Forgotten Conqueror

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Forgotten Conqueror Page 16

by Za1d3

  ‘Master’ the thing had called the young boy. Even being a full building away, the entity’s words thundered in his ears.

  Kaidus stepped forward, and the entity vanished.

  Suddenly an oppressive atmosphere swept over him—locking him in place, as Kaidus walked towards the two older students.

  He tried to undo the immobilization with spells, nothing worked. It was the child’s bloodlust and overpowering will that had rooted him.

  His body unwilling to approach the incident that was unfolding.

  Even fearing for the two students, Keral could do nothing but watch in awe.

  Jorva suddenly fell on his knees, while it looked like Lisin had started crying.

  It was impossible to tell who the victim was in this situation.

  Having approached the students, Kaidus turned and left—as if nothing had transpired—moments later. Leaving the two students to cry in despair.

  As the child strode away, the oppressive atmosphere cleared away almost instantly.

  Keral was able to move again.

  Having seen everything,

  ‘We have severely underestimate Lord Ravon’s claims…’ Master Keral admonished himself.

  The master had not been the only one in the vicinity of the bloodlust. A number of students who had been in the building adjacent to the event had become unconscious when the domineering atmosphere swept through.

  Like Keral, other masters who had been in the building were fixed in place unable to move. None of them had any idea as to what was happening besides the indomitable fear binding them.

  It was only after the air had cleared and Kaidus had left, that people started coming out to investigate.

  Only find Lisin and Jorva in their despicable state.


  ‘What was I doing?! I was about to kill them both!’ Kaidus had returned to his room. His temper having cool enough for him to start thinking logically, he was reevaluating the incident. ‘I did not obtain this strength to become like them!’ he scolded himself.

  He had lost his senses when the two students mindlessly attacked him without an ounce of consideration for his wellbeing.

  More memories flashed in his mind.

  -a broken mind, his powers outraged.

  -death… so much death.

  -everyone he cared about, gone.

  He could have gone about the incident a lot more amicably and still gotten his point across. Kaidus thought, as he sat down on the floor and started meditating to calm his mind.


  “NO! NO MORE! LEAVE ME OUT OF THIS!” Lisin screamed at Prim—who had come to visit her—before shutting the door in her face.

  “Lisin, let me in!” Prim yelled out.

  “Prim you can’t do this! W-WE can’t do this! He warned us!” Lisin yelled from inside her room. Fear and panic in her voice.

  “What happened?! Lisin! Talk to me!”

  “I don’t know! JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!” Lisin yelled out. She had started to cry.

  Unable to get anything out of her, Prim left.

  “STUPID! STUPID! STUPID!” rebuking herself, Lisin recalls the action she and Jorva had taken in their emotional state.

  Those icy eyes that were filled with hatred and death. She could still see them clearly whenever she closed her eyes.

  “I want to go home…” she cried. Wishing to be as far away from the academy as possible.


  “Not you too!” Prim exclaimed when she saw Jorva.

  Jorva and Lisin were two of her closest friends in the academy. She had known them since her first year, and their rivalry had helped push her to where she is now.

  Unable to accept Prim’s loss to Kaidus, the two had helped her hatch a plan for revenge.

  They would watch and tail him to find any sign of weakness or unlawful actions, and use that against him to humiliate or get him thrown out of the academy.

  But it seems the plan had fallen to pieces just after a couple of days.

  Having visited Lisin, she had never seen her friend in such a state.

  A hunched Jorva sat on one of the benches, his face down and unwilling to look at her.

  She had asked someone to fetch him from his room for this occasion.

  “Please tell me what happened.” she told Jorva.

  “W-we need to s-stop this P-Prim…” Jorva was stuttering and his voice, barely audible.

  “Jorva. Please. What happened?” Prim asked again.

  “H-He had a g-guardian Spirit… I-it t-t-TALKED!” Jorva cried out in fear.

