This Round for Love

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This Round for Love Page 5

by Malia Mallory

  “Yes. Yes. Can I help you? No need to come down here, you know. You can call.” A small woman of indeterminate age sat behind a battered metal desk. Shelves of folded linens crowded the space.

  “I’m looking for the head housekeeper?”

  “You’ve found her.” Her hair was an unnatural black pulled tightly into a bun.

  I approached the desk and held out my hand. “I’m Darcy Winthrop. I’m here helping with the Sand Brawl.”

  Her eyes darted away from mine, but she accepted my hand, shook it once, and dropped it. “I’m Rose. I’m in charge down here.”

  “I’m pleased to meet you.” I settled into the metal folding chair by her desk. It creaked ominously.

  Rose’s lips thinned. “What can I do for you?”

  I chose my words carefully. “Well, as I said, I’m here mostly for the event, but since I’m here, I’ve been looking over the property.”

  Rose said nothing. Her dark eyes stared into me.

  “How’s everything going in Housekeeping?” I tried for a friendly tone. “I bet you guys keep busy.”

  Her expression didn’t change one bit.

  Rose wasn’t buying my gal pal routine. I decided to go with straightforward. “Rose, the hotel is a mess.”

  She hesitated then answered, “Have you talked to Carl?”

  “The manager should know what’s going on in his own hotel.” I vacillated between thinking Carl was blind or incompetent.

  “Have you talked to Carl?” she repeated.

  Frustration raced through me. “Yes. I’ve talked to Carl, but I’d like to talk to you.”

  “You talked to Carl about housekeeping?” Her lips pursed.

  “No. I didn’t cover that specific topic with him. I wanted to speak with you.”

  “You should talk to Carl.”

  I leaned in. “Rose, what’s going on here? The carpets are dirty. The rooms should be immaculate, and they aren’t. The lobby needs attention.”

  Rose looked like she was straining mightily to hold her thoughts inside.

  “Do you have what you need to do your job?” I asked.

  “Talk to Carl. I’m very busy today. I have people out sick.”

  “So, you are short on staff?”

  “You should talk to Carl.”

  I’d tried. I’d really tried, but the thread holding my temper back snapped. “Housekeeping is your responsibility. It’s not getting done. I’m giving you a chance to tell me why.”

  Rose stood. “I’ve got rooms to clean. I’m sorry you’re unhappy, but you need to take it up with Carl.”

  It was clear I wasn’t going to get anywhere with Rose. I didn’t want to be intimidating, but surely she knew I was from the main office. She must know I probably could get her fired. I didn’t want to do that. I just wanted to know what was going on.

  Her behavior puzzled me. I needed to piece together what was going on, but thus far, no one had been forthcoming. Not Rose. Not Greta. Nor anyone else I’d spoken with.

  Something weird was happening, and I wanted to know what—not only to get the resort back on track, but also to satisfy my own curiosity. I’d been told more times than I could count that my curiosity would get me into trouble. I hoped this wasn’t one of those times.

  ~ * ~ * ~


  I looked across the net. When I’d suggested a match, he’d agreed immediately.

  Ford held the racket awkwardly in his hands. I smiled to myself as my killer instinct rose within me. I wanted to show off. Maybe I just wanted some respect from Ford as an athlete.

  I bounced the tennis ball and shuffled my feet. I touched the ball to the face of the racket before swinging back and over my head. I connected. Thwack!

  Ford moved like a cat, springing at the ball. He got his racket on it, but his return went wide. Impressive, actually. He’d been holding out on me.

  I took a bit off the second serve and Ford returned it easily. My backhand slice pulled him wide, but he made it to the ball. I watched as it sailed over my head, past the baseline, and out of bounds.

  I jogged to the back and bent over to pick up the balls. I knew my tennis skirt was riding up and I lingered, peeking between my legs. Yup. Ford’s eyes were glued to my backside.

  I kept the play friendly after that. I was impressed by Ford’s improvement after only one match. He was a natural athlete.

  “You’re good. Clearly better than I am,” Ford said as we walked off the court.

