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Wells Brothers: The Young Cattle Kings

Page 21

by Andy Adams



  The glow of a smouldering camp-fire piloted the returning horsemensafely to their wagon. A good night's rest fitted them for the task ofthe day, which began at sunrise. The next shipment would come from theflotsam of the year before, many of which were heavy beeves, intendedfor army delivery, but had fallen footsore on the long, drouthy march.The past winter had favored the lame and halt, and after five months ofsummer, the bulk of them had matured into finished beef.

  By shipping the different contingents separately, the brothers wereenabled to know the situation at all times. No accounts were kept, buthad occasion required, either Joel or Dell could have rendered astatement from memory of returns on the double and single wintered, aswell as on the purchased cattle. Sale statements were furnished by thecommission house, and by filing these, an account of the year'sshipments, each brand separate, could be made up at the end ofthe season.

  The early struggle of Wells Brothers, in stocking their range, was nowhappily over. Instead of accepting the crumbs which fell as theirportion, their credit and resources enabled them to choose the class ofcattle which promised growth and quick returns. The range had provenitself in maturing beef, and the ranch thereafter would carry onlysufficient cows to quiet and pacify its holdings of cattle.

  "If this was my ranch," said Sargent to the brothers at breakfast, "I'dstock it with two-year-old steers and double-winter every hoof. Lookover those sale statements and you'll see what two winters mean. Thatfirst shipment of Lazy H's was as fat as mud, and yet they netted sevendollars a head less than those rag-tag, double-wintered ones. There's awaste that must be saved hereafter."

  "That's our intention," said Joel. "We'll ship out every hoof that hasthe flesh this year. Nearly any beef will buy three two-year-old steersto take his place. It may take another year or two to shape up ourcattle, but after that, every hoof must be double-wintered."

  An hour after sunrise, the drag-net was drawing together the firstround-up of the day. The importance of handling heavy beeves without anyexcitement was fully understood, and to gather a shipment withoutdisturbing those remaining was a task that required patience andintelligence. Men on the outside circle merely turned the cattle on theextremes of the range; they were followed by inner horsemen, and thedrag-net closed at a grazing pace, until the round-up halted on afew acres.

  The first three shipments had tried out the remuda. The last course inthe education of a cow-horse is cutting cattle out of a mixed round-up.On the present work, those horses which had proven apt were held inreserve, and while the first contingent of cattle was quieting down, theremuda was brought up and saddles shifted to four cutting horses. Theaverage cow can dodge and turn quicker than the ordinary horse, and onlya few of the latter ever combine action and intelligence to outwit theformer. Cunning and ingenuity, combined with the required alertness, aperfect rein, coupled with years of actual work, produce that rarest ofrange mounts--the cutting horse.

  Dell had been promised a trial in cutting out beeves. Sargent took himin hand, and mounted on two picked horses, they entered the herd. "Now,I'll pick the beeves," said the latter, "and you cut them out. All youneed to do is to rein that horse down on your beef, and he'll take himout of the herd. Of course you'll help the horse some little; but if youlet too many back, I'll call our wrangler and try him out. That horseknows the work just as well as you do. Now, go slow, and don't ride overyour beef."

  The work commenced. The beeves were lazy from flesh, inactive, and onlya few offered any resistance to the will of the horsemen. Dell made arecord of cutting out fifty beeves in less than an hour, and onlyletting one reenter the herd. The latter was a pony-built beef, andafter sullenly leaving the herd, with the agility of a cat, he whirledright and left on the space of a blanket, and beat the horse back intothe round-up. Sargent lent a hand on the second trial, and when the beefsaw that resistance was useless, he kicked up his heels and trotted awayto join those selected for shipment.

  "He's laughing at you," said Sargent. "He only wanted to try you out.Just wanted to show you that no red-headed boy and flea-bit horse couldturn him. And he showed you."

  "This beats roping," admitted Dell, as the two returned to the herd,quite willing to change the subject. "Actually when a beef reaches theedge of the herd, this horse swells up and his eyes pop out likedoor-knobs. You can feel every muscle in him become as rigid as ropes,and he touches the ground as if he was walking on eggs. Look at him now;goes poking along as if he was half asleep."

