Bondage Anniversary (Desired Discipline)

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Bondage Anniversary (Desired Discipline) Page 7

by Carson, Tori

  “Rope underwear?” She wanted to laugh. It was absurd. Wasn’t it? Her butterflies were frenzied now.

  “It’s called a crotch rope. There are as many different types as there are purposes. This one has a wider crotch band than most. It will fit snugly over your clitoris. Even the slightest movement will rub and cause arousal.”

  She couldn’t look away. How could he say those things so calmly? They weren’t discussing how best to make a cup of coffee. Didn’t he realize that?

  “The horizontal piece fits around your waist. The vertical piece fits across your pussy.”

  Her nipples were jutting forward and she fought to slow her breathing. She had to focus on what he was telling her and stop imagining the feel of those ropes sliding across her skin.

  “The intensity can be controlled, to some degree, by how tightly the ropes are drawn against your clitoris. Most women find it highly arousing, but not enough to come.”

  His purpose was to keep her on edge without allowing her the big O? Why in the hell had she agreed to orgasm deprivation? “So the objective is to drive the sub crazy for the Dom’s amusement?” Just the idea of wearing it was making her wet. She just couldn’t wrap her mind around why.

  “Be careful, Angel. I like your smart mouth, but I will not tolerate disrespect.”

  At his Dom tone, she instinctively cast her eyes downward in submission.

  “There is nothing funny about your arousal. I take it damned seriously. Keeping you in a heightened state of arousal for longer and longer periods of time will train your body to accept pleasure more easily. There are physiological reasons for it and I will be happy to explain it to you, if you’d like.”

  Once she shook her head, he continued, “I intend to keep you perpetually wet, craving my touch and needing my cock to ease the ache between your legs. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Sir.” She swirled the idea around in her head, trying to understand. “You think this will help me orgasm easier?”

  “Yes, Laura. Don’t you?” He sounded pleased with her answer. A warm feeling moved over her.

  “Wouldn’t lots of orgasms do that more efficiently?” Feeling a little bratty she figured it was worth a try.

  He laughed. “Yes and no. Did our quick and easy Saturday morning fucks ever give you an orgasm like the one you had last night?”

  Last night she’d had more than just an orgasm. It had been a knock the Earth off its axis, mind-blowing experience. “No,” she said quietly, knowing he was right. If she could have another orgasm like that, she’d trade all of her undies in for rope.

  “Remember the exercise regimen you used to prepare your body for the marathon last year?”

  She nodded. How could she forget? She’d trained for months and it was still the hardest thing she’d ever done.

  “Think of this along those lines. You trained your body to endure a grueling pace for twenty-six miles. Now we start training your body to accept and respond to more intense levels of arousal. Your orgasms, when I allow them, will be less of a struggle. You’ll be more in tune with your body’s needs. Getting in the right mood won’t be hard. Your body will crave the sensations.”

  It sounded too good to be true. She often struggled more than she was willing to admit. Sometimes it was impossible to push away the stress. Her mind stayed focused on the latest crisis and refused to relax and give in to pleasure. Work was eating her alive. Her satisfaction level at work had waned as well. Nick was right, she lacked a balance. Without it, she feared she’d never find contentment.

  “We’re going to train your nipples to never go into a deep slumber. During our playtime they will stay hard, demanding attention, and when at rest, they will retain a slight definition. Once properly trained, they will be more sensitive and responsive. How do you feel about that?”

  “I’d like them to be more responsive. I don’t like it when they go completely soft and you can’t even tell where the nipple is.” She took a deep breath and slowly let it out. Admitting fear was really hard for her. “I’m concerned what the training will consist of. I had some pretty painful blisters on my feet while training for the marathon.” She was trying to bring some levity to the discussion and reduce the stress level she was feeling. “I don’t think that would be very attractive.”

  A soft smile touched his lips and he shook his head. “No blisters. No more pain than you can handle. I’ve told you that before. As we go along, you’ll see. I’ll be honest, there will be discomfort and when there is, I want you to tell me. We will use a number system to gauge both your pleasure and discomfort. You will talk to me. I know you aren’t comfortable talking about sex, but you will obey me on this. If you can’t talk to me, then we can’t play.”

