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Unbound Page 5

by April Vine

  “Yes, yes but she will need an apparatus of a vast width too, you know. Is your ping-pong big and strong?


  He chuckled. “Yes, Aunt Surtie.”

  “Esmie and Surtie, you two are shameless. Behave, you’re making the man blush. You want to know what’s happening to her. Well, she’ll reach a plateau after many dips and highs. It’s like a living organism in her body, seeking that sacred part in her where it could coexist with her. It needs her and she needs you. With her initial rejection when she overpowered the correction spell, she unwittingly strengthened its claws.

  “But you, dear one, will remain her beacon—both the spell and Michelle have latched themselves onto you. She’ll just need to ride out the storm, that’s all, and if you can’t be there for her, well, that’s when we’ll have problems. Now, Sebastian, we have a lovely little spell that will give the strength of five men to your cookie monster, what do you say?”

  Could he risk not taking the spell? He didn’t know exactly what he was dealing with. Would he be prepared when her sexual appetite grew?

  “I think I should take the spell.”

  “Wise decision. We must be prepared for anything. Now open your mouth.”

  His lips parted. Aunt Esmie sprinkled a tasteless powder in his mouth.

  “There you go. All done. Might take a little time to settle in your body, but you’re good to go.”

  “I’d like to take Michelle to the house. Is that okay?” He wanted Michelle in his bed. Male pride. The sisters agreed. He excused himself before they came up with more names for his cock.

  He rapped on the closed door of Michelle’s bedroom, testing the knob to see if she’d locked it. The door opened. She sat on the edge of the bed, the sheet discarded for a knee-length robe. “So you like me, huh?”

  She sprang from the bed, surprised to see him, clearly miffed he hadn’t obeyed her order to leave. “I do not.”

  She shoved spades full of contempt his way. His gaze slid over her throat as she swallowed back the tears glittering in her beautiful eyes. “Please go away.” She stalked toward her closet, ripped a skirt off a hanger and grabbed the t-shirt lying on her bed.

  “You know I can’t.”

  “Yes, you can. It’s very easy. Just walk out of the door and leave. This isn’t your problem anymore. And while I’m grateful for your help, my aunts will take it from here. The book will tell them what to do.” He clasped her arm, stopping her from hurrying into her bathroom. If she locked herself in there, he didn’t have the time to break the door down.

  “Let go of me.” She yanked herself free of his hold. “You’re invading my privacy.” She worked enough acid into her voice to kill a republic. He’d known her uppity nature almost all his life, but now her cheekiness had him wanting to floor her and bury his cock deep inside her. She drove him crazy that way.

  “I’m trying to help you.”

  “You’re trying to help yourself. Don’t think I don’t know how your mind works, world-renowned bachelor that you are. Well I refuse to be one of your many conquests.”

  “You think this is why I’m still here. Just hanging around for another chance to fuck you?”

  “Yes,” she confirmed before slipping past him. He choked on the haughtiness she left in her trail. How could he want to strangle her and kiss her at the same time? His fingers melded into the flesh of her arms as he brought her back to stand before him again.

  “The book doesn’t have the answer, Michelle.”

  “It does, it has all the answers. I know because my aunts are always telling me that anything and everything can be found in the book. So your attempts to prolong my misery are short-lived.”

  “Shut up and listen to me, for fuck’s sake.”

  She flinched. Good, at least he’d get in a word.

  “There is no solution in that damn book. Your aunts only know that if I’m not here, something will happen to you. The urges are going to get stronger and the time in between them will lessen.”

  “That isn’t going to hap—”

  “I’m not done yet.” He gritted his teeth. “Being skeptical about the power of this spell is fucking stupid, which I’m not. I saw something inhumane happen to you, all because I couldn’t get hard in time. I’m not taking any chances with your life.”

  “You’re exaggerating.”

  “Do you realize I’m trying to help you?”

  His serious tone nicked any doubt. She had gotten crazy with want, the feeling had overpowered her. Maybe she was in bigger trouble than she thought.

