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Oscar Page 14

by SJ McCoy

  “What do you think?”

  He grinned. “I can’t tell from this distance. You should come down here and let me get a better look.” As he watched her make her way down the stairs, his mom’s words echoed in his head. Sometimes you meet a person and you just know. He knew a lot of things. He knew she was beautiful. He knew there was some kind of magnetic pull that drew him toward her. He knew his cock sprang to life every time she was close—hell, every time he thought about her.

  She reached the bottom of the stairs and stopped. “Well?”

  He ran his gaze over her, letting it linger on her rounded hips and full breasts. “I think you’re beautiful.”

  She smiled. “Thank you.”

  He went to her and circled his arms around her waist.

  She smiled up at him. “In case I haven’t already told you, I think you’re beautiful, too.”

  “Why thank you.” He closed his hands around her ass and pressed his erection against her. “Something’s come up that I may need your help with.”

  She laughed, and to his surprise she reached between them and cupped his cock in her hand. “You mean this something?”

  He closed his eyes and nodded.

  “But I just put these nice new clothes on,” she said as she began to stroke him.

  “I think they’d look better on the floor,” he murmured.

  She chuckled and took his hand. She started back toward the stairs, but he resisted and instead led her out onto the deck.

  Her eyes widened. “Out here?”

  He nodded and swept his arm out over the view of the valley and then up at the stars. “What do you think.”

  She nodded. “It’s perfect.”

  ~ ~ ~

  It really was perfect. If this wasn’t a dream, then it was like a scene from a movie. This beautiful house in this beautiful place with this man. This gorgeous, hot, kind, sweet man. He really was sweet. The arrogant prick she’d first met was definitely one facet of his character, but there was no denying he was sweet. An arrogant prick didn’t have a house right next to his parents and … oh! An arrogant prick wouldn’t be looking at her the way he was now. His big brown eyes were like melted chocolate and they were melting her insides as he led her toward a wicker sofa. He sat down, and she sat beside him, unable to tear her eyes away from his. He brought his hand up to cup her cheek and brushed his lips over hers. The feel of them sent waves of pleasure rushing through her.

  “I want you, Grace.”

  She nodded. She wanted him, too—so badly, that she couldn’t make her mouth form the words. Instead, she leaned in to kiss him, sinking her fingers into his hair and pulling his head down to her.

  His hands were on her shirt, unfastening the buttons. She mirrored his movements, eager to see his broad chest. She’d pictured it so often. She knew it would be hard and muscled. And it was. She pushed his shirt off his shoulders and breathed in. He was perfect. She shrugged out of her shirt while he got rid of his, neither of them able to tear their gaze away. Her nipples stiffened under the heat of his gaze. She’d be eternally grateful to Roberto for having picked out this sexy underwear for her. The bra was a little snug, but that might not be a bad thing. Judging from the way Oscar was feasting his eyes on her breasts, it was definitely a good thing that her full breasts were straining the cups and spilling over.

  He dropped his head and she moaned as he dipped his tongue into her cleavage. Her belly tightened, and shock waves ran from her nipples straight to the place between her legs that was throbbing in hope of the same treatment.

  His hands were behind her back, unhooking the bra and allowing her breasts to spill free. Their freedom was short lived as he filled his hands with them and ducked his head, this time lavishing each taut peak in turn with his hot, hard tongue. She squirmed in her seat and the seam of her jeans only intensified the pleasure rippling through her. The pressure felt so good against her, but it wasn’t the pressure she wanted.

  She unzipped him, and he returned the favor. Then they stood, face to face, the tiny scrap of silk that Roberto had thought would serve as panties, and his navy boxer briefs the only things keeping them apart.

  “You’re beautiful, Grace.”

  She nodded. She wasn’t interested in words right now. “Fuck me, Oscar.”

  His eyes widened in surprise. For a moment she thought he might protest, but he didn’t. He nodded and pushed his boxers down.

  Double damn! She’d known he was big, but to see him in all his glory was something else. She licked her lips. She couldn’t help it, and that encouraged that smug little smile of his.

  He took hold of himself and stroked the length of his shaft. She watched, mesmerized.

  “Do you want some of this?”

  She nodded and swallowed—hard. “I want all of it.”

  He sat down on the sofa and drew her to him. Once she was standing straddling his legs, he filled his hands with her breasts again, and began to work his magic with that tongue. She sank her fingers in his hair and let her head fall back. She shivered as he dropped his head and kissed her ribs working his way slowly down. He parted her thighs with both hands and smiled up at her. She wanted to tell him to hurry and quit fooling around, but she waited, eager to see what moves he had for her.

  He gave her pussy the same treatment he’d given her breasts. He held her open with his thumbs and tormented her with his tongue, licking and sucking until she wanted to scream. He closed his mouth around her clit, and she screamed as she started to come. He dug his fingers into her hips and held her away from him. Her scream turned to a moan as her orgasm faded before it got started. He grinned up at her and she scowled. “I was almost there.”

  “I know.” He dipped his hot hard tongue inside her and she was there again, drawing in ragged breaths as he took her closer and closer … and then stopped.