  “I understand, Nick. I’ve read enough to know it’s critical.” Knowing something intellectually and living it weren’t the same things. She would have to get over herself. She wanted this. Once she set a goal, she achieved it—one way or another.

  “Good girl. Go use the restroom and then I’ll show you how this works.”

  Laura quickly did as he’d asked. She was surprised by how excited she was to try the crotch rope.

  “Stand by the bed, facing the French doors, with your legs spread about a foot apart.” He took his time arousing her. She wanted to beg, but knew it wouldn’t do any good. He was in charge. He pulled and rolled her nipples until she was squirming and resting her head on his shoulder, moaning. After she was relaxed and had given in to the pleasure, he moved down to her pussy. He finger-fucked her, paying close attention to her G-spot, then moved to her clit. The few strokes he gave her felt like a reward for good behavior. Laura’s knees started to quiver. And then, fuck, he stopped.

  His cruel hands left her body and picked up the belt. “This clip locks the rope around your waist.” He worked the action, showing her how it operated.

  Laura was surprised at how soft the fibers were. She had expected it to be rough and was pleased to find it so smooth and silky. It was actually very pretty. The strands around her waist were plain, but the section leading from her belly button to her butt cheeks was beautiful. Intricate knots made an artful design, wider at the waist and slimming as it neared her crotch.

  “Turn around—this has to fit properly to be effective.” With one hand he held her labia slightly apart. Using his other hand, he guided the ropes directly across her clit. “Once we’ve worked up to it, you will be plugged while you wear this. Imagine walking around with a plug in your ass and the ropes rubbing your clit with each step you take. Be a good girl or I’ll have you wear this on all your jogs.”

  Her eyes opened wide. Whether it was the rope sensitizing her or the naughtiness, it was getting to her. She was soaking the ropes.

  “I’m kidding, Angel. That would be too much. It’s neither safe nor sane. I’m going to cinch the rope. Getting the right amount of pressure is difficult at first. Too loose and it rubs too much. Too tight and it’s painful. Using the number system, you will tell me how it feels. Ten is too tight. Six is close. We’ll stop and test it out at six.” Slowly, careful not to allow the ropes to swing and strike Laura, he slid the bundle through the D rings.

  “Oh my goodness, Nick, the rope is vibrating.”

  “Yes, it’s one of the reasons for the multiple strands. How are you doing, Angel?”

  “I’m okay. It feels weird. I think it’s tight enough.” The sensations were foreign and fear started to push its way to the surface.

  Nick stopped and slid two fingers between the rope and her skin. “No, it needs to be much tighter. If we left it this loose it would be fine at first, but as you walked it would be allowed too much movement. You could get pinched or even get rope burn. It wears more comfortably if it’s snug against you.”

  “No daylight, huh?”

  “Not even a peek,” he chuckled. He took his time drawing the ropes with slow, even intensity. Did he know the sensation aroused her? Once the ropes were fitted tightly between her butt cheeks he
asked, “What number are we at, Laura?”

  “About a six, maybe a seven.” She was nervous, but excitement was winning out.

  “Hold still.” Nick secured, wrapped then cut the rope with a pair of EMT shears about three inches from the D ring. “Walk with me to the kitchen.” He held out his elbow until she slid her hand around his biceps. In the living room he asked, “What does it feel like?”

  “It’s rubbing against me with each step I take. It kind of tickles.” She could do this. It wasn’t nearly as bad as she expected.

  “Then it isn’t tight enough.” Standing behind her, he tightened it further. “Tickling isn’t the effect we’re shooting for.” He slid his fingers under the rope to gauge the positioning. “Try that.”

  On the first step she knew it was much more intense. “No more tickling, that’s for sure.” A few more steps and she wondered why underwear was ever made out of cloth. Rope was so much better. “Yes, I like this. Maybe too much. Are you sure it won’t cause an orgasm?”

