Bash, Volume II

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Bash, Volume II Page 12

by Candace Blevins

  He kissed the top of my head. “Long term relationships? Anything of note to tell? Have you had a chance to have fun with sex? You seem to know what you’re doing, but I guess I need a little more history.”

  I didn’t ask why he wanted to know. I knew he’d probably been with dozens of women just this year, and I didn’t want to contemplate how much experience he’d had since his first time. He’d known me when I was a virgin, and he wanted a road map of where I’d been in the interim, before he figured out where to take me. I’m not sure exactly how I knew why he was asking, other than to say I knew him so well, it seemed common sense.

  “One relationship lasted eight months, that’s my longest. And yeah, we had fun with it sometimes, and were serious sometimes.”

  “How is it you’re still an anal virgin?”

  “Only a few guys brought it up, but they all backed off when I said ‘no’. None were long term guys.” Two of the bikers had pushed, but I’d managed to divert their attention to other things. I figured the less I reminded Bash I’d gone looking for bikers, the better, though.

  “So far, I’ve pretty much told you what’s going to happen, or just done what I wanted without warning. I’m not in the habit of asking for what I want.” His coarse words conflicted with the hand gently playing with my hair. “But you’ve held it off this long, you should be sure I’m the one you want to give it to. So, I’m not gonna take your ass until you ask me to.” He sat me up, held my face so I had no choice but to look into his eyes. “I want my cock buried in your beautiful ass, want you to be mine in a way you’ve never been for anyone else, but I want you to ask me to take it. I need it to be your decision.”

  I’d been nervous about it before, but hadn’t really considered the whole ‘giving up my virginity’ thing. I’d tried to get rid of my other virginity for so long, I’d hadn’t thought about the fact I had another metaphorical cherry to pop.

  The bottom line, though, was if anyone was going to do it, I wanted it to be Bash.

  “I want it to be you.” I held his gaze, let him see — and smell — my truth. “You’re important to me, you’re special, and I want…” I shook my head. “I don’t want to give it to you. I want you to take it. I know you won’t hurt me; I know you’ll make it good.”

  His gaze went soft a few seconds, then hardened with determination. His fingers slid from my cheek to my hair, threading through it before he grasped my entire head in his hand. “I love you, Princess. You good with that?”

  My heart hopscotched in my chest as I figured out how to answer him. He hadn’t asked it in a way that demanded I give him my undying love back. If he had, I likely would’ve freaked, but the way he asked it put me in a different mindset. Was I okay with it? Yeah. Fuck me, but I was damned fine with it.

  “I can’t promise you forever. This is unfamiliar territory for me.” I pushed my head in to his hand as I closed my eyes and enjoyed his touch. I opened them again, looked into his eyes, and finished my thought. “I love you, too, Bash. I’m not freaking out about it, though, because I know you. I trust you. I believe in you.”

  He tipped his chin down and back up, and my heart fluttered as he stood with me in his arms. I grabbed at him, startled and off balance as I was lifted into the air with no warning, but he quickly turned me in his embrace until I was cradled against his chest, and I relaxed into him.

  When we made it to the bedroom I expected him to throw me onto the bed, but he settled me gently on my back in the center of the mattress as he crawled onto it and over me, his lips meeting mine in a dance instead of crashing into me, as I was accustomed from him.

  Our tongues tangled, our lips caressed, and my hands reached for his shirt. He rose so I could slide it up his body, and lifted his arms as I pulled it over his shoulders and head. His fingers went to the buttons of my blouse, and I almost chuckled at the way he carefully took it off, but knew he’d rip it off with a smirk if I dared laugh — even if it meant another trip to the mall. I kissed him with all I had as he worked his way down, slowly freeing me from the fabric while my hips moved and twisted because I couldn’t wait for him to get to my pants.

  I worked his belt buckle and button, and he lifted up long enough to do the zipper and push his pants off. Thankfully, he’d taken his boots off earlier.

  “Fuck,” I complained as I took care of the last couple of my shirt’s buttons, “taking too long to get rid of our clothes.”

  “So impatient, Princess,” he said, his eyes dancing as he came back to me. He pulled my pants off as I got rid of my shirt and bra, and then my legs wrapped around his waist as he slid into me, and we both groaned in bliss as I accepted him into my body.

