Sexy Sailors

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Sexy Sailors Page 11

by Neil Plakcy

  “Wonderful! We shall have a good sail today.”

  Painted emerald green, the boat was smaller than Grant had imagined. It was not more than maybe twenty feet long, with two sails draped from the mast. He wondered when he should reveal to his hot new friend how little he knew about sailboats, or any boats.

  “It is beautiful, no? I built it myself. Well, my family helped. We have been shipbuilders for a long time.”

  “Three hundred years?”

  “Maybe more!”

  They both laughed and Grant was pleased that Andrej had a sense of fun about himself.

  That would help. As they prepared to step off the dock and into the deck of the slightly rocking boat below, he was definitely growing nervous.

  “It’s not that I’m afraid of sailing…it’s just that I’m afraid of boats,” Grant blurted out.

  Andrej took his hand and helped him down, smiling up at him. “There is nothing to worry about. It will be a little rough out in the open water, but soon we will be protected between the islands and the mainland. You will see. If you have never sailed, then you are in for a brilliant experience.”

  The Croatian had a very soothing voice, not especially deep but very engaging with a gentle lilt. He was also drop-dead gorgeous. Dazzled, Grant found himself seated at the back end and being handed a life jacket before he knew it.

  He watched with awe as Andrej did everything necessary to get them out of their berth and into the open water of the harbor. He untied them from the dock and expertly rowed them away from it with the large oars. That’s when Grant realized there was no engine.

  “What if the wind dies down? Do we have to row?”

  “Yes. You look very strong, Mr. Cute American. I will let you do the rowing, yes?”

  He laughed as he stowed the oars and slipped back to sit beside Grant on the bench in the rear of the boat. Then, with some cranking on a winch and releasing of ropes, the mainsail billowed in the wind, snapped taut and they leapt forward.

  “Wow! It goes faster than I imagined!”

  The wind whipped past them as they carved a magnificent curve across the harbor and out into the Adriatic. “We’re going north! Hold on tight, Mr. American!”

  His fear of boating was put to the test. The brisk wind at their backs not only filled the two sails with its energetic force, it whipped up the waves ahead of them. The little sailboat leaped and bounded over those waves, up and down, slamming against the water like a jackhammer, rising up again, then slamming down, over and over.

  It was exhilarating. He gripped the seat fiercely, but was comforted by the look of absolute glee on Andrej’s face, rather than rictus of terror he imagined he displayed. As well, the sailor’s bare knee often pressed against his own and a free hand even dropped to squeeze it once.

  “Brilliant, no?” Andrej shouted to him.

  “Awesome! Scary as hell and awesome,” he yelled back.

  Even though the view of the shore was rising and falling along with the leaping of the boat, he did take note of its dramatic beauty. High mountains were covered with scrub evergreen oak or barren with stone. There were vineyards with stone terraces, olive orchards, almond orchards and sheep bleating as they ran up the rocky slopes. And it changed by the mile.

  In the midst of that slamming violence, Andrej turned to Grant and leaned over to kiss him. It was unexpected and took him off guard, but he managed to release his knuckle-whitening grip with one hand and reach around the Croatian to seize the back of his neck and hold him tight against his mouth.

  The kiss was as fierce as the exhilarating leap of the boat beneath them. Tongues exchanged places, lips sucked and slobbered. But it was brief as Andrej pulled away and got back to the business of preventing them from capsizing and drowning.

  Grant watched Andrej as he cranked the winch and laughed as the mainsail collapsed. The boom swung across the deck, and the sail then billowed outward again and they veered eastward. His bare arms were tanned and muscular, with just a down of blond. Just like his legs. Very sexy. The memory of that unexpected kiss lingered along with the promise of more. Now he couldn’t care less if they ended up shipwrecked on some desolate shore, as long as Andrej was there with him!

  Andrej laughed again, then leaned in for another quick kiss.

