicky sensations overwhelmed her. How could she face him in broad daylight without the guise of the spell? How could she breathe normally? She smiled nervously at the gaping customer, blatantly sizing Sebastian up with her eyes and flicking her hair back to get his attention.

  He invaded her space, her senses soaked up his presence without shame. The customer disappeared from her visual field. His fingers brushed her hip as he slipped a scrap of paper into her pocket.

  “Call me.” His lips caressed her ear. The command tickled every nerve in her body even well after he had strode out of her shop. She needed to think, to decide, to act, but her intention to close up her business wilted as customer after customer strolled in. At the end of business, she was grateful she hadn’t crumbled into a stupor and thankful she managed to pass the day putting more distance between her escapade with Sebastian and herself.

  She stuffed her handbag under her arm then remembered the slip of paper in her skirt’s pocket. Sebastian’s neat handwriting supplied the cell number she was to use to call him. She thought never. Their paths would never cross now. Not if she had anything to say about it.

  She meant to chuck it in her bin, but habit demanded she leave no trace of trash overnight in her office. She shoved the small square sheet into the side of her handbag instead, whisked her briefcase off the floor and used the back door to exit her shop.

  In the sanctity of her car, she leaned into the headrest of the driver’s seat. Her eyelids drooped closed. Images of what she had done to Sebastian flashed through her mind. She whipped her eyes open instantly. Her aunts had no idea what was coming their way. They might have screened their calls and strategically avoided all contact with her but they couldn’t stay hidden forever. And after a thorough chastening, she’d stoop as low as to ask about a memory spell. One that would erase the whole sorry incident from both her and Sebastian’s life for good. Excellent. All would be well again.

  She pulled away from the parking spot as dusk flirted with the sky. Late-afternoon traffic relaxed. Everything around her seemed slow and placid. Even her giant headache petered out somewhat. That’s when it happened again. The niggling, piercing sensation in the pit of her stomach. The sudden half-shivers. All the subtle symptoms she wrote off the first time it happened in her store. Now she knew enough to know what they’d result in if left to their own device.

  Please, not again.

  She had about a ten- to twenty-minute window before everything flew out of it. Her drive home was thirty minutes. She’d never make it. She scanned the road for any witnesses before she parted her legs and slipped her fingers into the waistband of both her skirt and panties. She shuddered as her palm skimmed her clit but the two, even three digits inside her did nothing to quell the advance of the sex storm. She needed something harder, thicker.

  Another stark and brutal bolt of lust sizzled through her body. The strike worsened, its intensity scarier this time. She stopped touching herself since it helped nothing. What she needed was an intermediate diversion. First she had to pull over. She was dangerous behind the wheel under the influence of a lust spell. She wasn’t so far gone to break the law. Not yet.

  Desperation had her swiveling her head from side to side, her glance covering both sides of the street looking for a free space when it landed on a sex shop discreetly packed between a furniture store and a secondhand bookshop. She skidded to a halt, swerved into a newly vacated parking space and, gritting her teeth, ignored the selection of middle fingers shown her way. The embarrassment curdling in her stomach dissolved in comparison to fulfilling the need between her legs.

  She’d never been in a sex shop before and thanked her lucky stars she didn’t have to go aisle hunting for a bloody dildo, a big one at that. Everywhere she looked, fake cocks stared back at her. She grabbed the first one within reach and dashed to the cashier, dancing about as if she needed the bathroom while she waited her turn to be served.

  The customer before her patiently waited for a specific toy only found in the shop’s back rooms. Only a gray butt plug would do and not a blue one. Both he and the cashier planned to wait the time out at their leisure.

  Her patience disintegrated, the throb in her pussy quadrupled.

  “My apologies, but would you mind serving me in the meantime?”

  “You’ll have to wait your turn,” the snobby customer declared in nasal tones.

  “Well, I can see why you need something up your ass.” Oops, where did that come from?

  “Excuse me?” He looked to the cashier to side with him. Oh, if they knew her at all they’d know she was the epitome of good manners. She patiently waited her turn in lines, always said please and thank you and never before uttered the word ass or fuck or pussy or cock or dildo in public or private. Oh dear. But didn’t they realize she had an emergency going on under her clothes? Why else would she be in a sex shop for goodness’ sake? Surely she could be served while they awaited the prodigious butt plug.

  “Sorry, miss, you’ll have to wait your turn.” The cashier didn’t look sorry at all.

  “In that case, thank you for your time.” She placed the mock cock on the countertop and with her head held high ambled out of the shop. But not before she snagged another one off the shelf on her way out, stuffed it into her bag and made a run for it.

  Bad, bad, bad idea.

  Chapter Two

  Thief, thief, thief, the alarm wailed the instant she stepped outside the shop. A never-before-seen security guard materialized, caught her around the waist and hurled her back into the store. Her clumsy getaway now foiled. Irrefutable evidence of her crime deformed the soft leather of her handbag.

