A Witch's Fury

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A Witch's Fury Page 7

by Kim Schubert

  Darren tried not to back away from the venom in her stare, but his jaw tightened as he watched her. “I do not need a babysitter.”

  Kass threw up her hands, the cookie spraying crumbs and her anger rapidly switching to tears. “This isn’t about you! This is about the fact that every female shifter has been throwing herself at you, even when I am present!” Her face fell as her voice broke. “Olivia can keep them off you better than I can, just please take her.”

  I wasn’t sure if it was the tears or the pleading that did it, but I watched Darren reach out and fold her into his arms, “Okay, okay,” he whispered.

  Hannah looked at me with a raised eyebrow, “Yeah, you keep them harlots off my Daddy.”

  I smiled, patting her head, “As you command.”

  “Who taught you that word?” Kass asked, coming in with Darren to the living room.

  “Olie,” Hannah stated proudly.

  I ducked my head, with a small grin.

  “I’ll deal with you later,” she informed me. “In the meantime, do what the kid says.”

  I smiled at them; I needed a good fight.


  We met Lorraine, Logan and Alec outside in the dusty parking lot of The Were. It was a local bar for shifters and shifters only, a place to indulge their primal instincts of fighting and fucking. Judging from the grunts and groans in the dark parking lot, not to mention the lust and desire seeping from the cracked wood, it was more the latter.

  We had driven separately to the seedy establishment so Logan could get the pain in the ass fiancée and his own security. I felt right at home. I hadn’t wanted details of their meeting, even though they were offered. I honestly couldn’t bring myself to care.

  As we headed toward the front door, a group of smokers loitering on the open porch, dressed in cut off tops, leather skirts, and tight jeans, watched our approach with clear interest. I surveyed the group, hoping for trouble.

  I inhaled deeply. This was just the release I needed.

  Lorraine stalked to the other side of Logan, her heels getting caught in the holes in the parking lot.

  “What a loathsome establishment,” she hissed at him.

  I rolled my eyes and shared a look with Darren. Every shifter here had just heard her. Well, perhaps not those inside the club, given the thumping music, but it was still an ignorant statement to make while engaged to the Alpha of the Shifter Nation. The music was far quieter than in a normal club, in deference to the shifters’ superb hearing, but even they enjoyed drowning their gifted senses in the pulsating beat.

  Darren blew out a breath. “This is an interesting choice of venue,” he muttered to Logan, fully knowing his voice would carry.

  Logan only shrugged, practically carrying Lorraine. “He’s difficult to deal with; giving him home field advantage will hopefully help smooth things over.” I smiled, happy Logan was setting a precedent that didn’t require me to behave.

  Darren huffed. I stayed out of it. I was not here tonight in my official capacity as right-hand arbitrator for Logan. I was only here to make sure no one grabbed, molested, or harassed Darren.

  Easy peasy.

  The bouncer at the front door gave me a long look when it was my turn to gain entrance. The tall, tattooed man inhaled deeply. “Not a shifter,” he growled.

  I slid up into his personal space. “Wanna take a guess?” I whispered sultrily.

  Tall and beefy’s head dipped over my body in appreciation before his eyes settled on my own, a wisp of a smile on his lips.

  “She’s with us,” Alec said, dragging me away from him.

  “Wait!” The bouncer called out, his brain cells firing again. “She needs to be searched.”

  I pulled out of Alec’s hand as Logan and Darren looked worriedly back at me. Turning, I held my hands out as the bouncer reached out to pat my arms. I let my power out, desire seeping into his hands. Raw, potent need flowed under his skin as his hands checked my hips.

  He inhaled a shaky breath, hands running over my spread thighs. He missed the knives in my boots, standing back up, breathing heavily. I turned with a smile back to my group.

  I was going to have fun tonight.

  The interior of the club was everything I had expected: low lighting for the shifters’ excellent eyesight, a deep bass pulsing through the strategically placed speakers, and the scent of wet, sweaty dog. I'd never admit that last observation unless I was looking for a fight.

