Black Mercy (San Francisco Rock Romance Book 1)

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Black Mercy (San Francisco Rock Romance Book 1) Page 11

by Stacy McWilliams

  “Amber,” his voice lowered and he sounded breathless, “I really like it when you call me sir.” I didn’t know what to say in answer to that, but I could feel the desire I had for him burn to the surface. “Do you like to call me sir?” He asked. I could hear the desire in his voice too as he spoke to me. What do I say? If I said yes and he didn’t mean it, I would lose my job. But if I said no, I’d be denying the fact that I was ridiculously attracted to him.

  Lucca stirred in his chair and started to cry. I breathed a sigh of relief. “I have to go. Lucca’s crying. I’ll see you when you get home.”

  “Yeah, you will.” His voice held a dark promise for later. I had to swallow against the desire that threatened to overwhelm me.

  I scooped Lucca up and snatched the controller from the table, pressing buttons until I figured out how to turn on the TV. I worked it out after ten minutes. Lucca snuggled into me, falling asleep in my arms.

  I scanned the channels and finally settled on a vampire show to watch, one about two brothers and a girl. I couldn’t remember what it was called, but the guys were hot and the show soon grabbed my attention. Sitting with Lucca in my arms, I scrolled through my cell and saw a text message. It was from an unknown number. My palms started to sweat as I read the message.

  Hanging up on me was a mistake. Now when I get you, you’re going to regret your treatment of me more than ever. Bitch, I’m gonna make you pay.

  My heart thundered in my chest and I closed the message down, watching TV as memories of the day washed over me. I couldn’t get that message out of my head. My cell beeped again, alerting me to another text message. I shook a little as my hand went to open it.

  Hey pretty lady. What ya doing right now?

  My chest tightened and I began shivering as I tried to think of a response to the message. I clicked back and saw that there was a number attached to the message that had just arrived. I was about to call it when my alert went again. I sighed in relief as I took in the message.

  It’s Mase btw.

  I smiled at the message and began typing my response as my cell beeped again. I was too busy texting Mason so I didn’t immediately respond to the message.

  I’m sitting on an extremely comfortable sofa with a tiny baby huggled on me, watching a show about vampires. Are you okay?

  I waited nervously for him to text back and checked the time on my cell. It was twenty after eight. Lucca was due a bottle in a half hour or so. The TV caught my attention again. I watched as the vampires raced to save the girl from another vampire, or werewolf, or something.

  I glanced down again and saw another message had arrived in the few minutes I’d been watching TV. The message simply said:

  Show me.

  I immediately text back, wondering what the hell was going through his mind as he demanded I show him. What did he want me to show him?

  Show you what? Sorry, I don’t understand.

  His reply was almost instantaneous.

  Show me Lucca curled up on you. I need to know he’s alright.

  I snapped a photo of Lucca, trying to keep myself out of it as much as possible. I tilted my neck back as I captured the image of Lucca fast asleep on my chest. As I sent the picture another message came through. I clicked on it without thinking.

  Where are you Amber? I know you’re not at your skanky friend’s house or her sisters. So where the fuck are you?

  The next message read:

  I know you’ve seen these messages bitch. When I find you, and believe me I will, I’m gonna make you pay for ignoring me.

  I quickly clicked away and noticed that my message icon was lit up with a reply from Mason. I clicked on it, trying to ignore the dread settling in my stomach as I replayed the call and the messages from the unknown caller.

  Lucky baby. Is Sophia okay? Can you send me a photo of her please?

  I laughed as I walked up the stairs, heading towards the nursery, I heard a noise behind me. I spun around but no one was there. I glanced about saw I had knocked one of Sophia’s balls. I opened the door and moved across the pale cream coloured room to Sophia’s cot. She was fast asleep. I placed Lucca in beside her and snapped a quick photo for Mason. I clicked send and picked up Lucca, taking him downstairs for his bottle. Just as I got outside the room, Mason text me back.

  Thank you, Amber. I’ll be home in around an hour so I’ll see you then.

  My reply was short and to the point.

  Ok. See you soon.

