Hades Pain (Devils Riot MC Book 6)

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Hades Pain (Devils Riot MC Book 6) Page 10

by E. C. Land

  “Ally, I promise you everything will be fine. You’re with Hammer and me, they’re not gonna ID you,” I say reassuringly as I step closer to her.

  Nodding her head, she sucks in a deep breath and lets it go. After a few more breaths, her expression changes and you can see she’s calmed herself down. “Okay, let’s get this conversation over with. I’ve heard the women at the clubhouse talk about this place. I didn’t realize it was a bar, but they said there was live music.”

  “Yeah, they have live music tonight. Maybe you’ll get up there and sing and dance like you used to when we were kids. I remember how you used to put the costumes on, grab mom’s broom, and twirl around the living room singing whatever came to mind.” I laugh as I bring up the memory, trying to lighten the mood.

  “Hell, I remember that. When you guys would come to the clubhouse with your parents, Ally here was always determined to have the brothers watch her sing,” Hammer chuckles.

  “That feels like it was just a dream. I remember, though,” Ally murmurs sadly.

  “Well, sweetheart, you’re home again. Now, let’s get some drinks and get through the dark shit so we can show you a good time. How’s that sound?” Hammer suggests.

  “Sounds like a plan, Uncle Hammer.” Giving a slight smile, Ally wraps an arm around our uncle, hugging him. It’s the first time she’s given anyone physical contact besides me.

  Taking the lead, I guide us into the building. Music is blaring from the speakers. It’s still early in the day, so there’s time to be had before the fun begins this evening. I wonder what Ally will think when the waitress starts dancing on the bar tops.

  Finding the club’s usual table unoccupied, I move us toward it, signaling the waitress as I go. Getting to the table, I hold the chair out for my sister before sitting next to her. Hammer takes the opposite side.

  “Hey, Hades, long time no see,” the waitress whose name I can’t remember purrs.

  “Yeah, can we get a round of beers and a shot of Jack?” I ask curtly.

  “Sure thing, Hades. Need anything else, let me know,” she says as she runs a hand along the top of my back.

  I inwardly flinch at her touching me. I can’t stand the thought of anyone putting their hands on my body, let alone my back. Only Emerson is allowed to touch me. During the first few days after my brothers brought me home, I thought for sure my woman would be disgusted at the sight of my back. Nope, she cried while kissing each of them one night.

  Shaking my head, I turn my focus back to my sister. “Alright, Ally, I really hate to have to ask this, but we need your help. I’m not asking you to tell me anything you don’t want to, just the smallest thing that might help us will do,” I say.

  Before she can open her mouth, the waitress comes back, brushing her tits against my arm as she places our drinks on the table. “Anything else, just let me know.” I have to clench my teeth to keep from snapping at her.

  “Hey, darlin’, he’s a taken man. Why don’t you come on over here,” Hammer says with his winning smile I’ve seen him use on many women over the years. Shit, he’s the one who taught it to me.

  Smiling, she looks at me. “I’m sorry, Hades. If I’d known you were taken, I wouldn’t have flirted. Whoever you’re taken by, she must be one lucky lady,” she says sweetly before backing away from me. Now, why the hell can’t all women be like that? When they find out someone’s taken, they back the fuck off. Not the case, though. Seems women that come around the club or associate with us end up being pains in the ass who think they have some sort of claim on all of us.

  “No problem, and I’ll be sure to let her know you said that,” I say in response.

  “You do that. Just let me know if there’s anything else you all need,” the waitress murmurs as she turns to leave.

  “Do women always act that way around men? Trying to get them to notice their bodies?” Ally asks.

  “Usually,” shrugging, I answer her. Grabbing the shot of Jack on the table, I lift mine and motion for Ally to do the same. I watch as she lifts her own shot up to her nose to smell it. I’d have laughed at the way she turned her nose up at the smell, but I didn’t want her to feel offended. “Bottoms up,” I call out before putting the glass to my lips. I love the way Jack tastes.

  “Where would you like me to start?” Ally coughs after she throws her own shot back.