  “Jorva. Spirits don’t talk! And it’s impossible for him to already have a spirit!” Prim knew the summoning classes don’t start learning to bind their spirits yet.

  “Y-YOU GO ATTACK HIM A-AND SEE FOR Y-YO-YOURSELF!” Jorva yelled back, fear and anger mixed together.

  Prim was dumbstruck over the outburst.

  “H-He’s not right, Pr-Pr-Prim, s-something’s not right about h-him. W-we need to s-stay as f-far away as we c-can. H-he said t-t-there would b-be-be no ne-ne-next t-time” Jorva eked out the warning Kaidus had given them, before bringing his hands to his face to hide the tears.

  “H-he’s d-da-dangerous.” Jorva said as he wiped his tears. Before getting up and retreating.

  Prim had come for answers, but now she was more confused than ever.


  An old bald man with a scruffy white beard was sitting in his office, happily whistling while looking through ledgers recorded by his assistants.

  Earlier in the day, his extremely acute senses had picked up a colossal outburst of mana within his academy.

  ‘An exceptionally powerful one has appeared.’ He mused to himself at the time.

  He is the current headmaster of Zorin academy. He is, Nylen Gvius Daz Jozion. One of two Malizurs in the continent of Darsus, and the only mage of such rank in all of Ferrent. He had earned the title Daz, derived from the spirit name Das for his unrivaled mastery with earth magic.

  One of the perks of being a headmaster, was not having to do anything himself. Being something of an eccentric, Nylen had literally shut himself in his room for days now, with his assistants bringing him news and anything he required. His only actual job now was looking through official documents affiliated with the academy, and drafting some of his own for the instructors.

  Of course, the letter of recommendation from Lord Ravon had fallen into his hands. He himself was the one who had approved of the untimely admission, but had been skeptical of the contents of the letter, paying no heed to them. The admission was merely to comply with regulations, and do an old friend a favor. He had not been expecting much.

  Yet now, his blood boiled in anticipation at meeting this child.


  In his room, the child stirred.

  Having been unable to purge his frustration with meditation, Kaidus had spent the night falling into his blade forms and mindlessly training until his body gave out and sleep overtook him.

  The academy has a system of seven days of classes and then four days off, called the Ryes, for students to practice and reflect on what they’ve learned.

  Yesterday was the last day of classes before the ryes, and today was the beginning of the break. He would use this chance to return home.

  Hopeful, that seeing his family would help ease and clear his head.

  Stopping by the shops around the boarding houses, he got himself breakfast—grilled oriv deer skewer with a scoop of mashed mulse and a cup of tangy shara—before heading off towards the academy’s gate.

  Being the start of the ryes—and early morning, very few students were up and about.

  “Good morning Zeeke.” Kaidus spoke to the small feline looking spirit guarding the gate as he approached.

  Zeeke was currently in his small feline form, taking in the morning rays in front of his shack.

  “RA! GARAR!” it replied back, looking away uninte

  Kaidus had made an effort to find Zeeke after he had learned about the spirit, and found him three days ago.

  Surprisingly, Zeeke was of the nature element, and his elusiveness was due to his constant attention towards animals that had wandered into the academy.

  Kaidus was walking back from the library between one of his classes that day when he stumbled upon a small feline chasing a bird across the academy excitedly. As soon as the cat noticed him, it grew in size and transformed into that of a majestic Joukis—a type of large cat—as if to flaunt its magnificence, and for him to disregard the previous disgraceful display. An immense amount of power could be felt emanating from the spirit.

  After showing that he did not mean to intrude onto the spirit’s playfulness, Zeeke came up to Kaidus to asses him, before returning to his small form and continuing his antic.

  After that first meeting and knowing what it was, he had been able to spot Zeeke about the academy here and there chasing various other small creatures.

  “…it is… but a child…” Hasen remarked to him as they passed through the gate.

  A short walk from the gates of the academy, Kaidus was paying for a carriage to take him home.