  After giving Lucca his bottle and settling him for the night, I went into my room. I took a baby monitor with me. There were a few of them, one on Lucca’s side of the room and one on Sophia’s. There was another beside the nursing chair. I took the one from the family room and plugged it into the outlet in my room. I settled down at the window seat to read about a flighty girl and her hotel owner fling. As I sat reading, I heard noises from downstairs and decided to go check it out. Mason was standing at the top of the stairs as I left my room. He smiled at me as I passed him.

  I wanted to turn around and head back into my room, but I returned his smile and kept going. I decided to go get a coffee from the kitchen.

  “Hey Mason, would you like a coffee?” My voice was low and soft and my body tingled as my arm ran along his abdomen as I passed him.

  “No, Amber. I’m beat.” His voice was hoarse and sorrow flooded through me.

  “Okay. No probs.” I said as I reached the stairs. I nodded back at him before descending. I made my way slowly towards the kitchen, but just as I reached the doors Helena stormed towards me. She grabbed me by the arms and dragged me into the kitchen.

  She looked livid. She stared at me and I shrugged her off, rubbing at my arms where she’d held them. “What the hell is your problem?” I asked, glaring at her. She moved towards me, slapping me hard across the face. “That was a free one. Hit me again and I’ll hit you fucking back.”

  We stood at a standoff for a moment. My chest heaved. I clenched and unclenched my fists as I fought to stop myself from hitting her. Helena spoke again, her vicious words hurting me more than the hit she’d just given me.

  “Amber,” she sneered. “Cut off now, are we? How does it feel to be working for the rich? I bet you hate it. But I’m warning you, if you think my brother is gonna sleep with your skanky ass then you are very mistaken.”

  My whole body shook with the effort of not hitting her. I spat my words at her, my voice rising in my fury. ”Leave me the fuck alone, Helena. I fucking mean it. You come near me again and I’ll lay your ass out.”

  I was about to say something else, but she beat me too it.

  “He’d never sleep with a dirty slut like you…” She was about to continue, but Mason appeared at the door.

  “ENOUGH!” Mason’s voice thundered as he came in through the door. “Helena, I told you to leave it. Now fucking leave it. Go upstairs now.” I wondered what he’d told her to leave? I spun towards him as she smirked at me and strode by him.

  Mason moved towards me, but he didn’t look happy. In fact he looked livid. “Don’t you dare threaten my sister. You are my employee and nothing more. If you so much as look at her the wrong way again, you’re out.” I turned towards him, my face bright red as I fought to control my emotions. I would be damned if I cried in front of him. He wouldn’t break me. I wouldn’t fucking let him. I straightened my back and glared at him. His eyes widened as he took in my bright red cheek, complete with scratches, courtesy of his sister.

  “Don’t worry. If your sister lifts another hand to me, I’ll be fucking gone anyway.” I stormed away towards the door and his hand shot out, grabbing my arm. Gooseflesh rose on my arms and I shivered, but refused to look at him. I stared at the door, counting backwards in my head to keep my tears from falling. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know she hit you. I’ll have a word with her.”

  A tear leaked from my eye and he wiped it away. I turned towards him and saw desire and something else burning in his eyes, but I just nodded and shrugged out of
his hold. As I made my way out the door I thought I heard him mutter, “fuck,” under his breath, but I couldn’t be sure. I made my way upstairs and caught Helena on the landing. She moved towards me again but I walked around her, too tired for her shit.

  “STAY AWAY FROM MY BROTHER,” she hissed in my ear as I moved away from her. I glanced at her quizzically. “You shouldn’t have text him tonight. It was completely inappropriate and he’s not happy about it. He doesn’t want you. A trollop like you is only after one thing and that’s money. When they’ve sucked the guy dry, they move onto their next target. Isn’t that what happened with the ex Henry? When he didn’t have any more money for you? You dumped his ass and looked for someone else.”

  I spun back towards her and laughed in her face. “Is that what he said? That I was after his money?” I laughed again. “Do me a favour love and Google Amber Davis. I’m the mayor’s daughter and my family own half the businesses in this state, but don’t take my word for it.” I spun around and went into my room. I wanted to slam the door, but I knew there were two sleeping babies in the next room. I closed it softly and went into the bathroom for another shower.