  “Start wherever you want to,” Hammer murmurs and reaches over to squeeze my sister’s hand.

  “If you’re planning to go after them for what they did to you, you’ll have to move quickly. Charles is one of the leaders now after having taken control. He and four other men lead the whole slew of crazies. I don’t know who they all are. I’ve always been with Charles. I do know one stepped in not too long ago. I heard them talking about one of the leaders having been in jail, and they needed to be smarter with how they handled outsiders from now on,” Ally says, lifting her beer to her lips and taking a long pull.

  I’d bet money that the man she’s talking about is Jake.

  “Back to what I was saying, Charles and these other four leaders, they move around, rotating between the five of them, never staying in the same place for more than six months at a time, It’s almost been that many months since Charles moved to the area. However, knowing him, he’s not gonna let losing me go. He’s gonna be coming.” Ally’s eyes speak more than her words do with that last sentence. He’s gonna come for not just her but Emerson and Lynsdey too.

  “Do you know what they do with the women they call the Chosen?” Hammer asks.

  My fists clench as I recall Emerson screaming out about being one of the Chosen.

  Ally stiffens at the question. “The women you speak of are doomed to be bedded by each of these men,” she says.

  “But you said you’ve only been with Charles,” I interrupt without meaning to.

  “I have. What I mean is each woman will belong to each one of these men. They are the women who are to service them to deliver the children of their Dark Lord. The leaders, they can pick or choose who is allowed around their Chosen. They also have the say-so on allowing other men to touch these women. Usually, it’s when one of them have done something to earn a punishment.”

  “Is that what Charles meant when you told him I needed to rest?” I ask calmly, yet I feel anything but calm. I want nothing more than to find this Charles fucker and burn him alive.

  “Yes,” she whispers.

  “Why did you let them do that?” Pain constricts my chest, knowing my sister was punished for giving me a reprieve from being tortured.

  “Because that’s what families do for each other,” she murmurs.

  “Never again, you hear me. Never again will you go through anything to protect me,” I say, barely hanging on to my composure.

  “Thank you, sweetheart, for telling us. You don’t have to say anything more. We can work with what you’ve told us here,” Hammer says, clearing his throat. “You’re free now and back where you belong. We’ll take care of you long as you allow us.”

  “Thank you, Uncle Hammer. I actually start my first job Monday working for Burner,” Ally says sweetly.

  “Yeah, that’s what he told us. Now, how about we get fuckin’ drunk and wait for the band to go on,” I suggest, grinning at her. I feel the air around her starting to lighten.

  “Sounds good to me,” Hammer says.

  “I’ve never been drunk. In fact, that was my first drink. Do all drinks taste so horrible?” Ally asks sheepishly.

  Laughter booms from my chest. “Let’s see if we can find you a girly drink,” I tell her.

  Getting up, I glance over at the bar, figuring I’d ask the bartender what she’d suggest when my eyes widen. What the hell is my woman doing sitting at the bar? Better yet, why the fuck didn’t she tell me she was coming here? And where is Mac?

  Narrowing my eyes, I head toward Emerson, deciding which way to mete out her punishment. So many choices and all the time in the world.


; Emerson

  “Okay, Miss Thing, spill it,” Nora says the moment the first shot is placed in front of us. As soon as we’d closed the salon, she grabbed my hand and all but dragged me to her car, informing me it was time to get our drink on.

  When we walked in, I realized I forgot to text Hades and let him know my plans. Worse, I left my phone at the salon. Shit, he’s gonna be pissed at me. I’d glanced around the bar looking for Mac to see if he could let Hades know where I was, but he’s nowhere to be found.

  Just my luck.

  “Well?” Nora pushes.

  Blowing out a breath, I ask, “Where do I start?”

  “The beginning would be a good place,” she said sarcastically.

  I can’t help but smile at her. Her blunt honesty is one of the things I love about Nora. Never a dull moment with her around.