  “I appreciate your help so far, Sebastian, as I’ve said so many times before.” She broke away from him and skirted the edges of the room as he stood in the middle. “But this isn’t your battle to fight. You were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. You were dragged into it. But now that I know the facts, I’ll get the help I need until I’m relieved of it.”

  “Who’s going to help you? Bruno?” Sarcasm spiked his words as he turned to face her.

  “As a matter a fact, yes, if that’s what’s required while I await a solution, then yes. The spell was meant for him anyway.” Poor Bruno, he didn’t know what she inadvertently signed him up for.

  “Don’t be stupid. I’m giving you five minutes to get dressed.”

  “I’m not going anywhere with you. I can handle myself, so please leave.”

  “Why the hell do you have to be so stubborn? Your pride is going to get you killed, Glitterbug. Just let me help you. ”

  “My pride is all I have left and I’d prefer anyone else’s help but yours.”

  “Get dressed, or I’m carrying you out of here as you are.”

  “Have you ever considered that being around you is what might get me killed in the first place? We don’t know what I’m dealing with. The best thing you could do is leave since you could be the problem here.” Whatever doubt she tried to instill in him had zero effect. He believed her aunts. He believed the counter-spell.

  “Do you honestly believe I feel anything, anything for you at all and that’s why I prevented the opposing spell?”

  “Is that why you want me gone, because you do?” His deep voice, soft and hoarse, undressed her nerves, leaving them hot and raw.

  “My aunts messed up their spell, hence the situation I’m in. It will be fixed, I’m certain about that.”

  He closed the distance between them. She backed away. He carried on regardless of her retreat.

  “Say it, Michelle. Say your feelings for me run so deep no spell could undo them.”

  “I’d be lying,” she whispered. His large hands cupped her face, his lips inches from hers.

  “You’d be lying if you don’t.” His lips brushed across her mouth, his tongue wet the seam. She trembled against him, her mind melting into oblivion.

  “Say you wanted me, Michelle, in spite of the spell, before the spell.” His leg slipped between hers—her robe opened, allowing him easy access. “I need to hear you say it.” He shifted the weight of his body. Her naked pussy brushed against his thigh. Pure rousing need filtered through her. She gasped for breath. He captured her mouth and filled it with untamed desire.

  Clear, concise thrills of passion streamed into her blood, unhindered by magic, immaculately natural. She clung to him, his mouth, his body. Her hand tore at his chest—desperate to climb into his skin and feel his violent heartbeat from the inside. She ran out of air and didn’t care—his touch, when she was this clearheaded, nourished the morsels of her soul. She poured herself into him, forgot caution, holding back, being untouchable. Wore down her own defenses until she sagged against him, mewling, whimpering, begging to crawl inside him.

  He took her in, matching and exceeding her need with his superior strength. His hands fell from her face to her waist, lifted her off the floor and backed her into a wall. His chest crushed her breasts, his mouth bruised her lips. His cock, rock hard, possessed her body without penetrating her. He broke the kiss. Her lips swelled as he licked
down her throat and back up again, whispering against her jaw. “Say it, sweetheart.”

  Incredible green eyes defused her defensive armor. She’d tell him anything he wanted to hear. But that. His tongue dipped into the side of her neck, his teeth gently pinching the skin there.

  “I’ll never be Catherine Simmers.”

  “What?” He lifted his head, his silky brows drawn together.

  “Catherine Simmers?” Recognition unfolded in his eyes. “You wanted her, remember?”

  A knock on the door barred him from replying. Aunt Surtie entered. Michelle’s cheeks grew hot as she moved away from Sebastian, her robe sealed and closed her nakedness as he removed his thigh from between her legs.

  She took a breather as she stared at the sight of her jovial aunts, smiling as if there were no tomorrow for having matched the pair of them, and Sebastian in all his magnificence overshadowing everything around her.

  “What’s going to happen to me?”

