Luca - You Will Be Mine (Sicilian Mafia #1)

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Luca - You Will Be Mine (Sicilian Mafia #1) Page 20

by Jaimie Roberts

  “That sounds way under-priced to me.”

  Smiling, I kissed her hand. “It’s for you.”

  “But, I can’t. That’s too much.”

  Shaking my head, I knew I had to get through to her. “Let’s just consider it a wedding present from me to you.” I was still going to buy her a present of course, but I wasn’t going to tell her that.

  She suddenly jumped up squealing. “Come here! I need to give you a hug.”

  Bouncing out of my chair, we hugged each other, and soon after, we were on to other subjects and getting well and truly tipsy.

  “I love this song!” Belinda shouted as we all rose out of our chairs.

  The booming sound of “Get Down On It” was blasting through the speakers down below.

  Standing up, we all started dancing forwards and backwards and singing our arses off. All in sync with our dancing, we sang, “Get down on it, suck my helmet. Get down on it, suck my helmet.” I was laughing so hard, I thought I would wet my knickers.

  “You can’t sing that song without those lyrics.” Belinda flopped her drunken self back in the chair and tried to calm her giggles.

  “I’ve got something funny for you to try.” Sitting up in their chairs, I had Belinda and Tammy’s full attention. “Say, ‘I work for Cunard.’”

  “I work for Cunard,” they both said, looking confused.

  “Now, say it over and over again really fast.”

  “I work for Cunard. I work for Cunard. I work forkin ard.”

  When they realised what it sounded like, they stopped dead and looked at me. “You’re telling me you work fucking hard!” I shouted.

  Erupting in laughter again, I realised it had been a long time since I had been out, having a good time with my girls.

  “That’s so funny. I’ll have to try that one on Jeffrey.” Looking timidly towards me, she pouted. “He misses you.”

  Not wanting to dwell on it, I shrugged my shoulders. “Nothing lasts forever. I’m sure with Mr. Arsehole out of the picture, we could get back to some sort of normality.”

  “Over my fucking dead body!”

  I looked up and found Luca hovering above me like the proverbial lion that he was. Behind his sexy glare, he looked tired and somehow anxious. It didn’t stop the anger from rising within me, though.

  “Oh, look who it is. The one and only. Tammy, you haven’t met the arsehole yet, have you?”

  Blushing, Tammy shook her head and held out her hand. “Nice to meet you.”

  Luca looked as excited about shaking her hand as an eight-year-old would be about going to the dentist. He took her hand nonetheless, but I could tell what his main agenda had been all along. Me. “We need to talk.”

  Sighing, I stood up to face him. “I don’t want to talk to you now. I’m out having fun with my girls.”

  Exasperated, Luca glared at me. “Okay, listen. I got your message loud and clear. Now, stop being childish and let’s talk.”

  “What the hell are you on about? What message?”

  “You ignoring me and coming here.”

  Sitting back down in my chair, I thumped the arms in frustration. “I’m not a plaything. You can’t just up and leave without a word and then come back thinking that Little Miss Obedient will be sitting at home with her knitting, waiting on the infamous Luca Belatoni to return. I’m not like that. Haven’t you got that through your thick skull yet?”

  Putting his hands in his trouser pockets, Luca glared at me. “We’re not having this conversation here.” Looking over towards the other girls, I knew he was having a hard time controlling himself.

  “You’re right. I tell you what. Why don’t you go back home, and when I’m done here, I will speak with you when I get back?”

  Turning back towards the girls, I heard a growl beside me. “I wait for no one. Excuse me, ladies. I need to steal Clara for a few moments.”

  Nodding their heads, Luca leaned over and grabbed me by the waist. Again, and before I knew it, I was being dragged over his shoulder and taken to an adjacent room.

  Placing me down, I noticed immediately just how much quieter it was in here as opposed to the other room. It was a lot smaller, but it had a huge window overlooking everyone below us.

  “You bastard!” I slapped him hard across the face, but almost felt guilty by the sombre look he gave me.

  “Do you feel better now?”

  “No,” I admitted.