  The rest of the morning passed in a sublime flow of exchanged kisses and light caresses, a sensual foreplay amidst the stunning scenery of the Croatian shoreline. They passed fish and oyster farms amongst inlets and islands. Small medieval towns appeared on little peninsulas or nestled in small bays, as if they had been transported to another time and place. Other boats of all kinds sailed or motored past them in either direction. Andrej sailed them steadily forward in the light breeze, taking full advantage of his sailing skills to propel them across the rippled surface.

  Finally they slowed and sailed gently past a half-submerged wreck. Its rusted bottom was clearly visible in the sparkling aquamarine water. Andrej maneuvered them into a small cove behind that wreck where high cliffs rose dramatically on all sides.

  Grant was not aggressive by nature and allowed Andrej to lead. He was totally content to kiss and grope, completely clothed with their life jackets between them. There seemed to be no rush, especially with the placid sea around them, the quiet of the cliffs and the serenity of the wreck blocking the view of the open water and any passing boats.

  Andrej was an excellent kisser. He wasn’t shy about diving in with his tongue, or sucking with loud slurps and smacks, but he was also into the softer strokes of tongue on lips and gentle nipping of teeth on darting tongue. And his hands were equally exciting. He ran them up and down Grant’s bare arms, along his calves and knees, and slid them up along his thighs under his baggy shorts. He even settled a hand over Grant’s crotch to squeeze and massage his stiff cock.

  Grant felt Andrej’s smooth skin as well, reveling in the soft down and the absolute firmness of the muscle. He was less bold about groping cock, until Andrej took his hand and placed it directly over it. He squeezed the lengthy pole and imagined what it looked like once free of his shorts and underwear.

  “Shall we continue? The day is not quite over yet.”

  Catching the light breeze expertly, Andrej maneuvered them back into the channel between islands and they tacked north again, zigzagging their way to fresh scenery and new waters.

  It was amazing to Grant how the islands and coast varied so much from mile to mile. Each island was a world unto itself, and the towns they passed hugging the shore were fascinating relics of a centuries-old culture while still thriving in a modern-day world.

  It was also amazing to him how the wind propelled them along so effortlessly. Effortlessly on his part, as he mostly watched Andrej do the work. He had never thought of the wind in that particular way, an energy source that could be harnessed to suit one’s pleasure. Mostly it was a nuisance—and downright dangerous when it brought tornadoes to Iowa.

  “Here is where we will spend the night. Is this okay? We can instead find a harbor and sleep in a hotel, if that is your preference.”

  The blond Croatian directed them into a small bay along a vineyard-lined coast. Oaks overhung the rocky shore and created a little haven of calm privacy. He threw out an anchor, then with Grant’s help tied a rope to a jutting boulder on the shore to their left. They secured the boom so it wouldn’t move across the deck like it had been doing all day long.

  “Will we sleep in the boat?” he dared to ask.

  “Yes. You will find it very pleasant. And so will I, Mr. Cute American.”

  They made a bed of sorts with their life jackets and blankets that had been stowed in a watertight container near the prow. By the time they had done all this, the sun had set behind the island and they were treated to the glow of a rising moon across the water in the east.

  “Tell me about yourself, Grant. I am Croatian for centuries, but you? Americans are many things, I believe.”

  They cuddled together on the low deck beside one
of the oars, still dressed. Grant revealed himself with slightly deprecatory simplicity. “I was born in Iowa, grew up there, went to college there and now I teach high school there. Not completely unusual, but not exactly common in the mobile U.S. My father is mainly Irish, but with a great-grandfather who was a black American slave. My mother is a Mexican immigrant, and so she’s part Spanish and part Native American. I am a mongrel, which is typical of Americans.”

  Andrej laughed. “That explains your lovely black hair and dark tan. And your lovely full lips and lovely broad nose and lovely big golden eyes…” and his words trailed off as he leaned in to kiss Grant in the moonlight.

  It was a gentle kiss, with none of the rushed excitement of some of their earlier ones exchanged during the flight of their sail over the water. They stroked each other’s bare arms and tongued each other’s lips, all to the gentle rocking of the boat.

  Andrej rose, pulling Grant to his knees with him. Grant found it amazing how already he’d grown accustomed to shifting his body weight to compensate for the movement of the boat, out of fear perhaps that he would cause it to capsize, but also as a natural thing almost like walking or running.

