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Black Mercy (San Francisco Rock Romance Book 1)

Page 22

by Stacy McWilliams

  “Come have a threesome with me. God please, Amber, you’d be so fucking hot getting licked out by another girl as you sucked on my cock.”

  I couldn’t believe what I was hearing, my palm itched to slap him and my body vibrated between heat and fury. Fury won out. “Mason, do you want me?” He nodded, clearly not understanding what I was asking. “You want me?” He nodded again, glancing down at his cock. “Then why the fuck is she in the bed you fucked me in earlier?”

  My palm raised and I slapped him hard across the face. I pushed the door shut on his stunned face, before climbing into bed. After a few seconds I heard them. He had sex with her while I was in the next room. It was over. There was no way I’d ever go there again. He was a complete dick. I took the pillow and blanket into the bathroom and put them in the tub. I gathered the comforter and locked the bathroom door, before climbing into the tub and turning on the mood lighting.

  After twenty minutes I fell asleep. I slept through the bimbo screaming in the next room and Mason knocking gently on my door an hour after that.

  I woke up the next morning to knocking on the door of the room I’d slept in. I struggled to get up and pull my pants and top back on. The knocking got louder.

  I hurried to the door and threw it open. Lexa was standing there. “Come on Ambs. The boys left. Well apart from Mason. Harris’s mom is meeting you at the airport with the kids and then you’re off to DC with the boys for three days.” I nodded at her and walked into the bathroom to get my shoes. “Amber?” She asked. “Do you know that the bed is for sleeping in right? Why’d you sleep in the bathtub?”

  I smiled at her from the bathroom and walked into the bedroom. Mason was standing at the door, staring at me as I walked out. “It was quieter,” I muttered as I gathered my purse from the bedside table. Mason spun and walked away. I turned back to her. “Lexa, let’s go.” I moved towards her, pulling on her arm as she stared out through the door with narrowed eyes.

  “Amber, did he fuck that slut?” She began walking towards the door.

  I grabbed her arm and turned her towards me. “Lex. Let it go. It’s fine. He can fuck whoever he wants. I’m only his employee, remember?” Her eyes narrowed at me and I shuddered. “It’s fine. He’s nothing to me. Just a huge male slut. Now can we go?”

  I stormed away from her and moved past without looking at him. “Amber, please,” he whispered, touching my arm. My whole body recoiled and I shrugged out of his touch. I walked away, ignoring him. I heard a loud noise and I spun around.

  Lexa stormed by him, hissing over her shoulder, “you stay the fuck away from her. You will not touch her again or I will fucking end you.”

  “Lexa,” I raised my voice at her and she brushed by me.

  I made a mistake and glanced up, meeting Mason’s eyes. He looked completely lost and his eyes were full of moisture. He shook his head at me, mouthing, “I’m so sorry.”

  My heart splintered in my chest and I closed the door on him, not showing him how hurt I was or how much agony I was in. I couldn’t believe he’d done that to me. I wanted nothing to do with him.

  For the next three days Harris became my personal body guard, keeping me as far away from Mason as possible and helping me out with the kids. Mason stared into space most of the time, not talking to anyone.

  On the third day, they were to do a set for some lucky fans with some of their classics, Hiding Pain, Missing the One, Heartbreak Friend, Sex with Someone and some new ones. They were amazing live. Mason played the acoustic guitar, Quinn the electric, Harris the bass and Lewis the drums. The lighting was perfect and the audience were one hundred lucky fans, picked by a radio show. The show went exceptionally well. Mason had been on top form, but something was still not quite right. But he’d gotten right into it, until the question and answer section.

  One fan asked Mason if he’d ever been in love. He took a sip from his drink, before glancing at me, hidden in the green room with Lexa.

  “Yeah,” he answered with a break in his voice, “I’ve been in love. But I messed up. The girl wound up hating me and I don’t think she’ll ever forgive me for what I did.” The audience oohed and ahhed. My chest ached. Seeing him up there so raw and vulnerable tugged at something in me.

  “It can’t be that bad. I’m sure if she loves you, then she’ll forgive you. If she doesn’t there are plenty of girls who’d sell a body part to make you happy.” The audience laughed and Mason smiled, but it didn’t quite reach his eyes.