  “You’re angry.”

  “You left me.”

  “I know.” Coming closer, I could feel myself being taken in. I was angry with him, but yet feeling him so close after what seemed like an age apart was doing things to me I didn’t expect.

  “Don’t come near me,” I tried. It was only a token effort, and it was no use.

  Pulling me towards him, I immediately felt his hardness. “Luca, no.”

  His nose was there—just where he knew I liked it—tickling the base of my neck. Without meaning to, my body relented and relaxed in his arms.

  Feeling he now had me at his mercy, his hand began sliding up my dress. “Do we need to get reacquainted after our time apart, baby?”

  “Luca, no. People can see.” I pointed to the window, but Luca shook his head.

  “We can see them, but they can’t see us.” Finding my panties now, his finger slid between my crevice where he was greeted by my wetness. My God, I wanted him. I had missed him these last three days, but I hadn’t realised just how much until he was there, rubbing his finger along my clit.

  “Fucking hell. You’re so wet, baby. I’ve missed this so much.” Luca’s breath was tickling my neck as he leaned in to nibble on my ear.

  Breathlessly, I wanted to somehow make a point. I was mad at him, goddammit. He thought he could just barge in here and pick up where we left off.

  “Luca, we can’t do this. I’m still mad at you.” Flicking my clit, my body went rigid as a moan escaped me.

  “I know you are, and I know we have to talk. I need to feel you, though. I have to make you mine all over again. Remind you of whom you belong to.”

  Withdrawing his hand, Luca whisked me around to face the window. Unzipping my dress, he slowly trailed it over my body causing me to shiver.

  “Fuck, you look so sexy.” He grabbed my arms placing them high above my head and onto the glass window. With both hands, he cupped my breasts and flicked his fingers over my nipples until I thought I would pass out.

  Sliding one hand down towards my panties, Luca started his onslaught on my clit. “You see all those people down there?”

  I looked down and could see all of the people dancing and laughing. All of them were having a good time. It was kind of an alien feeling, knowing I could see them, but they couldn’t see me. Fuck me, though; it turned me on. I was wetter than otter’s pocket.

  Grinding my hips into him, I leant my head back towards his shoulder and felt his delicious tongue at the base of my neck. Grabbing my breast with one hand and rubbing my clit with the other was too erotic for words. I tried turning, but Luca halted me.

  “Stay there with your hands on the glass!”

  I wasn’t sure why, but I did as I was told, hoping that the window would be able to hold me up straight. His hands were touching me everywhere, and yet I couldn’t touch him. The feeling of no control was both frustrating and highly arousing all at the same time.

  Holding me close to him and biting my neck, Luca knew I was close. So damn close. His hands and the thought of us being on show—without these people knowing—had my senses going into overdrive.

  I wriggled and writhed in his arms and my moans were telling Luca that my orgasm was imminent.

  “I have to make you mine again, Clara. I have to feel you.”

  Just before my climax hit me, Luca stopped, ripped my panties apart, and was inside me quicker then I could think. Thrusting hard, Luca growled in my ear. “Who do you belong to?” Thrusting again, I knew my orgasm was coming again and fast. It had never disappeared; it just simm
ered there on the surface, waiting for the heat to turn up.

  Feeling my hands dropping slightly, Luca squeezed my hips. “Hands on the fucking glass!”

  Complying with his demands, I kept my hands still, knowing that I would go at any moment.

  Watching the people below us, my eyes began to roll in the back of my head. Luca was fucking me—fucking me good—and no one had a clue as to what was going on right above them.

  Luca pounded into me relentlessly, and it was delicious. The feel of his cock sliding in and out of my soaking wet entrance had me spellbound.

  Feeling my walls tightening, Luca thrust hard. “Who do you belong to, Clara?”

  I let my orgasm take over and shouted, “You, Luca! Always you!” That was it. I screamed. My walls sucked him in deep and just kept sucking until my body couldn’t take much more.

  “Fuck, Baby, I missed this so much. You’re mine! Fucking mine. I’m never going to let you go!” Growling hard, Luca thrust one last time before I felt his hot come shooting inside me.