  “I’d hope so. I spent enough time on it.” He was being a good sport about it, and I was as impressed by that as his athleticism.

  Ford nodded. “It shows. I was thinking, though.”


  “Yeah. Perhaps we can take part in another athletic activity. One we’re both good at. One where we’ll both win.”

  I laughed. Ford was not subtle. “Your room or mine?”

  “Yours. I think it’s closer.”

  ~ * ~ * ~


  I watched with rapt attention as Darcy stripped off her clothes. She twirled, and the tiny tennis skirt lifted into the air. She slipped her thumbs into the waistband and down it went, revealing the silky panties beneath.

  I couldn’t wait. In a flash, my clothes were in a heap on the floor and my hands reached for her—touching her smooth curves. I pulled her top off and buried my face between her breasts. I licked the salty perspiration I found there.

  Darcy’s fingers tangled in my hair and she pulled my lips to hers. “I can’t wait, either. I want you so much.”

  She slipped out of her bra as I tugged down her panties.

  We tumbled onto the bed, and I rubbed myself against the slickness between her thighs. I sucked Darcy’s nipple into my mouth and her hands slid down to my ass, pulling me closer.

  I moved my hips and the tip of my cock lodged inside her. “Are you ready, Darcy? Are you ready for me?”

  “Oh yes. Yes, please!”

  I plunged inside, almost losing it as she tightened around me. But no, I wanted this to last. I wanted the shivery pleasure to go on and on.

  Darcy lifted underneath me, meeting my every stroke. My lips moved to her neck and I nipped her. Darcy moaned, arching underneath me.

  I dropped my weight on her, crushing her breasts to my chest as my hips moved between her thighs. I was close—so very close, but I wanted to feel Darcy come undone. Blood rushed through me and I reached down, parting her slick folds. My finger found the sensitive nubbin hidden there.

  Darcy jerked and a muffled cry escaped her lips. She shook against me and I let myself go, finding comfort in her body and something more as well.

  ~ * ~ * ~


  I picked at my sandwich. This was terrible chicken salad. How did you mess up chicken salad?

  Ford, on the other hand, was wolfing down his food with a healthy appetite. “What’s wrong?”

  I shrugged. “Sandwich isn’t hitting the spot.”

  “Sorry. This steak is awesome.” Ford didn’t sound particularly sorry.

  “Yeah, well, steak is a little heavy for me for lunch.”

  “You know what else is heavy?”

  I wasn’t walking into that one. “I was thinking about our tennis match.” I’d enjoyed playing with Ford and tossing him a few pointers.

  “It was fun.” Beside Ford’s steak was a mound of steamed broccoli he hadn’t made a dent in yet.

  “Yeah, it was. It seems only fair I try your sport.” I’d been thinking about proposing a little sparring, but I didn’t know how Ford would react. There were female competitors in MMA, but he’d never mentioned how he felt about it.

  “Try my sport?”

  “Yeah.” I jabbed my fist in the air.

  “You want to hit me?” Ford sounded shocked.

  I laughed. “That’s not what I mean. I think it would be fun to spar a little. You can show me how it’s done.”

  “You want me to hit you?”

  I sighed in
exasperation. “It’s not about the hitting. I want to learn. It’s likely I’ll be involved in more of these events.”

  Ford grunted and took a hefty bite of steak.

  “Besides …” I leaned in close and lowered my voice. “I think it might be sexy.”

  Ford looked startled, then a slow smile spread over his face. “Sexy, huh?”

  “Yeah. Circling each other in the ring. Dripping sweat. Looking for weakness.”

  “Okay, but remember, you asked for it.” Ford’s smile became smug.

  “I did ask for it,” I teased.

  “Tonight. Everyone will be out of the gym then. Eight o’clock?”


  Chapter 7


  I pushed open the heavy metal door. Eerie quiet greeted me. “Ford?” I stepped inside and the door slammed shut behind me. I heard nothing but the whoosh of air from the ventilation system.

  I straightened my shoulders and headed toward the back. Two sparring rings were set up there. If Ford wasn’t here yet, I’d wait for him.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw movement and I jumped. I let out a little scream as the outline of a man became clear in the shadows.

