Bondage Anniversary (Desired Discipline)

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Bondage Anniversary (Desired Discipline) Page 5

by Carson, Tori

  He watched the dawning realization flash across her face. “Angel, you need a balance in your life. It’s been missing for so long. You carry the responsibility for several thousand people’s livelihoods on your shoulders. I know it weighs heavily on you. You take care of our family, our home and me. You need a place where you can let it all go. Let that place be with me, in my arms. Let me take care of you.”

  She curled into his arms, giving them both peace. “You’re right, I do need a way to let it all go. I’ll try, Nick.”

  “Good girl.” He threw the pillows to the end of the bed. “Lie flat on your stomach.” He knew she would continue to struggle mentally. Her need for control was too ingrained. Fear of change was riding her pretty hard. Their sex life had been satisfactory and while she had never been dominant, he’d let her set the pace. He saw now he had made a mistake. Laura was a micro-manager in so many ways. When their children were young, he’d offered to hire a nanny to help with the little stuff. She’d refused to consider it. She couldn’t relinquish even the smallest amount of control. He had assumed she needed to feel in charge in the bedroom too. How wrong he had been! Well, he intended to make up for lost time now.

  * * * *

  Laura obeyed, trying to ignore the butterflies fluttering around her stomach and girlie parts. She felt Nick straddle her just below her butt. The aroma of her favorite lotion hit her first. Tears pooled. He was killing her. He seemed so totally focused on her, even remembering to bring her lotion. Allowing Nick to take control was such a foreign concept, in some ways it boggled her mind, yet it felt so right.

  The breath left her body as he massaged her tense muscles. She was putty in his hands, both afraid and excited to see what the final product would be. She wondered if there would be anything left she recognized.

  Nick was wrong about one thing, though. She would never be the same again. Not in their bedroom, not in the boardroom, not ever. Life-altering events didn’t work that way, but one thing was certain, Laura was looking forward to the experience.

  He took his time massaging the knots from her shoulders and back. His touch was an addiction she never planned to kick. Her cheeks stung as his hands caressed her ass. Could he still feel the slight warmth? Each delicious swat had drawn her body closer to the best orgasm she’d ever had in her life. Mentally it made no sense, physically it hurt and yet it was so hot. She wanted more. Craved his hand slamming hard onto her ass.

  Each spank had released age-old tension she didn’t even know she carried. The blaze along her cheeks had lit the way to freedom. Freedom from what exactly she didn’t know. Maybe just all of her mental hang-ups. The last swat had turned her brain off. She had gone into full sensory mode. There were no words to describe his finger entering her ass. It hadn’t felt wrong. It had felt freaking amazing and she wanted more.

  “Okay, Angel, turn over.” His hands went to her breasts. Her nipples were large and pouty, not as perky as they’d once been. It didn’t seem to matter as he licked them into tight peaks. She started squirming as he applied lotion and moved lower still. Keeping her on edge, building the intensity of pleasure to heights she’d never known existed now seemed to be his highest priority.

  Nick kept his hands constantly roving. She never knew where he’d touch next. He both massaged and tickled. Laura hoped he hadn’t caught a glimpse of tears in her eyes. He’d hate that. She wasn’t even sure why her emotions were running wild.

  She wanted to touch him. Was it allowed? Would she ever learn the proper protocol? He moved the pillows to within her reach.

  Screw protocol. She was feeling bratty. Grabbing a pillow she whomped him in the chest. It didn’t take long before he armed himself and jumped from the bed, out of her reach.

  Laura quickly followed. Naked, breasts bouncing as she ran after him proved a good distraction. She got in several good shots. He was using his pillow more as a shield than a weapon. Their play angled into the bathroom. She caught him watching her reflection in the mirrors. His massive, strutting hard-on made her smile. And whetted her appetite. He took the offensive with several well-timed swings, and she had to retreat into the living room. After running around the suite laughing and giggling like fools, Nick trapped her on the dining room table. He ripped the pillow from her grasp and kissed her till her brain turned to mush.