  "He's a cutting horse and doesn't wear himself out. Whenever you canstrip the bridle off, while cutting out a beef, and handle your steer,that's the top rung a cow-horse can reach. He's a king pin--that'sroyalty."

  A second round-up was required to complete the train-load of beeves.They were not uniform in weight or age, and would require reclassingbefore loading aboard the cars. Their flesh and finish were fully up tostandard, but the manner in which they were acquired left them uneven,their ages varying from four to seven years.

  "There's velvet in this shipment," said Sargent, when the beeves hadbeen counted and trimmed. "These cattle can defy competition. Instead offive cents a head for watering last year's drive, this year's shipmentfrom crumbs will net you double that amount. The first gathering of beefwill square the account with every thirsty cow you watered last summer."

  An extra day was allowed in which to reach the railroad. The shipmentmust pen the evening before, and halting the herd within half a mile ofthe railway corrals, the reclassing fell to Joel and Sargent. Thecontingent numbered four hundred and forty beeves, and in order to havethem marketable, all rough, heavy cattle must be cut into a class bythemselves, leaving the remainder neat and uniform. A careful hour'swork resulted in seven car-loads of extra heavy beeves, which werecorralled separately and in advance of the others, completing a long dayin the saddle.

  Important mail was awaiting Wells Brothers at the station. A permit fromthe state quarantine authorities had been secured, due to the influenceof the commission house and others, admitting the through herd, then enroute from Ogalalla. The grant required a messenger to meet the herdwithout delay, and Dell volunteered his services as courier. Darknessfell before supper was over and the messenger ready.

  "One more shipment will clean up our beeves," said Joel to his brother,"and those through cattle can come in the day we gather our last train.We'll give them a clear field. If the herd hasn't reached theRepublican, push ahead until you meet it."

  A hundred-mile ride lay before Dell Wells. "You mean for the herd tofollow the old trail," he inquired, "and turn off opposite ourmiddle tank?"

  "That's it; and hold the cattle under herd until we can count andreceive them."

  Dell led out his horse and mounted. "Dog-toe will take me safely hometo-night," said he, "and we'll reach the Republican by noon to-morrow.If the herd's there, you haven't an hour to waste. We'll drop down onyou in a day and a half."

  The night received courier and horse. A clatter of caution and advicefollowed the retreating figure out of hearing, when the others threwthemselves down around the camp-fire. Early morning found the outfitastir, and as on the previous occasion, the wagon and remuda werestarted home at daybreak. The loading and shipping instructions weremerely a repetition of previous consignments, and the train had barelyleft the station when the cavalcade rode to overtake the commissary.

  The wagon was found encamped on the Prairie Dog. An hour's rest wasallowed, fresh horses were saddled, when Joel turned to the cook andwrangler: "Make camp to-night on the middle tank, below headquarters.We'll ride on ahead and drift all the cattle up the creek. Our onlyround-up to-morrow will be well above the old winter corral. It's ourlast gathering of beef, and we want to make a general round-up of therange. We'll drift cattle until dark, so that it'll be late when wereach camp."

  The outfit of horsemen followed the old trail, and only sighted theBeaver late in the afternoon. The last new tank, built that spring, wasless than a
mile below the old crossing; and veering off there, thedrag-net was thrown across the valley below it, and a general driftbegun. An immense half-circle, covering the limits of the range, pointedthe cattle into the valley, and by moving forward and converging as theevening advanced, a general drift was maintained. The pace was barelythat of grazing, and as darkness approached, all cattle on the lower endof the range were grazed safely above the night camp and left adrift.

  The wagon had arrived, and the men reached camp by twos and threes.There was little danger of the cattle returning to their favorite rangeduring the night, but for fear of stragglers, at an early hour in themorning the drag-net was again thrown out from camp. Headquarters waspassed before the horsemen began encountering any quantity of cattle,and after passing the old winter corral, the men on the points of thehalf-circle were sent to ride the extreme limits of the range. By themiddle of the forenoon, everything was adrift, and as the cattlenaturally turned into the valley for their daily drink, a few completecircles brought the total herd into a general round-up, numbering overfifteen hundred head of mixed cattle.