  Ford bent over, laughing.

  My eyes narrowed. “Ass. I nearly pissed myself.”

  “Okay. I’m sorry. I don’t think those pants would stand up to that.” He pointed to my black yoga pants.

  “What, these?” I wiggled my hips.

  “Yeah, those. What’s your plan here? Diversion?”

  “Are you saying I’m diverting?” I arched an eyebrow.

  Ford looked me up and down. “Sports bra. Tight pants. Yeah. You’re diverting.”

  “It’s a sports tank,” I protested. After all, my midriff was covered.

  “Whatever. I can totally see your tits.”

  I laughed. Ford was so…Ford. I didn’t have another word for it. “Are you ready to go, slugger?”

  “I’m not going to slug you, and that’s baseball.”

  “Okay. Whatever. Are you going to show me your stuff?” I bounced from foot to foot.

  “Yeah. Yeah. I bought you gloves.”

  “You did?” I hadn’t even considered equipment.


  “That’s so romantic. Better than flowers.”

  The creep of an embarrassed flush stole up Ford’s jaw as he led me toward the ring. “Here.” He pushed the gloves at me.

  They were huge boxing gloves. “Ford, these aren’t MMA gloves.”

  “Nope. I wanted more protection for your hands.”

  I wanted to protest, but part of me was touched. I slipped my hands inside. They fit pretty well. I parted the ropes and stepped through, bounding into the center. I was excited as a kid going for ice cream. I doubted I’d make a dent in Ford, but it’d sure be fun to try.

  “Okay now. I want you to listen to me. I don’t want to accidentally hurt you.”

  I hooted. “You’re afraid I’ll get a lucky shot in.”

  Ford rolled his eyes. “Yeah, right.”

  “Hey! It could happen.”

  “In an alternate universe.”

  “We’ll see.” I was stronger than I looked, and I knew it.

  “Yeah, we will. Okay, so you want to keep your guard up.”

  “Guard up. Check.”

  “This is serious.”

  I nodded. “Absolutely. Serious.” I tried to hide my smile.

  ~ * ~ * ~


  Ford humored me for about ten minutes. He blocked most of my attempted punches but let a few land.

  Finally, I ran at Ford and wrapped my arms around him in what I supposed might pass for a clinch if there was no referee to stop it. I ran my gloves over his ass. Probably not a legal move, but he had such a fine ass. I couldn’t feel it through the gloves, though. I desperately wanted to.

  I let go and stepped back.

  Ford grabbed me by the shoulders and buried his face between my breasts, licking the glistening skin.

  “Hey! That’s not fair.”

  “Nope, but it’s tasty.”

  I punched him mid-chest with a hard right, but he didn’t even blink.

  Ford smiled and his eyes glimmered with intent. He removed his gloves, slowly and with deliberation. When his hands were free, he reached out and pinched my nipples through the fabric of my top. I gasped. Heat flooded through me. I wanted to protest. I wanted him to stop.

  Oh no, I didn’t. I was lying to myself.

  I launched myself into Ford’s arms and he caught me. I wrapped my legs around his waist and bit him on the neck.

  Ford laughed and his hands slid to my ass. His fingers probed between my legs where the fabric stretched tight.

  “Yo, Ford! You in here?”

  Ford stiffened and released me. I slid down his body and stepped away. Frustration and disappointment swept through me. I didn’t know whether to be pissed we’d been interrupted or glad it hadn’t happened ten minutes later.

  ~ * ~ * ~


  I took a deep breath and dialed. The call was answered almost immediately.

  “Dan Burke.” The familiar voice eased my mind.

  “Hi Dan. It’s Darcy.”

  “Hey hey. How’s Miami?”

  “Well, the weather is gorgeous. It’s been clear since I got down here.” It was true. One thing I couldn’t fault was the weather. Dan wasn’t going to like what I had to tell him, but there was no harm in a few pleasantries.

  “Have you been working on a tan?” Dan chuckled.

  “Not exactly. I’ve been busy. I’ve looked over things here at the hotel. I wanted to let you know what I’ve seen.”