  “Striking your Dom is unacceptable,” he whispered in her ear. “What should I do about this serious transgression?”

  “My bum is still tingling from your last assault.” She was already squirming in anticipation.

  He shook his head. “Your ass is still tingling from your last punishment. Say it correctly, Laura.”

  “My bum is still tingling from my last punishment, Sir.” She tried to keep her smile from showing, but knew she was failing. He was enjoying himself and she loved it. His smile was youthful and fun. He seemed relaxed and happy.

  “I see I have my work cut out for me.” He picked her off the table, gave her a brief hug then set her down. He moved the chair to the side. Placing his pillow on the table edge, his hand on her back, he bent her forward into position. “Spread your legs, put your arms out and grab the sides of the table. Do not move.”

  It wasn’t terribly comfortable, though the pillow made it a little easier. The table had a glass topper that was cold and the edge would have bitten into her hips. She relaxed knowing he would take care of her. Her toes were barely touching the ground with her legs spread so wide. It made her feel very exposed. The slight discomfort added to the excitement. What was he doing? He’d kept her waiting for eight days at least. If he didn’t hurry, her wetness was going to start dripping down her leg then she might just die from embarrassment. She never considered changing positions. This time it didn’t freak her out nearly as much when she realized she wanted to obey, to please him, to experience the pleasure he would give her.

  She jumped slightly when Nick caressed her back. “You look beautiful, Angel. Always point your toes inward when in this position. It gives me a better view of my pussy.” He ran his hand from her clitoris to her anus, obviously pleased to find her soaked and ready. “Because this belongs to me now.”

  “Yes, Sir.” She liked that. He sounded proprietary, like he celebrated in possessing her. He was swamping her with feelings. She’d always kept her emotions tightly contained. ‘Never let them know what you’re thinking’—that had been one of the first lessons she’d ever learnt. And she’d learnt it well. Her emotions were allowed out in small, measured amounts, after carefully weighing all possible outcomes. Now Nick was breaking down the wall. She knew there was serious structural damage and if she didn’t close off for repairs, she’d soon have no place to hide.

  “Sit up about six inches.” His smooth voice diverted her from the panic attack she was headed toward. Her eyes grew wide as a big red ball with black straps came into view. “Open your sexy mouth and don’t let go of the table. I’ve decided your punishment will be to wear a gag while I fuck you from behind. It’s going to be hard and rough and all for me.”

  The ball filling her mouth was scary and fucking hot. He pulled the straps taut and buckled it in place. The cool leather pulled tight across her cheeks was a constant reminder she was at his mercy.

  “You will not come. Nod if you understand.”

  Dutifully, she nodded. “Lift your right hand if you need to stop.” He entered her slowly, stretching her tight muscles. Nick switched from hard and fast to slow and deep then slammed home again with a roughness she reveled in. Laura felt her breath coming in bursts. Damn him, he knew she couldn’t come unless he caressed her clit. This position just didn’t give her enough contact alone.

  Using lube, he entered her ass with his thumb. She moaned and realized the gag didn’t block out the sound, just muffled it. The feeling was so foreign, so many sensations at the same time, she wasn’t sure she liked it. As he continued to draw in and out with his thumb, she relaxed. It was full and decadent.

  Her clit felt huge. Oh yeah,
she liked it. She had to come soon or she was going to die from low blood pressure. Obviously, it was all pooled in her groin. How long could a person survive without blood flow to the brain?

  Sometimes he moved in unison, other times he set a push-pull pace. “This belongs to me now too. I have a beautiful plug that’s going to fit so perfectly in here. It’s quite a bit larger than my thumb, Angel. It will fill your ass and stretch you nicely. I can’t wait to fuck you with it.” Just thinking about it sent her to the edge. One final thrust and he filled her with enough semen to repopulate a Third World country. Thank goodness conception wasn’t a concern at this point in their lives.

  He unbuckled the strap of the ball gag and let it roll onto the table. “Now, Angel, I’d like you to try that sentence again.”

