A Witch's Fury

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A Witch's Fury Page 13

by Kim Schubert

  Logan did look at me now. “I discovered Pinterest,” I admitted.

  “I like it.”

  “Did we decide on a venue?” I asked, snuggling in the seat, exhaustion finally taking its toll.

  Logan shifted. “She wanted to get married where Blake did, but now that it’s been done she wants something better, something different, something more.”

  I groaned. “That’s going to eat up the majority of the budget.”

  “I’m aware.”

  “Don’t you have a cabin somewhere remote? I thought I heard Darren talking about it.”

  “Yeah, actually we do.”

  “Would it hold everyone?”

  Logan silently debated, turning onto the interstate before shaking his head. “No, not the hundreds of people she wants to invite.”

  I nodded, shifting my body so my head rested on the console. I’ll never admit it, but I wanted to be closer to Logan. I wanted to be closer to his warmth and the illusion of safety.

  “Get some rest,” he commanded.

  Tentatively, he rested a hand on my shoulder. I laid my fingertips over his, biting back the tears. Damn shifter could probably scent all of my pathetic emotions.

  Chapter 14

  “Where do you want me to drop you off, Olie?”

  I groaned, blinking in the daylight that robbed me of my vision.

  “Ugh, manor I guess.”

  “Well, we’re here, then.”

  “Oh, thanks.”

  Logan waited a moment before continuing on, “I cleared our dance lessons with Rose at Kitten for the day after tomorrow. I hope you don’t mind.”

  I yawned, shifting my stiff shoulders. “Okay.”

  He nodded. “Are you going to be okay? It was the only opening they had.”

  I laughed, giving him a playful shove. “I’ll be fine, Logan.” It sounded like a lie to me, too, but he left me to my own delusions.


  The first thing I did, once I had slept like the dead and eaten my weight in grilled cheese, was to send over three books I thought would help Lorraine. I didn’t like her, but if she really was going to marry Logan, maybe a bit of information would help her.

  I was setting up at Kitten when they arrived.

  “Hello, and welcome to Olie’s personal dance class,” I joked.

  Logan laughed, heading to the bathroom to change out of his work clothing.

  Alone with Lorraine I asked, “Did you read the books I sent over?”

  “No,” she replied, checking her dark hair for split ends. “It was boring.” I was going to split her head open.

  That woman could shock me, constantly, which was why my mouth was once again hanging open, dumbfounded. “I don’t give a shit if they are boring, if you are going to marry into the supernatural community you have to understand each culture.” The bitch could sure try my patience.

  “I’m not interested in their culture. I’ll be their new Alpha. They should be interested in mine,” she observed, checking her nail polish.

  “Don’t you think that respect goes both ways?” I asked, grinding my jaw.

  She laughed. “I am going to be married to the most powerful shifter in the US. People already bend over backwards to be certain I am well taken care of. That trend will only be magnified once we are married,” she finished regally.

  “If you are going to be a good mate, you need to support your husband, not make his life harder,” I ground out, losing my patience. “If he loses his title, it could come at the price of his life.”

  She shrugged. “That’s his problem.”

  “So just to clarify,” I expelled, my patience totally fried, “you will marry Logan for his title and power and then do nothing to help him with those burdens?”

  “Yep,” she said, stretching in her black pushup sports bra and matching shorts, “that about sums it up.”

  That sounded like a terrible deal. I wondered if Logan knew her master plan. Not my circus, not my monkeys, I reminded myself.

  Logan came out, stalking across the dance floor. He had probably heard all of that. Blowing out a breath, I went to start the music, irritation steaming out of both our bodies.

  Turning on the sweeping ballroom music, I sighed, lowering my shoulders and cracking my neck.

  Forcing a smile on my lips, I turned to find Logan only a few feet behind me. I blinked rapidly, looking for Lorraine.

  “She went to finish her reading,” he growled out.

  “Logan, if she doesn’t want to, she doesn’t want to,” I informed him, moving into his waiting dance stance.