  The Croatian smiled as he lifted the bottom of Grant’s tank top and pulled it up over his head. The American lifted his arms, feeling a little tingle as his bare pits were exposed and Andrej teased him by dipping into his left one and stroking the sensitive area with his tongue.

  “Yikes! That tickles.” He giggled then groaned as Andrej began to suck and slurp the raised pit with lips and tongue.

  Grant was smooth under there, and practically everywhere else. Not that he bothered to shave anywhere but his face; he was just naturally hairless. Now Andrej’s lips easily slid out of that pit and over his muscular chest to find and settle on one nipple—and suck.

  “Oh god. Oh yeah,” he muttered as he dared to reach down and return Andrej’s earlier favor by pulling up on the tail of his tank top and lifting it off.

  Their bodies were very different. Grant ran his hands over the blond’s slim back as Andrej continued to suck on his nipple, even nipping it lightly before he engulfed the other with wet lips. Grant was broad and almost muscle-bound. He had played football in high school and turned to weight training in college. He still worked out in the gym regularly.

  His fingers slid all over the bare flesh of Andrej’s back, shoulders and neck as he gasped and shuddered under that nipple assault. He had never had his nipples so expertly sucked! In fact, most of his sexual encounters had been plain suck-and-fuck, not very inventive, and never, ever so sensually satisfying.

  In the moonlight, in the bottom of a boat on the Adriatic Sea with the coast of Croatia a few yards away, it couldn’t have been more romantic. And this guy, he was not normal. Certainly he was beautiful to look at, but so were many others. It was something more than mere physical looks about him that affected Grant so powerfully.

  But for now, it was the purely physical sensation of tongue and lips slowly sliding down his six-pack abs that had him groaning. Fingers found the buttons of his fly and opened them as tongue delved into his navel and he arched upward toward it. Another first!

  He was slowly stripped as lips gently kissed him further down, and further down. He rolled backward and raised his feet and hips as his shorts, then underwear were pulled off. He was naked, and Andrej’s tongue began lapping at the head of his stiff cock.

  “Yes! Thank you, Andrej! That feels amazing…amazing!”

  The Croatian said nothing, his mouth and hands doing all the talking. His tongue dipped into Grant’s piss slit, rubbing it playfully while the dark-haired American groaned and pushed upward into it. The tongue swabbed all over his cock head before descending along the thick shaft to stroke all over it and around it. Grant humped Andrej’s chin and nose and cheeks, growing more and more bold and less and less inhibited.

  There definitely was something about the Croatian that brought out the adventurous side of him. He suddenly didn’t feel the need to pretend, or explain himself, or try to impress. He grabbed hold of his own full asscheeks and spread them, offering up his smooth crack and hole.

  Andrej chuckled appreciatively deep in his throat as his tongue darted downward and settled directly on the quivering sphincter. It licked, then stabbed, then stroked. Grant’s thighs shook and his feet in the air wobbled. He couldn’t stop moaning and groaning.

  The Croatian licked back upward along the ridge of Grant’s perineum, then over his dangling balls. He opened wide and sucked in one, then the other. With a mouthful of nuts, he took hold of Grant’s cock with one hand and probed his spit-gobbed hole with the other.

  “Oh my god…oh yeah…whatever you want, Andrej…do it!”

  And he meant it. A fingertip wormed its way past a quivering butt rim and slowly buried itself. A fist on his cock stroked it up and down. The mouth surrounding his balls sucked and teased before abandoning them and returning to the base of his cock. Lips and tongue replaced that fist as he began an amazing suck job. Mouth engulfed cock head, then slowly dropped down to swallow shaft to the root. Wet and warm, that mouth vacuumed rhythmically before rising to concentrate on the fat head. Tongue twirled over it as lips massaged it.

  The finger in his ass rotated and pulled. It worked in and out, delving for prostate and teasing it. The other hand found one of his nipples and began to tug at it, then lightly pinch it. Grant shuddered and whimpered, so many exquisite sensations rocking him he didn’t know which to focus on.