  Meanwhile the wagon and remuda had followed up the drift, dinner waswaiting, and after the mid-day meal had been bolted, orders rang out."Right here's where all hands and the cook draw fresh horses," saidSargent, "and get into action. It's a bulky herd, and cutting out willbe slow. The cook and wrangler must hold the beeves, and that will turnthe rest of us free to watch the round-up and cut out."

  By previous agreement, in order to shorten the work, Joel was to cut outthe remnant of double-wintered beeves, Manly the Lazy H's, while Sargentand an assistant would confine their selections to the single-winteredones in the ---- Y brand. Each man would tally his own work, evencar-loads were required, and a total would constitute the shipment. Thecutting out began quietly; but after a nucleus of beeves were selected,their numbers gained at the rate of three to five a minute, while thesweat began to reek from the horses.

  Joel cut two car-loads of prime beeves, and then tendered his servicesto Sargent. The cattle had quieted, and a fifth man was relieved fromguarding the round-up, and sent to the assistance of Manly. A steadystream of beef poured out for an hour, when a comparison of figures wasmade. Manly was limited to one hundred and twenty head, completing aneven thousand shipped from the brand, and lacking four, was allowed tocomplete his number. Sargent was without limit, the object being to trimthe general herd of every heavy, rough beef, and a tally on numbers wasall that was required. The work was renewed with tireless energy, andwhen the limit of twenty cars was reached, a general conference resultedin cutting two loads extra.

  "That leaves the home cattle clean of rough stuff," said Sargent, as hedismounted and loosened the saddle on a tired horse. "Any aged steersleft are clean thrifty cattle, and will pay their way to hold anotheryear. Turn the round-up adrift."

  After blowing their horses, a detail of men drifted the general herd upthe creek. Others lent their assistance to the wrangler in corrallinghis remuda, and after relieving the cutting horses, the beeves weregrazed down the valley. The outfit had not spent a night at headquartersin some time, the wagon serving as a substitute, and orders for eveningfreed all hands except two men on herd with the beeves.

  The hurry of the day was over. On securing fresh horses, Joel andSargent turned to the assistance of the detail, then drifting the mainherd westward. The men were excused, to change mounts, and relieved fromfurther duty until the guards, holding the beeves, were arranged for thenight. The remnant of the herd was pushed up the creek and freed nearHackberry Grove, and on returning to overtake the beeves, the twohorsemen crossed a spur of the tableland, jutting into the valley,affording a perfect view of the surrounding country.

  With the first sweep of the horizon, their horses were reined to a halt.Fully fifteen miles to the northeast, and in a dip of the plain, hung anominous dust cloud. Both horsemen read the sign at a glance.

  Sargent was the first to speak. "Dell met the herd on the Republican,"said he with decision. "It's the Stoddard cattle from Ogalalla. Thepitch of their dust shows they're trailing south."

  The sign in the sky was read correctly. The smoke from a running trainand the dust from a trailing herd, when viewed from a distance, pitchesupward from a horizon line, and the moving direction of train or herd iseasily read by an observant plainsman. Sargent's summary was confirmedon reaching headquarters, where Dell and the trail foreman were found,the latter regaling Manly and others with the chronicle of thenew trail.

  The same foreman as the year before was in charge of the herd. Heprotested against any step tending to delivery for that day, even tolooking the cattle over. "Uncle Dud wouldn't come," said he, "and it'sup to me to make the delivery. I've been pioneering around all summerwith this herd, and now that I'm my own boss, I'll take orders from noone. We made rather a forced drive from the Republican, and I want agood night's rest for both the herd and myself. Ten o'clock in themorning will be early enough to tender the cattle for delivery. In themean time, our pilot, the red-headed clerk, will answer all questions.As for myself, I'm going to sleep in the new tent, and if any one callsor wakes me in the morning, I'll get up and wear him out. I've lost aright smart of sleep this summer, and I won't stand no trifling."