  He smiled and she knew she’d pleased him again. If wearing rope underwear made him happy, she’d give it a shot.

  “Eventually I’ll take it quite a bit tighter, but don’t worry about that now. We’ll work up to it. Every woman is different, so I won’t say it’s impossible, especially if you manipulated the ropes with your hands. By the way, Angel, that’s not allowed. You do not touch the rope unless I specifically order you to do so. Are we clear on this?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Repeat the instructions.”

  She loved it when he went all caveman on her. “I am not allowed to touch the ropes unless you tell me to.”

  “Good girl. Now, go get a glass of water.”

  Out of the French doors, she noticed the weather was perfect and a lot of people were milling about. She’d bet none of them were wearing rope underwear!

  “Nick, this is intense. How long do you want me to wear this?” she asked, handing him a glass of water.

  “You’ll wear it until I tell you to take it off. My pussy.”

  Laura felt a flush wash over her face.

  “Now go put something loose fitting on. We’re going to breakfast.”

  A million questions went through her mind. She wanted to beg him to just call room service. Could she do this? Thank goodness they wouldn’t be gone long.

  She searched his handsome face for reassurance. He wrapped his arms around her and held her, seeming to know she needed help.

  “I’m so proud of you, Angel. I know this isn’t easy for you. It’s a complete change of thinking. Just trust me.”

  She melted into him. He was her happily ever after and he was into bondage. She didn’t have to fantasize anymore. This was her chance to experience it in real life. All she had to do was reach out and embrace it. “Thank you, Sir.” Yes, she wanted this!

  After she’d slid into the dress, she stood in front of the full-length mirror and examined every inch of her reflection. From no angle was the rope noticeable. She carefully sat on the bed. She found it was doable.

  Putting on her shoes was another story. Bending forward pulled the rope tight into her ass. “Nick, could you help me with my shoes.”

  Instantly, he was on his knees in front of her. After kissing and teasing her toes, he guided her feet into her sandals. “I like it when you ask for my help. It makes me happy. Thank you.”

  She gushed. Asking hadn’t been that hard. “Thank you for helping me. The floor seemed awfully far away.” She used humor to get past the awkward moment.

  In the hallway, she turned right toward the elevator. He used his arm around her waist to steer her left. “We’ll use the staircase. The hotel has some beautiful art pieces on display.” Leaning near her ear he whispered, “And it will insure you’re hungry.”

  Nick set a pretty fast pace down the first flight of stairs. By the landing, she was ready to come. Right there in the middle of the hotel, people walking by, she didn’t care. They took the next flight at a snail’s pace, stopping at every second step and talking about architecture or art, anything to slow the descent. The last flight they sped up. Slightly.

  In the lobby she was breathing heavy. Her breasts were pushing against her bra, begging for attention. Laura walked with him into the alcove that led to the bathrooms. He backed her into a dark corner and shielded her from view with his body. Her mind raced trying to figure out what he was going to do next.

  Master Nick had a talent for keeping her on edge. She rocked forward as he pushed his finger between the rope and her skin.

  “Just as I suspected, the rope loosened. How are you doing? If ten is orgasmic, what’s your arousal level?”

  “Eight,” she decided. It was odd to objectively take stock of her excitement. In the past it was something that either happened or it didn’t. It wasn’t something to be analyzed. She knew that would have to change. Nick needed feedback if he was going to Top her effectively.

  “Good. That’s right where we need it. Now, if one is slightly pleasurable and ten is slightly painful, what’s your comfort level?”

  It took her a moment to take stock of all the sensations she was feeling. The rope was rubbing her clit, making her crazy. It wasn’t really uncomfortable. It wasn’t like cotton boy shorts, though, either. “Five.”

  He shook his head. “We need more rigor. Tell me when you reach seven.” Gently, he pulled downward, cinching the rope tighter.

