Negotiating for Love

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Negotiating for Love Page 20

by Sharon C. Cooper

  “I’m going to let you guys talk. I’ll be in the kitchen seeing if they need a taste tester,” Davion said on his way out the door.

  “If it makes you feel any better, we’ve all been where you’re at, sort of,” Zack said. “Jada put me through hell before we got married, but being with her is worth every single gray hair on my head.”

  “And I’m sure you’ve heard all about what I went through trying to convince Toni to marry me. Let’s just say I know your pain, and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. But that woman is truly a gift from God. I would go through the mayhem again if it meant keeping her in my life,” Craig added.

  They all turned their gazes to Luke, who sat back in his seat and crossed his arms. “I’ll never forget the day Zack told me he and Craig had formed a support group for men who date a Jenkins’ girl.”

  On that, Paul laughed, and everyone else joined in. “I wish someone would have told me about this group months ago.”

  “I know right? But I have to tell you, Paul. CJ and the Jenkins family are the best things that have ever happened to me,” Luke continued. “But dating her has been wild and crazy as hell at times. I never know what to expect. Just when I think I have her figured out, she flips a switch and shows me a different side of her. Every day I have fallen more and more in love with her.”

  Listening to the guys share stories about their adventures with the Jenkins women let Paul know that they indeed did understand what he’d been through dating Martina. She was like no other woman he had ever known. Her fire and huge personality kept his boring world interesting, and she was the one he wanted to grow old with.

  “Ahh, I see I’m right on time,” Steven Jenkins walked into the room. Martina’s grandfather was a big man. Tall and fit for his age, he had a presence about him that would make anyone stand at attention.

  They all stood, but he waved them off.

  “Relax. I figured I’d come and let you know that my granddaughters have arrived.” He sat next to Luke. “All of them.” He looked at Paul pointedly.

  Paul probably would have crashed to the floor with relief had he not been sitting down. But he still wasn’t going to let himself get too comfortable until he actually heard Martina say, “I do.”


  Martina sat at the antique makeup table as Jada touched up her makeup for the second time. The last couple of days had been the worse days of Martina’s life, and though she didn’t think she had any tears left, she felt them swell in her eyes.

  Jada sighed. “You know I’m not the most patient person in the world, and you’re trying my patience today with all of these tears. What the heck? Did you save them up for the last thirty-one years just for today?”

  Martina laughed. Never had she cried so much. Not even when she was ten and her dog, Tipsy, got ran over by a car.

  “I didn’t want any makeup in the first place. You’re the one who’s insisting I wear some.”

  “You can’t get married without makeup.” Jada went back to work adding blush to her cheeks.

  Martina thought about Paul waiting downstairs. Shame spun inside of her, and she felt awful for the way she behaved the other day. Toni insisted her actions were probably caused by fear, exhaustion, and pregnancy hormones. Martina didn’t know much about hormones, but she could admit that she was nervous. She was scared about becoming and being a wife. If she let Paul walk out of her life, it would be the biggest mistake she ever made.

  Her eyes filled with tears and she absently swiped them away with the back of her hand.

  Jada cursed. “MJ! You just messed up the work I did on your eyes. She tossed the makeup compact onto the bed and plopped down in the chair near the window. “I quit.”

  “Are we almost ready in here?” Carolyn asked when she waltzed into the room wearing a short, champagne colored dress that stopped just above her knees with matching shoes. They had decided the wedding colors would be champagne, black, and white. Martina couldn’t ever remember seeing her mother look so beautiful.

  “I’m ready, but MJ keeps crying, messing up her makeup. I’m not doing it again.” Jada crossed her arms and leg, her foot swinging back and forth bringing attention to her red-bottom shoe.

  “Well, I can’t help it,” Martina sobbed.

  “Oh, sweetheart.” Carolyn sat on the bench next to her and reached for Martina’s hand. “It’s okay to be a little nervous, but you being here means you’ve chosen love over fear. Now all you have to do is believe that you and Paul are going to make it. I have no doubt you two are going to have a wonderful marriage.”

  “Yeah, if she ever lets us finish getting her ready,” Jada added.

  Carolyn laughed and kissed her daughter on the cheek. “Be nice and let Jada fini—”

  “I’m tired of her, Auntie,” Jada mumbled and snatched the makeup compact off the bed. “I’m just wasting my time.”