  She looked up at him with no idea what he was talking about. All she could think about was coming. The bastard knew she had a hard time coming from behind. Without a little clitoral stimulation, she was stuck in a pleasurable hell of sexual frustration. Her brain was in ‘fuck me’ mode.

  He took pity on her. “Remember, my ass is still tingling from my first punishment?”

  “Oh, yes, Sir. I remember now. My ass is still tingling from my first punishment, and I’m desperate to come from my last punishment, Sir,” she added with snarky honesty. Apparently orgasm deprivation loosened her tongue.

  “I’m so glad. I want you throbbing with need. Are you, Angel?”

  “Oh, yes, Sir. Please fuck me.” Dirty talk came much easier when her body was on fire.

  “I would be happy to, Angel, but you are not allowed to come. No orgasm for you until we get a few things straight.” He moved his hand over the table. “First we have to review our lists. But since you asked so nicely, I will permit you to decide. We can review the lists now, or I can fuck you again, get you even hotter, and then we can review the lists. Which would you prefer?”

  “The lists now, Sir.” Any hotter and she wouldn’t be able to speak in complete sentences.

  “As you wish, Angel. During our discussion, you are permitted to speak freely. I expect your complete honesty.”

  She nodded. If he didn’t quit tossing around words like allow and permit, she was going to spontaneously combust.

  “Go put on a robe, you’re distracting me. And, Laura—”

  She turned around and he continued, “Speaking freely is the only privilege I’m granting you. Do not touch yourself.”

  Damn him. She hadn’t even considered it until he’d mentioned it. Now it was all she could think about. Of course that had been his plan all along. Bastard. Quickly, she cleaned up and joined him, irked that she had followed his orders.

  She sat in front of his list. A small smile touched her lips. He’d checked ‘not interested’ to the first section too. That pleased her until she remembered he’d been in a BDSM club. No, clubs. Plural. Shit. Why didn’t he want to take her? She thought about calling him on it, but decided she wasn’t ready to hear his thoughts on that one. Not yet.

  In section two, he’d marked ‘want to try’ to damn near everything. Panic took on a life of its own. Her lungs forgot how to take in air. She didn’t even know what some of this shit was and he wanted to try it. Oh fuck. About the only things he’d marked no to were ‘suspension, hoods and dental equipment’.

  “I’m going to get something to drink. Do you want anything?” That sounded casual, didn’t it? She wrapped the robe tighter around her, hopefully hiding the flush she knew was covering her chest.

  “No thank you, Angel. “ He held up his snifter, showing he had plenty.

  She was running and, unfortunately, he knew her well enough to recognize the truth.

  She used the counter to hold her up while she struggled to get her breathing under control. Nick moved so quietly, she didn’t hear him approach. She jumped as his arms slid around her waist and held her close. “What is it, Laura?” His warm, caring words wrapped her in a blanket. Shit, now she had to fight the waterworks again.

  She couldn’t think of a lie. Her body was thrumming so completely she could barely think at all. “I’m afraid.” When he didn’t respond, she continued, “This scares me.”

  “What about it scares you, Angel? You know we won’t do anything you don’t consent to.”

  “I know. I’m curious and I want to please you. It’s a bad combination. I’m afraid I’ll consent to just about everything and then not be able to look in the mirror the next day.”

  “Maybe it’s a great combination. If we try something and don’t like it, it gets scratched off the list.”

  “I’m still mad at you for going to the clubs without me. You know a lot more than I do. I don’t like being at a disadvantage.”

  He chuckled. “Your competitive streak is coming out. I’ll gladly share my knowledge with you. This isn’t an independent venture, we are in this together.”

  After she nodded he asked, “What sent you running in here?”

  Her heart was slowing down and she could breathe again. His calm, steady demeanor gave her a feeling of safety. No matter what firestorm was out there, if she was with him, she knew she’d pull through it. “Section two. I don’t even know what some of those things are.”

  “Then you come to me, Laura, you don’t run away.”

  She knew he was right. It was just so damned hard. In business, you could never show weakness. Your competitor would eat you alive. She was being stupid. She knew he wouldn’t take advantage of her. He wouldn’t laugh at or belittle her. “You’re right.”

