The Billionaire's Masquerade: Betting On You Series: Book Two

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The Billionaire's Masquerade: Betting On You Series: Book Two Page 21

by Winters, Jeannette

  Smiling innocently, she said, “Maybe you should remind me exactly where that is. I may have forgotten.”

  Standing up with her still in his arms, he carried her toward the bedroom. “When I’m done with you, you’ll be lucky to remember your name.”

  “Is that a threat or a promise?” she asked before he claimed her lips. Definitely a promise!

  Chapter Thirty-four

  “Hello, Mary. I hope you and Victor are well,” Elaine said.

  “We’re doing great. When are you and that son of mine coming back down for a visit? It’s been almost two months since you were here for my birthday.”

  Prior to moving in with Trent, Elaine had had a full life—full of work, and then more work. She thought she was fulfilled, happy, content. Yet, in the last few weeks, since moving in with Trent, laughter and love now filled her time as well. It seemed time did indeed fly quickly when having fun. “Soon, I hope, Mary. Trent has been busy on a new business adventure.”

  “Oh, don’t let him start using that excuse on you. Time goes by too fast, and before you know it, it’ll be a year before we see the two of you.”

  Trent had told her he didn’t see his family often, but she had no idea how infrequent it actually was. She may never know who her family was, but Elaine was going to make sure Trent realized how lucky he was to have his.

  “You and I still need to finalize the details for the fundraiser. How about we make the trip down to see you in two weeks?” Now all she needed to do was convince Trent he needed to come with her. She was sure there were a few things she could do to entice him to see things her way.

  “The weather is perfect for a family barbeque.” Mary was quiet for a moment then continued, “Elaine, I want to apologize about the last time you were here. I had no idea about your parents, and I really feel bad about asking you all those questions.”

  “That’s okay, Mary. It’s normal to ask questions. I was in a strange time in my life that made me overly sensitive. Things are better now.” Since I have Trent.

  “Have you heard anything from the specialist Jon sent you to regarding DNA testing? Oh, sorry, there I go again with questions.”

  Elaine smiled. This must be what a mother does. “No, nothing yet. I remain hopeful, but maybe it isn’t meant to be. Maybe I’m never supposed to find out where I came from.”

  “Don’t give up yet. My son can be stubborn and arrogant, but he is not one who will give up easily. He won’t stop until he uncovers everything there is to find.”

  She didn’t doubt that. She wasn’t sure there was anything to find. Elaine wanted off the subject, so she turned it back to fundraising. “Did I tell you I have recruited two wonderful ladies to help us?” Remember to tell Lizette and Jill they just volunteered.

  “The more the merrier. Trent also told me you were starting your own business. I’m sure you are going to be great at it.”

  With Lizette and Jill on her team, she knew they would be. “Thanks, Mary.” Call waiting showed Trent trying to reach her. “I need to go for now, but we’ll see you in two weeks.”

  “See you then.”

  Quickly she swiped to pick up Trent’s call. “Hi, are you missing me?”

  “More than you know, angel. I finalized everything in Dubai today. Sheikh Alkaba and his family are all settled in. His wife cannot wait to meet you.”

  Oh, is he taking me back to Dubai? “That’s great news. Since you decided to be partners, instead of taking it over, does this mean you will only have to be there occasionally?”

  “I will have to be here more often than I’d like, but if I recall, you enjoyed yourself when you were here last time,” he teased.

  Elaine laughed. “Who wouldn’t? We had two days of wild passionate sex. I’m not sure I put clothes on until it was time to head back to New York.”

  “And your problem with that was what exactly?”

  “It wouldn’t be my problem as much as yours. You will need to go to work,” she reminded him.

  “Damn, I see you point.”

  “When will you be back?”

  “My plane is going to land in about an hour.”

  She felt heat from her excitement instantly. He had only been gone four days, and she couldn’t wait to have him home.

  “But I can’t stay. The plane is refueling and will take off again.”

  No. No. No. He couldn’t be that close and not even see each other. Why would he fly all the way back to New York only to leave right away?

  “The car will pick you up in thirty minutes.”

  “The car? Thirty minutes? Where are you whisking me away to this time?”

  “Another surprise. Pack a variety of clothes; we will be gone a little over a week.”

  More than a week? And pack clothes? He had given her enough experience lately with the quick-pack essentials. She knew better than to argue or beg for information. Neither was going to get her anywhere, and the result was going to be the same. She would follow him to the ends of Earth if he asked.

