Taming My Whiskey

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Taming My Whiskey Page 14

by Melissa Foster

  “Right. He’ll think I’m a slut.”

  Izzy laughed. “But we know the truth, and that’s all that matters. Listen, this morning is about saving your pride and protecting your heart. On the off chance that he’s an asshole, or that his conscience got the better of him because he’s a loner and feels guilty about hooking up with you, you can’t let him know it bothers you.”

  “I know you’re right. And he’s not an asshole. He gave me plenty of chances to say no. I baited him until he couldn’t resist me.”

  “Because you’re awesome like that.”

  Dixie could hear her friend’s smile, and it helped ease her nerves. “Yeah, I am. You know, he’s the only man I’ve ever pushed like that.”

  “Crushing on a guy for more than a decade will do that to you. You’ve got this, Dix. I wish I were there. Do you want me to call my cousin’s wife to come see you? She’s a model and lives in New York. She could walk you through the shoot if you freeze up. Oh! I have a great idea. Maybe her husband could bring a few of his hot friends to make Jace a little jealous or at least uncomfortable. Paybacks are so fun.”

  “No thank you,” Dixie said. “After the way he stood up to my brothers, I’m pretty sure nothing makes Jace uncomfortable. Besides, I don’t need rescuing. I just needed a pep talk. I’m okay now. Thanks, Iz.”

  “Hey, even though it feels weird right now, I’m so happy you got to finally make out with him. At least you aren’t left wondering what kissing him would be like.”

  “That’s true, but try telling that to my body. Last night left me even more curious about other things.” Like what it would feel like to pleasure him with her hands and mouth, to be lying beneath his powerful body as their bodies came together…

  A shiver of heat traveled down her spine.

  “Well, don’t let him know that,” Izzy said sharply. “Or he’ll tell you he doesn’t regret it just so you’ll blow him.”

  “You need to stop talking because that makes me want to tell him.”

  Izzy laughed. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

  “Yes. I’ve got this. Thanks for talking me off the ledge.”

  “Anytime. I forgot to tell you that I saw your parents at the grocery store. Your mom is raving to everyone about you doing the calendar. They’re so proud of you, Dix. We all are. You’re going to be amazing today. Have fun with it. Think of this as your coming-out party. You’ve broken free from your little-sister reins. The world is your playground.”

  There was only one playground she was interested in, and right now trying to navigate it was like trying to jump over a jungle gym.

  Good thing she had long legs.

  After they ended the call, Dixie inhaled a few deep breaths, grabbed her bag, and headed downstairs to face the man with the magical mouth.

  Jace was reading something on his phone, leaning over the counter as she descended the stairs. His jeans hugged his fine ass. Damn he looked good. She remembered how delicious his hard body had felt against hers, and her pulse quickened. He was so big and broad, when she was in his arms she felt more feminine than she ever had.

  He turned and their gazes collided, setting off a ricochet of electricity inside her.

  “Good morning,” she said casually, dropping her bag on the table.

  He filled a cup with coffee and handed it to her, studying her face. “You okay this morning?”

  “Sure. Just a little nervous about the shoot. No big deal. I’ll get over it.” She poured creamer into her coffee and leaned her butt against the counter, feeling the weight of his scrutinizing gaze as he leisurely sipped his coffee.

  “I meant about last night. Are we cool?”

  “Totally,” she lied, trying to sound tough, which was weird, because she’d never had to try to sound tough before. “Sorry I didn’t get a chance to reciprocate.”

  His lips quirked up, and she immediately regretted what she’d said. Izzy was right. What man would turn down a blow job?

  He stepped closer, planting himself in front of her, and set his coffee cup on the counter. Then he took hers and placed it next to his. Without a word, he put his hands on the edge of the counter beside her hips, boxing her in and making her heart race.

  “Can I help you?” she said teasingly.

  “Your eyes are glowing.”

  A nervous laugh bubbled out. “What?”

  “Your eyes are usually not quite dark enough to be forest green, more of a jade. But when you lied about the ballot for the auction being full, they glowed lighter, like they are now, more of an emerald color.”