  Joel fully understood that the object in delay was to have the herd inpresentable condition, and offered no objection. The beeves were grazedup opposite headquarters, and the guards were arranged for the night,which passed without incident. Thereafter, as a matter of precaution, adead-line must be maintained between the wintered and the throughcattle; and as Manly was to remain another year, he and an assistantwere detailed to stay at headquarters. A reduced mount of horses wasallowed them, and starting the beeves at daybreak, the wagon and remudafollowed several hours later.

  The trail foreman was humored in his wishes. It was nearly noon when thethrough herd was reached, grazed and watered to surfeiting, and a singleglance satisfied Joel Wells that the cattle fully met every requirement.The question of age was disposed of as easily as that of quality.

  "We gathered this year's drive on our home ranges," said the foreman,"and each age was held separate until the herds were made up. I startedwith fifteen hundred threes and sixteen hundred twos, with ten headextra of each age, in case of loss on the trail. Our count on leavingOgalalla showed a loss of twelve head. I'm willing to class or countthem as they run. Manly knows the make-up of the herd."

  Sargent and the brothers rode back and forth through the scatteredcattle. It meant a big saving of time to accept them on a straightcount, and on being rejoined by the foreman, Joel waived his intent toclassify the cattle.

  "I bought this herd on Mr. Stoddard's word," said he, "and I'm going toclass it on yours. String out your cattle, and you and Manly countagainst Sargent and myself."

  A correct count on a large herd is no easy task. In trailing formation,the cattle march between a line of horsemen, but in the open thedifficulty is augmented. A noonday sun lent its assistance in quietingthe herd, which was shaped into an immense oval, and the countattempted. The four men elected to make the count cut off a number ofthe leaders, and counting them, sent them adrift. Thereafter, the trailoutfit fed the cattle between the quartette, who sat their horses inspeechless intensity, as the column filed through at random. Each manused a string, containing ten knots, checking the hundreds by slippingthe knots, and when the last hoof had passed in review, the quiet of along hour was relieved by a general shout, when the trail outfit dashedup to know the result.

  "How many strays have you?" inquired Sargent of the foreman, as thequartette rode together.

  "That's so; there's a steer and a heifer; we'll throw them in for goodmeasure. What's your count?"

  "Minus the strays, mine repeats yours at Ogalalla," answered Sargent,turning to Joel.

  "Thirty-one hundred and ten," said the boy.

  The trail foreman gave vent to a fit of laughter. "Young fellow," saidhe, "I never allow no man to outdo me in politeness. If you bought thesecattle o
n my old man's word, I want you to be safe in receiving them.We'll class them sixteen hundred twos, and fifteen hundred threes, andany overplus falls to the red-headed pilot. That's about what Uncle Dudwould call a Texas count and classification. Shake out your horses;dinner's waiting."

  There were a few details to arrange. Manly must have an assistant, andan extra man was needed with the shipment, both of whom volunteered fromthe through outfit. The foreman was invited to move up to headquartersand rest to his heart's content, but in his anxiety to report to hisemployer, the invitation was declined.

  "We'll follow up to-morrow," said he, "and lay over on the railroaduntil you come in with our beeves. The next hard work I do is to get intouch with my Uncle Dudley."

  "Look here--how about it--when may we expect you home?" sputtered Manly,as the others hurriedly made ready to overtake the beef herd.

  "When you see us again," answered Joel, mounting his horse. "If thisshipment strikes a good market, we may drop down to Trail City and pickup another herd. It largely depends on our bank account. Until you seeor hear from us, hold the dead-line and locate your cattle."



  The trail outfit reached the railroad a day in advance of the beeves.Shipping orders were sent to the station agent in advance, and on thearrival of the herd the two outfits made short shift in classifying itfor market and corralling the different grades of cattle.

  Mr. Stoddard had been located at Trail City. Once the shipment wassafely within the corral, notice was wired the commission firm,affording time for reply before the shipment would leave in the morning.An early call at the station was rewarded by receipt of a wire from thewest. "Read that," said the foreman, handing the telegram to Joel;"wants all three of us to come into the city."

  "Of course," commented Joel, returning the message. "It's clear enough.There's an understanding between us. At the earliest convenience, afterthe delivery of the herd, we were to meet and draw up the final papers.We'll all go in with this shipment."

