Wheels of Steel, Book 1

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Wheels of Steel, Book 1 Page 24

by Pepper Pace

  “Um, darn and you made it sound so compelling. But I think I’ll pass.”

  Robin hadn’t looked at much more then the walkway to Jason’s house in all of her visits, so she had to agree with him that he lived in a beautiful little community. Kids rode on the bike trail and couples walked hand in hand. Jason wheeled while she walked along side of him. She thought back to the way he had stood so tall against the tree and felt a teeny spike in her belly.



  “I know I keep asking about walking…but don’t you want to?”

  “Yeah,” he responded earnestly. “But…it’s dangerous. I will fall. And no, I’m not wearing a helmet. That’s not happening.”

  “Well…I can catch you.” He gave her a surprised look. “What if…you walk when I’m around?”

  “I don’t…I don’t think that’s a good idea. I could hurt you.”

  “I’m stronger than I look.”

  “I believe you, Sweetheart, I do. But…I’m bigger and heavier than I look.”

  “Teach me the correct way to catch you then.”

  He seemed to be thinking about it, than he shook his head again. She stepped in front of his wheelchair and he gave her a surprised look.

  “Tonic.” She said. “You’ll stretch and pull back. I need to be behind you when you fall. Then the clonic; you’ll seize and hold your breath. You kick and tap your hands and feet, but only for a few seconds, then you relax and you start breathing again. If I’m behind you, I lower you to the floor. That’s it.”

  Jason licked his lips. He didn’t know what to say. She knew his seizures like a science. “Did you learn that in class?”

  “Class helped with the terms, but no, I learned that from you.”

  “I’m not a strong enough walker. I’m slow and it takes up all of my energy-”

  “You just need to practice, then.”

  “Not by myself.” He hinted.

  She grinned and stepped out of the path of his wheelchair and they continued towards the small lake. When they reached it she sat down on one of the benches. Jason locked his chair and easily moved himself onto the bench to sit beside her. She gave him a surprised look and he grinned at her in return.

  They didn’t speak for a while, just sat together, watching the ducks and the people passing by.



  “What…what does it feel like? Does it hurt?” She swallowed and hoped he didn’t mind her asking.

  “My seizures? No, not at all. As a matter of fact…they feel…” He thought about it. “…the way a good stretch feels. When I feel one coming on, it’s like I’m ready to yawn. Then I don’t remember the actual seizure but after I feel…rejuvenated.”

  She stared at him, the way his eyes sparkled she could see the truth in his words.

  “You stop breathing, though.”

  “Yeah, I know, but it doesn’t hurt me.”

  “You turn blue. It scares me when you do that.”

  He slowly reached for her hand, gripping it lightly. “I don’t even know it. I just feel a little tired afterward.” Probably the lack of oxygen, but he didn’t mention that. “And once I sit there for a while I’m good as new…better in fact. And it’s really helped that…well, the way you touch me. That really helps.”

  She nodded. “Okay, I’ll remember that.”

  They sat there holding hands without speaking for a long time. “Touch is really important to me, Robin. My skin is ultra sensitive, so hugs feel really great; massages; even better--or just snuggling. My mom and Amberly are my connection to…feeling normal. People don’t really want to touch a person with a disability like mine.” That made her feel sad. She wasn’t very touchy; her family was more reserved. Yet she reached out and squeezed Jason’s hand to let him know that she didn’t have a problem with physical contact. He exhaled a shaky breath.

  He suddenly released her hand and tried to push himself up. “Robin…” He said. Then he threw his body back.

  Robin’s purse fell to the ground as she jumped up. Jason fell off the bench, his head went slamming onto the cement footer holding the bench to the ground. Robin pulled him roughly away from the bench before he started seizing.

  “OMPH!” He grunted, limbs stretching. Several people came running over.

  “He’s having a seizure!” Someone yelled. “Put this belt in his mouth.” A burley, older man began removing his belt.

  “No!” She yelled. “Don’t put anything in his mouth!” She cradled his head on her lap as his body strained and thrashed repeatedly. He didn’t have violent seizures, but his feet did kick and his arms struck out.

  Spit began to stream from his mouth, but his head was already turned to the side.

  “Oh my god he’s choking on his tongue…” A pregnant lady cried out. “Someone needs to call an ambulance!” Several more people began to gather around.