  With my hands still on the glass, I felt Luca lean his head on my back. I felt his tender kiss brush against me as he pulled out and tugged me back into him.

  Hands finally free, I looked up to see the outline of them on the window, and it made me smile. I wasn’t sure why it made me smile. It may have been because I knew why the handprints were there.

  “I’m so sorry,” he whispered in my ear before kissing my neck.

  I turned to face him and scowled a little. “This in no way means you have gotten away with what you did.”

  Luca smiled and leaned in to kiss my lips. “I never thought otherwise. Let me take you home, and we can talk.”

  I shook my head. “Ah, ah, mister. I’m having a night out with the girls.” Wrapping my legs around his waist, Luca moved towards the glass.

  “Do we need to go again? Maybe up against the window this time?”

  The thought made me wet again with anticipation. It was tempting. Ever so tempting. “No, Luca. I’m supposed to be enjoying my time with Belinda and Tammy; I shouldn’t spend it being fucked up against a window.”

  Luca growled. “I don’t fuck you, Clara.”

  “It certainly felt that way to me just a few minutes ago.”

  Biting my lip, he pushed me higher up against the glass. “It may seem like I fuck you, but you’re in no way just a fuck to me. You never have been.”

  Trying to shake my uncontrollable urge to tell him to do just that to me, I pushed him back a little. “Oh, no. You’re not wrapping me round your little finger this time, buddy. My girls are waiting for me.”

  Nibbling my neck again, Luca whispered, “They’ll understand.”

  I stood firm and giggled as I pushed him back. “No, Luca. Not now.”

  “You’re saying that a lot this evening.” He sighed, placed me down and handed me my dress. “I suppose after what I’ve done I should let you have the rest of your evening with the girls. Afterwards, though, we must talk.”

  I rolled my eyes and curtsied. “Oh thank you, lord and master.”

  Pulling up his trousers, Luca moaned. “Get dressed before I change my mind.”

  As I slipped my dress on, Luca zipped me up. “There’s a toilet through that door if you want to get cleaned up.”

  Tiptoeing to his cheek, I kissed him lightly. “Thank you.”

  He smiled and patted my bottom. “No problema, amore mio. I shall see you at home.”

  Returning to the room after my clean-up, I found Belinda and Tammy eagerly waiting for me. Another bottle of champagne had promptly arrived, and Belinda was pouring us each a glass.

  “Oh I know that look,” Tammy squealed. “That’s the look you get after having make-up sex.” Completely giving myself away, I smiled. “See! I told you.”

  I looked at Belinda and she winked at me. “What was it like?”

  I sighed my contentment. “Like it always is with Luca.”

  “I couldn’t hear you this time.” She turned her attention to Tammy and nudged her. “Normally, you can hear them all over. No matter where you are in The Castle, everyone knows when the famous Murphy and Belatoni are having sex.”

  “Belinda!” I was trying to protest, but couldn’t help the giggles that were escaping me.

  We stayed for an hour longer than we probably needed to. It was mostly because I wanted to teach Luca a lesson.

  As we said goodbye to Tammy, Belinda and I clambered into the back of Tony’s car. I knew Luca wouldn’t have let me go on with my night without a chaperone. The minute we all wandered down the stairs, he was there—smiling and saluting us.

  “You can text his lordship now and let him know we’re coming home.”

  Looking in his rear-view mirror, Tony smiled. “Already done.” Tony laughed at my rolling eyes. “You didn’t think I wouldn’t now, did you?”


  Glancing momentarily my way, Tony said, “Yes, Clara?”

  “Shut up and drive, will ya?”

  Chuckling, Tony nodded. “Okay. Anything you say, boss.”

  Being so used to my blunt behaviour, Belinda smiled at me. “What?”

  “You get away with so much shit, you know that? I don’t know how you do it.”

  I laughed, giving her a light slap. “I don’t know what you mean.”

  Giggling my drunk ass off, I didn’t even realise we were back in front of The Castle until Tony opened my door. Suddenly—without warning—my arse met the cold ground outside.