  His hand rested comfortably against my hip. “I don’t actually care what she wants,” he declared, beginning to move without my direction.

  Raising an eyebrow at him I asked, “You think you are good enough to lead?”

  “Yep, you move easier.”

  “Move easier?”

  He twirled me out and back, pulling me closer. “You aren’t stiff.”

  I sighed, allowing him to lead and finding myself surprised at how much he actually knew. “I guess Lorraine needs some one on one lessons.”

  “Good luck with that.” He looked down at me, his eyes resting on my lips. I was suddenly having flashbacks to pinning him against the dirty strip club wall.

  I shrugged. “I just need to find the proper motivation.” Looking up at him, my own eyes dipped to his lips. A moment passed after the song ended. “It doesn’t appear that you need any lessons,” I breathed, well aware of his warm hands still on me.

  “No, it doesn’t,” he replied, just as softly. I broke the spell by moving away hurriedly to stop the music. I told myself I was not running away. His low chuckle disagreed.


  Three days and a never-ending earful from Grams about the mess I had made in Madison later, I was sprawled on Tommy’s floor, trying a first person shooter game. I was marginally better at it than the racing games, but not much.

  “You kill people for a living, how are you this bad?” Tommy asked me, his fingers nimbly controlling his half of the screen.

  “No idea,” I groaned, setting the controller down.

  Grams knocked lightly. “You have a minute?” Her eyes flashed to Tommy.

  “I’m not a kid!” he yelled at my retreating back.

  I followed Grams to her office. Not the time to fight that particular fight with him.

  “Teenagers,“ Grams huffed, sitting behind her desk. Her computer monitor had been upgraded, I noticed.

  “You aren’t going to like this,” she deadpanned.

  “I gathered. Good news is I’m healed.”

  She nodded once. “Angelina’s Master is requesting to meet the succubus that killed his son.”

  “Fucking hell, that doesn’t bode well.”

  She shrugged in agreement. “Do you want to take backup?”

  “Where is it?”

  “The Centennial House.”

  I rubbed the back of my neck. “No, I can’t take any. They’d view it as a sign of weakness and I’d need a damn army at their House.”

  “If you don’t come back, I’m grounding Tommy.”

  “Fair enough.”

  “I heard that!” Tommy yelled from behind the door that we had neglected to close.


  The Centennial House was immaculate. Armed guards escorted me to a formal meeting room with a heavy wood table. I certainly wasn’t the last to arrive, but they made me wait, a stupid power play.

  Good thing I now had Pinterest.

  A half hour later, both double doors were thrown wide by a short vampire. He moved quickly to the side and a tall, olive skinned man glided in behind him.


  I nodded, not actually knowing his name.

  “Zachariah,” he introduced himself.

  I nodded again, watching his progress. He sat across from me while the short man took up a post behind his right shoulder.

  “You have quite the business here,” he began.

  I didn’t say a word. It’s always best to assume Master Vampires are trying to either fuck you or kill you. It’s been a fair assessment in my life.

  “No small talk?” he tried, smiling. The gesture didn’t fit on his handsome face, nor did it reach his black eyes.

  “Just say it,” I offered softly.

  The pretense drained from him, leaving an impressively scary vampire. If I hadn’t had my Fae memories dredged up recently, I might have felt a glimmer of fear. As it was I was just tired.

  “You have taken from me and you will pay.”

  I smiled. “I know.” Probably not my best idea pissing off another Master Vampire, but I did.

  He slammed his hands against the table, standing. “I trust you can see yourself out.”

  He didn’t wait for my answer.

  I groaned, leaned back, steepled my fingers and wondered, chances on leaving alive? I was a betting woman.

  I wasn’t expecting Angelina to walk through the doors, still open from Zachariah’s hasty retreat.

  “May I talk to you in private?” Angelina asked, closing the door behind her. Her jet black hair was shaped into an elegant knot.

  “Fine,” I grunted, anger infusing my previously tired body.