  I tried to move my hips faster and urge him along, but he put a hand on my hip and shook his head, “You’ll take what I give you, and I’m of a mind to make love to you right now.”

  “Maybe you can get me off once, take the edge off? Then go slow?”

  He kissed me quiet, and then lifted his head to say, “Look at me, Angelica. Show me how much you care, how much you want to be mine. Keep it slow, feel every damned inch of me moving in you.”

  My body obeyed and my hips synchronized with his, pulling away and pushing towards him so fucking slow I wanted to scream, but his cock slid in and out in delicious, wonderful perfection as it hit all the right spots inside, and I found myself captivated by his gaze. Each stroke took me higher, and higher, until I thought I’d cease to exist if it got any better. He didn’t speed up, didn’t slow down, but kept the same rhythm, and my hips moved with his in perfect opposing harmony.

  I didn’t know how close I was to an orgasm until he ordered me to come for him, and my body surrendered to him with a calm, gentle release — at first.

  Until it built. And then built some more. And more.

  What started out as a gloriously smooth release turned into a raging, storming, screaming climax, though he continued at the same maddeningly slow pace. His fingers massaged my clit, his mouth landed on my nipple, where he sucked and bit, adding a touch of pain. Through it all, I could only writhe and twist beneath him, screaming my bliss as the planet hurtled through space and reality crashed around me until nothing existed but the rapturous pleasure Bash heaped on me without pause or respite.

  When it was over he kissed me silly and then pulled out and went to his knees between my legs. Without saying a word he flipped me over and put me on hands and knees, and I knew this was it.

  Or, I was pretty sure.

  He dove for his jeans, got something from his pocket, and I twisted my body so I could look backwards, only to see a small tube in his hand. “Lube, Princess. Turn back around and be good for me. Put your chest on the bed, arch your back, stick your ass in the air. May as well get comfortable.”

  I adjusted my position, and he spread my legs farther, but then made up for it with his palm pressed over my clit, and I arched my back a little more and groaned in bliss instead of letting loose with the aggravated growl I’d been about to give him.

  He teased around and alongside my clit with the fingers of one hand, while his other hand was busy at my ass as one slick finger slid in, then another. I relaxed for him as best I could, though the invasion felt wrong, and good, and right… and depraved. I didn’t know whether to beg for more, or less, or something else, so I moaned and moved, and put my hand over his on my clit, wanting more pressure.

  “Hands over your head, Angelica. You wanted me to take it from you? We’re doing it my way.”

  “So fucking literal.” I grumped as I put my hands over my head, knowing my smile had come through in my voice. Hard to sound grumpy when he was doing the most marvelous things to my body.

  “I’m gonna put the tip in at normal size, then I’ll narrow the shaft some as I push in. Keep talking to me, Princess. Want to hear how you feel with my cock up your ass.” He pressed his cockhead against my asshole, and I arched my back and tried to relax, but it was hard.

  “You’re good, Angelica. Feel you re
laxing. It’ll happen… there we go.”

  I gasped as the muscles opened and he pressed in, spreading me impossibly wide, and I froze a half second before my body decided we needed to escape. My hands moved down to my shoulders and I pushed up, but the heat of his palm landed between my shoulder blades as he pressed me back down. “Hands over your head, Angelica. Move them down again and you’ll feel my belt.”

  I’d been on fire before, but his words ignited a blaze. I slid my arms back over my head with a whimper, and he pressed farther into my ass.

  “Fuck, Bash! Thought you were going to go in smaller! Shit! It’s too much!”

  “You’re good.” He stilled, his voice quiet, soothing. “Won’t go in any farther until you get used to me. Breathe through it, relax around me. You can take this.”

  The hand on my back smoothed down my spine and massaged the area around my sacrum, helping me relax. Meanwhile, his other hand manipulated my clit through my outer labia, and my hips wanted to twist and rotate to get more sensation at my clit, but I stayed frozen, afraid of how the cock in my ass would feel if there was any movement.

  I heard a snap and felt him moving. Took me a second to realize he was putting more lube on the part of his cock not yet inside me.