  After twenty minutes, I braided my hair and stepped out of the bathroom. I jumped a mile as I saw Mason sat in the window seat. “Sorry,” he whispered. “I just wanted to say sorry about my sister. I really didn’t know she’d hit you.” He moved across the room towards me and stopped a foot from me. His eyes widened as he took in the fact I was only wearing a towel. My clean nightwear was on the bed, but I’d forgotten to take it into the bathroom. A water drop rolled from my neck and down my chest. Mason watched it go, before turning and storming from the room. As the door closed I released the breath I didn’t know I was holding and made my way over to the bed.

  I pulled on my shorts and tank. I let myself fall on top of the covers as there was another knock at my door. I muffled a scream against the bedding, before turning my head to let my voice be heard. “Come in,” I called out, pushing up off of the bed. I turned to see Mason standing open mouthed on the threshold of my room.


  Sitting in the hospital as I waited to be discharged was the longest wait I’d ever gone through. I wasn’t a patient person, but I could usually tolerate some annoyance. As mom, Helena and Pops arrived, so did Lewis and Archie.

  Lewis spoke to me as soon as he entered the cubicle I was in. “The press know you’re here man, so we need to get you out of here as quickly as we can.”

  I nodded to him, and my mom glared at me. “Mason, your health is more important and the doctor said you’d need to be here for at least four hours to make sure you don’t exhibit any signs of a concussion.” Damn it, she was right. The doc did say that, but why he’d had to say it in front of my mother was beyond me.

  Archie and Lewis both nodded and left the room. I was sure they’d be trying to break me out of here, but I was more chilled than I would have been, thanks to the morphine they’d given me when stitching me up. I was still kind of buzzed. Lewis and Archie walked back in scowling. I knew my break out wasn’t going to plan. After a few minutes a harassed looking nurse came in and glanced around the room. “Two to a bedside,” she scolded. Then her eyes took in Lewis as he stepped forwards, before they came to rest on me. Her face heated.

  “Surely,” Lewis spoke seductively, as he moved towards her, “an exception can be made when the subject is a rock star?” I narrowed my eyes at him as he spoke to her. He ran his hand up and down her arm and I saw her melt a little.

  “Sure, but he’s being moved to a more private setting. The press are outside and so are the other two band members who are speaking to them just now. So for the moment, two to a bed until Mr Michaels is in a room.”

  “I’m not being kept in, am I?” I asked petulantly. Lewis, Pops and Helena walked out.

  The nurse was busy putting the blood pressure thingy on my arm and the monitor on my finger. She pressed a thermometer into my ear and held my right arm for a moment before she smiled up at me. “No sir, I don’t think you are being kept in, but it’s up to the doctors. Everything looks good and within normal limits, but we need to keep an eye on you for a few more hours. Okay?”

  I smiled and nodded at her, thinking how hot she was. Maybe I could get her number? She turned and left before I could ask. I groaned in frustration and banged my head against the bed. A second later two burly porters came by and wheeled me out in my bed, to another department just along the corridor. I didn’t look at the name, didn’t want to, but the room was nice.

  My mom left me to get my Pops and Helena. And to call my father. He hadn’t even bothered to come down, even though it was all over the news that I’d gotten shot. I’d really won in the parent category. My mom would do whatever my dad said. At the moment my dad had decided I was the Devil’s spawn. It hurt me that he didn’t appreciate anything I had achieved in my seven years on the scene.

  After a few minutes another nurse interrupted my dark thoughts. She was a larger lady and she hooked me up to a monitor, whistling as she did so. After she was finished she turned to me. “If you feel breathless, or lightheaded, cold or dizzy, press this buzzer and one of us will be in to check on you.” She turned and walked out of the door. I stared after her. So much for friendly. She was as nice as a wet fish.

  My mom had left and everyone else was outside. I decided, in my infinite wisdom, to call Amber. I just wanted to hear her voice, but mom had come back and taken over the call. I was glad because I’d very nearly told her how hot she was and how much I wanted to fuck her. I looked around for my cell and snatched it up off the table, deciding on a whim to text Amber and see what she was up to.