  “Yes, Grace?”

  “What are you doing to me?”

  “I’m getting you ready.”

  “I am ready! I’m more than ready.”

  He brought his hand up to cover his smirk, then sucked on his thumb. It was a sight that took her straight back to the edge. He withdrew it from his mouth and circled her clit with it. She moved her hips in time with him, desperate now for the release that was so close.

  She closed her eyes in disappointment as the pressure from his thumb ceased, then she screamed again as he thrust it inside her. All her inner muscles tried to tighten around it, but it wasn’t enough. She was half sobbing, half gasping when he pulled her down onto his lap. She wrapped her legs around his waist as he guided himself to her entrance. Then he thrust his hips and entered her, filling her, stretching her, and sending her mind spinning away. She was no longer capable of coherent thought. All she could do was gasp in ragged breaths as his hands closed around her ass and he started to move inside her. She was lost. She was coming apart at the seams. The only solid thing in her universe was the thick, hard shaft that was filling her, pounding inside her over and over. Her breasts were bouncing as she rode him. He flicked her nipple with his tongue and then took it inside his mouth, making her scream once more.

  It was enough to tip her over the edge. Her belly tightened and her inner muscles followed suit.

  “Oscar,” she breathed.

  “Do you want it?”

  “Yes,” she gasped.

  He was pistoning his hips, pulling her down hard to receive every thrust. “Take it,” he gasped. “Take it, take it, take it!” He found his release deep inside her and it triggered her own. She clenched him and drew him deeper and deeper inside with every thrust.

  “Look up,” he gasped.

  She could barely process the words, but when she did, she let her head fall back as he thrust deeper and deeper. It was magical, wave after wave of pleasure crashed though her as she stared up at that big starry sky. As their bodies moved frantically together, she could no longer distinguish the stars
in the sky from the ones exploding inside her head.

  When they finally stilled, he rested his head against her shoulder and turned to nibble the sensitive skin on her neck.

  “Ooh!” She held on tight as an aftershock rippled through her

  His fingers digging into her ass told her it got to him, too.

  “That’ll teach you,” she said with a chuckle.

  “What, to always make sure I nibble your neck?”

  She shook her head and slid down from his lap. Why would he say such a stupid word as always?

  He looked puzzled. “Something wrong?”

  “It just dawned on me that we were a little irresponsible there.”

  He sighed. “Sorry, it dawned on me about a minute too late. I’m clean.”

  “Me too.”

  He nodded, she knew he didn’t want to ask the question, but she wasn’t going to make it easy for him.

  “Are you on the pill?”

  He controlled his expression pretty well when she shook her head, but he did turn a shade paler.

  She laughed. “I’m not, but I have a coil. You’ve got no worries there.”

  He breathed a sigh of relief. “Sorry.”

  “Don’t be. We were both stupid.” She shifted uncomfortably. Not using a condom could have some very major downsides, but she’d been fairly confident there wasn’t much risk. A guy who screwed around as much as he did, would no doubt get himself checked regularly. However, there were some minor downsides, too, and right now she needed to go clean up. She landed a kiss on his cheek. “If you’ll excuse me, I’ll be right back,” she said as she collected her clothes.

  ~ ~ ~

  Oscar watched her go back inside. He couldn’t believe how monumentally stupid that had been. He always used a condom—without fail. Was he crazy? Yes, Grace was special in so many ways, but if he were to take his hormones and his feelings out of the equation, she was the last woman he should be taking any risks with. That would have to be the one and only time he did.

  Grace was still upstairs when he emerged from the guest bathroom on the main floor. He was glad of a few minutes to himself. He was getting too swept up in all of this and he needed to slow down. He went to the wine cellar and selected a bottle of his favorite Bordeaux. He didn’t even know if she drank wine. He knew she could knock back beer and bourbon … he shook his head. See. He didn’t know the woman, not really. His mom’s voice echoed in his mind. Sometimes you meet a person and you just know. Yeah, maybe, but other times you let your dick do all the thinking and you screwed up—big time.

  He went to the kitchen and opened the fridge. It was filled with trays from Wild Horse Catering up in town. He turned the oven on to preheat and poured two glasses of wine, wondering what was taking her so long.

  A few minutes later, she came back downstairs.

  “Everything okay?” he asked.

  “Yes, why wouldn’t it be?” Her prickly tone surprised him, but he let it go.

  “No reason. Are you hungry?”

  “I’m starving. What have we got?”

  He smiled. That was another way she differed from the women he usually dated. They never ate; they’d never admit to hunger. “We’ve got a pasta bake and some garlic bread and a big green salad. How does that sound?”

  “Sounds great. What do you need me to do?”

  He handed her a glass of wine. “Take a seat and drink that.”

  She took the glass and swirled it. “I’m not much of a wine drinker, but I’ll give it a go.”

  “See what you think. We can find you something else, if you don’t like it.”

  She took a sniff, not like someone trying to impress him by going through the motions of wine tasting—more like someone who was checking to see if the milk was spoiled.

  He laughed. “Try it.”

  She took a teeny sip, then nodded. “Hmm, that’s not bad. I could learn to like this stuff.”