  Actually, I might be.

  Logan and Darren were escorted to a round booth near the back, next to the bar. Alec and I stayed standing, surveying the scene as the other three settled with a new member of the group. My gut had me instantly disliking him and I wasn't sure if it was the slimy appearance of his hair or the grainy cast to his skin. I was certain that the cagey, drunk eyes roving over my body had more to do with it.

  I adjusted my stance, watching his hands closely. Shifters having a drink was not an uncommon event, but a drunk shifter was something else. That took talent, to overload their hyperactive metabolisms to achieve a state of inebriation.

  I tuned out the conversation at the table, choosing to focus on the bar instead. A long haired beauty with a deep tan, dark makeup, and an alluring smile moved quickly filling drink orders, her movements sure and practiced as she delivered alcohol to the waiting crowds. The darkly lit dance floor was loosely populated with couples wrapped delectably around each other, pelvises aligned and grinding with a single-minded need.

  I was jealous of their total abandonment of rational thought.

  Turning my attention back in front of me, I raised an eyebrow at Alec who was sipping a beer. “How did you get served so quickly?” I asked him softly.

  He smiled and flexed. I couldn't help but roll my eyes. I turned my attention to Lorraine, sandwiched between the larger men, looking miserable. That brought an honest grin to my face.

  A woman's sweaty body pressed again my own. “Darren!” she called out, trying to move me.

  I shoved back hard, moving her back a few steps.

  “What the fuck, bitch?” she hissed, apparently now just seeing me.

  Tilting my head, I took in her small shorts and leather bra, crossing my arms over my chest.

  “What do you want?” I asked.

  “You need to move, little girl, before I break you. Darren needs to speak with me,” she claimed, throwing her long hair back.

  “Why?” I asked, unimpressed.

  She scoffed, unable to come up with an intelligent answer. “Because I said so.”

  “Worshiping, pawing and/or fawning over Darren is officially closed. Find someone else,” I told her, turning my attention elsewhere as I dismissed her.

  Her chest heaved, hands clenched at her side. Alec was still watching her and I saw the exact moment he opened his mouth to warn me about her approach. Still sporting a small smile, I kept eye contact with him as I captured her arm. Her closed fist, swinging toward my jaw, twisted at an unnatural angle. The solid snap of her elbow breaking brought me joy.

  She cried out. Alec’s mouth hung open in disbelief as I used my body weight to drop her down to her knees. I didn’t release her arm, which would allow the bone to heal.

  “Are you done?” I asked softly.

  “Yes,” she whimpered, gasping for breath, tears leaking down her painted cheeks.

  I pushed her away from me, standing back to my full height. She used her feet to push back away from me, not daring to challenge me again with direct eye contact. If she had a tail it would have been tucked.

  A slow clap coming from the dance floor behind me had my attention as I readied for another attack. I was pleasantly surprised to see Bear, right at home with his thick tattooed arms and shaved head.

  “Olivia, I see you have introduced yourself,” he commented, standing close. I inhaled the smell of beer and the wild woods. I liked the heat from his body and the close proximity.

  I grunted a noncommittal response, scowling.

  He smil
ed. Seriously, when did I get less threatening?

  He leaned into my personal space, peering at me inquisitively. I asked, “What?”

  “I hear you’re a single lady now.”

  I raised an eyebrow at him, looking at him with new eyes. Bear was undoubtedly an attractive man, with his shaved head and tightly defined muscles. I chewed on my bottom lip thoughtfully, my gaze roving over hard-packed muscle. My attention did not go unnoticed. He smiled, leaning closer.

  “Oh, for—seriously? Keep it in your damn pants,” Lorraine spat, interrupting our moment.

  “I couldn’t have said it better myself,” Logan warned quietly.

  “Shut it.” I pointed at him.

  “The demon whore is free to whore once again.” Lorraine lifted her drink in salute.

  “At least I’m in demand.”

  “Enough,” Darren commanded.