  "And send the outfits across country to Trail City?"

  "Throw the remudas together and let them start the moment the cattletrain leaves. We can go back with Mr. Stoddard and meet the outfits atthe new trail market."

  "That's the ticket," said the trail boss. "I'm dead tired of ridinghorses and eating at a wagon. Give me the plush cushions and let me putmy little feet under a table once more."

  The heavy cattle train was promised a special schedule. The outfitsreceived their orders, and at the usual hour in the morning, theshipment started to market. Weathered brown as a saddle, Dell waswalking on clouds, lending a hand to the shipper in charge, riding onthe engine, or hungering for the rare stories with which the trailforeman regaled the train crew. The day passed like a brief hour, thetrain threading its way past corn fields, country homes, and scorning tohalt at the many straggling villages that dotted the route.

  It was a red-letter day in the affairs of Wells Brothers. The present,their fifth shipment of the year, a total of over nineteen hundredbeeves, was en route to market. Another day, and their operations incattle, from a humble beginning to the present hour, could be condensedinto a simple statement. The brothers could barely wait the interveninghours, and when the train reached the market and they had retired forthe night, speculation ran rife in planning the future. And amid alltheir dreams and air castles, in the shadowy background stood two simplemen whose names were never mentioned except in terms of lovingendearment.

  Among their many friends, Quince Forrest was Dell's hero. "They're allgood fellows," he admitted, "but Mr. Quince is a prince. He gave us ourstart in cattle. Our debt to him--well, we can never pay it. And henever owned a hoof himself."

  "We owe Mr. Paul just as much," protested Joel. "He showed us ourchance. When pa died, the settlers on the Solomon talked of making boundboys of us. Mr. Paul was the one who saw us as we are to-day."

  "I wish mother could have lived to see us now--shipping beeves by thetrain-load--and buying cattle by the thousand."

  An eager market absorbed the beeves, and before noon they had crossedthe scale. A conference, jubilant in its nature, took place during theafternoon, in the inner office of the commission firm. The execution ofa new contract was a mere detail; but when the chief bookkeeper handedin a statement covering the shipments of this and the previous year, alull in the gayety was followed by a moment of intense interest. Theaccount showed a balance of sixty-odd thousand dollars in favor ofWells Brothers!

  "Give them a letter of credit for their balance," said Mr. Stoddard,amid the general rejoicing. "And get us some passes; we're all going outto Trail City to-night. There's a few bargains on that market, and theboys want to stock their range fully."

  "Yours obediently," said the old factor, beaming on his patrons. "And ifthe boys have any occasion to use any further funds, don't hesitate todraw on us. The manner in which they have protected their creditentitles them to our confidence. Our customers come first. Theirprosperity is our best asset. A great future lies before you boys, andwe want a chance to help you reach it. Keep in touch with us; we mayhear of something to your advantage."

  "In case we need it, can you get us another permit to bring Texas cattleinto Kansas?" eagerly inquired Joel.

  "Try us," answered the old man, with a knowing look. "We may not be ableto, but in securing business, railroads look years ahead."

  A jolly party of cowmen left for Trail City that night. Morning foundtheir train creeping up the valley of the Arkansas. The old trail marketof Dodge, deserted and forlorn-looking among the wild sunflower, waspassed like a way station. The new market was only a mile over the stateline, in Colorado, and on nearing their destination the partydrew together.

  "I've only got a remnant of a herd left," said Mr. Stoddard, "and I wantyou to understand that there's no obligation to even look at them. Mr.Lovell's at his beef ranch in Dakota, and his men have not been seensince the herds passed north in June. But I'll help you buy any cattleyou want."

  In behalf of the brothers, Joel accepted the offer. "These Texascattle," he continued, "reach their maturity the summer following theirfourth year. Hereafter, as fast as possible, we want to shape up ourholdings so as to double-winter all our beef cattle. For that reason, weprefer to buy two-year-olds. We'll look at your remnant; there would beno occasion to rebrand, which is an advantage."