  “Seven,” she said slightly breathless. It still felt good, maybe even better than when at five. He was right, too loose and it felt sloppy, less controlled. Rigor was a good word. The intensity was rigorous and heavenly. How had she lived all these years and not experienced this type of pleasure before? She knew she’d limited their sex life with all of her mental hang-ups. Why had she wanted to minimize her pleasure? Nick had tried to get her to experiment with new things. She’d resisted. She’d wanted the control. She hadn’t wanted to show vulnerability. Okay, she was ready to admit it. She’d made a huge mistake. Huge!

  She took his proffered elbow and let him guide her out of the lobby. They took a leisurely stroll around the pool area on their way to the outdoor café. Much to Laura’s chagrin, Nick requested a table in the patio area. There would be no hiding in a corner in a booth. Nope, they were seated near the sidewalk. Not a lonely, never used walkway either. This sidewalk had heavy foot traffic and in her mind, every last person was staring at her, knowing she was highly aroused and in need of a thorough fucking.

  Is this what it would be like being in a club with Nick? Could she engage in sexual play in public? Not that it mattered really, since he didn’t want to take her. She couldn’t let her mind go there. It hurt too much and destroyed what little confidence she’d gained.

  “You look radiant today, Laura.” Nick’s voice was quiet, but she felt it deep in her bones.

  “Thank you, Nick. What are the plans for today?” How long did he plan to keep her pussy in this sweet, damnable torture chamber of rope?

  “We are playing eighteen holes in”—he looked at his watch—“two hours.”

  She raised an eyebrow, completely bluffing her way through the terror of staying tied up for several more hours. The idea of playing golf in her current predicament was absurd. “Have you developed a new strategy for besting me?”

  “I have several strategies for Topping you, all of which are designed to bring out the ‘best’ in you. I hadn’t planned on introducing any of them on the course, though. Would you want me to?”

  “No, Sir. I think I’d be more comfortable without an audience.” She waved her hand to indicate the throng of people walking by. She was being a brat and knew she might pay for it later.

  “There is a time and a place for everything. Right now, we’re teaching you that arousal and pleasure are nothing to be ashamed of. It isn’t something to be hidden away under covers, or with the lights out. I have no intension of ever embarrassing you publicly or privately. Humiliation isn’t one of your hot buttons. Ther
efore, it serves no purpose in our play.”

  “You’re right. It’s just awkward sitting here discussing menus and tee times while I’m feeling like this.”

  “That’s a mindset we need to change. You want to schedule your pleasure like it’s an external event. It should be as natural to you as communicating. When you’re spoken to, you respond. When you feel stimuli, you respond. Just like you temper your speech on occasion, you will learn to manage your responses. You’ll embrace your arousal, learn to contain it until you have permission to release. It isn’t an on-off switch. Think of it as a natural gas oven. There are varying degrees of heat, but the pilot light never goes out.”

  “How do I learn to control an orgasm? Isn’t that like trying to nail yogurt to a wall?”

  “No. It’s within your power to do it. You’re very headstrong. Once you put your mind to something, you always accomplish it. Besides, you’ll have lots of practice. When you get it right, you will be rewarded, and when you fall short of the mark, you’ll be punished.”

  It was becoming familiar, but she still wondered why words like allow and punishment sent zingers straight to her clit. “I will try, Sir.”

  “No, Laura. You will succeed. Maybe not at first, but rest assured, I will take great pleasure in correcting your behavior. Remember when the kids were little and you had me read that book about natural consequences? Well, over the years, I’ve learnt you were absolutely right. Natural consequences, both positive and negative, given consistently, are excellent training tools.”

  His voice was sinful. He knew exactly what he was doing to her. Her will to fight it was waning. Her body was tingling and sensitive. Her nipples were straining against her bra cups. It was best not to contemplate her pussy. If she thought too much about the drum solo her clit was playing against the ropes, she’d start squirming and only make the sensations more intense.

  “I’m so glad it was helpful.” Okay, that was a blatant lie. He was going to hold her accountable with little to no mercy. This was a major fantasy of hers. Now it was time to walk the walk and hope that reality could be better than fiction.


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