  She packed a few dresses, some shorts and T-shirts, and warm clothes in case they ended up someplace not tropical. A small hint would make packing easier.

  The driver was right on time, and Trent was standing by his jet when she arrived. He pulled her in for a deep kiss and then asked, “Are you ready for your next adventure?”

  Having him back made her feel whole. Her life was no longer lacking; she had found what she was searching for—love and family. Kissing him back, she answered, “With you, always.”

  When they boarded the jet he said, “It’s a long flight, and we can make up for lost time on the way.”

  With that comment, she was hot and raring to go.

  Chapter Thirty-five

  A little over seven hours later the plane began its descent. “Where are we?” she asked, looking out the window. Wherever they were it was green and lush.

  “Italy,” he said.

  Turning to him she repeated it as though she couldn’t have heard correctly. “Italy.” Then she turned back toward the window, as she didn’t want to miss a moment of it. It was absolutely beautiful from the sky.

  Once they were on the ground, Trent handed a paper to the driver and said, “It’s going to be a long ride, but trust me, I think you’re going to love where we’re going.” He kissed her gently.

  The car made its way through the streets of Florence, and she admired the architecture. The buildings were so old and close together. She suspected each one had its own story to tell. There was so much she wanted to see—the cathedral, the fountain of Neptune, and the statue of David. There was the Basilica and the museums. The list was endless. Each turn she waited for the car to stop and to be told they had arrived. But it didn’t happen. Eventually they left the city and headed for the hills. “How about a tiny hint as to where you are taking me?” she asked, batting her eyelashes at him.

  “You can try all you want, but I’m not telling you,” he teased.

  She knew when to admit defeat. So she sat back and enjoyed the ride through the country. They continued to drive up small, steep, ancient roads until they stopped at a beautiful, white villa, overlooking the city below. Her eyes widened as they entered the gate and made their way to the entrance.

  “Trent, what are we doing here?”

  He brought her hand to his lips and kissed it. “I’ll tell you when we get to our room.”

  She still couldn’t believe he had flown her to Italy. The beautiful country mesmerized her—the ancient churches, cleverly crafted frescoes, the smiling, jovial locals—as she’dsilently watched the city pass by.And now she was in a private villa overlooking Florence. She was sure it couldn’t get any better than this.

  They were shown to their room. The doors and windows were almost ten feet tall. Once the bellhop left she approached the subject again. “Now can I know what we are doing here?”

  Trent walked to the balcony and opened the doors. She joined him there. The view was spectacular. It overlooked a
city below and the entire hillside. He put his arm around her and asked, “Do you like it here?”

  She looked up to meet his gaze. “Very much so. Where exactly are we?”

  He kissed her forehead and smiled. “We are in Fiesole, a providence of Florence.”

  Looking around at the hillside she said, “It’s absolutely beautiful here.”

  “Stay here for a minute, I’ll be right back.” He left her on the balcony and returned a moment later. “I have something for you.”

  She watched as he pulled a manila envelope from behind his back and handed it to her. “What’s this?” she asked, taking it from him.

  “Elaine, I have tried everything, but there is no way to find out who your parents are.”

  Looking down she answered, “I expected as much. It’s not your fault, it just isn’t meant to be.”

  Trent reached out and tipped her chin to meet his gaze. She saw the love he had for her in his eyes. She might not know her past, but she knew her future.

  "But there is something I can give you.”

  Her heart was beating so quickly. She swallowed and waited for him to continue.

  “Inside the envelope are the results you’ve been waiting for. The answer to where you came from.”

  Elaine looked at the envelope, held it to her chest, and said, “I’m afraid to open it. Why? I have looked for these answers for a long time.”

  Trent stepped closer and kissed her forehead. “I’m right here.”

  That was all she needed, him by her side. Whatever the paper said, she already had what she needed: Him. He was her friend, her lover, and her home.

  Tearing one corner slowly, then the other, she gently slipped her finger inside and tore it the length of the envelope. She pulled out the folded paper. Taking a deep breath and long exhale, she prepared herself for the findings.

  Her eyes scanned the document and fell on the words that echoed in her mind again and again. Place of origin, Fiesole, Italy.

  “You’re home, Elaine. This is your hometown.”

  Tears of joy flowed. “Fiesole? I’m Italian,” she declared.

  He grinned and said, “You would think we could have figured that out since every time we eat out you want Italian food.”

