Bash, Volume II

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Bash, Volume II Page 2

by Candace Blevins

  Dawg ended the kiss gradually, preparing me for the loss of him before he stepped back and away. His gaze travelled to Bash, who said, “We’re good, brother.”

  Bash turned me around and pulled me into his chest as he told Dawg, “We’ll talk tomorrow. Lock the door on your way out.”

  He leaned his head down, used his hand at the back of my scalp to place my face where he wanted it, and branded me with his kiss. It was raw and feral, fierce, but it was exactly what my wolf needed, and I assumed his did, too. I felt his body against me, lean and hard, as his hand swept down my body, claiming it with a touch.

  My heart skipped a few beats, though, when he pulled back and said, “Want to use my belt on you. One strike, over your jeans, then pull ‘em down and fuck you. Tell me I can, Princess.”

  His words set my blood to boiling, and I breathed, “Not over my jeans. On my bottom.”

  He shook his head. “No. We can work up to that, but over your jeans today.” I opened my mouth to argue, but he rushed to say, “If you still want it on your bare bottom after you’ve taken your hit, let me know.” His eyes were fierce, so I nodded agreement, but he said, “This won’t be a fun strike, Princess. It’ll hurt, but there’ll only be one and then I’ll make you feel good.”

  I wanted to ask him why, but I also didn’t want him to change his mind. I don’t know why I wanted him to do it, but I craved the feel of the leather striking my flesh. Maybe because I didn’t understand how bad it would hurt? Or, perhaps I knew it would hurt terribly — because Bash never does anything halfway — but I needed him to do it anyway? If I had to choose, it was probably the latter, though I truly didn’t know what I was in for.

  He unfastened the buckle and pulled his belt out in one motion, and my clit went from a slow burn to a raging inferno as fear and lust raced through my veins and battled for first place.

  “Lean over the bed. Fists on the mattress, arms straight, back arched down, ass in the air.”

  He didn’t double it over like Thomas had, but held the buckle in his hand and wrapped the belt around it a few times, leaving a long length free, like a strap.

  My heart beat erratically as I got into position and waited for the strike. My clit amplified every heartbeat, the pressure of my jeans making me even more aware of it, and I had to force my hips to stay still.

  I heard the belt whooshing through the air a split second before it hit, and then it took a split second after for the pain to register as a line of fire across the sensitive skin where my ass meets my thighs. My body froze with pain as I gasped air in, pushed it out, pulled more in, and then, finally, screamed.

  This was nothing like what Thomas had done. That had been child’s play compared to this, and I had jeans on now. Before I could even try to work it through in my head, though, Bash’s hands were unfastening the button on my waistband, and then my zipper was pulled down, and he worked my panties off with the denim. He took it all to my knees and left it, so I couldn’t have run if I’d wanted, and then his cock pushed inside my slick heat, pounding me, taking me, claiming me. My screams went from pain to pleasure, or maybe both at the same time, as my brain was still in a jumble of glorious, shattering sensations that made rational thought impossible as he drove into me, over and over.

  The line of fire was still there, but his cock in my pussy, wild and relentless, had changed the tenor of it so I felt the heat more than the pain. He’d scorched me and then soothed me with a passionate violence only Bash could manage, and in less than thirty seconds I was screaming through an explosive orgasm I thought might take the top of my head off. I fell forward onto the bed when my muscles gave out, but he held onto my waist and kept pounding me as I scrabbled for the sheets, trying to find purchase and orient myself. My legs were still trapped together, and somehow my imprisoned knees made it to the bed. Bash’s legs straddled mine, and he was relentless as he pummeled me without pause.

  He came with me on my second orgasm, growling and snarling as he pumped even harder. If I’d been human, he’d have hurt me, possibly injured me, but I was a wolf and I gloried in his savage strength. I needed him to take me like this — assert his ownership and prove to me beyond any doubt that he and his wolf could handle me.