  The train reached Trail City on time. The town was of mushroomgrowth--a straggling business street with fancy fronts, while the outerportions of the village were largely constructed of canvas. The ArkansasRiver passed to the south, numerous creeks put in to the main stream,affording abundant water to the herds on sale, while a bountiful rangesurrounded the market. Shipping pens, branding chutes, and everyfacility for handling cattle were complete.

  The outfits were not expected in for another day. In the mean time, itbecame rumored about that the two boys who had returned with Mr.Stoddard and his trail foreman were buyers for a herd of cattle. Thepresence of the old cowman threw a barrier of protection around thebrothers, except to his fellow drovers, who were made acquainted withhis proteges and their errand freely discussed.

  "These boys are customers of mine," announced Mr. Stoddard to a group ofhis friends. "I sold them a herd at Dodge last year, and another atOgalalla this summer. Range on the Beaver, in northwest Kansas. Justshipped out their last train of beeves this week. Had them onyesterday's market. From what I gather, they can use about threethousand to thirty-five hundred head. At least their letter of credit isgood for those numbers. Sorry I ain't got the cattle myself. Theynaturally look to me for advice, and I feel an interest in the boys.Their outfit ought to be in by to-morrow."

  Mr. Stoddard's voucher placed the brothers on a firm footing, and everyattention was shown the young cowmen. An afternoon and a morning'sdrive, and the offerings on the trail market had been carefully lookedover, including the remnant of Mr. Stoddard. Only a few herds possessedtheir original numbers, none of which were acceptable to the bu
yers,while the smaller ones frequently contained the desired grade and age.

  "Let me put you boys in possession of some facts," urged Mr. Stoddard,in confidence to the brothers. "Most of us drovers are tired out,disgusted with the slight demand for cattle, and if you'll buy out ourlittle remnants and send us home--well, we'd almost let you name theprice. Unless my herds are under contract, this is my last year onthe trail."

  The remnant of Mr. Stoddard's herd numbered around seven hundred head.They were largely twos, only a small portion of threes, and as aninducement their owner offered to class them at the lesser age, andpriced them at the same figures as those delivered on the Beaver. Onrange markets, there was a difference in the selling value of the twoages, amounting to three dollars a head; and as one third of the cattlewould have classed as threes, Joel waived his objection to their ages.

  "We'll take your remnant on one condition," said he. "Start your outfitshome, but you hang around until we make up our herd."

  "That's my intention, anyhow," replied Mr. Stoddard. "My advice would beto pick up these other remnants. Two years on a steer makes them allalike. You have seen cripple and fagged cattle come out of the kinks,and you know the advantage of a few cows; keeps your cattle quiet and onthe home range. You might keep an eye open for any bargains inshe stuff."

  "That's just what Jack Sargent says," said Dell; "that we ought to havea cow to every ten or fifteen steers."

  "Sargent's our foreman," explained Joel. "He's a Texan, and knows cattleright down to the split in their hoof. With his and your judgment, weought to make up a herd of cattle in a few days."

  The two outfits came in on the evening of the fourth day. The nextmorning the accepted cattle were counted and received, the throughoutfits relieved, the remudas started overland under a detail, and theremainder of the men sent home by rail. In acquiring a nucleus, WellsBrothers fell heir to a temporary range and camp, which thereafterbecame their headquarters.

  A single day was wasted in showing the different remnants to Sargent,and relieved of further concern, Mr. Stoddard lent his best efforts tobring buyer and seller together. Barter began in earnest, on thedifferent fragments acceptable in age and quality. Prices on rangecattle were nearly standard, at least established for the present, andany yielding on the part of drovers was in classing and conceding ages.Bargaining began on the smaller remnants, and once the buyers began toreceive and brand, there was a flood of offerings, and the herd was madeup the second day. The ---- Y was run on the different remnants as fastas received, and when completed, the herd numbered a few overthirty-four hundred head. The suggestion to add cows to their holdingswas not overlooked, and in making up the herd, two fragments, numberingnearly five hundred, were purchased.

  "The herd will be a trifle unwieldy," admitted Sargent, "but we're onlygoing to graze home. And unless we get a permit, we had better holdover the line in Colorado until after the first frost."

