Aria (Duet Series Book 1)

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Aria (Duet Series Book 1) Page 10

by Jennifer Hartmann

  The two girls resumed their step and the conversation picked up where it had left off. Chelsie filled Lisa in on her travels, the celebrity life, all of Devon's cute quirks, and just how happy she finally felt. When the day wound down and the two friends hugged their goodbyes, Chelsie couldn't seem to shake an odd sensation. Her mind wandered back to that damn watch. What was so special about it? It was just a watch. It meant nothing.

  But it did – for when she spotted it, another man's eyes had flashed in her mind.


  Chelsie refused to make any sense of it. She hopped in an Uber, popped in her earbuds, and drowned out her thoughts to her favorite playlist. She knew when she got home, she would climb into bed, snuggle her cat, and fall right to sleep. When she dreamt that night, Devon would surely be there.

  And when she woke up the next morning, that watch would just be a watch.

  9 Chapter Nine

  "You're on the front cover of US Weekly. Happy birthday!"

  That was the text message Chelsie had woken up to on the morning of her twenty-seventh birthday. She had Julia to thank for bringing the ordeal to light. Chelsie was used to being tabloid fodder, but the fodder had turned to scandal with one innocent picture.

  Chelsie crawled out of bed, careful not to wake the snoring man beside her. She locked herself in the bathroom and called Julia. She was anxious to hear the juicy details.

  "Me and Noah? A scandalous fling? Huh?" Chelsie whispered into her cell phone. "You've got to be kidding me."

  "I believe the word used was ‘salacious’," Julia corrected. "It has a little more flavor. And yeah, apparently you guys are totally fucking and you're the bitch queen of the universe for cheating on an unsuspecting Devon Sawyer."

  Chelsie felt her tiny apartment bathroom shrink to half its size. The walls were closing in and air was becoming scarce. This was not the way the morning was supposed to go. She was supposed to wake up slowly to Devon's adoring arms around her and then gorge herself on birthday cake for breakfast. Instead, she was holding back hot tears, cursing the paparazzi for trying to ruin her life.

  "Julia, what is the picture? I mean, it can't be horrible. There is absolutely nothing going on between me and Noah."

  "Oh, it's nothing too obscene. The cover is an adorable family photo of the three of you eating ice cream while you and Noah make moon eyes at each other. It's more the implication and corresponding story that really packs the punch. Here, I'll text you the cover."

  Chelsie pulled up the photo and studied it with narrow eyes. "This is ridiculous. Did you see this headline? 'Girlfriend of Freeze Frame Front Man Gets Cozy With Sexy Bandmate'. It's obviously all lies." Chelsie was furious. The pitch of her voice was rising with every heated word.

  "Yeah, I read it," Julia replied. "I know it's lies and you know it's lies, but the rest of America is surely going to jump headfirst onto that bandwagon. I feel for ya, Chels."

  "Ugh!" Chelsie was about to continue her rant when a new text notification came through. It was from Noah.

  “Apparently we’re front cover material on the gossip mags. I had no idea we were sleeping together, did you?”

  Chelsie sighed. "Julia, I'll call you back. I have unnecessary damage control to take care of."

  "Don't worry about it, babe. I'll see you tonight. Happy birthday!"

  Chelsie clicked off the call and dialed Noah. His gruff, sleep-ridden voice answered on the first ring.

  "Hey, baby. I can call you that now since we're in a salacious relationship.”

  Chelsie was in no mood. "This isn't funny, Noah. This could ruin me and Devon. I have no idea what to do." She slid down the bathroom wall and crumpled to the ground with a groan.

  "Well, first off, good morning. Second, happy birthday. And third, get used to it," Noah said. "Your name is going to be smeared all over the media whenever a promising story comes to light. You’re the girl dating America's favorite rock star. You're going to be the villain no matter what."

  "But we didn't do anything wrong," Chelsie insisted. "I would never cheat on Devon, especially with you. No offense." A brief silence followed. Chelsie wondered if she'd offended him.

  "You're sweet," Noah replied. "The feeling is mutual, of course. And don't worry about Devon. He knows what he's getting himself into by dating someone in the public eye. He trusts you. You two will be fine."