  I hated the bitch. I was perfectly able to admit it was because she had what I wanted. But was it really her fault? I mean certainly, the timing of it was terrible, and I had killed her nest mate Gregory when he tried to beat Blake into marrying her, but wasn’t the truth of the matter that she was just better than me?

  Self-hatred is a beast willing to believe any lie.

  I sighed, “Cut to the chase.”

  “Since I am Blake’s mate,” she said, placing heavy emphasis on mate, “I feel it is time to call in his favor.” Her eyes danced with dark glee and I was certain we had that psychotic look in common.

  “Favor?” I asked, racking my brain.

  Angelina’s gaze never left my own. “From the incident at Flame, with Lorraine and Wanda.”

  “To think, I had almost forgotten about that,” I muttered. “Good thing you vamps have such exceptional memories.” As vampires had proven previously, they were expert political tricksters and she was right, she could call in my favor. Bitch.

  “You are to retrieve Blake’s niece from a rogue band of vampires calling themselves the Liberators,” Angelina said. “They are the ones who are attacking us and your manor.”

  “Done. Where are they?” I asked. I probably agreed to that too easily, but I wanted Patricia Bellarosa.

  “It’s more complicated than that, Olie. This niece, Brooke, willingly aligned herself with them. I want a guarantee they will not come after her or us,” she dictated.

  “You want me to eliminate the entire House?”

  She shrugged, blanking her face out impressively. “Whatever you think will be best to adhere to my guarantee.”

  Bitch was clever. I wanted Patricia and I could go after her rightly, but her entire House? Probably not. If I did this, we would forever have this secret between us. I could see it coming back to haunt me. But dead men tell no tales.

  “Now if you will excuse me,” I forced out, “I have things to do.”

  “Wait,” she called to my back.

  I paused but didn’t turn, trying to hide my wince at the sound of, “Aren’t you going to offer your congratulations?”

  Closing my eyes for a painful moment, I bowed my head, not looking back as I left. Politics be damned, I wasn’t playing that bitch’s game.

  Mal found me on the stairs and raced up next to me. “You don’t want to see Blake?” she asked.

  “Nope,” I answered, pushing out into the afternoon sun.

  “Olivia, he needs you,” she said, frustrated.

  I laughed. “Nope,” I said, and made my way to my car.

  “Olivia!” She spun me around, casting a glance around at the other cars. “They are falling apart,” she whispered. “I don’t know all the details, but whatever is eating at them is spreading to the whole House.”

  Cold seeped into my heart, numbing my emotions and shutting down my give-a-shit center. “Then transfer Houses, Mal, it’s not your job to clean up after them.” I turned back toward the SUV.

  I knew transferring Houses was a terrible idea. Tate, while currently not able to handle his shit, was a fair and just leader and since vampires were powerless to disobey their Masters, a transfer would leave Mal vulnerable. I was an asshole.

  I turned to Mal. “I’m sorry Mal, but I can’t help them. They’ve chosen their side.”

  “They chose wrong,” she whispered, lines being drawn between us, our friendship being overridden by vampire politics.

  I shook my head. “It’s been a pleasure, Mal.”

  I turned and left with that, neither of us speaking the obvious. I wasn’t welcome anymore and I didn’t care.

  Chapter 15

  Annoyed with myself and the whole fucking situation, I went to blow off steam at Sonny’s Gym.

  I liked it there. No one bothered me, no one asked if I needed help, and Sonny let me work out after hours, when he conducted his more dangerous business.

  It was one of those nights. He was waiting on a client when he found me doing pull ups on the raw pipe until my palms bled.

  He blew out cigar smoke with a long exhale as I threw my knees over the bar, moving into crunches. Still he watched me.

  Finally, I flipped to the ground, gulping down water and air.

  “You do realize working out this hard won't be creating muscle as fast as you’re destroying it?” he asked.

  I shrugged. “I trained this way the first fifteen years of my life.”

  “Where was that at?” he questioned.