  “Okay, so here goes,” I say, taking a deep breath. I fill her in on everything that’s happened from when Steph's douchebag of an ex-husband showed up to the kidnapping. All of it. Including when I first met Hades and the way he made me feel. Her mouth dropped when I got to the point where I ran away to the beach for a few days and met Ricochet. She giggles at the part where I learned to give a lap dance. I swear, she was gonna throttle me by the time I finished telling her every last detail I dared because there’s no way in hell I’d tell her the really good stuff, meaning the sex between Hades and myself.

  As I finished, the bartender working tonight came over and asked if we wanted anything else to drink. Duh, that’s what the two of us are sitting here for. I can’t sit here, baring everything I’ve been through to my best friend without alcohol. Nope, nada, not happening. Okay, so maybe I sucked down two or three drinks during my storytime. Okay, four. They’re not big drinks actually, just shots that you throwback, to be honest.

  Maybe I should slow down some.

  “Wow,” Nora murmurs.

  “Yeah, tell me about it,” I slur.

  “No wonder you haven’t been around.” Holding her drink, she turns, placing her back against the bar top.

  “I know I’m a horrible friend for leaving everything on your shoulders.” Sighing, I turned to face her just as her eyes widen.

  Twisting in my seat, I feel my own eyes widen and my heart began to pound. Hades is here. And coming our way.

  “Would it be wrong of me to say I think I just creamed myself?” Nora murmurs as she leans her head toward me. “That man of yours is fuckin’ fine as hell.”

  “Umm, I think I might be in trouble,” I tell her as I take in my man’s face. Oh, he’s pissed. Though I can’t help but notice how hot my man is. His shirt is tight across his chest, arms bulging, and there’s a tick in his jaw as he makes his way to me. I wouldn’t mind climbing him like a tree right now and letting him plow into me. Shame I’m not in a skirt.

  Hello, libido talking.

  Okay, so drinking alcohol makes me a little bit of a slut.

  “You think?” Nora giggles right as Hades gets to us.

  “Hey, hot stuff, what are you doing here?” The words fall out of my mouth before I can stop them.

  “I should ask you the same thing, Precious,” Hades says, crossing his arms over his chest. Oh, damn, now I think I just creamed myself. “Want to tell me why you’re here, and I’m just finding out about it?”

  “Well, see, umm, Nora and I decided to go out for drinks. I kinda forgot to text you and, damn, I can’t stop staring at how good that shirt looks on you with your muscles bulging. I swear, we need to keep up with the sex to keep them in place because damn if you’re not making me horny right now. And don’t let me get started . . . ” A hand is placed over my mouth before I could continue.

  “Emerson, I suggest you stop,” Nora says, interrupting my rambling as she removes her hand.

  Glancing from Hades to my best friend, then back to my man, I find him smirking at me. Oh, shit, I spoke my thoughts while rambling.

  “Baby, you drunk?” he asks.

  “Maybe a tad.” I hold my hand up, pinching my fingers together.

  “More like she’s had quite a few shots and hasn’t eaten yet. Oh, and she’s a lightweight at that,” Nora speaks up for me.

  “Well, Nora, if you don’t mind, I’m gonna borrow my woman here to have a little word with her. She’ll be back in a few,” Hades says while lifting me up off my seat by my ass. I have no choice but to wrap my legs around his waist.

  “Fine by me. Just know, I’ll be stealing her away once a week for girls’ night,” Nora giggles.

  “Duly noted,” Hades growls as he makes his way outside.

  “I missed you today,” I murmur against his neck in between kissing it.

  “Missed you too, babe. Don’t think you’re getting out of punishment because you’re cute when drinking,” he says while moving us toward the back of the bar where no one can see the two of us.

  “I wouldn’t dream of it. I happen to love your punishments. Just as I love you,” I whisper, earning a growl out of him as he sets me down on my feet.

  “Pants down, then turn and put your hands on the brick,” he orders.

  Feeling bolder than I usually would in a predicament like this, I instead kneel in front of him. “I’d rather do this instead,” I say while pulling on the belt holding his jeans.

  I barely get them loose when he stops me. “Not right now. You’ll be doing that later,” he says firmly while lifting me up. “Now turn. I want your pants down and ass out and ready to take part of your punishment.”