  Carolyn gave Jada a one-arm hug and kissed her cheek. “Thanks, sweetie. I’m going to leave you girls alone. I’m going downstairs to check on the preparations for the reception.”

  A minute after Carolyn left, Peyton, Christina, and Toni rushed through the door.

  “Okay, everything is all set for the ceremony. Let’s go,” Peyton said.

  Martina wrung her hands. Biting her lower lip, she made eye contact with Peyton.

  “What?” Peyton asked and stood in front Martina. “Don’t tell me you—”

  “Hold up.” Toni stood next to Peyton. “I stayed up with you all last night, listening to you go on and on about how much you love Paul and can’t live without him,” Toni seethed. “You’re going down those stairs if I have to drag you kicking and screaming!”

  “Would you just chill, Toni?” Martina said.

  “Well, what’s with the look?” Peyton asked.

  “I want you guys to go and get Paul. I need to talk to him.”

  “We can’t get him! It’s bad luck to see the bride before the wedding,” Christina said.

  “Just go and get him.” Martina stood, still wringing her hands.

  Toni threw up her arms. “Let’s just go and get him. He’s the calm to her crazy. Let him deal with her,” Toni grumbled as she hurried to the door, the rest of them right behind her.

  Seconds later, Paul appeared in the doorway looking like the cover model for GQ magazine.

  Martina’s heart pounded double time while he approached with the confidence of a man who knew what he wanted and wasn’t afraid to take it. A flare of excitement soared through her body as he took in the simple, white dress that stopped just above her knees. Martina couldn’t remember the designer’s name, but she had fallen in love with the garment the moment Jada made her try it on.

  “You look absolutely stunning.” Paul’s soothing voice wrapped around her like a soft blanket.

  Martina swallowed hard to free the lump in her throat. He smelled as good as he looked and desire stirred within her.

  “Thank you.”

  “Since you’re here, I assume you’ve decided to do me the honor of being my wife.”

  Not trusting her voice, Martina nodded.

  “I’m glad.” He cupped her face and caressed her cheeks.

  “I’m so sorry for the way I behaved and what I said to you the other day. I had a temporary moment of insanity, but I’m ready.”

  Paul grinned. “I understand. I’m just glad you came around. So this is what we’re going to do. We’re going downstairs. We are going to profess our love to each other in front of our family. When that’s done, we’re going to eat and dance at our reception, but we won’t stay long.”


  “No, because I’m taking you on a smoking-hot honeymoon where we’re going to eat, play and make love all … night … long under the moonlight. Would that work for you?”

  A smile tugged at the corner of Martina’s mouth and for the first time in days. She knew marrying Paul was going to be the best decision of her life.

  “Yes that works, but if you want, we can just s
kip the reception and go straight to the part about making love all night long.”

  Paul laughed. “Yeah, I guess that’s an option, but after what your cousins have been through in setting all of this into motion, I don’t think we’d get out of here alive.”

  “Good point. They did threaten my life a few times these last couple of days. Let’s go get married.”

  “Okay, but first there’s something I have wanted to do since I walked into the room.”

  He lowered his head and the moment his lips touched hers, Martina knew they were going to have an awesome life together.


  Two Months Later

  “Are you sure your eyes are closed?” Martina asked Paul as she navigated the truck through the streets of downtown Cincinnati.

  “Yes, but it doesn’t matter. Even if they were open, I wouldn’t be able to see anything with this tight scarf over my eyes.”

  Martina laughed and pulled into the gravel parking lot, dodging potholes along the way.

  “Okay, don’t move. I’m coming around to help you out of the truck.

  “Martina, are you sure that’s a good idea? I can—”

  “Paul, I’m fine.”

  He’d been overprotective since their scare, three weeks ago when she’d had some spotting and was rushed to the emergency room. That was probably the only time Martina had ever seen him shaken up. Normally he was a pillar of strength and calm. That day, they both had been a nervous wreck until they found out that she and the baby were fine.

  Since then, Paul had been watching her like a hawk, not wanting her to do anything or go anywhere alone. When he mentioned her taking a leave from work, Martina had to set him straight. She would go crazy and drive everyone around her nutty, especially him, if she couldn’t work. After a bit of hesitation, he agreed.

  Holding Paul’s hand, Martina guided him across the parking lot and didn’t stop until she had him standing in front of a building. A week earlier he had completed his six-year term as a U.S. Senator and seemed to be at peace with not being in politics anymore. But Martina knew that if she didn’t find something to help occupy his time, he would drive her batty.

