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Unbound Page 8

by April Vine

  “So you know what’s going to happen to you?”

  “I overheard you and my aunts talking. I had no choice but to leave.” The fight inside her died. What was going to happen would happen in spite of Sebastian’s standing before her. She couldn’t control her change any more than she could control the weather. He’d see her demoted into an animal. She didn’t want that to be his last memory of her. “There’s nothing you can do. Don’t you see? I have embarrassed and humiliated myself enough. Let me go out with a shred of dignity and the only way I can achieve that is if you don’t see me that way. Please?”

  “God, I need to fuck you.” His words, the fierce passion in which he spoke them, the glowering hunger in his eyes peeled away her pride. Her knees buckled. She wanted to slither toward him and give herself to him without any boundaries. One last time while she was still human and able to remember him without being under a spell. And face his revulsion when he looked for skin and found fur? She spun around and made a run for the wild, too tired to plead, too scared to be in his company any longer. He caught her, barely moving a muscle, and sent her sailing onto the bed.

  He covered her with his body before she drew her next breath. He sniffed her, down the center of her abdomen where he tore her skirt and panties off her body. He delved his face into the apex of her thighs, his fingers separating her flesh.

  “Why, Sebastian? I don’t understand. Why are you under the same spell I was? How come? Tell me please. Maybe we can reverse it before it’s too late? Why would you do this to yourself?”

  “Your aunts…” He inhaled the scent of her pussy, breathing against the folds of her sex. “Enough talking. I need to be inside you.”

  Michelle felt as if she’d been dunked in iceberg-infested water. She choked and drowned, miserable to the end. Her aunts. How could they? Were they still intent on this being the match of the millennium? Even at her lowest were they still matchmaking? How could they do this to her? How could they do this to Sebastian? How could she stop this?

  She scooted away from him, trying to capture his face in her hands so he could look at her. But touching him seemed to ignite the fever in him even more. The rough fabric of his jeans brushed her pussy, wet, she realized, from wanting him as he pressed her into the mattress.

  Their faces aligned. The heat of his gaze melted the fear pouring out of her. Flickers of heat shot through her system as he shoved two fingers into her pussy. She clutched his shoulders, gasping for air as he rotated the hard, thick digits inside her.

  She pressed herself into his body, wrapped her legs around his waist, giving him free reign inside her. Her lips met his. She kissed him desperately. She’d never see him again. Her aunts would have to do the reparation spell on him and that was the root of all her fauna problems. He’d recover and go back to being normal. Which she’d never be.

  But this one last time, he was hers and her mind stayed clear and lucid, savoring each touch, gentle or rough.

  Chapter Seven

  She hugged him to her breasts. He dislodged his fingers and brought them to his mouth where he hungrily sucked the beads of her moisture. He rose to his full height and discarded his clothes, leaving the smell of his clean, soap-scented skin in the air for her to inhale. And something else as well. He projected untrained brutal vigor. The expanse of his shoulders created a daunting sight. The rigid set of his square jaw, even the degree of his strength, normally understated, flared before her and infused her mind. She should fear him. Fear the remorseless way in which he looked at her, his prey. Instead the prickling of fierce, wicked desire rumbled in her belly.

  “Hell help me.” He draped his body over hers. “I need you now.” He pried apart her thighs and penetrated her with one swift thrust. “Lie still,” he begged as her body moved involuntarily. But she couldn’t adhere to his command, not when she wanted him as much he wanted her now that he was inside her. He lowered his lips to hers and kissed her as he thrust his cock a little deeper inside. He swallowed her screams and absorbed, without flinching, the scratches she left on his shoulders.

  She loved him but he had never loved her. He proved it by choosing Catherine Simmers over her.

  How stupid she had been to get all excited when Sebastian kissed her that night ten years ago. To relive the insistent pressure of his lips on hers, his hand cupping her young breast while his thumb flicked her nipple, erect through her bra and t-shirt. To this day, if she closed her eyes and took herself back there under the oak tree in his garden, she remembered the calloused feel of his palm riding up under her skirt. The feelings that thrilled her fantasies ever since. But then she had frozen, worried sick she wasn’t wearing her best underwear. That she wouldn’t please Sebastian in cotton panties with cuddly teddy bears decorating the crotch. Hardly sexy. And she wanted to be sexy for Sebastian. She wanted him to want her, to continue wanting her.