  He fell onto the bed with me spooned into him, his lips at the curve of my neck as he breathed, “Holy hell. I know you’re okay, I can smell how okay you are, but I still feel the need to ask. You okay?”

  I hadn’t expected the belt to hurt so much, and I was glad he’d done it over the top of my jeans. I couldn’t imagine that kind of a strike on bare flesh. None of that mattered at this moment, though, because the answer was, “I’m fucking perfect.”

  “Fuckin’ A.”

  Neither of us spoke for a long while as we caught our breath, and Bash finally said, “Haven’t been in a pussy without a condom since I was fifteen. Damn, we have a lot to talk about, but for now, suffice it to say, if you end up pregnant, you tell me first. Shoulda got the promise out of you before I…” He sighed and muttered, “Fuck. I trust you. Not gonna stress over it.”

  And yet, I could smell him stressing over it.

  “I’m on the birth control dosage for werewolves. I don’t intend to become a mom for at least five years, maybe longer. I want to get my career on track, get myself established enough I can work from home once the baby’s born, should I decide I want to be a mom.” He didn’t say anything, and I sensed this was a big deal to him, so I added, “I’ll make you a promise even more than you’re asking — if I’m late, I’ll let you know, so you can stress with me over the test, when I take it, and see the results as I do. That work for you?”

  He put his face in my neck, breathed in. “Yeah. Thanks.”

  “I’m glad you insisted on me keeping my jeans on.”

  “My wolf needed to lay into you. Show you who you belonged to. Fair warning, we’ll have to find a way to make him happy after any threesomes with Dawg, and I don’t think leaving your pants on is gonna work after you fuck him, or blow him, or… whatever.”

  He turned me over, so we were eye to eye. “Couple of things. Dawg doesn’t fuck your pussy. If you get pregnant I want to be sure it’s mine. He can take your ass or your mouth, but your pussy’s mine.”

  “Should we forget about it? Or maybe wait until you and I are more established?”

  He shook his head, and his eyes sparkled as he smirked. “After the orgasm the two of us just had, when all you did was kiss him? Are you fucking crazy? I trust Dawg with my life, but even more important, I trust him with you. Don’t know that it would work with anyone else, but we’ll figure it out. You were turned on, and it’s one of your fantasies, so we’ll make it happen.” He brushed some stray hair out of my face. “I claimed you, made you mine tonight, Princess. We both know what that means in my world, our world, but it means even more, to me personally. It means more than my responsibility to keep you safe, but that I take care of your wants and needs, too, which I’m pretty sure puts me in charge of making sure your fantasies come true.”

  “My fantasy in this moment is to either pull my pants up or take them off,” I told him with a smile, and he chuckled as he sat up and tugged them off my legs.

  “If those are my choices, I’m pretty much always gonna take ‘em off, Princess.”

  He hadn’t taken his pants off to fuck me, and they weren’t fastened. He stood and slid them down his legs, pulled his shirt over his head — and this time I let all of my arousal pheromones out as I watched the muscles of his abdomen, arms, chest, legs… fuck, every damned muscle I could see, move.

  As he smelled my lust, I scented his in reaction to mine, and he helped me pull my shirt off. While I unfastened my bra, he said, “I’ll be right back.”

  One of the cabinets held baby wipes, and he cleaned me up with them. It didn’t escape my notice he was examining me as he cleaned, making sure I was okay, and he hadn’t hurt me too bad with his exuberance. I was tender and sore, but fine, and I moaned and moved my hips as he ca
refully wiped me clean.

  He wadded the wipes into a ball, tossed it into a nearby trashcan, and then moved his body over mine, his eyes heavy with desire as he murmured, “Hope you weren’t planning on sleeping tonight,” and his lips met mine as he once again took my breath away.

  Chapter Three


  I woke starving, but wasn’t sure Angelica would want to do breakfast with everyone in the main room on a weekend, yet.