  “Ah, child, nothing so bad as to just wear the spell out.”

  “With Sebastian?”

  “He is the only man who will do.”

  Great, there was no escaping him at all. “How long will this take to wear off?”

  “A day, maybe two. Nothing longer.”

  Best get it over with.

  “What do I have to do?”

  “I’m taking you to the house.”

  She hadn’t entered Sebastian’s home at the foot of the mountain since that day. She vowed she’d never set foot in there again, had embarked on a campaign to relocate her aunts and herself, but they pointblank refused to budge. And because she felt compelled to take care of them, she had to stay too. They were prone to careless fires and other fatal mishaps, never to be left on their own. So she stayed and soon the house, for all its palatial proportions, disappeared from her sight. Just as she had disguised her feelings for Sebastian with a mask of indifference. And how well she’d succeeded only to have this happen to her.

  Now she had to go back in the capacity of a shameless…slut with her solid belief of not loving Sebastian even a bit crashing around her.


  “Oh, there is one other thing we need to discuss,” Aunt Surtie said.

  “Indeed. Protection, sister mine. Wouldn’t want to be caught with our pants down when the passion gets into a frenzy, now would we?” Aunt Lindie asked.


  “I’m clean,” Sebastian answered before Aunt Esmie could ask the question.

  “So am I,” Michelle said softly. Only in her world would her sexual health be discussed with her aunts in tow. She was too tired to ask why again.

  “There, nicely settled,” Surtie said.

  “I’ll wait in the car for you.”

  She nodded at him before escaping into her bathroom for a quick shower, hoping the sharp jets of hot water would instill some courage in her. She didn’t want to face Sebastian, not after she kissed him as if she’d been starved for life. She dried herself, dressed and pulled her damp hair into a ponytail before she braced herself as she walked to his car. He had the passenger door open for her.

  “I would appreciate it if you didn’t say anything at all about what happened before, in my room.” She stared straight ahead of her. The best thing was to set the rules and hope he’d agree.

  “You can’t kiss me like that and expect me not to say anything.”

  Then again, why did she think he would obey her.


  He covered the hand on her thigh with his own, brought it to his lips and kissed the inside of her wrist. The heat of his mouth seared her.

  She whipped her head around to face him. He turned to meet her head-on. She wavered first, whisking her hand away and planting her gaze straight ahead of her again. She couldn’t do this with him now.

  By the time he parked his car, the unyielding panel she enclosed herself in dissolved. She fidgeted, restlessness scaled her resolve. She allowed her anxiety thirty seconds of life before she straightened her shoulders, alighted from the car before he had a chance to open the door for her and attacked the stairs leading to the front door.

  She turned to face him with an expectant look on her face as he stood at the bottom of the stairs. He smiled, taking two steps at a time to meet her. He swung the door open and gestured she enter first.

  She hesitated. Her life as she knew it ended here ten years ago by the hand of Catherine Simmers, no less. The memory jackknifed her with the same stark force it did then. She exhaled and stepped into the high-ceilinged, tiled foyer of the Grays’ mansion. She wasn’t the same person from a decade ago.

  “Michelle? Is that you?”

  Heat rushed into the skin on her cheeks. She remained limp as Zachery Wilson wrapped his arms around her. Too shocked to say anything in return.

  “It is you.” Nickolas Coutrane stole her out of Zach’s arms and bear-hugged her. “Wow, look at you. You’re stunning.”

  A wan smile tipped the corners of her mouth. She hadn’t seen Sebastian’s friends in as long as she hadn’t him. The four of them were tight knit together when they were younger, getting into all sorts of trouble collectively as they cavorted around the vast Gray lands but having a blast at the same time. She had the fondest memories of those days until Sebastian left. Now she wished none of them had to see her with her defenses down, fighting a spell she had no control over.

  “How have you been?”