  He had read her hesitation as a warning to stop.

  “Dammit, stop moving, you’re making my cock bigger and harder and I don’t want to hurt you.” He secured her hands above her head. “Just be still.” Undisguised anguish littered his voice. He inhaled roughly. She knew how hard he fought for control because she had failed too when the same spell instructed her actions. The animal instinct running in his veins took over. He growled and roared, pulled out of her then thrust back inside again, delving farther than before.

  He enclosed his lips around her nipple and sucked it into the supernatural heat of his mouth. She arched her back. He caught his thumb against her clit and her body softened and grew wetter around his cock. She barely caught his incoherent words between her own raging desire to give herself to him entirely and the hoarseness of his voice. He didn’t halt the in-and-out motion of his cock. She hugged him, tears rolled down her face and soaked her hair. For now he was hers. She blotted the image of herself standing in his bedroom, there after sneaking into his house without being detected, the evening of the same day he had kissed her. She avoided the humiliation of removing her coat the instant he stepped into his room, showing him her new panties, red lace and satin. But still she remembered the irritated look in his eye, the roaring sound of his voice as he asked her what the fuck did she think she was doing. But it didn’t end there. Catherine Simmers, perfectly dressed in a peach cardigan and pearls, entered his room.

  She still felt the flood of blood to her head as she clumsily wrapped the coat over her near-naked body and saw Catherine’s distasteful sneer as she did.

  Sebastian had looked at her straight in the eye, his jaw a clenched mess. Catherine slipped her arm around his waist and asked if he was ready to go. He nodded then turned and left the room. Catherine had stayed a few minutes longer to gloat, to insult, to name call and finally to deliver Michelle’s fate. The slut niece of three crazy women had no place in high society. But nothing hurt her more than Sebastian’s rejection. He had dug into her chest and yanked her heart out and trampled on it, all in front of Catherine Simmers, then walked off never to be seen again.

  “I can’t get enough of you.” He maintained the depth of his thrusts, allowing her to become accustomed to him and his new size. Fucking her with manipulative strokes that drew out an abundant flow of juice. Making her crazy with want. “That’s it, sweetheart. Fuck me back. Get wetter for me.” He plunged his tongue into her mouth. She sucked it wildly, her anchor as a torrential orgasm stormed out of her. This was her last time with Sebastian.

  He slipped from her and rolled his tongue down the center of her body then opened his mouth on her pussy. She grasped her breasts, pinched the ache in her nipples as he drew the lips of her sex between his teeth. A layer of perspiration dripped off her abdomen. He peeled her lips apart and sucked. She shivered and moaned. He was never hers to have but for these minutes. He crept up her body again and he guided his cock into her, stopping at the point where she’d grown accustomed to him.

  She opened her legs wider, crazily wishing for more of his unusually large cock to grind into her. He gave her what
she wanted, an inch more.

  “Look at my eyes.”

  “Sebastian,” she whispered. His eyes turned red. He’d shift just like she would. The reparation spell didn’t work on him. But what if he was under another spell? What if her aunts went one step too far and bestowed him with a shifting spell instead? Really? Was that their way of matchmaking trickery? She thought they’d demolished crossing any lines with her and that lust spell, but to do it to Sebastian? That clearly obliterated any forgiveness. Oh, she was going to get them back. But how?

  His back bowed. His cock sank into her. All of him. She bit her lip to stop from screaming out. Used all her willpower to relax her body, to accept him inside her, to do whatever he wanted her to do. She held him as he fucked her, oblivious to the pain until only pure, unadulterated bliss reigned.

  She whimpered softly as he bruised her skin, left his handprints on her hips, on her ass, as he shoved them under her to bring her closer and seal whatever gap lay between them. She bit his shoulder to steady herself as his pounding became wilder, more frantic.