  I was on my back, and she was lying on top of me, her head on my shoulder, her hips over my stomach, her legs sprawled to either side of me. She’d ridden me last night, the final time we’d had sex, and it was possible she’d just fallen forward and asleep when she finished. I was pretty sure I’d fallen asleep without getting off the last time. I enjoy being ridden but I can’t get off from it.

  I’d come so much last night, though, it wasn’t a big deal.

  I ran my hand over her hair and through it a little, careful of snarls. She stirred, and then opened her eyes. The pleasure on her face when she realized where she was warmed my heart.

  Damn, we were really doing this.

  “I’m starving,” I told her. “Why don’t we sneak out the side door and I’ll take you to Awful House.”

  “Awesome plan,” she said her voice still heavy with sleep. “I need ten minutes to shower and dress, but I’m not sure Awful House will be stocked well enough to feed both our wolves.”

  “If they run out of food we’ll go somewhere else to finish,” I said as I sat up and helped her stand. She went to move away, but I pulled her back. “I think my stomach can survive the extra ten seconds it’ll take for a hug,” I told her with a smile as I wrapped my arms around her. She melted into me a few seconds, and then pulled away for the shower. She was hungry, too. I could smell it on her.

  “I have food at my apartment,” she told me as she stepped into the shower. “We can fuck, eat, fuck some more, eat some more. If we snack before we go to sleep, we can probably fit in morning sex before breakfast. You know, for future reference, if you want to stay at my place some.”

  * * * *

  It was nearly eleven when we finished eating, and I told her, “I have church at noon, but need to get there early for an officer meeting. I owe you a trip to the mall, and then Duke and I have some club business to handle. Depending on how the evening goes, I can probably get away around eight, and meet you back at your apartment, if I’m invited to spend the night?”

  “Yeah, but I’ll wake up at seven Monday morning to run, then come back, eat, shower, and get ready for work. I’ll leave for work around quarter till nine.”

  “You don’t take the same route when you run, do you?’

  She shook her head. “I was, but I’ve already considered I shouldn’t do it anymore.”

  “I’ll get up and run with you. I’ll follow you home now, make sure you get in safe. You have plans today?”

  “None besides dragging you to the mall and doing some research for work.” She took a drink and changed the conversation. “You were VP during the time Brain moved his membership to the Atlanta chapter, right?”

  “Yeah, and now I’m Sergeant at Arms, plus I’m manager over one of our divisions, which would also put me into the officer meetings.”

  She sighed. “We still have a lot of talking to do, but not now.”

  I knew we had a lot to talk over, but I wasn’t sure what the officer meeting had to do with it. She was right about not getting into it here, though, so I only said, “We care about each other, we’ve claimed each other. The rest is just details — some more important than others, but we’ll get to them all, eventually. The important part, though, is you’re mine and I’m yours, right?”

  “You know that isn’t entirely true. You belong to the MC, too, and we’ll have to work around where your loyalties lie as we move ahead. I remember some of the arguments my parents had when my dad chose the MC over my mom and me. I don’t want to make you feel divided, like it’s me or the club, but I’m smart enough to know situations are going to pop up.”

  I couldn’t argue with a word she’d said, so I kissed her hand and said, “I’ll go pay and come back to get you. We’ll figure it out, Princess. Through the good and bad, we’ll figure it out.”

  She’d put her bags in her car when we left the compound, and I’d followed her to the restaurant. Now, I followed her home, walked her inside and helped with her bags, kissed her goodbye, and then headed back to the clubhouse. I saw the DA’s Mercedes in the apartment complex parking lot before I pulled out, and realized he’d probably want to see her if he knew she was home.

  I trusted her, though. I had to. Still, when I got to the compound I texted her.

  Pickering’s car was in the parking lot. Can I ask you to let me know before you see him, if you do?

  Her return text didn’t take long.

  He knocked on my door not long after you left. I told him I had other obligations right now, and would let him know if I could free up some time to talk to him this evening.