  Well, okay, then. Doing as he orders, I place my hands against the rough brick with my ass pointed in his direction.

  “Damn, babe, this is a beautiful sight, and I think I’m gonna take a picture of it and save it on my phone,” he murmurs.

  “What? No!” I quickly turn around with my pants still around my knees and all but stumble into him.

  Thankfully, he catches me.

  “Put your hands back on the brick,” he demands.

  “But you’re gonna take a picture,” I grumble.

  “Yep, and it’s gonna be my wallpaper.” Smirking, he puts his phone back in his pocket. “I suggest you put your hands on the brick, baby, before I decide to change up your punishment,” he says, nodding his head toward the wall behind me.

  Without another word, my mind is trying to come up with ways to get his phone to delete the picture he took. I turn, placing my hands against the roughness of the brick, ready to see what he plans to do to me.

  “Good girl,” Hades murmurs as he steps directly behind me. “You know how pissed I was seeing you sitting at the bar looking as good as you do without knowing you’d be here?”

  “I told you I was sorry,” I stammer out as he runs a finger between my slit.

  “Sorry don’t cut it, Precious. Not when it comes to your safety,” he snaps as he sinks a finger deep in my pussy.

  “Swear, I won’t do it again,” I moan.

  “Damn right you won’t because you do, and I won’t let you come for a week,” he says, pulling his finger from me.

  A whimper falls from my lips. How does he get me so worked up without doing more than simply sinking a finger inside me a few times?

  Before I can say anything about needing more of him, Hades sinks to the hilt inside me. If he didn’t cover my mouth at the same time, I think everyone inside would’ve heard me scream out.

  “Keep quiet, baby. This is gonna be quick,” he growls between thrusts.

  Hades powers inside my pussy, bringing me closer to the brink of orgasm with each thrust.

  “Fuck, this pussy is like heaven. I’m ready to come already and you're gonna take it,” he groans as his thrusts become sporadic. I whimper in response, ready to come with him.

  “You want to come, baby?” he asks.

  Nodding in response since his hand is still covering my mouth, I push my ass into him. I’m so close.

  Hades groans as he stops all movements and I feel his dick twitching inside my pussy as he comes.

/>   “That, right there, is your punishment, Precious,” he says a moment later when he pulls out of me and pulls my jeans back into place.

  Well, damn, this punishment sucks.



  If looks could kill, I think Emerson would have put me in the ground. After coming back inside, I told her to enjoy herself and went back to sitting at the table with my uncle and sister.

  I’ve kept my eyes on her the entire time, wishing she’d come sit at our table.

  Which she did when her friend Nora dragged her over, pouting the whole time.

  I smile as I think about her punishment. Keeping her from coming was hard as hell to do. I love feeling her pussy clench my dick when she comes. But fuck if it ain’t gonna be worth it when I get her back to the clubhouse and fuck her again. She’ll be coming around my dick the entire time I plow into her.

  Shit, just the thought of it makes me want to throw her over my shoulder and go home, where I can devour her for hours.

  “So, Ally, how do you like our little town?” Nora’s question pulls me away from the thought of fucking my woman.

  Glancing at my sister, I can tell she’s uncomfortable with the question.

  “Ally hasn’t really had a chance to see the town,” Emerson speaks up, saving Ally from having to answer. Damn, I love this woman.

  “Oh, okay, well, anytime you’re ready to, let me know. I’m sure Emerson and I can show you around,” Nora says, giving my sister a smile.

  “Thank you. I might take you up on that. Though I start work on Monday, I don’t know where anything is around here and I do need to find some clothes. I’ve been borrowing from Lynsdey and I’ll have to get my own eventually,” Ally murmurs before taking a sip of the margarita Emerson suggested she try.

  Damn, I should have thought about that. Ally didn’t have anything but the clothes on her back when we escaped. I just figured one of the girls gave her some to wear.

  “Maybe we can all go this weekend after we recover from hangovers,” Nora suggests.


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