  “Hell,” I answered, pulling myself back up for more.

  Sonny shook his head, pointing his cigar at me. “You are self-punishing. You did something and think beating the shit out of your body will make you feel better.”

  I dropped back down, smiling at Sonny. “It's not what I did. It's just who I am that isn't good enough,” I clarified for him.

  The door opened and he shut his mouth, turning to meet with his client.

  I went back to assaulting my body.

  I wasn't paying attention to the crowd up front. Their energy was hostile and borderline beast, which was what Sonny specialized in. He had the unique ability to help those close to the edge come back. Unfortunately, that also meant he knew instantly if said shifter was too far gone, and no one ever wanted that news.

  “Olivia, can you come here please?” Sonny politely called out to me. Huh, that got my curiosity piqued. I weaved between the bags, my body close to shutting down from exhaustion, to see who was out there.

  “Bear?” I questioned. His eyes were darkly colored with the power of his shifter. I wasn’t sure if it was his shifter or him that was trying to launch himself from his captor’s hands at me.

  “He needs a sparring partner, Olivia,” Sonny stated, chewing on his cigar, all business. He stared worriedly at the large shifter.

  “Done,” I answered easily. I needed to see if I was strong enough to go after a House of vampires.

  “Put him in the ring. The magic will help him,” Sonny instructed.

  “How did he get this way?” I asked, sliding into the ring with Bear.

  “Someone drugged him,” grunted the man helping to push him into the ring.

  “With what?” I asked, not having seen this before.

  “Shit if we know,” the man said, rubbing his face wearily as he released Bear.

  Bear lumbered forward, taking a few uncertain steps before his gaze locked onto me.

  “Come on sweetheart,” I taunted.

  Bear’s muscles rippled under his skin, talons sprouting from his fingers. I huffed. I really wanted talons. It would completely eliminate my need to keep daggers and knives hidden on my person.

  He came at me fast, throwing sloppy punches, which was very unlike Bear. The man could ha
ndle himself expertly. I wondered what else the drug was doing to his body.

  “Sonny, call Jerry,” I said, easily dodging the right hook to my chin and landing a solid kick to his midsection.

  I was rewarded with an “oof,” a shake of his head, and a slight staggering. He held himself upright on the ropes, his breathing labored.

  “Bear, can you hear me?” I asked, moving out of my fighting crouch to take a tentative step closer.

  He growled, shaking his hairless head again before lowering it and rushing me. Easily, I skirted to the side, watching him tangle in the ropes.

  “Jerry is fifteen minutes out,” Sonny declared, hanging over the ropes, cigar hanging out of his mouth as he watched us closely.

  Bear untangled himself, heaving up with a growl, his body wanting to shift but the magic in the ring keeping him in check.

  “Where were you guys tonight?” I asked, moving under Bear’s rapid-fire punches.

  “Halfling,” Bear’s friend offered.

  “The new human and supernatural mixer club?”

  “We had a few complaints about witches screwing with the humans and were checking it out,” his friend admitted.

  “Why where you checking it out, don’t they have their own security?”

  I turned to look down at Bear’s friend, who shrugged under his leather jacket, a red blush growing from his neck.

  “I don’t believe it’s Caleb’s place to divulge such information,” Sonny stated. “Look out,” he nonchalantly warned me. The air in my lungs vacated, my face bouncing against the mat, Bear’s weight crushing me.

  “Ouch.” Reaching back, I made contact with the skin on his shoulder, letting meekness sink into our connection and into him. He wasn’t having any of it. Pressing his face into my neck, he inhaled deeply and I felt his growing excitement.

  So pushing wasn’t going to work; pulling was my next trick. Steeling my nerves, I let my hand relax against his shoulder as I began pulling in the raging emotions under his skin. I pulled back with a yelp; what was happening under his skin was far beyond my abilities to soothe.

  “Um, you might want to consider clearing the gym,” I muttered, head-butting Bear before I flipped myself up.


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