  Holy cow. The only other person who had ever noticed the way her eyes changed colors was her mother. Her mother had once told her that she’d had to find some telling sign, because Dixie was so good at pulling the wool over everyone’s eyes.

  Except, apparently, Jace Stone’s.

  “So, I’ll ask again,” he said evenly. “Are you okay? Are we cool?”

  She lifted her chin, refusing to show him the effect he had on her, and said, “Yes. We were just having fun. I know there’s nothing more between us. We’re on the same page.”

  He squinted, staring directly into her eyes for a long, silent moment, before saying, “If that’s your story, I guess you’re sticking with it.” He leaned closer, brushing his beard over her cheek, sending shivers of heat to her core. He spoke just above a whisper as he said, “You, Dixie Whiskey, are my new favorite dessert. I don’t need you to reciprocate, but I’d love to have seconds. Ball’s in your court…” He pushed from the counter and said, “We’d better get a move on. The car will be here in ten minutes to take us to the shoot.”

  She tried to pick her jaw up off the floor and respond, but it was a lost cause.

  A few minutes later he said, “Coming, Dix?”

  “Not yet,” she said under her breath as she grabbed her bag, wondering how she was going to make it through the shoot with that offer hanging over her head.

  SHEA HAD WORKED with their marketing department to handle all of the logistics for the shoot, from the set to the photographer, makeup and hairstylist, and a general stylist to help Dixie with outfits and accessories. Jace had seen pictures of the warehouse where they were shooting and had thought it was the perfect location, but it was even better in person. The combination of brick and stone was gritty and edgy and would be the perfect backdrop for their sleek motorcycles. Two guys from their local store were there to handle the six Legacy bikes Jace had brought in for the shoot. Though the bikes were gorgeous machines on their own, he knew Dixie would make them look even more desirable.

  He hadn’t been able to stop thinking about her since last night. He’d had a hell of a time staying in his own bed, knowing she was only a few feet away, sated and flushed. Maybe it was because they’d gotten closer, or because he’d finally gotten a taste of the woman he’d wanted for so long, but when she’d come downstairs this morning looking badass and beautiful as usual, with an underlying hint of vulnerability, she’d taken his breath away. But her cool answers had bothered him. He’d had to try to find out where her head was. He hadn’t planned on making her even more nervous with his comment, but her reaction to it had told him everything he needed to know. She’d snagged a bottle of whiskey before leaving the apartment to get through the shoot. She’d been quiet on the drive over, nervous about the shoot and texting with his sisters, who had wished her luck. The second they arrived, she was swept away to get ready for the shoot.

  He was glad they’d have a distraction today, because one night with Dixie definitely wasn’t enough.

  As if the universe knew he needed to get his head out of the clouds, the photographer, Hawk Pennington, arrived while Dixie was getting her hair and makeup done.

  “Hawk, thanks for coming out.” Jace shook his hand.

  Hawk had been referred by Lenore “Leni” Steele, one of Shea’s top marketing representatives and a valued member of Silver-Stone’s marketing team. Hawk’s reputation spoke for itself. He’d published se
veral photo spreads of A-list celebrities, sports figures, and some of the wealthiest families in the world. But equally important to Jace was his knowledge of the biker world. In an effort to keep the calendar as authentic as possible, Jace had wanted a photographer who was also a biker, and Hawk was a Dark Knight. Although dressed in maroon pants, leather suspenders, and a gray button-down, he looked more like a hipster than a biker. His eyeglasses were multicolored, his hair was swept back in a trendy cut, longer on top, neatly shaved on the sides, and his beard was thick but neat.

  “Nice to see you again,” Hawk said as his assistants went to work setting up their equipment. “This is a great location. I went over the shoot with Shea last week. I understand we’ll be shooting inside and out, twelve final calendar images, plus a cover shot, a number of merchandising shots for advertisements and cutouts, with one model, several bikes. You’re going for ‘classy with an edge,’ primarily a male audience for the calendar, but the clothing needs to be as prominent as the bike. Has anything changed?”

  “No. That’s all correct.”

  “I assume you’re going to be handling the motorcycles?”

  “Yes. We have men who will do whatever is necessary.”

  “Great, then I’ll check out the space and get my guys set up while your model gets ready.”