  “Will you require a pick up young master?” the clerk asked him.

  “Yes. Please.”

  “Let’s see… trip to the 3rd ward with a pick-up in three days… distance… time…. That will be 17erns and 4kuis. 8erns there and 8 to pick up with an added 1ern 4kuis for convenience.” The clerk replied after doing some quick calculations. “You can either pay for the pick up now or later, along with the additional 1 and 4.”

  Kaidus gave the clerk 10 metal double-bits. He had used one of the three green fers Troyle had given him to pay for his meals in the academy, and had change left over from it.

  “Thank you for your patronage.” The clerk replied, handing him back 2erns and 3kuis.

  As the small single person carriage passed the scenery of farms and elongated stone houses around the academy, making its way into the residential areas of the nobility, he regretted not bringing a book to pass the time.

  Chapter 19 – Family

  In a small three bedroom house of the 3rd ward, a mother was reading to her daughter.

  “…the Phrae queen asked the little girl, who stumbled upon the forest of the Phraes.”

  “Ish shi a gud garl?” the little girl asked, tilting her head back to look at her mother.

  “Yes. She’s a very good girl.”

  “Like Anish?” Anise asked her mother.

  Smiling, Adalina looked at her daughter. “Yes. A very good girl, just like Anise.” she replied back.

  “Ehehehe” the little girl giggled triumphantly, before turning back to look at the picture book in front of her.

  They were currently sitting in the living room downstairs. She had just finished doing chores around the house, and was taking time to read to Anise before preparing for Lunch.

  “My mommy is sick. Please help her. Said the little girl.” Adalina read.

  On the book was an illustration of a little girl kneeling before a floating woman.

  “Hur momy shick?” Anise interrupted.

  “Yea. Her mommy is sick.”

  “Ish hur tummy hurting?” Anise asked with worry in her face.

  “Yes, but she’s going to be fine.” Adalina reassured. Anise’s face beamed at the reassurance and refocused on the book in front of her.

  “I cannot help you, but you can save your mother. The queen told the little girl. There is a fruit from inside the forest. You will have to get it yourself.”

  A picture of a curved white fruit was illustrated on the page.

  “UHN!” Anise acknowledged.

  “Only by having her eat it, can you save your-”

  *knock* *knock* *knock*

  Interrupted by someone at the door, Adalina stop and placed a marker onto the page.

  ‘Who could that be?’ she thought to herself as she lifted Anise off her lap and stood up to get the door.

  “Wha abow the momy?” Anise asked her quizzically.

  “She’ll be fine. Let mommy get the door first.” Adalina replied as she walked to the door. Anise followed behind.

  Opening the door, her face perked up. “Welcome home.” Adalina spoke. A gentle loving tone in her voice.

  “GAI!!” Anise cried out happily as she rushed forward to hug her big brother.

  Seeing his baby sister and mother, Kaidus’ face lit up into a smile.


  The agitation of the previous day prevailed on his mind.

  With a lack of distraction on the carriage ride home, Kaidus’ thoughts kept reminding him of what he almost became.

  Despotic people were what he hated the most. To have stepped into their shoes—even for a single moment—was an outcry against all that he is, and what he had fought so hard not become ever since being reborn.

  Memories he thought lost to him while in the void, resurfaced.

  -The incorrigible Emperor sauntering unannounced into their home in Andarg.

  -His mother and father doing everything they could to appease the nobles of the Capital.

  -His eldest brother’s unjust and concealed execution, for defeating the Crown Prince during the Emperor’s games.

  -His parent’s intense cries of agony.

  -The constant fear under the Emperor’s heels.

  -Too young and powerless to do anything.

  Fragmented echoes of an age immemorial, a time before the darkness took him…

  In the carriage, Kaidus wept silently as the memories overwhelmed him.

  Upon seeing Adalina’s gentle smile and Anise’s joyous greeting, their light extinguished the fog that was his troubled mind.

  He greeted them with a smile.