  Belinda cackled, and I heard an “Oops” leave Tony’s lips. Leaning down, Tony offered to pull me up.

  “Don’t you fucking dare!” I would know that voice anywhere. I was in perfect tune with it.

  Leaning my head back on Tony’s legs, I felt him stiffen as he raised his hands up in the air in surrender. It was so comical.

  “Tony?” Looking down at me, he smiled. “Thank you, darling.” Seeing him smirk, I soon felt a pair of arms around me. I knew them straight away, too.

  “Go help Belinda, Tony. I’m sure she would more than love you to.” I giggled and heard Belinda do the same.

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Take me to my chambers.” Belinda raised her hands in the air, and a very obliging Tony stepped in to take her in his arms. He was so gentle; it was adorable.

  “I see we’ve had a lot to drink.”

  I snuggled my head into the crook of Luca’s neck and inhaled deeply. I instantly felt dizzy from his scent. “Take me to bed.”

  Luca held on tight to me and snorted. “It’s about the only damn sensible thing you’ve said to me all night. Come on.” Shutting my door, he carried me in his arms up the front stairs and towards our tower. Tony was doing the exact same thing to an ever-giggling Belinda.

  Reaching the stairs, I gripped Luca’s arm. “Hold up a sec… Belinda?”

  “Yes, sweetie?” she asked, tossing her feet up into the air.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow, and we can compare notes.” Luca—obviously not liking my joke—stiffened and growled.

  Giggling some more, Belinda shouted, “Okay!” Before they were completely out of my view, I took another peak. I could see a big grin spread across Tony’s face. It would seem he thought he was getting laid tonight—and it didn’t look like he was hanging around for anyone.

  Not quite knowing what to make of it, I shrugged my shoulders and wrapped my arms around Luca’s neck.

  Pretty soon, I was being laid on my bed with the covers wrapped around me. I tried to speak again, but Luca gripped me tighter in his arms. “Shh. I got you, baby. We’ll speak in the morning.”

  I wasn’t sure what happened after that because I didn’t have a bloody clue!

  Why was I being tortured like this again? I had been to that damn place twice, and it had given me the two biggest hangovers I had ever experienced in my life.

  I moaned and tried to open my eyes to the light, but it blinded me.

  “Morning, beautiful.”

  I didn
’t know whether to punch him or kiss him for sounding so damn cheery. How could he sound so fucking happy when I felt like shit?

  “Here, take these.” Forcing my eyes open, I found a couple of tablets held out in front of me. “They helped before, and they’ll help again.”

  I took the pills and popped them down. “Why are you looking after me?”

  “Why wouldn’t I? I love you, and I care for your well-being. I stayed up half the night trying to get you to drink plenty of liquids and making sure you wouldn’t puke.”

  Rising up from the bed a little, I tried to remember any of that. Nope—nothing.

  “You stayed up to take care of me?”

  “You’re my world. Why wouldn’t I? I take care of what is mine.”

  Swallowing hard, I quickly remembered why he had that face. The guilty face. “Where have you been?”


  My eyes furrowed. “Scotland? Why Scotland?”

  “I have a house there, and sometimes I use it to get away and think. The people that know me realise that once I go up there, I’m not to be disturbed. I knew I had to come back to you, though. In fact, I was already on the verge of doing so. When I got the call from Alessandro earlier today about your plans, I knew I couldn’t leave it any longer.”

  I shook my head, but I kind of knew Alessandro would rat on me. If he hadn’t, it would have just been someone else anyway.

  “What could you possibly go up to Scotland to think about? How does running away from your problems help?”

  Luca sank his head to the floor and sighed. “I guess I’ve been doing it for so long—for most of my life—that I don’t know any different. If you had been anyone else, you never would have seen me again.”

  Pulling my head back in shock, I saw the sincerity in his face. “Luca, what on earth is going on?”

  Luca sighed in resignation and gripped me tighter to him. “Don’t ever leave me. You promise me this?”

  “Luca, you’re scaring me.” And, I was scared. His demeanour was seeing to that. This was the first time I had ever felt scared with Luca.


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