  “Okay, my little diva Princess. Stay relaxed for me. Want you to know my cock is up your ass, but don’t want you in true pain. Gonna ride the edge, though. Make it good for both of us.”

  He moved slow, taking me little by little, soothing me with one hand and making sure I stayed horny as fuck with the other. I wanted him to fuck me like a madman, and yet I wasn’t sure I could handle it. He’d said he would narrow his cock, and maybe he had, since I wasn’t screaming in pain — but he felt like a damned log and it was just on the edge of too much. Part of me still wanted him to pound me, and didn’t care if I could handle it, but the rational part of my brain kept me motionless and quiet as my heated blood rushed through my veins, every heartbeat throbbed in my clit, and I felt every fucking ridge of his cock as he pressed farther and farther into my ass.

  He didn’t go all the way in before he was pulling back out, then slowly pushing in once more. “I’m at about eighty percent of my usual thickness,” he said, his voice raw and a little feral now, “which means I’m longer than normal, too. Not gonna make you take all this length, but as you get used to me, I’ll get wider.”

  I could hear him fighting for control, holding back. I was at my limit though, so I told him, “Can’t take much more, Bash. Seriously. Just a touch narrower would be awesome.”

  “So, fucking tight like this. But… okay, Princess. Just a little. Want you to enjoy it, too.”

  His cock narrowed by millimeters, but it was enough to let me breathe a little easier and I pushed back onto him. “God, yes. Fuck, that’s good. Shit, Bash. Now you can move. Please.”

  He didn’t speed up, but kept going at the same, slow, steady pace. Maybe I needed to start making him think I liked it slow, so he’d hammer me instead.

  “Tell me what you’re feeling, Princess. Talk to me.”

  Thank god Bash didn’t have the no-cussing rule. “So fucking full. It’s too much, and not enough, and I need to come but I don’t know if I’ll be able to. It’s so different. Visceral. Primitive. Naughty.”

  My words made him speed up, and the sheet’s texture rubbed my cheek as Bash pushed and pulled my whole body forward and backward.

  “I want to bring my hands down, play with myself. Please, Bash.”

  His groan was deep and carnal, drawn out, and it fanned the flames even higher. “Oh, I think we’re going to have to give you lots of reasons to beg. It’s all I can do to keep from taking my cock to full size and plowing the hell out of you. Shit, Princess. Beg for me real nice and maybe I’ll let you play with yourself. Might be fun to turn you over, watch you finger your cunt while I take your ass. Tell me what you’ll do if I let you use your hands.”

  “Finger myself. Play with my clit. I love playing with myself when I’m wet, slick.” I pushed back again, impaling myself on him, and he groaned again as I gasped.

  I felt him get bigger inside me and I gave a small yelp, but didn’t complain. I felt fuller, more open, just more… but it didn’t hurt, exactly. Or, maybe it’s that it was a good hurt. Thomas had taught me the difference between a good hurt and a bad hurt, and this was fucking good.

  “Again,” I told Bash, trying to erase Thomas from my thoughts. “That much again.”

  “I’ll decide when you get more, Angelica. Damn, love the sight of my cock going in and out of your ass.”

  I grabbed a handful of the sheets over my head, twisted them in my grip, and they came off the mattress. I reached farther, curled my fingers over the end of the mattress, and felt my asshole relax even more as my fingers found their purchase.

  He didn’t give me a little more, he gave me a lot more, and suddenly I was tense again, frozen in place, my breathing shallow, no sound coming out of my mouth though I wanted to protest, to tell him it hurt.

  He knew, and he didn’t go narrower, but he stopped moving.

  “Get used to it,” he demanded. “You were relaxed for me, totally relaxed. Give it to me again. Trust me not to give you more than you can handle. I’m going to be in your ass a whole lot, and I want to make your first experience good.” The warmth of his hand soaked into the muscles at the top of my bottom, and my spine arched down once again, when I hadn’t even realized I’d bowed it up. I felt my ass muscles relaxing, opening for him, and his groan went straight to my clit.

  “If you don’t make me come soon,” I warned, “not even the threat of your belt is going to keep my hand off my clit.”