  “I saw on your list you had several checks in the ‘need more information’ section. There are a few of those on my list too. More along the lines of, if we do this, I would need to know your expectations. There are things on that list I will not try. Other things, I don’t feel competent doing without training. If any of them interest you, I’ll look into it. We need to talk this through.”

  “I know.”

  “I refuse to do anything that would cause you real physical harm.” Nick pushed through the folds of her robe. “I’m pleased you kept your breasts bared.” He held and caressed them as if his hands were drawn to them of their own accord. “I love these too much to risk injuring them. I am excited about clamping them, though.”

  Nick drew her nipples forward, squeezing and rolling them until she moaned. She tipped her head back against him, giving him better access.

  She knew he wasn’t finished tormenting her. “I have plans for my pussy too.” Using one hand, Nick slowly slid one hand down her stomach and cupped her crotch. “I plan to clamp this too. Clamps lock the blood flow in place and refuse any reduction in arousal. Can you imagine what it would feel like to be held on the edge, with no mercy, until I decide to let you release?”

  She raised one eyebrow. “I have an idea, yes.”

  “It’s only been a few minutes. Some subs endure orgasm deprivation for days, even weeks at a time.”

  “I’ve read that. I think it explains why some women cut off their mate’s dick.” She gave him her sweetest smile.

  Nick tipped his head back and laughed. “I imagine you’re right, Angel.” He held her tight for a few minutes. “Come on, it’s time to discuss this.” Holding her hand, he led her back to the table.

  “We agree on the first section. What about section two upsets you?”

  “You marked yes to St Catherine’s Wheel. I know historically what it was used for, but can’t imagine how it would be used for pleasure.” Her voice was a little sharper than she wanted. Nick knew her every nuance. He would know how uncomfortable she was discussing these things.

  “Imagine a St Andrew’s Cross that can rotate.”

  She took a moment to picture it in her mind. A submissive Lazy Susan. Yeah, that was hot. “I’d have to see one in person, but I can see some possibilities.”

  “You’ve read several hot scenes using equipment like that. Were you aroused afterward?”

  She couldn’t bring herself to admit it out loud so she n

  “What did you think of the ball gag?”

  Her eyes immediately went to it. Now that it lay on the table, she could see it clearly. Her heart stumbled when she noticed a lock around the clasp. Laura’s pussy grew wet and her stomach tightened. “Good.”

  “No, Angel, you need to use descriptive adjectives. How was the size of the ball? Was it too large? Do you want it larger? Did it hurt your jaw? Could you wear it for extended periods without excessive discomfort? Did it turn you on? Do you want it tighter? Looser? As you can see, a one word answer is not going to work.”

  Having specific questions to answer made it easier. “The size was fine. It wasn’t overly uncomfortable. The strap bit into my cheeks.” She paused before admitting, “I liked that. I felt restrained.” She mentally reviewed her answers, “How was that?”


  “Good. Now I have a few questions. What do you mean by extended periods and why is there a lock on it? That scares me a bit.” She tilted her head as she considered telling him the truth. When he stayed silent she added, “And excites me. I don’t want to think too much about that.” She shook her head and went in a different direction. “Did it arouse you? Do you want me silent? I thought expressing my excitement was a turn-on for you?”

  “Much better! I’m so fucking proud of you, Laura.” His smile made her soft inside. “Yes, it was visually exciting. No, normally I don’t want you silent. I may, during a scene, tell you to not make a sound. Sometimes it can intensify the experience. Except in those instances, I want to hear you. Even wearing a gag, I want to hear you.” He waited until she nodded in understanding. “As for the lock, imagine if you were locked in the gag until I chose to release you. Tell me that doesn’t add to the intensity.”

  She squirmed in her seat. Yes, it did, damn it. She nodded. Seconds ticked by as he sat patiently watching her. “Okay, yes, it does.” Would it get easier over time to talk about this? She doubted it. Taking a breath to get her heart rate down just a bit, she paused until her voice was in the normal range. “What constitutes an extended period of time?”


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