  "Maybe you're right.” Chelsie worried her bottom lip between her teeth. "This whole thing just sucks. Happy birthday to me."

  "We can commiserate over birthday drinks later. Until then, try not to think about it and just enjoy yourself," Noah said.

  Chelsie breathed in slowly through her nose and let a smile slip. "Thanks, Noah. I'll try." She paused. “Are you coming tonight? Is Rosa going to watch Sam?"

  "Yeah, the little monster is all taken care of. I wouldn't miss your birthday party… especially now. Since we're dating.”

  Chelsie rolled her eyes and tried to hold back a grin. "Funny. You know how much I enjoy your unsolicited attempt at humor."

  "Attempt?" Noah huffed in reply. "I'm hilarious. Don't try to deny it. I can practically see your smile through my cell phone right now. Hold on, we're going to video chat so I can actually see it and prove how damn funny I am."

  Chelsie laughed. "Okay, okay, I'm smiling. Happy? No need for visual conversation. I just got out of bed and I'm a hot mess."

  "I'm sure you're pretty as a picture, as usual. See you later?"

  "I'll be there with bells on. Thanks, Noah."

  "Happy birthday, Combs."

  Chelsie clicked off the call, the ghost of a smile on her lips. Noah always had an eerie tendency of cheering her up. It was odd, considering how good he used to be at pissing her off.

  Well, he was still pretty good at that. Noah was a man of many talents.

  Chelsie heard a knock, so she opened the bathroom door. She was greeted by her sleepy-eyed boyfriend. She threw her arms around his neck and leaned up for a kiss. “Good morning!”

  Devon gave her a gentle squeeze in return. "Mornin', babe. Who were you talking to?"

  “Oh, just Julia. She called to wish me a happy birthday.” Chelsie shoved her cell phone into her back pocket. "You're up early, huh? Did I wake you?"

  Devon yawned and scratched his chest. "Nah, I just wanted to be the first to tell you happy birthday. Guess I was too late," he said with a pout.

  "You're so sweet. Don’t worry, you can still make it up to me." Chelsie gave him knowing wink.

  "Oh, really?" Without another word, Devon scooped Chelsie up and carried her back to the bedroom. He tossed her onto the bed and climbed over her, his eyes full of mischief. "Happy birthday."

  Chelsie wrapped her fingers around his neck and pulled his forehead against hers. "Thank you," she whispered. Chelsie let the rough start to the morning dissipate as she lost herself to the handsome man above her. Devon peppered kisses down her neck, collarbone, shoulder, and chest, while Chelsie arched her back and ran her fingers through his messy bedhead. She closed her eyes and savored the moment. Maybe it would be a memorable birthday, after all.

  The rest of the morning passed by uneventfully, which Chelsie was grateful for. Devon had left to run errands and Chelsie was getting ready to visit Sam. She had promised she would stop by to eat birthday cake with the littlest Hayes. Chelsie wondered if going to Noah's house was the brightest idea, considering they were currently the paparazzi's golden couple, but she knew their relationship was completely innocent. People were going to believe what they wanted, regardless of the truth.

  Chelsie reached for her phone to message Noah she'd be leaving shortly, only to find a missed text message from Devon. Chelsie's insides twisted with anxiety when she read his text.

  “Thanks for the heads up about your other relationship. I really wanted to find that out from a bunch of reporters with cameras in my face.”

  Chelsie cursed herself for not being upfront with Devon. He must have talked to Noah. She hesitated briefly
before dialing his number.

  No answer.

  Chelsie tossed her cell phone onto the couch and buried her face into her lap. She let out a miserable sigh before standing up and heading to her bedroom to throw on some clothes. When Chelsie decided she looked presentable, she left her apartment and sent Noah a text saying she was on the way over. Sam was always a good distraction when Chelsie needed her spirits lifted.

  Twenty minutes later, Chelsie was sitting in Noah’s kitchen, licking frosting off the back of her fork. “I feel like cake is becoming a recurring theme here,” she mused. “Are you trying to make me fat?”

  Sam giggled and Noah plopped another piece of chocolate cake onto her plate.