  “It was that bad. I don’t know if I can ever make it up to her. She won’t talk to me. I was wondering if I could change things up here?” The audience all screamed. The organiser brought out an acoustic guitar and set a mike stand in front of Mason. My heart pounded. I wondered what he was going to do?

  You walked into my heart,

  And lit my soul of fire,

  Igniting my desires,

  Holding to ransom

  And everything’s about you,

  You are the best of me,

  You heal, you hold me,

  You trust with your soul,

  And I never meant to hurt you,

  But baby I am sorry,

  I’ll make it up to you,

  If only you will let me,

  Please let me in,

  I was a fool to let you go,

  And I wanna let you know,

  That I love you,

  And baby I am sorry

  I’ll make it up to you

  If only you will let me,

  I know I hurt you bad,

  I can’t blame you for being mad,

  But Baby I’m your man,

  And I promise to hold your hand,

  Just let me in again.

  The song went on, but I couldn’t hear it over the ringing in my ears. I couldn’t see Mason because of the tears running down my face. Lexa held my hand and we left a few minutes before the boys. Archie appeared and he handed me a bouquet of tulips. Inside was a small note,


  I know how much you hate me right now. I know you can’t bear to look at me. But please baby, let me explain. Please just talk to me. I miss you. Mase

  I didn’t know what I wanted to do, but I needed to get out of the studio. Lexa walked out, looking every bit the rock stars girlfriend in her designer jeans, Louboutin shoes and fitted top. I pushed the doors open and my cream cardigan caught on the handle. The kids were back in the hotel with Harris’s parents and I was to go back and put them to bed. While we’d been away I had put them to bed then fled as soon as Mason arrived.

  When we arrived back at the hotel, I flew up to Mason’s suite. The kids weren’t there. I stood for a few minutes in stunned silence, before the sound of the door closing softly behind me made me turn around. “I sent them away. To let me talk to you. Harris’s mom and dad are spending the night at his house. They’ll meet us at the airport tomorrow night with the kids.”

  I backed away from him, knocking over a glass lamp in my haste to get away from him. “Mason, please don’t.”

  He put his hands up in the air and sat as far away from me as possible. “Amber, I just want to talk. Just talk. I promise.” His eyes were wide and I eyed the door. “Please,” he muttered, and his eyes watered again, “please just let me explain. If you still wanna sleep in Harris’s room tonight, I swear I won’t stop you.”

  I nodded at him and a look of relief crossed his face. His smile was dazzling but a tear rolled from his eye as he watched me. He looked every bit the rock star, in his grey top and black leather jacket, dark jeans and loafers. I sat on the edge of the opposite couch, still tempted to run away from him.


  Changing up the set had nearly got me reamed out by the boys, but I’d been working on that song all week. Amber couldn’t look at me. I couldn’t blame her. The way she looked at me the morning after tore me apart. I’d fucked up so badly. Running because I was scared of giving her control over me.

  While we were in the hotel room, I’d drank enough
to tank a horse and taken enough blow for four nights out, but I still couldn’t get her out of my head. The look on her face after we’d had sex made me want more. So much more. It scared me so much, I ran away.

  Taking that girl back was supposed to push Amber out of my head once and for all. Asking her for a three-way wasn’t my smartest move and fucking that girl while Amber was in the next room had broken us. I didn’t know if I could get her back. I wouldn’t blame her if she hated me forever, but I had to try.

  I’d tried to speak to her a few times. She’d completely ignored me. Every time she did was like a knife twisting in my gut. God damn Ollie was still fucking my life up and she wasn’t even in it anymore. I couldn’t trust anyone to be in control because I didn’t want to be abandoned again. So I tried to keep control myself. Amber made me willing to lose it though, and I hated her for it.

  She sat there staring at me with her big doe eyes. All I could think about was how much of a colossal mistake this could be and how much I was going to suffer if she left me. I swallowed and she licked her lips. I wanted so much to taste her again that I leaned forwards. But when I looked into her eyes all I could see was her fear.