  My words triggered something, because the last syllable was barely out of my mouth when he pulled out and slammed into me, and then did it again, and again. This wasn’t the slow, smooth, maddeningly steady glide from before, now he was fucking my ass, taking me, using me, and it was magnificent. My body shuddered and the air was pushed from my lungs with each slam of his hips against my body, and my climax drew closer and closer. A symphony should’ve been hitting the crescendo while fireworks went off, but it was just Bash and I, his cock plunging into my ass over and over, taking me — our breaths, our scents, and the motion of my bed were at the edge of my senses as reality splintered and I screamed his name and various encouragements, over and over.

  His hand worked my clit, and I held onto the edge of the mattress for dear life. Not because I was afraid of his belt, but because he’d told me to keep my hands up there and if I moved out of position he might stop and that would’ve been the worst thing in the world at that moment in time.

  We both came together in a screaming, writhing twist of sweaty bodies, and I was surprised I was able to feel him ejaculating deep in my bottom as his cock pulsed and his hot cum filled me.

  He rode me to the bed as I collapsed, still pounding me as he emptied into me, and then finally collapsed on top of me, gasping for air. When he eventually, oh-so-gently pulled out, I groaned from the loss of him.

  He moved me to my side, and kissed my cheek as he gently pulled my fingers away from the edge of the mattress and moved them to my chest.

  “Be right back, Princess.” He went to the bathroom and I heard water running a few seconds, then he was back with a warm towel. He cleaned me up, tossed the towel towards the bathroom, and spooned behind me.

  “Love you, Princess. You okay?”

  I nodded, knowing he knew I was fine by my smell, but was asking just to be sure there wasn’t something he needed to know. “Fantastic. Love you, too.”

  “You still get a reward spanking. We’ll work on that later.”

  My pheromones spiked again, despite the fact I thought I was totally sated. He chuckled and kissed the top of my head. “I vote we lay here until we have to get up and find food.”

  “Works for me.”

  Chapter Twenty


  Angelica wasn’t in bed when I awakened the next morni
ng. I smelled coffee, and her essence, but I didn’t smell her. A quick walk-through of the apartment verified she wasn’t inside, but the most recent scent trail led me to the balcony door off the kitchen, and I saw her sitting outside with her e-reader and a cup of coffee.

  I got myself a cup and joined her on the balcony as the sky was brightening. She tilted her head up for a kiss, and I kept it light and friendly. She seemed in an odd mood and I wasn’t sure what was up.

  “Missed you when I woke up,” I told her as I took the other chair.

  “You were sleeping so well, I didn’t want to wake you. How about we cook some eggs and bacon, and I think I have some canned biscuits. I’m looking forward to finishing the engine rebuild.”

  I looked at her a few seconds, took in her scent, but couldn’t figure out what was off. She seemed happy, relaxed, and comfortable — but something wasn’t right.

  “Everything okay?”

  She sighed. “Yes, everything’s perfect, and boring the cylinders yesterday put me back in touch with the metal, the substance — seeing how they’d worn and making them smooth and ready for more action...” She shook her head, her frustration palpable. “I’ve been dealing with cad programs and blueprints and drawings and mockups and… shit. Nothing like working with your hands, you know?” She waved her Kindle at me. “I loaded some of the papers talking about how the dam’s internal structures have worn over the decades, and the things the engineers have done to keep them working. Rushing water can be brutal. I know there’s an idea I’m catching the edges of, something that’ll change everything. It’s just right there, if I can only grab it.”

  “Don’t grab for it. It’s like trying to catch water in your fist, it doesn’t work. You have to cup your hand, let it fill.” She was in her logical brain and she was frustrated. Her scent had nothing to do with me or our evening. Didn’t mean I shouldn’t be here for her, just meant I could relax a little, knowing we were good. I took a sip of coffee and watched teams of rowers gliding across the river’s surface, their arms and bodies in perfect synch. A few runners were on the pedestrian bridge, and someone was fishing off a pier across the river at Coolidge Park. I could see how happy this location made her, but it wasn’t ideal for an outlaw, as there would always be someone remembering when I came and went. I dressed different than the socialites who lived, worked, and played in this section of town. I talked different, I looked different, and I drove a loud motorcycle. I stood out.


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