  “Ooh, Curious George is on, Daddy!” Sam hopped down from his seat and dashed into the adjoining living room. Only cartoons could pull him away from cake.

  Chelsie watched him with a considerate expression. “I knew your little guy would make me feel better,” she said. She set down her fork and pushed the remaining dessert away from her.

  Noah sat beside Chelsie and snatched her plate, digging into the cake. “Tell me what happened,” Noah pressed. “Devon just freaked out on you?”

  “He sent me this accusatory text message and then dodged my calls. I don’t know what to do. Did you talk to him?”

  “Well, yeah,” Noah admitted. “Sorry. I had assumed you’d told him about it.”

  Chelsie let out a deep breath. “No, I know. It’s not your fault. It’s only natural to assume I was a responsible girlfriend and told Devon the truth right away. I just… I wanted to enjoy the day. I was afraid he wouldn’t take it very well and think the worst of me. I wanted a memorable birthday for once. I guess that totally backfired.” She ran her hands through her uncombed hair and rested her forehead on the kitchen table. Moments later, she felt a comforting hand rubbing her back. Chelsie let out a slow breath, her body relaxing to his touch.

  “Hey, listen,” Noah said. “You’re going to party like a fucking rock star tonight. I’m going to see to that. If Devon wants to get his panties in a twist, let him. But don’t let him ruin your day. You deserve a celebration.”

  Chelsie lifted her head. “You know, you’re right.” She nodded with renewed optimism. “I’m sure this thing will blow over soon and I’ll regret being grouchy on my birthday.”

  “That’s the spirit.”

  Noah’s hand left her back and Chelsie felt a chill pass through her from the loss of contact. “Thanks, Noah. You’ve really been there for me lately and I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it.”

  “You don’t need to thank me.” Noah shooed her away with the wave of his hand. “That’s what friends are for, right?”

  “Come watch, everybody!” Sam shouted from the other room. “This is the part where he makes a really big mess and it’s super funny!”

  Chelsie shared a grin with Noah, and they abandoned their cake to join the Curious George viewing party.


  Noah was hesitant to move, let alone breathe too hard. He did not want to wake the sleeping woman on his lap. Sam was sprawled out in the recliner, sound asleep for his midday nap, and Chelsie… well, she was also sleeping, only her head was resting on a small pillow between his legs. Some may think it was odd that his friend’s girlfriend was passed out in his lap, but the oddest thing about it was how natural it felt. They had been discussing a new television series when Chelsie decided to curl up next to him and lay against his shoulder.

  “Here, get comfy,” Noah had told her, plopping a pillow on his lap with all the nonchalance in the world. He had been expecting a death glare, a slap, or even a fit of hysterical giggles. He had not expected Chelsie to accept his invitation. She hadn’t even hesitated to situate herself on his legs with a content smile on her face.

  Noah, on the other hand, was far from content. There was a gorgeous, off-limits blonde snuggled far too close to his nether regions. He shifted slightly and Chelsie stirred. Her head slipped off the pillow and settled centimeters away from his groin – which was also beginning to stir. Noah took a deep breath. He was thrilled Chelsie was becoming so comfortable with him and his son. They had a unique friendship that Noah could not explain. There were times he would literally crave her company. Chelsie had the type of aura that made people gravitate towards her. Sam spoke of her daily, always asking when she would return for a play date or a sleepover. No one had fit into their lives quite like Chelsie Combs. It was both refreshing and alarming.


  Noah froze when a soft murmur escaped her lips. She moved her head closer to him and the pillow fell forward off his lap. Chelsie looked up at him. “Sorry,” she croaked out.

  Noah was surprised she hadn’t jumped off him and run for the door. “Sorry?” he wondered.

  “Sorry for falling asleep on you.” She rolled onto her back and rested her hands on her stomach.

  Noah resisted the urge to remove a rebellious strand of hair from her forehead. He opted for being offensive instead – he was better at that. “Hey, no complaints here. I welcome pretty females to make themselves at home between my legs.”

  Chelsie leaped off his lap. Noah couldn’t contain his laughter as she scurried away.

  “Charming,” she said. She picked the pillow off the floor and flung it straight at his head.

  “Hey!” Noah protested. He noted the ghost of a smile on her lips. “I resent that.”