  He crushed her breasts, her lips, anchored his teeth into the flesh of her throat and sucked her blood to the surface of her skin. She came once, twice, a continuous stream of orgasms merged from one to the other. He roared in satisfaction every time her pussy contracted in climax until eventually he emptied himself inside her. Endless sprays of hot cum flooded her body, leaving him drained and her full.

  His lips cruised down her body to her tender pussy. He lapped at the liquid dripping from her folds. Her hands threaded through his hair and fisted. He sucked all the fluid from her body, soothing her while he filled his mouth with the essence he’d just rained inside her.

  She shivered as he drizzled a wet trail across her skin. Over her navel, between her breasts, tracing the line of her throat, painting the silhouette of her lips. Marking her with his scent. Making her his. A false action.

  She opened her mouth. He locked his with hers. Greed dominated her. She sucked and swallowed what little measures he poured into her mouth. Her hands snaked around the nape of his neck, pulling him closer for more. She had never tasted anything so sweet before, so addictive. So Sebastian. He stroked his thumb over her lips.

  I love you, she whispered internally. The lightness in her heart dissipated as soon as it began. Her arms fell away from his shoulders. It was happening. She was shifting.


  He rolled off her, then with his back against the headboard of the bed, he drew her between his legs. Cradling her back against his chest.

  “It’s okay. I’m right here, Glitterbug.” He lulled her with his touch. “Don’t fight it. Don’t hold on.” He caressed her hair, talking softly into her ear, shielding her with his body. All her life she had held on. Kept her finger on the pulse, her eye on the ball, her mind two steps ahead of everyone else just to appear normal. She couldn’t give up that control, it’s who she was.

  She turned to face him. “I can’t stop this for myself. But I will find a way to save you, Sebastian. I won’t let you be tricked into living as an animal. I’ll find a way to bring you back.”

  She convulsed in his arms then leaped from the bed and stood in the center of the room. The pain of her shift was overridden by her desire to cure Sebastian, her mind too full with solutions to feel the agonizing terror. She failed to realize her own transformation had completed. Her gaze stayed on Sebastian. He shifted before her eyes. A ferocious growl echoed around the room as he jumped from the bed, brushed against her and headed out the door. She followed him. She’d keep him safe until she could bring him back.

  Twenty years ago she’d abandoned the supernatural blood flowing through her veins. She lived her life with rigid order, rejecting the true nature of her heritage. But now that was no longer a luxury she could afford, not with Sebastian’s human life on the line. She’d do whatever it required to bring him back, even if it meant accepting her witch powers for once and for all. And so help her aunts once she got a hold of them for leaving her no choice.

  * * * * *

  Michelle raged with anger. Her aunts, again, would be paying hell for the cheap trick they played on Sebastian. Turning him into animal? Had they lost their minds completely this time?


  Three heads turned to her, the clank of teacups and saucers hitting the floor echoed around the kitchen.

  “You deceitful, manipulative, cunning women.” She pointed her fingers at them.

  “Oh dear, sweet, merry witch.” Aunt Lindie stood and sent the chair tumbling to the floor.

  “I never thought I’d live to see this day.” Aunt Surtie crunched the broken crockery with her heavy boots as she stepped over the toppled chair.

  “She’s answered the witch’s call, sisters mine. She’s answered the witch’s call. She’s answered the witch’s call. Oh dear, she’s answered the witch’s call,” Aunt Esmie kept repeating as the three sisters joined hands and formed a circle.

  Michelle folded her arms and tapped her foot in exasperation while the sisters whispered quietly to themselves. A thunderous shriek later and she had to dodge their outstretched arms, but with three of them advancing on her with glee in their eyes and maniacal smiles on their faces, she was soon trapped in their embrace.

  “Stop it. Stop it. I never wanted to be a witch, you know that. I hate it. I hate it.” Her protestations fell on deaf ears. Her aunts broke out into gay dance around the kitchen, raising their hands and humming songs she didn’t know or never paid attention to before. Is Aunt Esmie break dancing? Michelle shook her head to clear it. She didn’t want to get embroiled in their crazy antics. Who knew what she was susceptible to now with her witch powers in place?