  Shit, he was right. I was letting my temper and pain get the best of me. I was not presenting a very professional image for the shifters as one holding a place of honor next to Logan. I glared daggers at Lorraine, wishing I could reach out and shove the aforementioned daggers where the sun didn’t shine.

  My phone vibrating ceased our conversation. With a sigh I picked up.

  “Hi Grams.”

  “Olivia, we have a problem.”

  Biting down the groan I asked, “What kind of a problem?” So fucking help me if Tommy got himself kidnapped again.

  “I think it’s best if you see for yourself, I’m emailing the pictures over now. Oh, and do be sure to bring Jerry along. This has the particular stench of those wretched witches.”

  The click ending our conversation had me biting down on my words. Jerry. Uh, pretty sure I didn’t want to talk to him yet.

  I looked back to Logan and Darren, who were both staring at me.

  “Hurry the fuck up. I have business to attend to.”

  Tactful, that’s my middle name.


  I was back in front of Jerry’s house and Mark’s vehicle was still absent. I was hoping that he was just at work or busy and not still gone from the fight I had witnessed. I was fairly certain that was at least a day ago. I still hadn’t stopped to sleep. It seemed less important now that I was doing it alone.

  Grunting, I flung the car door open into the dark street. I marched heavily toward the door, prepared to drag him out of his house if necessary.

  He opened it before I got there. I stopped halfway through the front yard.

  We regarded each other for a moment.

  “Come in, Olie,” he spoke first, moving back to allow me entry.

  I grunted a reply as I moved across the threshold. I was unsure how exactly to handle this situation. I had expected screaming, possibly even additional name-calling.

  “Grams call you?” I asked, my arms folding stiffly in front of me.

  “Yeah,” he answered, packing a few items into his suitcase before sliding the zipper. Straightening, he looked at me with big brown eyes. I could tell he wanted to talk about it.

  “Let’s go,” I said.

  Jerry followed me silently to the SUV.

  “Put your bag in the backseat,” I ordered him.

  “What’s wrong with the trunk?” he asked with attitude, my tone clearly bothering him.

  “It’s full.”


  Buckling up, I waited until he got his ass in the car, but not for the door to shut before I pulled away from the curb.

  He grunted a response, nothing more. Okay, so I was still exceptionally pissed the fuck off about his comments.

  “I’m sorry.” Jerry tried.

  “Don’t be, Jerry. Never apologize for speaking the truth.”

  Chapter 8

  “Do you want one room or two?” I asked, shutting off the SUV in front of a clean, well-maintained hotel on the outskirts of Madison, Ohio. It was several steps up from my usual, but lower than when I had traveled with Blake, which I was not thinking about.

  “Whatever,” he groaned, blinking back sleep, which had been his primary contribution to the mission thus far.

  I got one room, for several reasons: one, I’m cheap; two, it would force us to talk and either work this out or drive a solid wedge between us; and three, I didn’t want to be alone.

  I’ll never admit the third.

  Jerry showered as I reviewed the photos on my laptop again. If I had thought the giant talking snakes had been strange, this was beyond my descriptive abilities.

  Smelling like fresh oranges, Jerry sat down next to me in flannel pajama pants and a white shirt.

  “Any guess on what it is?” he asked, sitting close to me.

  I sighed, pushing the laptop closer to him. “Yes, and I hope I’m wrong.”

  “Are we good?” Jerry asked, staring at the laptop and not at me.

  I shrugged. It was foolish thinking I could build a life outside of being an Executioner, and his words only reminded me of that.

  “Yep. I’m going to shower. Try and get some sleep, the detectives will want us there early tomorrow.”

  “You mean today?”

  I checked my watch with a grunt. “Yeah, today.”

  He nodded, watching surreptitiously as I walked away from him. I could feel my old walls rebuilding and I was grateful for them. They kept the pain and misery down where it belonged.


  Dawn found me awake, staring out the one window in our room and listening to Jerry snore.