  Elaine looked at him and laughed softly at the truth of what he said. As long as she could remember, she’d always loved Italian food. Was her body trying to tell her all this time? No, that’s impossible. But then again her life had been full of impossibilities already, what was one more? “Thank you for this, for bringing me here. I now know something of my past, and that means more to me than you’ll ever know.”

  “A few months ago we were strangers not only to each other, but also strangers to ourselves. Both of us spent years hiding behind a mask so others couldn’t get close. Somehow things changed, and we put those masks aside. I knew things could never go back as they were before.”

  “I wouldn’t want them to.” She finally had freedom from her unknown past. Even without all the answers, it no longer haunted her. What made it wonderful was she now lived in the here and now and shared every moment with the man she loved, Trent.

  Taking her hand in his, Trent said, “Elaine, there are a lot of things I can give you, but I cannot give you the family you never knew.”

  “I know,” she said quietly. Over the past few weeks she had come to terms with the fact she would never find the answer she had spent years searching for.

  “There is a family who would love to add you as a member.” He reached in his pocket and pulled out a diamond ring with two gold hearts on each side. “Elaine Manning, would you do me the honor of becoming Mrs. Trent Davis?”

  She looked at the ring in his hand. Then she looked into his eyes. What was normally dark had softened a bit. Trent had changed. He was right about that. It was as if he’d locked himself away, frightened to take a chance on something that wasn’t a sure bet. He brought her to Fiesole to end her quest for her parentage, thinking she might need this to feel she had a home. No place was home. She knew that now. Home was Trent. “Yes. Yes, I’ll marry you,” she answered, wrapping her arms around his neck.

  He smiled wider than she’d ever seen, and then swung her around in his arms before placing her back on her feet. “I love you, angel.” Never had she seen him so relaxed.

  “I love you too, Trent. Thank you for giving me what I have always wanted.” Elaine smiled. “A family.” Kissing him gently, she then continued, “You’re my family.”

  “Would you have any objection to a short engagement?”

  She knew what she wanted, something simple and intimate with only close friends and family. "No, I don’t. I actually would prefer it.” The look on his face said there was more than he was telling. “Why?”

  He looked almost serious for a moment and pulled out another envelope. “When they ran the DNA and genetic testing they also discovered something else.”

  Oh God, what is it? “If it is something I can’t do anything about, then don’t tell me, I don’t want to know. If it’s something I can fix, tell me.” Trent went to open his mouth and she stopped him. “Okay, tell me no matter what, otherwise I’m going to always wonder until it drives me nuts.” Her hands trembled as she took the envelope “What does it say? She took a deep breath to prepare for whatever was to come next.

  “It says we’re going to be parents.”

  Parents? I’m pregnant? I didn’t see that one coming. She put a hand on her stomach and looked into his eyes. She loved him and believed he loved her, but she didn’t want him to feel trapped. “Is this why you asked me to marry you?”

  His voice softened. “No Angel. I had the proposal planned for weeks. I only recently found out about this added good news two days ago.”

  Searching his eyes for confirmation, what she saw wasn’t only love for her, but love for their unborn child. Tears flowed down her cheeks as she stepped into his arms. As he held her, she didn’t want him to ever let go. How did she not know? The slight changes in her body were things she decided were due to stress. I’m going to be a mother. “You’re going to make a great father.”

  He squeezed her tightly against him. “So as I said earlier, short engagement?”

  “Sounds wonderful.”

  “Are you hungry? Did you want to go out and get something to eat?”

  They had passed so many charming places on their way, but there was no place she would rather be than here with him. “There’s only one thing I’m hungry for,” she said suggestively.

  He picked her up into his arms. “I couldn’t agree with you more,” he said as he carried her to the bed.

  Tonight was for them; tomorrow they would see the sites of Italy.

  The End

  Don’t miss book 3, The Billionaire’s Longshot!

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  Betting on You Series

  Book 1: The Billionaire’s Secret

  Book 2: The Billionaire’s Masquerade

  Book 3: The Billionaire's Longshot (Coming July 2015!)

  Book 4: The Billionaire’s Jackpot (Coming Fall 2015!)

  About the Author

  Jeannette Winters grew up in a large loving family in Northern Rhode Island. There she raised one son. Most of her career had been spent working as an analyst until she found the joy writing brought her. And following her true passion, her journey begins!

  Author Contact:


  email: [email protected]







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