  He led her toward the rear of the shop. The cashier and the customer smirked as she passed them by. Could it get any worse?

  He pushed her into a seat and, using two sets of handcuffs, cuffed both her wrists to each of the chair’s armrests. “Shoplifting is a serious crime.” He bestowed upon her his severest look as he sat down opposite her. Proof of her condemnation now lay on his desk.

  “I’m really sorry. Look, it isn’t about not having the money. Check my purse if you don’t believe me, there is more than enough to pay for my purchase.”

  “Oh, I’ve seen your type before. All sweet and pretty on the outside but you get off stealing, right? It turns you on, you and all those other psycho deviant freaks. Got your boyfriend in the
car waiting for you, huh? Well, not on my watch, lady.”

  “What? No! I am the very definition of a law-abiding citizen. Please, you must believe me, I don’t even date regularly.” A fresh layer of heat singed her cheeks, stage two of the bizarre spell well on its way. She rubbed against the padded seat of her chair, now too far gone to control herself. She’d digressed into dry humping the chair. Tears of agony welled up inside her as the last morsel of her pride dissipated. This couldn’t be happening to her.

  “Listen, Miss, I don’t know what new nymphomaniac shit you’re into, and trust me I’ve seen it all, but I uphold the law and you just broke it. Let me tell you something—”

  “Please, you have to let me go.” Sweat began to ripple across her skin. Her nipples peaked.

  “Sorry, Miss, I can’t do that. But I will allow you one phone call.”

  “Thank you. Thank you so much. My aunts.” She recited their number. The security guard let it go to voicemail before he announced it a dead end. Of course, being home defeated their attempts to avoid her as did their staunch defiance of ever owning cell phones. She had no one else she could call. No one else she wished to witness firsthand her disgrace. Her mind raced—the last frantic lap as she searched for a lifeline ended with one person.

  A stream of tears dripped down her face. Her heart sank in a sea of humiliation. Sebastian would see her stripped completely of her dignity.

  “Can you try a Sebastian Gray, please?”

  The surly guard had every intention of refusing her request, but the visible depth of her despair must have made him pity her a bit.

  “Last call and then I’m taking you to the police station.”

  “Thank you. His number is in the side of my handbag. Can you tell him it’s Michelle Stein and that it’s an…an emergency?”

  “Sebastian?” He grunted after a few seconds with the phone stuck to his ear. “Pete Basset here, chief security officer at The Wet Thing. Yes, well I have a Michelle Stein here. She was caught stealing merchandise, a Sleek and Thick 900 to be exact. That would be a dildo by the way. This is a courtesy call to let you know…”

  Michelle’s body undulated, every part of her wet and swollen. She rattled the cuffs on her wrists. Her fractured breathing hurt her sides. She dreaded facing Sebastian again while her body rocked in anticipation of seeing him. Why him? Why Sebastian Gray?

  Pete Basset’s sudden silence ensued around the room.

  “Yes, Mr. Gray.” He shot up from his desk, perspiration beaded along his forehead. “Immediately, Mr. Gray. Yes, Mr. Gray. Thank you, sir.” A different security guard came at her, keys fumbling in his trembling hands.

  “No. Don’t.” She shrank back against the chair. “Don’t undo the cuffs.”

  Confusion knitted his brows together.

  She sounded crazy even to her own ears.

  “Pete, if you release me, I’ll run and Mr. Gray will be very mad. You don’t want him mad, do you?” She played on whatever power Sebastian had effortlessly pulled over him. “I won’t be able to stop this…this thing inside me.”

  Pete scratched his head. Indecision rife in his eyes.

  She softened her voice. “Help me. Help us both by keeping me cuffed until Mr. Gray gets here. Trust me, it’s the right thing to do.”

  “Mr. Gray’s on his way, ten minutes tops, that’s what he said.”

  Those were the longest ten minutes of her entire existence. But not only had the metal restraints kept her hands off herself, they helped keep her off the security guard. She cringed just thinking she might attack the man, he was probably someone’s husband. Maybe her spell held no boundaries. She had no desire to test that theory.

  Sebastian arrived with an air of authority and enough appeal to burn through the flimsy thread of her control. She whipped her head from side to side, the chair jerking under her efforts to free herself now that he stood within her sights.

  “Release her.”

  Pete leaped to obey his instruction. She knocked the guard over in getting to Sebastian. Her arms catapulted around his neck, her teeth nipped his lips. She cupped his cock without shame, oblivious to the security guard watching them. How could her endlessly honed modesty and renowned respectability not be enough to supersede this outlandish curse?

  “It’s happened again.” The beginnings of stubble tickled her tongue as she licked his jaw.

  “Let’s get you out of here.” He disentangled her from his body, retrieved her handbag and led her out of the shop to his Ferrari. Would she ever be able to recover some sort of decency once her aunts smothered the spell? Even the possibility she might never regain her prim status failed to stop her. She slammed him against his car and fiddled with his zipper.