  Hey pretty lady, what ya doing right now? I waited a few minutes then I remembered she probably didn’t know who I was so I text her again. It’s Mase btw.

  As I waited for her answer, I knew I was getting in too deep with this girl, but I couldn’t stop myself replying when she text me back. As she sent me pictures of my babies, I realised she’d do anything I asked of her. I wondered if that would extend to the bedroom as well? Our conversation went on for almost an hour and everyone else in the room noticed the lift in my mood.

  As I came down from the high of the morphine, I wasn’t sure if I was pleased by how readily Amber had done what I’d asked. What if I was someone else and she’d sent them pictures of my babies? I needed to have a word with her about her behaviour. It wasn’t appropriate to send pictures of my kids to anyone. If my cell was lost or stolen those images would be out there for the world to see.

  Helena picked up on my shifting mood. When my mom and the boys left, she asked me what was wrong. “Mase, what’s wrong? Half an hour ago you were all smiles and now you look like you wanna rip someone’s head off.” She put her hand on my arm and I glanced up at the face of my sister. I loved her and I’d trust her with my life, but she already hated Amber. Giving her more fuel didn’t seem wise.

  I did need to talk to someone and she was the only person there, so I decided to go with it. I needed to know if I was over reacting so I told her about our text conversation, showing her the messages I’d received. Her face pinched as she got to the messages with the kids and she glanced up at me, fury dancing across her features.

  “Mase, this is not appropriate. She shouldn’t be sending pictures of the kids to you. You could be anyone. What if your cell was stolen, or someone cloned it or something? These photos would be out there and you wouldn’t be able to do a damn thing.” She spat the words at me and I shivered. Maybe telling Hels hadn’t been the best idea, but at least I knew she thought the same as me.

  “Relax, Hels. I’ll speak to her tomorrow. Don’t say anything to her. I know it was innocent and she probably didn’t think. Plus it’s as much my fault as hers because I asked for them. I’ll talk to her about it tomorrow.” Guilt writhed in the pit of my stomach. Amber had worked for me for all of five minutes and I was already having to give her a warning because of something I caused. It made me n
ervous as hell. I didn’t do nervous.

  Helena shoved back from her chair and glared at me. “Fine. You better, because if you don’t say something to her, Mason, I fucking will.”

  My mom and Harris came back in a second later. I couldn’t help but glance out in the corridor to see if my dad was coming in. He was working, mom told me that, but he knew I’d been shot. My face dropped a little when I realised that he really didn’t care. My mom clasped my shoulder, tears filling her eyes at the look on my face.

  I glanced at Harris as the nurse walked in the door. “Well Mr Michaels, you are free to go. I’ve been authorised to give you some antibiotics and pain medication to take with you. I’ll have your release paperwork ready for you in moment. With the pain medication, because they are opioid based, you can’t mix them with alcohol. If you feel breathless, dizzy or have any difficulty breathing, you must return to the ER at once.” She glanced around the room and smiled at everyone, before turning her eyes back to me. “The antibiotics are to reduce the risk of infection, because you have an open wound on your body. You were very lucky and your wound only needed stitches, which is unusual. Keep the stitches dry, rest as much as possible, don’t over expand your chest muscles for four to six weeks and don’t push yourself. You need time to recover. Do you have any questions for me?”

  I shook my head at her, desperate to get home, check on my babies and get to my bed. But as she turned to walk away from me a question occurred to me. “Wait. Can I still have sex?” She turned, blushing and shook her head at me. “That would come under over exerting yourself.” Harris burst out laughing, Quinn smirked at me and my mom blushed a deeper shade of red than I’d ever seen. “Oh fuck off.” I muttered. “I need to live like a nun. How fucking long?”

  “At least four weeks, I’m afraid.” She smiled and I nodded at her, feeling my blood boil. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d gone four days without sex and she wanted me to go four weeks? Well she could fuck off on that one. There was no way I was abstaining from sex for four weeks. Another thought hit me and I groaned. I wouldn’t be able to play my guitar. How were we meant to finish our album if I couldn’t play?


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