  He grabbed his own feet and pulled them back and out to the sides, wide open for Andrej’s assault. The Croatian devoured him. He sucked cock, licked balls and crack and ate ass. His hands alternated between cock, nipples and asshole.

  The moon was full and bathed them with pale light. Grant gazed down at the blond head buried between his thighs and felt his heart move. This, maybe, was how love started! He almost laughed at the notion as Andrej’s tongue twirled deep between his puckered asslips, but then immediately abandoned that cynical train of thought.

  As if reading his mind, the Croatian came up for air and rose up to stare down at him. “Can I fuck you, Mr. Cute American? I have the condoms and the lubricant.”

  “I have them too, in my pack,” Grant admitted with a giggle.

  “This means yes, no?”


  Grant lay back and watched, his feet back on the deck beneath them as Andrej finished undressing, his very long cock rearing up between his slim thighs and jerking with excitement as he rolled a condom down over it. He handed Grant a small bottle of lube and nodded.

  He understood. Lifting his feet again, his ass was once more wide open. Andrej moved in close to kneel between his raised feet, the boat rocking then settling. Grant squirted slippery lube into his own crack, feeling it dribble down over his well-fingered and sucked hole, then squirted some over the towering column of Andrej’s cock.

  In the washed-out light of the moon, Grant gazed up into Andrej’s eyes as the Croatian slowly impaled him with the entire length of his cock. The head was tapered and slid easily between his pouting asslips, while the shank that followed had more length than girth and found its way balls-deep with little effort.

  “Oh yeah…so good! Thank you, Andrej,” he murmured as he felt all that cock throbbing deep inside him and those balls nestling up against his crack.

  “Thank you, Grant,” Andrej murmured back.

  He began a slow and rhythmic fuck. The deck moved with him as he leaned forward and placed a hand on either side of Grant’s shoulders. They gazed at each other with absolute focus as cock slid in and out, slowly and steadily.

  This was absolutely the best for Grant. Now he could feel the Croatian’s slim body pressing against his own muscular one. The down-covered limbs were lean but firm, the cock in his ass a lengthy pole of relentless pumping action.

  He reached up and wrapped his arms around Andrej, pulling him down and capturing his mouth with his own. They kissed again, open-mouthed
and sloppy. Grant’s hands explored the Croatian’s lean back, then dropped down to cup and squeeze his marble-hard asscheeks. Unlike his usual passivity during sex, he began to push against those perfect cheeks, fucking himself with Andrej’s cock.

  The slow pump of cock in hole now became more emphatic and the boat rocked more erratically as Grant took over. Andrej moaned around Grant’s tongue in his mouth while driving deep and then pulling out with his cock, faster and harder as the American’s hands on his ass compelled him.

  The rising tide of friction, for both asshole and cock, seemingly might have precipitated orgasm for either or both of them. But it didn’t. Instead, they continued to fuck and kiss, neither ready or willing to release.

  Grant wanted it to go on forever. His own cock was mashed between their bellies, slippery with lube from the copious squirting he’d done earlier. Andrej’s firm belly pressed against it and rubbed it with maddening thoroughness. His asshole ached and throbbed and felt absolutely amazing. His knees in the air, he felt split in two, totally open to the Croatian’s cock. His hands on the blond’s firm ass pushed and pulled and kneaded.

  Andrej seemed capable of fucking all night, his stiff cock plunging and withdrawing and plunging again. Fast, then slowing, fast again, until sweat oozed from both bodies in a slippery sheen that only increased the friction between their naked flesh.

  It was Grant who surrendered first. He couldn’t help it. Cock drove against his prostate in a relentless grind, propelled by his own shoving palms. His own cock oozed a steady stream of precum, then all at once began to swell with the inevitability of orgasm.

  He couldn’t stop it. Cum spewed. He broke their kiss and gasped out his capitulation. “I am so fucked! I’m coming, Andrej! I’m coming!”

  It was the most incredible orgasm of his life. Andrej laughed breathlessly above him as he continued to pummel with his cock, every thrust eliciting another squirt of nut-cream between their bellies.


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