  "Don't worry about the permit," admonished Mr. Stoddard; "it's sure."

  "We'll provision the wagon for a month," said Joel, "and that will takeus home, with or without a bill of health."

  The commissary was stocked, three extra men were picked up, and the herdstarted northward over the new Ogalalla trail. A week later it crossedthe Kansas Pacific Railroad, when Joel left the herd, returning to theirlocal station. A haying outfit was engaged, placed under the directionof Manly, and after spending a few days at headquarters, the youngcowman returned to the railroad.

  The expected permit was awaiting him. There was some slight danger inusing it, without first removing their wintered cattle; and after aconference with Manly, it was decided to scout out the country betweentheir range and the Colorado line. The first herd of cattle had locatednicely, one man being sufficient to hold the dead-line; and taking apack horse, Joel and Manly started to explore the country between theupper tributaries of the Beaver and the Colorado line.

  A rifle was taken along to insure venison. Near the evening of the firstday, a band of wild horses was sighted, the trail of which wasback-tracked to a large lake in the sand hills. On resuming their scoutin the morning, sand dunes were scaled, admitting of an immense surveyof country, but not until evening was water in any quantity encountered.The scouts were beginning to despair of finding water for the night,when an immense herd of antelope was sighted, crossing the plain at aneasy gallop and disappearing among the dunes. Following up the gametrail, a perfect chain of lakes, a mile in length, was found at sunset.A venison was shot and a fat camp for the night assured.

  The glare of the plain required early observation. The white haze, heatwaves, and mirages were on every hand, blotting out distinct objectsduring the day. On leaving the friendly sand hills, the horsemen boredirectly for the timber on the Republican, which was sighted the thirdmorning, and reached the river by noon.

  No sign or trace of cattle was seen. The distance between the new andold trail was estimated at one hundred miles, and judging from theirhours in the saddle, the scouts hoped to reach the new crossing on theriver that evening. The mid-day glare prevented observations; and asthey followed the high ground along the Republican, at early eveningindistinct objects were made out on the border of a distant mirage.

  The scouts halted their horses. On every hand might be seen the opticalillusions of the plain. Beautiful lakes, placid and blue, forests andwhite-capped mountains, invited the horsemen to turn aside and rest. Butthe allurement of the mirage was an old story, and holding the objectsin view, they jogged on, halting from time to time as theillusions lifted.

  Mirages arise at evening. At last, in their normal proportions, theobjects of concern moved to and fro. "They're cattle!" shouted Manly."We're near a ranch, or it's the herd!"

  "Yonder's a smoke-cloud!" excitedly said Joel. "See it! in the valley!above that motte of cotton-woods!"

  "It's a camp! Come on!"

  The herd had every appearance of being under control. As the scoutsadvanced, the outline of an immense loose herd was noticeable, and on afar, low horizon, a horseman was seen on duty. On reaching the cattle, asingle glance was given, when the brands told the remainder ofthe story.

  A detail of men was met leaving camp. Sargent was among them, and afterhearty greetings were over, Joel outlined the programme: "After leavingthe Republican," said he, "there's water between here and home in twoplaces. None of them are over thirty miles apart--a day and a half'sdrive. I have a bill of health for these cattle, and turn the herd downthe river in the morning."

  The new trail crossing was only a few miles above on the river. The herdhad arrived three days before, and finding grass and water in abundance,the outfit had gone into camp, awaiting word from home. There was noobject in waiting any great distance from headquarters, and after aday's travel down the Republican, a tack was made for the sand hills.

  A full day's rest was allowed the herd on the chain of lakes. Bywatering early, a long drive was made during the afternoon, followed bya dry camp, and the lagoon where the wild horses had been sighted wasreached at evening the next day.

  It was yet early in September, and for fear of fever, it was decided toisolate the herd until after the first frost. The camp was within easytouch of headquarters; and leaving Sargent and five men, the commissary,and half the remuda, the remainder returned to the Beaver valley. Thewater would hold the cattle, and even if a month elapsed before frostlifted the ban, the herd would enjoy every freedom.