  “Sure. Go ahead.”

  “Dan, the hotel’s a mess. It’s dirty almost. The amenities aren’t what they should be. I have a huge list.” Relief untangled my muscles. It was out there now.

  Dan’s silence stretched out over the line. “Wow. I figured there were problems, but that surprises me.”

  “I was surprised, too. I tried to talk to the head housekeeper and I got nowhere. Same with the facilities manager. Everyone says talk to Carl.”

  “What did he say?” Dan asked.

  “I spoke to him about the event. I haven’t explicitly discussed the other issues with him. He has to know.”

  “I have to tell you I’m surprised. I’ve spoken with Carl more times than I can count. I’ve met with him, too. He struck me as being on top of things.”

  “Carl King?” Were we talking about the same guy?

  Dan laughed. “Yeah.”

  “He’s an idiot. This is all going on under his nose and it’s as if he doesn’t care. Contractors off the job? No problem. No tickets? Nothing to worry about.”

  “That’s strange. Carl’s sharp. The financials for Miami have been improving.”

  “Probably because he’s spending little to nothing on the property. The gym equipment is old. Carpets need replacing. He’s understaffed.”

  “Darcy, I’m at a loss to explain it, but rest assured I’ll be following up personally with regard to all the issues you’re raising.”

  “I’m emailing you a full list of my concerns.”

  “Okay. I was going to call you today anyway. Public Relations is having a fit.”

  “About what?”

  “The date rape drug investigation.”

  “I’m not following you.” There’d been an article in the local paper about a police investigation into a series of incidents in the Miami area clubs, but I didn’t see the connection.

  “I don’t think the press listed BIW, but apparently we’re on the list of clubs being investigated.”

  “What?” Dread filled me. BIW didn’t need that kind of publicity, but more important than that was the safety of our guests.

  “Don’t say anything to anyone, but expect the possibility of questions from the press, and we’ll add more security to your list.”

  “Yeah. Sounds good.” I end
ed the call, shaking my head. What else could go wrong?

  ~ * ~ * ~


  I walked into the conference room. Carl King, the resort manager, didn’t even bother to stand as I entered. He was a little troll of a man, and I didn’t like him one bit. I liked it even less that Darcy had to interact with this clown regularly. “Ford, thanks for stopping by. Ted and I have news.”

  The tension in the room coiled around me. “Okay,” I said cautiously. My eyes flew to Ted. He worked for Jay Murphy, the promoter. He wouldn’t meet my gaze. We’d always been cool, or so I thought.

  Carl sighed. “I’ll get right to the point. You’re not going to like it, but I’m afraid you’re off the card.”

  “What? What are you talking about?” I didn’t know what I’d expected, but it wasn’t bullshit like this. The match-ups changed now and then, but not usually so close to the event date. If someone was injured, sure, but I was fine.

  Carl shrugged. “Yeah, that Darcy Winthrop. She’s been throwing her weight around. I don’t know why she wants the change. What does she know about fighting, anyway?”

  I looked hard at Carl and shifted my eyes to Ted. “Darcy asked for it?”

  “It’s hard to believe, but yeah. I know you guys have a little flirtation going. That’s a woman for you, right?”

  I didn’t respond. I didn’t believe for a moment that Darcy changed the card. I didn’t even think she had the authority. It made no sense. Plus, if Darcy was anything, it was honest. If there was a problem, she would have told me flat out.

  Carl waved his hands as he spoke. “Anyway, I tried to talk her out of it, but nothing doing. Being the daughter of the big boss and all, it’s hard to cross her. I don’t know what the deal is. Maybe she got a kickback or something. Maybe she needed some of those fancy shoes. What are the ones the ladies like to wear? Those suckers are expensive.”

  Shoes. Carl was trying to convince me Darcy changed the fight card because she wanted to buy expensive shoes? I shook my head. Was this some kind of gag? If so, I wasn’t amused.

  Ted grunted. “Sorry. I know this fight was important to you.”

  Carl drummed his fingers on his desk. “I might be able to put in a good word, though. Make her change her mind.”


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