  “And I resent you being a pig.”

  He tossed the pillow back at her. “A charming pig.”

  Chelsie huffed, catching the pillow and tucking it under her arms. She glanced at him through timid eyelids. “Seriously, though… I hope I didn’t make you uncomfortable.”

  Not in the way you’re thinking. “Not even a little,” Noah replied. “And that’s what I like about us. You can pass out on my lap and there’s nothing weird about it.”

  Chelsie nodded. “I know what you mean. I feel the same way.” She paused, pulling her brows together in contemplation. “Do you think it’s weird that it’s not weird?”

  Noah shook his head. “I think it’s awesome. I can honestly say I feel more comfortable with you than I have with any of the women in my life.”

  Chelsie approached with caution. “Even… Ruby?”

  The sound of Ruby’s name produced a physical reaction from Noah, and he tensed his jaw. Normally, he would try to change the subject, but Noah decided it was time to tell Chelsie about the mother of his child. He knew all of Chelsie’s darkest secrets – it was only fair.

  “Especially Ruby,” he admitted. “I held that woman up on a pedestal since I met her eight years ago. It was an unhealthy relationship and I don’t think I was myself with her for even one moment. I always felt this need to play a part – to show her I was this perfect guy she couldn’t live without.” Noah’s heart was pumping with nervous beats as he confided in Chelsie. She sat still and silent, clutching the pillow to her chest. Her eyes roamed his face with curiosity. “Our relationship was toxic,” he continued. “Ruby was beautiful and exotic. She would walk into a room and all eyes would be on her. Ruby ate that shit up – she loved it. At first, I felt pretty good having the most beautiful woman in the room on my arm, but then it became a burden. Ruby paid more attention to the men falling at her feet than she did to me. It felt like a competition every time we would go out. And then she just started going out without me. We fought all the time, there were secrets and lies… it was ugly. But I was a lovestruck fool. I thought I needed her.”

  Chelsie held eye contact with him, entranced. "What happened?"

  "She cheated on me. All the time," he answered bitterly. "The last straw was the pregnancy. She continued to party. She continued to drink. I couldn't be with someone who had such disregard for our child." Noah clenched his teeth together. "It's a miracle Sam is such a healthy kid. She could've killed him."

  Chelsie’s eyes were wide with disbelief as she soaked it all in. “Did she even want Sam?”
r />   “Ruby only cared about herself. I don’t think she wanted anything that took away from her freedom,” Noah said. “She signed off on custody and I never saw her again. I figured she’d come crawling back once my name hit the spotlight, but she never did.”

  Chelsie absorbed his words in silence, then slid over next to him on the couch. Her mouth parted to speak. Words of sympathy and shock touched at her lips, but they dissipated. She rested her head against his shoulder, her warmth giving him comfort. Her presence calmed him. Her unspoken words hovered between them, and that was enough.

  It was all he needed.


  The rest of the day dragged by, and Chelsie had finally made it to her birthday celebration. She paced back and forth near the bar, fidgeting with the straw in her watered-down rum and coke. She found herself more interested in chewing the piece of plastic to calm her growing anxiety, than the cocktail itself.

  Chelsie’s cell phone buzzed from her purse. She snatched it up so quickly it toppled to the bar floor. Chelsie groaned in frustration and bent over to grab it. As she stood back up, she collided with a waitress who had unsuccessfully tried to dodge her. All three lemon drops fell off her tray.

  "Oh, my gosh! I'm so sorry," Chelsie apologized, crouching down to help pick up the mess.

  "Don't bother," the waitress barked. She called for backup on her radio.

  "I'm really, really sorry." Chelsie forced back the tears as she stepped away from the scene. She remembered the notification on her phone and glanced at it. She sighed in disappointment once again.

  Still no word from Devon.

  It had been six hours of radio silence and Chelsie was beginning to wonder if Devon would ever contact her.

  "Anything?" Julia returned from the bathroom, sensing Chelsie's increased panic. "Still no Devon?"

  Chelsie stuffed her phone back into her purse. "Nothing. And to top it all off, I just pissed off our waitress and she's probably going to spit in our next round of drinks."


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