  Hawk headed for the warehouse, and Jace went to check on Dixie. They’d set up a dressing room in one of the office spaces. As he walked through the door, he nearly crashed into her.

  Dixie put her hands on her hips, scowling at him. Her hair was tousled and wild, her eyes were made up too dark, her cheeks too pink, and her lips too red. “This is what you call classy? I look like a high-end hooker.”

  What the hell is that makeup artist doing? “Wash that shit off your face and brush your hair. I’ll take care of this.”

  “Damn right you will, or I’ll be on the next plane out of here.” She stormed off toward the ladies’ room.

  Jace strode into the dressing room, where Indi Oliver, the hair and makeup artist, a twentysomething with long blond hair and big blue eyes, was organizing brushes and makeup on a table.

  “Hello, Mr. Stone,” she said when he walked in.

  “Hi.” Jace tried to tamp down his frustration. “I’m not sure what look you were going for, but I want Dixie, not some tramped-up version of her.”

  “Oh, goodness. I was told you wanted sexy and edgy,” she said with furrowed brows.

  “Then we’re using the wrong word. Classy, not clownlike. Dixie is a stunning woman. She looks fresh and sexy as hell every day with very little makeup. That’s the Dixie I want, so whatever you need to do to help her natural beauty shine through is what I want you to do.” He heard something behind him and found Dixie standing in the doorway.

  “I need makeup remover,” Dixie said a little tentatively, and he realized she’d heard everything he’d said.

  “I’ll help you with that,” Indi said. “I’m sorry, Mr. Stone. I’m used to working on fashion shoots where I’m asked to make the models less natural and more glamorous, and under the harsh lights, we need to go a little heavy. Don’t worry. I’ve got this. I’ll tone it all down to a more natural look. I prefer that, actually.”

  “Thank you. Dixie’s glamorous without extra anything.” He held Dixie’s gaze as she sank down into the chair in front of the mirror. As Indi dug around in what looked like a giant toolbox, Jace gave Dixie’s shoulder a squeeze and whispered, “Always trust your gut. If you feel like something is off, it probably is. There’s no need for threats. I hear you, Dixie. I always hear you.”

  Jace went to talk with the guys handling the bikes, and then he checked in with Hawk and his team.

  When Dixie finally emerged from the dressing room wearing the skintight black leather pants with lace trim above angled, silver-zippered pockets and a long-sleeved black lace top over a leather bralette, Jace lost his breath for the second time that day. Silver-and-diamond earrings glittered against the lush, natural waves of her hair, and her Silver-Stone boots had a silver chain and buckle around the ankle. Maddox had been right to suggest they use expensive jewelry. It added another level of elegance to the ensemble. Dixie looked like a million bucks.

  She put her hand on her hip, and in pure Dixie fashion, she said, “You going to gawk at me all day, or are we going to get this show on the road?”

  “Dixie,” came out sounding as off-kilter as he felt.

  Her smirk grew into a smile, and she said, “I know. Indi’s a genius, isn’t she?” Her eyes drifted over Jace’s shoulder, and she exclaimed, “Hawk? You didn’t tell me Hawk was the photographer!”

  She rushed past Jace, snapping him from his reverie, and threw her arms around Hawk. Hawk’s eyes drifted down Dixie’s body as she turned in a circle, reawakening the green-eyed monster in Jace. He mentally prepared himself for another long day.

  “Jace!” Dixie exclaimed. “Did you know Hawk was a Dark Knight? I’ve known him forever. This shoot will be much easier with Hawk taking the pictures. I’m already less nervous.”

  Jace was thrilled with her enthusiasm, but he couldn’t deny that he wished he’d elicited the same excitement. “Yeah, I knew.”

  “Well, good for us!” Dixie looked around and said, “So, where do we start?”

  Hawk took charge, ushering her across the parking lot to the area where his team had set up their equipment. Indi and the stylist, Kyra, stood off to the side as Hawk gave Dixie suggestions for poses.

  Dixie listened intently, following his guidance like she modeled all the time. “Something like this? Or this?” she asked as she tried out different poses.