  “…held hands as they walked home. The End.” Kaidus read to Anise.

  A picture of a mother and daughter walking towards the sunset was on the last page.

  “YAY!!” Anise cheered.

  Having given him a hug upon his return, Adalina was now currently in the kitchen preparing an early lunch. Kaidus had taken it upon himself to finish the children’s book for Anise.

  “Are you well?” Adalina asked, coming back to the living room.

  “Yes. I’m fine.”

  “Are the other students treating you alright?” she pestered.

  “I’m fine mom. Sorry for worrying you.” A genial reply to quell his mother’s worries.

  “It’s a little early, but how about lunch?” Adalina asked.

  “Lanch eet Gai. Lanch!” Anise called beside him.

  “Yea. That would be great.” Kaidus answered.

  Over lunch, he heard from Adalina the packed lunch Troyle had brought him on his way to Lord Varath’s, but was stopped at the gates by a creature. Unable to get in and not wanting to intrude, Troyle had given up and left.

  “That is probably Zeeke. The Gate Seer of the academy.” He told her, imagining what would have happened if Troyle had attempted to force his way in.

  “Gate seer?” Adalina asked.

  “A Nature guardian spirit. Everyone who wants entry into the academy needs an enchantment of admission or else Zeeke would attack them.” Kaidus replied, holding up his hand for her to see.

  “Ish he Niesh?” Anise spoke up from her side of the table.

  “He’s very nice. But only if you have this.” Kaidus pointed to the enchanted symbol on his hand.

  “Waaa…” Anise gazed at it in awe.

  The majority of the day consisted of Kaidus excitedly listening to Anise’s stories about what she’s been doing for the past couple of days, and answering Adalina’s questions about the academy while just taking in the coziness of home.

  He went along with Adalina and Anise to the market district to procure ingredients for dinner, and gave her a hand with the preparations.

  Although shopping with Adalina was something of
a usual routine, this time, he noticed many gazes towards their direction.

  Troyle came home later that day and excitedly asked him about how he’s been doing at school during dinner.

  Reiterating his stories for Troyle, the family stayed in the living room making small talk until night. Anise, unwilling to fall asleep in case her brother disappears again.

  On his bed on the second floor, Kaidus slept soundly. His mind, serene.

  Hasen’s ring, never making a sound.


  As if a lifetime ago, with the shackles of being around the nobles untethered, Kaidus was freely running through the shopping district of the 3rd ward.

  The familiarity of the paved roads, the familiar faces as he passed by, the joyous shouts of greetings and haggling in the morning market rush. The smell of raw ingredients freshly butchered or picked, the fragrance of freshly cooked snacks in vendor stalls, and aromas of flavors intertwining as they wafted out of inns to entice those walking about.

  Kaidus took them all in as he made his way to ‘Tales Corner’.

  As he ran, he detected stares from those he passed.

  Unlike the aggressive ones like those of the academy, or the scorns of those of the villagers, it was a look of surprise and delight.

  “Welcome, young master.” The shop owner greeted him with a grin.

  “Good morning, Mister Larson. And please, just Kaidus is fine.” He replied back.

  Kaidus was there for a book. He was unwilling to suffer through the ride back as he did on the way here.

  “No can do, young one. Word has gotten around, people are talking. You, young master, are the pride of the 3rd ward’s shopping district.” Larson replied back with a proud smile.

  “?” Kaidus gave a look of confusion.

  “We’ve all heard. You are currently a member of the esteemed Zorin Academy, and the boy who all the guards had been searching for. Our 3rd wards own little wonder.” Larson explained with an enormous grin on his face.

  “Ha… Please don’t mock me Mister Larson.” Kaidus replied.

  “HAHAHAHAH! It is not mocking boy! I am honestly honored to have you patronize my humble shop. Ask anyone, and they’ll say the same.” Larson asserted jovially.

  “…thank you very much.” He replied, barely able to thank the shop owner properly.


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