  “Amber, I…” I paused, trying to figure out how to say what I needed to. She leaned on her knees, fidgeting with her sweater, pulling it over her wrists. “I need to start off by saying I’m sorry. I don’t know where else to start, but I need you to know that I am so, so sorry for hurting you. I never meant to do that.”

  She nodded at me. I licked my lips, trying to keep the moisture there while I poured my soul out to her. She needed to know everything about me so she would understand why I was such a colossal dick to her. “I need to tell you a lot of stuff, and if you could listen and then make your decision…” I broke off and she nodded again.

  “Ollie was my first proper girlfriend and I married her.” I glanced at her. She stared at her nails rather than at me. “I loved her. Or thought I did. When we found out she was pregnant, it was the icing on the cake for us. Well for me at least. I was still touring and playing venues, but I’d call her when she wasn’t with me and I attended every hospital visit I could. For the last month of her pregnancy I’d cancelled all engagements and stayed home.”

  I took a breath, watching as her green eyes met my own. She stared into my eyes for a moment, before glancing over at the window. “When Sophia was born, I was delighted. I loved being married and I was sober, from around four months of Ollie being pregnant. I didn’t touch blow at all. I wanted to be a family man, so I needed to be clean.” Amber nodded at my words and I stared at my own hands for a second.

  “The day that I came home and Ollie had left was one of the hardest days of my life. I hit the bottle hard. My mom moved in to help look after Soph after Betty called her. I was furious, but I knew she’d done the right thing. I took myself off to rehab and cleaned up with Cassie’s help. She was amazing. Her and my mom raised Sophia for the four weeks I spent in rehab. When I got out, Cassie stayed on and my mom left. She told me she was pregnant too.”

  Amber’s eyes had widened and I moved forwards, sitting right on the edge of the sofa. “Then Cass had Lucca. She didn’t tell me she was sick. The day that she went to the hospital and never came back was the worst day of my life. Ever. Every woman I trusted had lied to me and I’d already decided that I couldn’t give another woman that control over me. When Cassie died I knew I had to stick to that.”

  The door went and Amber walked over to it. I put my head in my hands, trying to gather my thoughts. She stood there for a few minutes and then closed the door softly, walking back in. “Harris wanted to know if we were okay,” she muttered quietly. My gaze shot to her as she walked towards me. She sat down beside me and took my hand in hers, holding it fast. My heart sped at the contact, and the moisture in my eyes threatened to spill over.

  I didn’t deserve her comfort, but I revelled in it for a moment. “Then you came in and like a bolt of lightning. You broke down my walls and made me want again. I’ve never wanted anyone as much as I want you. It scares the crap outa me. Amber, I think I’m falling in love with you. But I can’t…” I sucked in a breath and she ran her finger in a circle around my palm. My whole body shuddered. I lifted her hand to my mouth, kissing it softly.

  “Ollie’s back and my mom took Soph to meet her. That’s why I was a complete mess the other day. My mom told me after Cassie’s funeral. I took some blow because I needed to be numb. Then you stayed and we fucked. Afterwards, I knew I wasn’t in control with you. That I couldn’t control you, or us, or anything. I got spooked.”

  I swallowed around the lump in my throat and turned towards Amber, facing her with my ankle under my knee. “Amber, I need you to know that when I woke up Tuesday and remembered what I’d done to you, I felt sick. I don’t know how to make this better? If I can even make it better? I want to apologise. I shouldn’t have treated you like that.”

  Amber brought her finger to my lips and I pressed my lips to it. “Mason. If you want control, all you have to do is ask. During sex only.” Her words sounded in my ears and my heart sped as I realised what she was offering me. She was offering to let me be in control in the bedroom. I groaned as her hand brushed my erection.

  She leaned in and brought her lips to my own. As she kissed me she whispered, “Mason, I think I’m falling for you too.” Her lips crashed against my own but I wanted to take my time with her. I carried her slowly into the bedroom and rifled through my suitcase, finding ties. I stripped her slowly. I kissed every inch of her before I tied her to the edges of the bed. As I stripped my clothes, I saw her eyes darken. I kissed up and down her stomach, playing with each nipple in turn.