  “Okay, you can remove the blindfold.”

  He yanked it off and blinked several times before zoning in on the building.

  “Oookay.” He turned to her and shrugged.

  “This is your new restaurant.”

  His brows shot up. “What?” He turned back to the old building that had once been an Italian restaurant and rushed up to it. Holding his hand over his eyes like a visor, he peeked through one of the windows that wasn’t boarded up. “You bought me a restaurant?”

  “Heck no! I don’t have that type of money,” Martina chuckled. Technically she did have access to those types of funds according to Paul. Though she was willing, he didn’t want her to sign a prenup, explaining that whatever he had was hers.

  “I thought this building would be perfect for you to buy. The size is exactly what you wanted. We can tweak the layout easily, and the location is perfect. Want to see inside?”

  Again his brows shot up in surprise. “You have a key?”

  She dangled the keys in front of him. “Apparently your name carries a lot of weight. Shall we?”

  “Definitely. It’s too cold for you and our little girl to be outside.”

  Martina smiled as he unlocked the door. The day before, they had found out the sex of the baby. Though she didn’t care about their child’s gender, Paul had wanted a girl. She was shocked that he hadn’t wanted a boy, but apparently he was a glutton for punishment when it came to having another Jenkins’ girl in the family.

  Martina walked beside him, explaining what she knew about the building and its previous use. She also pointed out repair needs as they strolled through the entire facility. She couldn’t wait to tackle some of the projects if he decided to purchase the place. At five months pregnant, she was getting to the stage where some of her work had to be delegated to others, but she had no problem bossing people around.

  “So what do you think?” Martina asked.

  Paul stood in the center of what would be the main dining area and glanced around again before training his attention on her.

  He pulled her close. “I think you are the most fascinating woman I’ve ever known, and I give thanks every day to God for bringing you back into my life.”

  “Thank you, but I was talking about the building. What do you think of the building?”

  He grinned. “Oh. The building is nice too.”

  She shoved against his chest. “I mean can you see opening a restaurant here? Could this be the place?”

  He nodded, gazing around again. “It has potential and with the ideas you tossed out, I think it could definitely work.”

  “Awesome! I’ll hook you up with the realtor, and we can go from there.”

  “Sounds good.” He reached for her hand and turned serious. “Thank you for doing this, for believing and supporting my dream. It means a lot to me.”

  Martina wrapped her arms around his waist and gazed into his eyes. “You mean a lot to me. I never thought I could be as happy as I’ve been since you came back into my life and we’re having a baby. Never in a million years did I see my life going in this direction. I’m so glad you didn’t give up on me.”

  “I love you too much.” Paul cupped her cheek in the palm of his hand. “I’ll never give up on you. I’ll never give up on us.”

  “Me either. I love you.”

  The End

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  About the Author

  Award-winning and bestselling author, Sharon C. Cooper, spent 10 years as a sheet metal worker. And while enjoying that unique line of work, she attended college in the evening and obtained her B.A. in Business Management with an emphasis in Communication. Sharon is a romance-a-holic - loving anything that involves romance with a happily-ever-after, whether in books, movies or real life. She writes contemporary romance, as well as romantic suspense and enjoys rainy days, carpet picnics, and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. When Sharon is not writing or working, she’s hanging out with her amazing husband, doing volunteer work or reading a good book (a romance of course). To read more about Sharon and her novels, visit

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  Other Titles by Sharon C. Cooper:

  Jenkins Family Series (Contemporary Romance)

  Best Woman for the Job (Short Story Prequel)

  Still the Best Woman for the Job (book 1)

  All You’ll Ever Need (book 2)

  Tempting the Artist (book 3)

  Negotiating for Love (book 4)

  Seducing the Boss Lady (book 5) – Coming Soon

  Reunited Series (Romantic Suspense)

  Blue Roses (book 1)

  Secret Rendezvous (Prequel to Rendezvous with Danger)

  Rendezvous with Danger (book 2)

  Truth or Consequences (book 3)

  Operation Midnight (book 4)

  Stand Alones

  Something New (“Edgy” Sweet Romance)

  Legal Seduction (Harlequin Kimani – Contemporary Romance)

  Sin City Temptation (Harlequin Kimani – Contemporary Romance)

  A Dose of Passion (Harlequin Kimani – Contemporary Romance)

  Model Attraction (Harlequin Kimani – Contemporary Romance) – Coming April 2016

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