  The end of the summer's work was in sight. The men from the Republicanwere paid for their services, commended for their faithfulness, and wenttheir way. Preparations for winter were the next concern; and whileholding the dead-line, plans for two new line-camps were outlined, onebelow the old trail crossing and the other an emergency shelter on thePrairie Dog. Forage had been provided at both points, and in outliningthe winter lines, Joel submitted his idea for Manly's approval.

  "Sargent thinks we can hold the cattle on twenty miles of the Beavervalley," said he, sketching the range on the ground at his feet. "We'
llhave to ride lines again, and in case the cattle break through during astorm, we can work from our emergency camp on the Prairie Dog. In casethat line is broken, we can drop down to the railroad and make anotherattempt to check any drift. And as a last resort, whether we hold theline or not, we'll send an outfit as far south as the Arkansas River,and attend the spring round-ups from there north to the Republican. Wehave the horses and men, and no one can throw out a wider drag-net thanour outfit. Let the winter come as it will; we can ride to the leadwhen spring comes."

  The future of Wells Brothers rested on sure foundations. Except in itsnew environment, their occupation was as old as the human race, ourheroes being merely players in a dateless drama. They belonged to aperiod in the development of our common country, dating from a day whencattle were the corner-stone of one fourth of our national domain. Theyand their kind were our pioneers, our empire builders; for when a cowmanpushed into some primal valley and possessed it with his herd, his ranchbecame an outpost on our frontier. The epoch was truly Western; theirranges were controlled without investment, their cattle roamed thevirgin pastures of an unowned land.

  Over twenty-five years have passed since an accident changed the courseof the heroes of this story. Since that day of poverty and uncertainoutlook, the brothers have been shaken by adversity, but have arisentriumphant over every storm. From their humble beginning, chronicledhere, within two decades the brothers acquired no less than sevenranches in the Northwest, while their holdings of cattle often ran inexcess of one hundred thousand head. The trail passed away within twoyears of the close of this narrative; but from their wide acquaintancewith former drovers, cattle with which to restock their ranches werebrought north by rail. Their operations covered a wide field, requiringtrusty men; and with the passing of the trail, their first sponsorsfound ready employment with their former proteges. And to-day, in themany irrigation projects of the brothers, in reclaiming the aridregions, among the directors of their companies the names of J.Q.Forrest and John P. Priest may be found.

  A new generation now occupies the Beaver valley. In the genesis of theWest, the cowman, the successor of the buffalo and Indian, gave way tothe home-loving instinct of man. The sturdy settler crept up the valley,was repulsed again and again by the plain, only to renew his assaultuntil success crowned his efforts. It was then that the brothers sawtheir day and dominion passing into the hands of another. But instead ofturning to new fields, they remained with the land that nurtured andrewarded them, an equally promising field opening in financing vastirrigation enterprises and in conserving the natural water supply.

  Joel and Dell Wells live in the full enjoyment of fortunes wrested fromthe plain. They are still young men, in the prime of life, while theopportunities of a thrifty country invite their assistance andleadership on every hand. They are deeply interested in everydevelopment of their state, preferring those avenues where heroicendeavor calls forth their best exertion, save in the political arena.

  Joel Wells was recently mentioned as an acceptable candidate forgovernor of his adopted state, but declined, owing to the pressure ofpersonal interests. In urging his nomination, a prominent paper, famedfor its support of state interests, in a leading editorial, paid one ofour heroes the following tribute:--

  "... What the state needs is a business man in the executive chair. Weare all stockholders in common, yet the ship of state seems adrift,without chart or compass, pilot or captain. In casting about for agovernor who would fully meet all requirements, one name stands alone.Joel Wells can give M---- a business administration. Educated in therough school of experience, he has fought his way up from a poor boy onthe plains to an enviable leadership in the many industries of thestate. He could bring to the executive office every requirement of thesuccessful business man, and impart to his administration that masterywhich marks every enterprise of Wells Brothers...."

  The golden age is always with us. If a moral were necessary to adornthis story, it would be that no poor boy need despair of his chance inlife. The future holds as many prizes as the past. Material nature isprodigal in its bounty, and whether in the grass under our feet, or inharnessing the waterfall, we make or mar our success.


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