  “Good. It’s one of my favorites.”

  She smiled. “In that case, thank you for sharing it with me.”

  He nodded but didn’t reply as it dawned on him that he didn’t usually share it. This particular wine was one he saved for his alone time. So, why had he wanted to share it with her?

  Chapter Sixteen

  Grace peered at Oscar’s parents’ house as they passed it on their way out. It was beautiful—not just because it was a beautiful building, but because she could tell it was a lovely home. It was magnificent, but not cold and sterile. It looked loved and lived in. There were flower beds around the front door that someone obviously lavished with care. She doubted they’d get a gardener out here in the middle of nowhere, so one of his parents must do it.

  It was strange. Part of her wanted to think of his parents as aloof, rich, and snooty, but everything she saw and heard suggested that they were kind and loving. She made a face. And Oscar thought they weren’t so different? They couldn’t be more different. He had everything she didn’t. Not just money—he had real wealth; he had family. People who loved him. People he loved. He had security and stability and history. She blew out a frustrated little sigh.

  “Are you okay?” asked Oscar as he reached the main road and came to a stop before turning out onto it.

  “Yeah, I’m great. I can’t believe we’re going to Yellowstone. I’m making a start on my bucket list.”

  He pulled out and headed south with a smile. “This is the first item you get to cross off?”

  She nodded.

  “You’ll have to tell me what else is on there. We can work our way down the list.”

  She pursed her lips. She’d been trying not to think too much about what was going on here—what was happening between them. This little trip was amazing, and tomorrow they’d get to work on what exactly he planned to do for and at the center. But she was trying not to think beyond that. If she allowed herself to think about it, she might wonder if there could be any kind of future between them. She pressed her lips tighter together, because that was totally ridiculous!

  He shot her a questioning look, misinterpreting her silence. “Come on, tell me. What else do you want to do before you die?”

  She shrugged. “Most of it’s just personal stuff, you know, things I want to achieve. Nothing you could help with.”

  “Nothing you want to tell me about?”

  “No.” She said it a little more firmly than she’d intended, but it had the desired effect of ending the conversation. As they drove on in silence, she felt bad. He was only trying to be nice to her.

  She forced herself to stop thinking about what would be on her bucket list if she thought Oscar was going to feature in her life. There was no point going there. “What about you?” she asked. Hearing what was on his bucket list would no doubt reinforce how unlikely it was he’d ever feature in her life. He’d have ambitions and dreams that wouldn’t allow room for someone like her.

  He smiled. “I don’t have one.”

  She turned to look at him. “You don’t?”

  “No. Not a list of things I’d like to do before I die, as such.”

  “Something else then?”

  He nodded. “I tend to have a list of things I want to do and be each and every day.”

  “Wow. What’s on your list for today?”

  He smirked. “Today I want to make you happy.”

  A shiver ran through her. He was most likely the first person who’d ever had that goal. It made her insides warm and fuzzy, until she reminded herself that it was only for today. Nothing more. “Thank you. Is that all?”

  He laughed. “Isn’t that enough? I think it’s plenty, but there are a few other things, too. I want to see my folks. I want to visit the park, for me as well as for you. I haven’t been down there in years.” He glanced across at her and smirked. “I want to get laid.”

  She laughed. “And you will. Is that a goal that you set every day?”

  He shrugged. “Mostly.”
r />   She was mad at herself for asking—she’d already known the answer. She didn’t need to rub her own nose in it.

  “Does that bother you?”

  She shook her head vigorously. “No. Why would it? I was just curious.” It really didn’t bother her. She knew that was a part of who he was. He was a young, healthy, wealthy, attractive guy. She’d expect him to have that goal. She’d be over the moon about it if his goal was to have sex with her every day.

  That seemed to kill the conversation for a while, and Grace sat back, content to drink in the amazing scenery that surrounded them. The valley was long and narrow, and the Yellowstone River ran alongside the road. Mountains loomed over them to the east and the west, but they didn’t feel oppressive. They felt more like benevolent guardians watching over them as they passed. It was easily the most beautiful place she’d ever seen, and she wouldn’t be surprised if it was the most beautiful place on earth.

  ~ ~ ~

  By lunchtime, Oscar had given Grace a whirlwind tour of the major attractions in the northern half of the park. There was far too much to see to do it all in one day. You could spend weeks here and not see everything you wanted to. He was pleased that she’d gotten to see the bison—wandering around the parking lot at Mammoth and holding them up on several of the roadways. They’d seen elk, too, and a stop to investigate why a dozen cars had pulled off the road had been rewarded with a glimpse of a wolf which had thrilled Grace to no end.

  He enjoyed spending time with her. She was unlike the women he usually went out with. For starters, he doubted any of them would have wanted to come here. He knew for a fact he wouldn’t have brought any of them to meet his parents. He frowned. Why had he brought Grace? He knew the answer to that. He wanted her to know what it felt like. Maybe that was fucked up? She didn’t have a loving family, had never known one. He just wanted her to be able to bask in the warmth of his for a little while. But maybe it was wrong? Maybe it’d be tormenting her with what she didn’t have.


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