  I was tempted to tell her again to let me know, but I didn’t. She’d told me she was mine, and I trusted her. She had honor, integrity. She was Bud’s daughter and my Princess. She may have grown up since we spent so much time together so long ago, but she was the same person, the same soul. I knew her inside and out, and I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that if she wanted Pickering, she wouldn’t have promised herself to me.

  * * * *

  Duke opened the officer’s meeting by announcing I was with Angelica and informing them Bud was aware, adding, “I don’t know when they’ll make it common knowledge, but it’d be best to let Bash and Angelica have control over when the MC finds out, and how.”

  Dozer and Tiny both looked pissed, and I forced myself to stay relaxed and loose, seated in my chair. “Do we have a problem, brothers?”

  “She was with the fuckin’ DA, and Pablo said she visited him in the hospital, too. You sure she ain’t playin’ us? She’s been gone, off at a liberal college a long fuckin’ time.”

  I looked to Duke, who said, “I’m certain. Brain’s certain. Bash is certain. Brain and Bash are both close to her, and even if I weren’t personally sure — which I am — I’d trust their judgments.”

  “As enforcers, we’d like to be sure.”

  “And as Sergeant at Arms, President, and Vice President, we feel certain she’s family and doesn’t deserve to be treated as a traitor,” I responded with a growl, barely holding onto my wolf.

  “Don’t you think you’re a little biased?” asked Dozer.

  “Maybe he is, but I’m not,” Brain said, his arms crossed over his chest. “You have proof, present it. Otherwise, your objections are noted and we only have a short time to cover a couple of things, so let’s move on. I bugged Sullivan’s apartment, car, and phone. He isn’t meeting with LEO, and he pretty much only talks to his mom, sister, and club members. Whatever he’s up to, I don’t think he’s let anyone else in on it.”

  “What’s the worst case scenario? He’s spying on us for LEO?” I asked.

  “That, or he intends to take us out somehow, get his own revenge on us for messing his dad up.” Brain shrugged. “He could sneak explosives in and take the clubhouse down from the inside, and kill or injure a lot of us and our people in the process. I don’t trust him having clubhouse privileges, but we’ve given them to the other people who got their prospect patch when he did.”

  “Good news is, he’s human,” I said. “We can interrogate him and know if he’s tellin’ the truth. We need answers, I think it’s time we got ‘em.”

  Brain sighed. “I’m afraid Bash is right. We’ll call a vote during church, decide who, where, and when.”

  * * * *

  Angelica informed me we’d need to go to the mall in a cage when I texted her I was through with church. I picked her up in my truck, and she grinned as she got in. “How long has it been since you went to the mall?”

  “Been to some of the restaurant
s around it, but I haven’t actually been inside this one, Princess.”

  She lifted an eyebrow and told me, “Oh, so I get to pop one of your cherries!”

  My wolf snarled at her, but she didn’t lose her happy expression and I couldn’t get too upset with her.

  Despite the fact I’d followed her and Kayla around the Atlanta malls when she was a teen, I wasn’t at all prepared for what met us at The Mall, though. Yeah, it needed to be in capital letters. Damn, the place was crazy, and I couldn’t believe I’d destroyed an eighty dollar shirt.

  What the fuck was it made of?

  She tried fourteen fancy blouses on, bought five, and handed me the one like the shirt I’d destroyed, insisting I pay for it in line in front of her. I’d made a deal with her, so I did, and I smiled pleasantly when I handed her the bag, saying, “Worth every penny, Princess.”

  She also tried on so many pair of pants I lost count, though she only bought six of them, and pointed out how they were on sale and she had to build up her career wardrobe.

  I had to admit they looked good on her, and I didn’t mind the excuse to look at her ass when she asked my opinion, but by the time we finally left the madness, my wolf was trying to convince me wholesale slaughter might not be such a bad thing.

  With tax, my fun time of ripping her shirt off cost me ninety three dollars and forty five cents, and two and a half hours of mall-shopping-hell. I hadn’t lied when I told her it was worth the money…. but the time in the mall? Debatable.


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