  I ran my lips up her neck. I slipped my finger into her wet core and pressed upwards as I kissed her. Making her squirm as I rubbed my cock on her clit. I pressed harder against her and kissed my way down again.

  I took her clit into my mouth, sucking on it, then releasing it, while my fingers thrust into her. Her body began to shudder and I stopped licking. I slipped my fingers out and sucked on them. She moaned. I thrust into her without a jacket. The feeling was incredible. I thrust in again.

  I hadn’t went sleeveless since Ollie. I’d been tested after she’d left, just to make sure she hadn’t given me something. I paused on my next thrust. I pressed down then pushed up. Amber came fast. “Mason, oh my god, Mason.” Her breath panted out and I fucked her hard, fingering her tits as I chased my own release. She began to tighten and screamed as she squeezed my cock again. I couldn’t hold back. I collapsed on top of her, spent.

  After a few seconds of listening to her heart racing, I reached up. I untied her wrists and kissed them as I brought them down towards us. She moaned and I kissed her hard, feeling my cock stir again as I did. I bent down and untied her ankles. She wrapped her arms around me, holding me tightly.

  “Amber,” I muttered sleepily, “don’t leave me, please.”

  She kissed my chest gently, whispering, “Don’t worry Mason, I won’t.” We both drifted off to sleep, happy and content in each other’s arms. I woke up first the next morning. I took in the naked beauty sprawled on the bed at my side and I wanted to cancel all of the day’s plans, but I knew I couldn’t.

  My eyes roamed over her, lingering on her mound and her tits. “Mason,” her soft voice admonished me, “are you being creepy and perving on me while I’m sleeping?”

  I laughed and kissed her neck. “Not anymore. You’re awake now.”

  She leaned up and kissed me hard. My boner became rock solid as her tongue entered my mouth. She kissed my neck and down my chest, her teeth dragging on my nipples. She reached my cock and my whole body tensed. She froze and looked up at me with a salacious smile on her lips. “May I?” She asked me and I about blew my load into her face.

  “Oh yes please,” I murmured in response and she licked the head of my cock. She sucked me into her mouth and I hit the back of her throat. Where I expected her gag reflex to kick in, it didn’t.
She pulled me out and in, sucking and licking me. My body shuddered and I began moving my hips in time to her actions. After a few minutes I came hard and fast down her throat. She smiled up at me as I threw my head back.

  After a few seconds I flipped her onto her front, kissing the back of her neck and down her back. I smacked her on the ass and she shuddered, gasping in pleasure. I smacked her again and she moaned. I used some of the pillows to raise her ass off the mattress and smacked her a few more times. As I slipped my fingers into her mound she moaned loudly. I smacked her ass hard. Her moans increased and I did it again and again, until her ass was a bright pink colour and her core was throbbing against my hand.

  As I pulled out my hand, I thrust in with my cock and fucked her. Her screams were muffled, but after a few seconds she came hard. I followed a second after her. We lay together breathlessly on the bed. I pulled her into my arms. “God Amber. That was fucking amazing.”

  She snuggled closer and kissed my chest again, muttering, “mmhmm.”

  Eventually it was time for the last day in DC to begin. We got up, showered and got dressed. The day passed quickly, but I stole every moment I could with Amber. I knew once we got back, things were going to change. We had the kids to think of. I had to make sure that no matter what, Amber could take care of them first.

  As we flew back, she slept in my arms. I nodded off beside her, basking in how lucky I was at having her. When we landed she went to meet Harris’s mom and dad, Julia and Paul, to collect the kids. I got our luggage. She met me at the car. Together we put the kids into the car.

  We drove back to the compound smiling and talking about nonsense. When we got back she headed upstairs to put the kids to bed. I went to the kitchen to get us a drink. As soon as the kitchen door swung closed behind me my stomach dropped. Ollie was sitting at the table, staring at me with an expectant face.

  “Hi baby, I’m home. Miss me?” Her blonde hair, perfect manicure and pout made me wonder what I’d ever saw in her? Amber was here and I didn’t want Ollie going after her. She was a bitch when people stood in her way.


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