  “I can’t wait, please. I need you now or I’ll die.”

  “In a minute.” Sebastian secured her wrists in his hand and opened the door for her. “Just get in the car.” He caught a whiff of her perfume as she slid into the passenger seat. But the scent of her arousal converted her whole body into a sexual indulgence that begged for his devouring. His cock hardened.

  She turned around in her seat, her hand going straight to his dick the instant he started the car and took off.

  “If you just do it to me right now, I can go back to being normal. Please, Sebastian, I can’t wait any longer.”

  “Not here. Sit back, I’ll touch you.”

  She might have enslaved his body but nagging thoughts at the back of his head drummed without pause. What would have happened if he hadn’t walked into her shop when he did? The image of her with another man distorted his brain and filled his blood with rage.

  “I’m glad you called me, Michelle.” He hated to think about the outcome if she hadn’t. He also knew how much it took out of her pride to have called him.

  She ignored him. Her sleek body straightened out on the seat. She rolled her panties down her thighs, off her feet, and then opened her legs as wide as they could go.

  Her liquid brown eyes glazed over, untamed and daring. One thing stayed clear. He wasn’t letting her out of his sight until her aunts reversed the spell. He twisted his arm around, his shoulder curved as his fingers meshed with her soft, swollen and wet pussy. He penetrated her with three stiff fingers.

  “Yes, yes. More, I need more.” She rode his hand, using his wrist as a lever to maximize her pleasure.

  “That feel good?” He tore his eyes off the road to see his fingers embedded deep within her pink flesh. She whimpered, biting her lip. Oh hell, he needed to shift gears.

  “Give me a second.”

  “No,” she yelled. He had no choice, the sooner he sped the car up the quicker he could appease her and his own body. He pulled his fingers out of her. She cried fiercely. “Play with your clit, sweetheart.” His voice came out hoarse and thick.

  “It doesn’t work like that. I need you. Now,” she growled. He took an off-ramp and maneuvered the car behind a row of trees. He unclothed his cock and covered it in a condom he’d stolen from the sex shop on their way out. He barely had the protection all the way down when she fought her way to him, the small space of his car frustrating her. He pushed his seat back. She fell into his lap with a cry of relief. Her pussy swallowed him, so far in he could feel the silky hardness of her clit against his skin.

  She bobbed up and down, riding him hard. He bit her throat, opened her blouse, scooped her tits out of her bra and bit her nipples.

  “Yes, harder. Bite me, Sebastian,” she urged. “Harder.” He kept her still as he sucked and nipped her breast then moved back and forth inside her. She fit him like a second skin, blowing his mind with her every moan and movement. He hardly believed he’d been inside Michelle Stein twice in one day where before only fantasies kept him partially satiated.

  Thick-lashed eyelids drew over her eyes. She swayed over him, her head thrown back. His hands glided over her ass, each cheek nestled in his palms. “There,” she moaned. His finger caressed the archway of her ass, velvety soft skin puckered closed
. His dick twitched at the thought of opening her up. He had stayed away from her thinking she’d drown under the fierceness of his desire for her, that she was too young to handle him. Now she invited him to display that same desire—one she matched because of a spell, he shouldn’t forget.

  He caught fluid seeping from her and used it to moisten her ass. He slipped in, just the tip of his finger. She urged him on, separating the globes of her backside for him.

  “Deeper.” She sank against him.

  “Fuck.” He pressed his knuckle into her ass and tangled her hair around his other hand. She squeezed around his shaft, pumping him wildly, sending his blood sprinting through his body. His finger stroked her tight ass. His dick hammered inside her. Heat blasted his control. The loud screams plummeting from her mouth weakened him.

  His finger slipped out of her ass. Both his arms closed around her. His head dropped onto her breasts. He sealed their bodies into one, driving deeper up into her. He met her last contraction with his own orgasm, jerking as squirt after squirt of his cum filled the condom. Shuddering as her fingers threaded through his hair while he emptied himself inside her. His chest heaved, sweat soaked his shirt. He waited for his breath to return before he shifted his head. Her mouth caught his attention. She lowered her head and wriggled away from him now that the spell had pacified itself. He stopped himself from capturing her lips.


  She nodded and wasted no time lifting herself off his lap. His cock stung without the warmth of her body.

  “Thank you…again, for helping me. I’m sure it won’t happen again. My aunts just have to repeal this disastrous spell so I can be done with it.” She avoided looking at him, busied herself tidying up her skirt. She stuffed her panties into her bag and withdrew a bunch of tissues. “Um…do you need some?” she asked, red-faced, offering him a wad of tissues.

  “Thanks.” He grinned to himself as she turned around in the seat to award him some privacy while he dispensed of the condom, rebuilding her ice shield as fast as she could. Did she know why he left without saying goodbye to her?


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