  “Wait a minute. Was that the reason you did the spell on me in the first place?” Her accusation drowned in the sound of copper pots drumming against each other, the spoon drawer jingling, saucers flying in the air, fireflies spelling out her name. She lived in a madhouse and she missed it. The last few days spent as a wolf, every second trying to recollect her thoughts enough to open her mind, to accept the blood running through her had been agonizing. She didn’t think she could make it. That Mother Nature would not accept her. But every time her wolf’s gaze settled on Sebastian, always by her side, protecting her, feeding her, nuzzling her, she knew she had to try harder. His life depended on it. And now he lay in her bed, soundly asleep and perfectly human. As soon as he awoke, she’d cast a memory spell on him and for once and for all put an end to this sorry episode in both their lives.

  But when Henry poked his camel neck into the back door and crooned with her aunts, she’d had enough. A quick flick of her wrist silenced the pots and spoons. The saucers flew back into their place. She bundled up the fireflies and marched them to the bread bin.

  “And you, Henry, for Hecate’s sake, you’re a cat, not a camel. Live like one.” Henry shrank into his beige fur then emerged a fat black cat that wobbled to his seat at the coal stove, mumbling how he was probably too old to go around being something else.

  “Now, would you like to be gagged?”

  Her aunts shook their heads vigorously.

  “Good. Sit.” All three scrambled for the same one chair but soon righted themselves. “Now you will answer my questions without getting crazy, okay?”

  They nodded but nothing could bring her to erase the silly smiles on their faces. How she’d missed them. She licked her lips and began.

  “Are you insane?” All three sisters pointed to themselves. “I’m talking to all of you.”

  “Oh.” All together.

  “Is that the reason you did the spell on me in the first place? Because you wanted me to realize my witch heritage? If that is the case, then that’s the cheapest trick you’ve ever pulled. No, that isn’t the cheapest trick you ever pulled. Casting a spell on Sebastian, so that he would come after me and then change with me. Now that is your lowest, sneakiest, most horrible prank. What were you thinking?”

we didn’t trick Sebastian.”

  “Really, that’s your answer. What grown man, with his whole life ahead of him, would opt to live as a wolf? Let me answer that for you. No man.”

  “But he loves you.”

  “Oh, Aunt Surtie. He doesn’t and no matter what magic you use on him, it’s all false. You just can’t go around exploiting magic to suit your own needs. Sebastian doesn’t love me and I’d rather die than have you make him love me. And besides, I don’t love him.”

  “But this is the match of the millennium,” Aunt Surtie cried.

  “See, just because you think it’s so, doesn’t make it so.”

  “But it is,” Aunt Lindie said.

  “It’s beyond magic,” Aunt Esmie said.

  Michelle rubbed her forehead. There was no getting through to her aunts. “Okay, that’s beside the point.”

  “Then what is the point, Michelle?” Aunt Lindie asked.

  “I…don’t know anymore. All I know is Sebastian is safe and will be returned back to his world without any of these memories. And I guess I just want you to stop trying to help me, stop trying to fix me up with men. I…I might end up being a spinster just like you.” Her heart cracked. Never to see Sebastian again, to hear his voice and feel his touch. “It’s wrong what you did to Sebastian. He shouldn’t have anything to do with me, especially now that I’m a witch, not by my own choosing though.”

  “I have everything to do with you.”

  She whipped her gaze toward the entrance of the kitchen. Sebastian strode in without a care in the world, lithe yet powerful, ambling toward her with a glint in his eyes. Did he hear her whole conversation with her aunts? Did he see her banishing the fireflies to the bread bin and Henry from a wannabe camel back into the cat he really was? She hoped not.

  Her aunts ambushed him. Hugging and kissing him and welcoming him back for long minutes until all went silent. His eyes fixed on her. She didn’t hear or see her aunts escape the room.


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