  Hawk commended, repositioned, and guided her with a professional hand. Dixie obviously trusted him. It was a damn good thing Jace hadn’t hired someone else. He couldn’t imagine making Dixie deal with a stranger’s hands on her, much less having to deal with it himself. The visceral thought was accompanied by a dose of what-the-hell? He told himself he’d be just as protective with any female friend and tried to push it away.

  There was a flurry of activity as Hawk began shooting. His assistants each held a large light-modifying disc as he took pictures. Despite Dixie’s initial excitement, she seemed a little uncomfortable and stiff, looking to Hawk for guidance each time she shifted positions.

  “Don’t worry about whether the poses are correct or about seducing the camera,” Hawk suggested. “Let’s just get comfortable with each other. Nothing you do will be wrong, so just go with your gut. Move how you might if there was a really hot guy standing by me.”

  Dixie moved stiffly through a few more poses, uncertainty written in her eyes. It was tough seeing her in such a vulnerable state. Jace wanted to help, but he didn’t want to intrude, so he let the uncomfortable shoot go on for a few more minutes.

  “You’re doing great,” Hawk coaxed. “Just relax. Act like I’m not here.”

  She stopped posing and said, “That’s hard to do when you’re staring at me through a gigantic lens and your assistants are holding up those big things. I’m sorry. I don’t know why I’m all freaked out all of a sudden.”

  “I have an idea.” Jace grabbed the bottle of whiskey and shot glass Dixie had brought with her and went to her, guiding her away from the others. He lowered his voice and said, “I know it’s nerve-racking to be the center of attention. What can I do to help? Do you want to do a shot?”

  “I’m afraid it’ll make me lose focus,” Dixie confided. “I hate that this is so hard. I’m sorry, Jace. I really wanted to do this for you, but maybe I’m not the right person.”

  “Where’s the ballsy woman from the auction? And the Dixie from last night? The one who had me on my knees?”

  “I have no frigging idea,” she said defeatedly.

  Jace set the bottle and glass down and pulled his wallet from his pocket, showing her the picture he’d taken from Jillian. “See this gorgeous woman? She’s the face of Silver-Stone, and she’s in there somewhere, Dix. All we have to do is find h

  “I was a moving target. This is totally different.”

  “You can do this, Dix. I know you can.” He put the picture back in his wallet, catching sight of the card her mother had given him from the auction. It was the information Red would have read about Dixie as the bidding started had things not gone south. He recited the first part of it from memory, swapping her name and the word her for you. “You can whip a business into shape with your magnificent mind, shut a man down with your sassy mouth, or melt hearts with a single seductive look.”

  “That sounds like something my friends would say.”

  “It was on the card from the auction Red gave me.”

  “They did write it.” Surprise rose in her eyes. “You memorized it?”

  “What else was I supposed to do after dancing with you that night?” That earned an adorably shy look that was so foreign, he wanted to say more and keep it going. But that wasn’t what Dixie needed, so he said, “As much as I want to tell you what else I’ve had to do to make it through these last few nights, I don’t think it would help you relax.”

  Her eyes darkened, and she said, “I think I might need that drink after all.”

  He reached for the bottle. “Would it help to draw upon any of the advice my sisters or Rush gave you?”

  “Yes!” She touched his hand, stopping him from opening the bottle, and said, “I don’t need the drink. Rush’s advice will work perfectly.”

  His mind rewound to last night, and he remembered Rush telling her to think about her biggest teenage crush. Jace’s chest constricted, hating the idea of Dixie thinking of any other guy like that. “Great. Are you sure?”

  “Yes! I know it’ll work.” As they headed back to the area where they were shooting, she lowered her voice and said, “It already is!”

  “Fanfuckingtastic,” he ground out. As he stalked away, he took a swig of the whiskey, forgoing the glass.

  Indi and Kyra rushed over to primp Dixie for the shoot. Ten minutes later Dixie was like a different person, posing like she was made for modeling, her eyes locked on Jace. Jace’s gut burned with jealousy. Whoever she’d crushed on must have shown her a hell of a good time, because the looks she was giving him could make a dead man hard. He took another swig, but there wasn’t enough whiskey in the world to get the green-eyed monster off his back.


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