  She avoided Nick’s question, her gaze sifted out Sebastian’s. Already he transformed into her lifeline in the thick mist of tension surrounding them. She read the silent questions passing from his two friends onto him in the air alone. The bond they shared rivaled that of blood brothers.

  Sebastian curled his arm around her waist and pulled her against his body. If he wanted to comfort her, he achieved that plus sent shock waves radiating from her skin as her body paralleled alongside his. For a second she confused her reaction to him for the lust spell. But she could tell the difference now, and that reaction stemmed from the real her.

  “You know where my bedroom is?” His whisper brushed against her hair. She nodded. “I’ll be up in a minute.” She lingered, hesitant to leave the hot security his body provided. “It’ll be okay.” She nodded again then smiled at Nick and Zach with a little more effort. Her legs trembled as she walked through the great hall, up the long winding staircase and into his room. She daren’t breathe, too afraid if she let out her breath, everything would come tumbling around her.

  She didn’t recognize the new black wood furniture, the clean lines of the décor, the expensive art gracing his room, here where he crushed her hopes, it was different ten years ago. But his masculinity seized her without grace. He’d taken a shower in his bathroom this morning, slept in that king-size bed the night before, probably straight from arriving in his private jet. Faint hints of his cologne lingered in the air, the aura of his presence as overpowering in person as in his absence.

  She sank onto his bed, sat on the edge as rapid breaths fired from her lungs, leaving her terrified. For the first time in her life she didn’t know what to expect next. She had no control, had to rely on Sebastian to steer her through the storm and keep her safe long enough to dispel the treacherous spell her aunts cast on her but which she’d defied because… The burden of blame landed squarely on her shoulders.

  She dragged her thumb across the palm of her other hand. Her pulse flogged the inside of her wrist. She lost hold on the anodyne attitude she claimed before and now it gave way to animalism. “Sebastian,” she whispered. The crunch of lust compressed her stomach. “Sebastian,” she screamed.

  Pain shot through her veins, starting from her feet to her knees, up her thighs and into her chest then crash landed inside her brain. She cradled her head, a dead weight on her neck.

  She slumped to her knees, the brunt of her balance rested on her knuckles. Her head lolled then dropped. Her ears peaked at the sound of Sebastian scaling the stairway. The smell
of his leather shoes, the detergent on his socks, the essential oils of his cologne, right down to the perfumer’s alcohol carried through the space between them. But the incense of his blood excited her. She yearned to roll in his natural scent—to cover her body with it.

  The door opened.

  She hauled herself against him, eating from his mouth without restraint. Her body pressed against his rigid cock, her panties hopelessly drenched already.

  Not enough.

  She grabbed a handful of his shirt and yanked him toward the edge of the bed. Her fingers tore through his buttons then curled around the collar of his shirt as she ripped it in half. She worked his belt and zipper with nimble fingers before she tipped him onto the bedcovers—yanking his pants, boxers, socks and shoes off in a fluid motion. She didn’t stop to question her stealth, the absurd speed influencing all her movements or the supernatural enhancing them. She just wanted to feed.

  On him.

  She crawled up and over his body and positioned herself above his cock. Her mouth opened, her throat widened. She engulfed him without warning or foreplay and ravished his cock. Maneuvering without caution or consideration, only base pleasure ruled.

  She slipped the shaft back onto her tongue and down again, nestled it inside her throat. She milked it with long, strong sucks, drawing the rich, salty essence leaking from its tip until sprays of cum wet her throat. She purred and touched her pussy. The rejuvenating taste soothed and kindled her fire at the same time. She licked at the tip, played with the heavy and tight balls at the base, willing it hard again.

  She kicked her sandals off her feet, removed her panties and stepped onto the bed, her ankles brushed against the outline of his bronzed, muscular frame as she wandered over it. She bundled up her skirt, crouched down and impaled his cock.

  Her hips gyrated back and forth, trapping it into the deepest part of her body, feeding it until it grew inside her. Her head fell back, her fingers tore through her damp hair as she let out a satisfied growl.

  Chapter Five


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