  “Please, back up.” Robin snapped. “I’m his caregiver, he’ll be okay, just don’t…crowd him.” She felt her own heart beginning to pound with all of the people surrounding them. Jason’s grunting suddenly ended and his body slowly relaxed. After a few more leg and arm twitches he was quiet. “Hand me my purse.” She commanded and someone quickly passed it to her. She dug inside for tissues and gently wiped his mouth. She stroked his hair and forehead repeatedly.

  “It’s okay, I’m here.” Her heart was pounding. His head rested on her bent knee and his eyes finally fluttered opened. He gave her a groggy look. “Are you okay?” She asked.

  “Fucking hit my head.” He murmured. He sat up slowly and rubbed the back of his head.

  “Let me see.” She looked behind him at the back of his head, her hands gently probing his scalp. Damn, there was a lump forming there and it was pretty big. “We need to put some ice on that. Let me help you back in the chair.”

  “No. I can do it. Just wheel it to me.” She hurried to the chair, most people had already left and gone about their business, some were still standing at a distance and staring and whispering. She tried to ignore them as she retrieved his chair, rolling it close to him. He pulled himself into it, then he positioned his legs. Once he was settled in he gave Robin a tired look.

  “You still think you want to help me learn to walk?” She crouched down until she was face to face with him.

  “More then ever.” He had a very sad look on his face.

  She didn’t know why she did it, but she leaned in and kissed his lips. He gave her a surprised look, but at least the look of sadness had disappeared.


  The walk back to the house was quiet. Robin had no idea why she had kissed him. He hadn’t said anything about it, yet he didn’t appear to have disliked it either. Still she was very self conscious as she walked quietly alongside his wheelchair.

  Once they got back to the apartment she was happy to hurry to the kitchen just for something to do. She went to the freezer to make an impromptu ice pack but found that he had several already there. She supposed a person prone to frequent seizures would have plenty of ice packs, bandages, and more.

  He sat quietly and didn’t make so much as a peep. But she noted that he was staring at her as she fussed with his head.

  “I’m okay.” He finally said, holding the pack to the back of his head. “Look it’s getting close to the time for you to leave. You can go now if you want.”

  She looked at him a bit surprised. She was sort of enjoying their time together away from school. She would have hoped that he was enjoying it too. “What? Are…you sure? I mean you just bashed your head in-”

  He chuckled. “Hardly. Besides you’d be leaving in an hour anyways. You should get some rest for that night time job. You’re going to want to be alert.”

  She grimaced. “Don’t remind me.” He was probably right. “Thanks Jason.” She gave him a sheepish smile. “And I’m sorry for all of that Sweetheart stuff.”

  He leaned forward. “Robin, help me stand.” She moved
in front of him and using the technique that he’d taught her, she crouched and gripped him around his body while his arms went around her shoulders. Then she hoisted him up. He came up easily, his body taking a few moments to adjust and for his knees to lock into position with the aid of the braces.

  When he seemed to have steadied himself, she smiled and looked up at him. But he had no smile on his face. His expression was completely serious, and then he leaned forward and placed his lips on hers. Robin sucked in a surprised breath, her body instantly igniting. He kissed her again, lightly at first, giving her an opportunity to withdraw if she wanted to.

  She didn’t.

  It was her first true kiss…not counting the one that she’d given him a few moments before because that one had been out of the blue. No, this is one that Jason had calculated because she had consciously or unconsciously given him permission to bridge the gap from caregiver and patient to intimacy. And it scared her, but it also intrigued her.

  Sensing that she wasn’t going to back away, Jason leaned forward and pressed his lips to hers again, feeling her trembling response. He placed his hand lightly at the back of her neck and was rewarded when her lips tentatively parted. Jason had only shared his first kiss just a few weeks before, but the difference was total. Electrical currents ran through his body. His tongue brushed her lips as the kiss deepened. Robin parted her lips more, and then her tongue darted out quickly to touch his.

  Jason groaned softly. How could pressing his mouth to another feel so incredible? He captured her bottom lip, slowly, sensually and ran his tongue over it. Robin’s breath caught in her chest. Her tongue peeked out again and this time it slid against his. Jason’s body began to tremble and Robin quickly clutched him, pulling him against her body, holding him there in place. His kisses became impassioned and she accepted each one. Suddenly he pressed forward and sought her mouth; capturing the full bottom one again.

  Jason’s knees began to tremble. He was going to collapse if he didn’t sit down. He pulled back slightly but she pushed forward, totally absorbed in the sensation of her first kiss. Jason lifted his head, breaking the kiss, but her lips moved to his chin and then his neck. His body felt like it was on fire. His nerve endings were inflamed and sensitized to the feel of her soft kisses.