  I missed Blake. I missed having the tender beginnings of a real life. I wanted more than running from state to state eliminating problems. I wanted—I wanted what I couldn’t fucking have. Dwelling on it wouldn’t do any damn good.

  I flipped open the three ring binder, looking for when the continental breakfast opened. I had a few hours until the promised waffles and donuts were available, so I opted for the gym to kill some time. Jerry could get a few more hours of sleep.

  I twisted my growing locks back into a loose bun, rolling my shoulders as I took the elevator down. Pushing open the glass door to the gym, I scowled at the guy on the treadmill. He was too busy chatting on his phone to notice me.

  I slouched over to the rowing machine, having more aggression to work out.


  Sweat-drenched and feeling mildly better, I headed back to the room. Hopefully Jerry would be up. If nothing else, I could shower and get breakfast.

  I stopped short at the door, hearing his muffled voice. Physically I felt his anguish and sweet relief.

  Huffing, I leaned against the wall, waiting, something I’ve never done well.

  Down the hall, a room door opened. Laughter spilled out, along with an adorable blond boy who scampered away from his chasing father’s teasing noises. Easily catching him, the equally blond father sprayed kisses against his son’s cheeks as the laughing turned to squealing. Closing the door behind them was a heavily pregnant mother, who casually draped an arm around her husband’s waist before also kissing her son.

  I watched with fucking tears in my eyes, jealous.

  Growling, I opened the door, not able to wait any longer.

  “Yeah, me too. I’ll call you soon,” Jerry finished up quickly before looking my way.

  I should have asked about Mark, but I didn’t, as I slammed myself into the bathroom to shower.

  Anger, rage, and self-loathing hit my shields with force. I showered and dressed quickly before emerging from the bathroom.

  Jerry was dressed professionally compared to my jeans and black shirt. His dress pants and white button down were immaculately pressed after being stowed for so long.

  “Magic iron?” I asked gruffly, breaking the silence between us.

  He smiled, and for at least a few moments the young, carefree Jerry I had first met was back. “I’ll never tell.”

  I felt the corner of my lip twitch in a smile in spite of myself.

  “So, you want to talk about anything?” he asked as we headed to the free breakfast before l

  “Don’t eat if you won’t be able to handle what is coming next. I’m not cleaning puke off my shoes.” I leaned back against the elevator wall.

  He looked at me sideways, exiting into the lobby.

  “I’m going to throw my bag into the car,” I added. He nodded at me before heading to breakfast.

  I wasn’t attached to the things in the bag, but I didn’t want to go shopping again.

  Finally presented with the chance to get some much needed fuel, I loaded my plate full of carbs and a few items of fruit.

  I sat down next to Jerry, whose own plate was far more respectable with bacon and a bagel.

  “Why don’t you eat meat, Olie?” he asked out of idle curiosity.

  I could brush it off, but I decided a topic change was exactly what my brain needed, less some key details about Selena.

  “When I was five I was given a pet puppy. I named her Beth. She slept with me, ran with me, ate what I ate, and I loved her. She was a bright spot in my otherwise pathetic existence.”

  I drained my orange juice before my next statement. “The people who raised me stopped feeding me until I killed and ate her. I held off for days but survival is a hard instinct to override.” At least it was then. If I had known what my future held, I might have just succumbed to starvation.

  Jerry swallowed his bacon with a disgusted look before pushing his plate away. “What kind of dog was she?”

  I shrugged. “I don’t know.”

  “What happened to the people who raised you?” His disgust was replaced by anger.

  “I killed them, all of them.” I had been sharing too much of my past with too many. Blake was a mistake I wouldn’t make again, on so many levels.

  Jerry nodded and I stood, throwing my trash away. “If you are going to throw up, do it here.”

  He shook his head, losing the carefree youth, as the hardened mage took his place. “I’m good.”

  “How’s Mark?” I asked as we exited into the early morning light.

  Dammit to hell I felt bad for walking in.

  His smile made me glad I had asked. “Good, really good.”

  I nodded. “You’d make an excellent parent,” I offered.


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