  “Oh…god” he moaned. “Sweetheart…I’m going to fall.” He didn’t want to stop but he was still standing by sheer will alone. Robin suddenly blinked and she looked at him as if just now realizing that he was there.

  “I’m sorry!” With an anguished groan she lowered him into his seat but before she could right herself he pulled her down into his lap.

  “Come here.” She did, butterflies forming in her belly…at least until his lips found hers again; then vibrant electrical shocks spiraled from her belly to each of her limbs. His arms went around her, holding her; making her feel that everything was okay.

  It was a long time later when they parted and that was only because they needed to catch their breaths. And even still, her forehead rested lightly against his, their breathing labored, hands still clutching and holding on to the other, their lips meeting periodically as they panted and blinked at each other.

  “Jason…” His fingers travelled up and down her arms.


  “I liked that.”

  He chuckled. “Me too, Sweetheart.”

  She felt her mouth pull into a silly grin. “I like when you call me Sweetheart.” She snuggled in his arms, head against his shoulders, the way it had earlier that day. He ran his hand up her arms and to her shoulder where he rubbed her there lightly.

  “You are really sweet. You chose a good name. So it’s okay if I call you that? It won’t bring up bad memories?”

  She smiled. “I would love it if you called me that.” Her hand moved up his chest and rested there over his heart. His eyes closed.

  “Mmm…that feels good.” He opened his eyes and looked at her. “Can I ask you a question…kinda personal?” She sat up suddenly and watched him with trepidation but he continued to smile while lacing his fingers around her body.


  “Was that your first kiss?” He was beginning to form an idea in his mind; could Robin be a virgin? The questions she asked, the way she acted when she had to help him in the toilet.

  Her brows rose but she relaxed. “Was it that obvious?”

  “No, god! You’re a great kisser!”


  He lowered his head to hers and kissed her gently. “Yes.” She sighed and kissed him back. Suddenly she remembered the time and sat up abruptly.

  “Oh! I gotta go!”

  He grimaced slightly. He didn’t want her to go, but she also bounced on his lap making his dick ache. “I guess you’re right. It is getting late.”

  She stood up and hurried to her purse while Jason quickly adjusted himself and pulled his sweatshirt down low and placed his hand on his lap. She turned to him and he smiled brightly.

  “I guess…I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “Okay. We can practice walking.”

  “Yes.” She shyly went to the door. “Bye Jason.”

  “Bye Sweetheart.” She seemed to blush and then she closed the door behind her and Jason immediately relaxed. His head fell back against his chair and his breathing was labored.

  “Jesus….” He said. That had felt so incredible! It was nothing like that when he’d kissed Amberly…nothing! Jason brought his hand under his shirt and he stroked his nipple until his body shivered. He tugged at his erection and then forced his hands away from his body. He didn’t want to jerk off, then his body would associate kissing her with the need to masturbate. He didn’t want it to be like that.

  Jason understood his body in ways that people with better muscle control quite possibly never would. He’d had to train himself to regulate his bathroom activity as well as to help his erections to fade quickly. He knew that an erection would not fade as long as there was a stimulus. He knew that associating Robin with sex would mean that he’d constantly be erect whenever she was around. That could not happen or it would be incredibly embarrassing for him…and her as well.

  Fuck it. Just this one time. He tugged the button on his pants and slipped his hands into them. He gripped his hard cock with a cry and stroked himself to release.

  Chapter 25

  Robin felt as if she were walking on a cloud as she got into her car. She couldn’t wipe the stupid smile from her face.

  She knew that she should probably go home and relax before meeting with Mr. Fred, but she felt very hyped and decided to get a well needed car wash and then an oil change. Then after that she would like to finally pay a visit to Miss Lucille and see how she was doing in her new digs. She checked her cell phone while she sat waiting for her car detailing to be complete and saw that there was a message waiting from Pinnacle. It had been left hours ago and the high that she had been on since leaving Jason’s apartment came crashing down. What could they want??

  She replayed the message. It was from Ben.

  ~Robin, please call the office as soon as possible. Don’t go to Mr. Baker’s house before calling. Thanks.~

  She dialed Pinnacle nervous about why they didn’t want her to go to Mr. Bakers. She didn’t care for the old man but she hoped that nothing bad had happened to him. She felt guilty at the memory of her and Jason’s earlier conversation and how bad she’d downgraded him. She couldn’t believe that she had actually contemplated rolling him on his stomach and hurting his penis.


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